
Chapter 54: Eating other… places…

Melody continued to oblige my requests, feeding me a few more shrimps after coating them in her saliva. That sounds really disgusting. But why does it taste so good? I’m addicted to Melody I think…

“We’re out of appetizer,” Melody said as I waited with my mouth open. My face fell, and Melody noticed, deciding to bring her left hand over, right above my mouth, holding nothing.

I stared up in confusion, until Melody smirked, extending her index finger and thumb, while the rest was bundled up in a fist. “Stick out your tongue.”

Hesitantly, I did so. She’s going to grab it, isn’t she? Grab it and wiggle me around with it… or shove her fist in my mouth and let me eat her… 

Melody’s hand lowered, and she grabbed the tip of my tongue, pushing her fingers together to the point it hurt. She pulled my tongue up, which led me to lift my head along with it, trying to ease the tension, until I couldn’t, my neck tilted as high as it could be.

But Melody kept pulling. As the pain intensified, I looked over at her with worried eyes… and she stared right back with a grin, clearly not intending to stop. I began raising my back, trying to bend forward into a sitting position and using my chained hands to push against the couch, raising my body. Sadly, pushing my hands into the couch initially caused my body to fall backwards as they sunk further in, my body weight now focused on a single point, resulting in a small wave of pain radiating from my tongue… and a wave of juices from a different hole…

It was only a brief pulse, however, as I soon managed to push my body up all the way into a sitting position, my hands supporting my only slightly leaning back body, and my face just below Melody’s.

As she held my tongue, her right hand suddenly appeared in my vision, blocking the view I had of her smug smile. Her right hand was holding a fork with a piece of pasta stuck onto the end, which she placed on my tongue. Then, she unraveled the other fingers on her left hand and used them to slide the pasta off of the fork’s prongs and let it rest on my tongue. 

The piece of pasta tasted like some sort of alfredo-mushroom-based sauce, which honestly wasn’t that bad. I don’t like mushrooms, but sometimes they’re okay? Kind of hard to explain. I don’t know. Maybe it’s the texture or something.

Anyway, with the piece of pasta hanging out on my tongue, seeping its flavor all around. Melody playfully commanded, “Eat.”

“Gah… hgow?” I attempted to ask, very much unsure if Melody got the message, as she just continued watching me, trying to hide a blatantly obvious giggle. Every couple seconds she reset her face, tugging her lips down into a straight line, but they climbed right back up moments later.

Eventually, Melody brought her right hand back, free of its fork, and pushed the pasta along my tongue, until it was right at the back, and… then it was sitting there. I still couldn’t eat it. What are you doing Melody? I’d ask… but I can’t really speak…

After watching me for a few seconds as I awkwardly tried to shove the noodle off the back of my tongue, where it was almost triggering some weird gag reflex, but not quite yet, Melody reached in with her right hand and pulled it back out.

Then she brought it to her own mouth and ate it. “Your saliva tastes like lavender.”

I… seriously doubt that. And Melody was still holding my tongue with her left hand… which is hot and all… but like… I’m so confused.

“Okay!” Melody said, moving her right hand to grab something from the table. “Close your eyes, and keep them closed.”

I… did… of course. But I also knew Melody was going to feed me something, something I couldn’t see. And she was holding my tongue in place, so she could make sure the flavor stayed.

Melody gently pushed my shoulder with her wet alfredo covered right hand until I was back to laying down on the couch, when I felt a drop of liquid fall onto my tongue. Sour liquid. I tried to lurch back, which did nothing other than bump my head against the couch’s armrest and stretch my tongue. More drops came, more sour liquid. It was a lemon. Absolutely a lemon, and I couldn’t do anything about it other than wiggle around, trying to mumble my distaste as Melody giggled above me. “It’s a makeshift palate cleanser.”

Well it doesn’t taste like it fucking cleansed my palate, just filled it with lemon… Not funny. Torturing me with sour shit… stupid, dumb, Melody and all her rich person habits… 

Melody stopped after what felt like a decade, which was probably like five seconds, but still, squeezing a lemon on someone’s tongue for five seconds sucks. So sour.

She released my tongue and I immediately withdrew it back into my mouth, swishing around saliva to clear the sourness as best I could, and I somehow kept my eyes closed… I completely forgot she told me to do that already… I just kinda did.

After my swishing relaxed, I heard Melody’s voice call out, slightly more distant than earlier, and above me, not beside me. She told me to open my mouth and stick out my tongue once more.

And then I couldn’t breathe. I felt my entire face heat up as a heavy pressure was placed across it and a wetness placed against my tongue. A muffled “lick” found its way down to my ears, and I obeyed… Melody was sitting on me.

I licked and licked at her wet lips while my entire face got covered in sweat. My nose smelt nothing other than Melody’s sweet steamy sweat all mixed around with my terribly scented sweat. Regardless, as my nose became overwhelmed, I only focused further, licking harder, the lemon flavors entirely out of my mind. My tongue was now overtaken by Melody’s sweet arousal and I lapped at it like the kitten I was.

While I kept lapping, I suddenly felt a breeze right above my pussy, just a gentle wave across the top of my folds… and it was enough to make me moan into Melody’s wet valley, all smashed across my nose and mouth.

Feeling my rumble, Melody pushed into me, rubbing back and forth, using my nose to hit whatever spots she needed. Every few seconds, she lightly ran her hands down across my lower body, hitting different spots to keep my moans coming. Sometimes a pinch on my thigh, making me lurch my head up, sometimes a tap on my clit, eliciting a deep, begging, moan, and finally, as her body tensed and I felt her legs begin to clamp around my head, she shoved in two fingers at once.

Overwhelmed by the sensations and Melody’s pussy sliding over my entire face, I released a deep moan and Melody forced my tongue in deeper by pushing down and squeezing her legs shut, to push my head upwards, then she shuddered, overcome by a wave of pleasure… and I slowed my licking… giving her just enough to continue riding without being overstimulated… all while she left me understimulated.

Melody took a few deep breaths, I did too, and we both relaxed all of our muscles… Melody’s legs left my head, and  I felt her pussy slide down my face, until it reached my chin, and she raised herself off. My eyes were still closed.

As I laid there panting with my mouth hanging open, Melody’s left hand gripped the side of my face, her fingers splayed wide enough that I felt them on both my neck and right ear, tucked in between my hair and skin. I closed my mouth, waiting for whatever she had in store next, only to find an odd sensation land on my lips. A small piece of pasta.

I opened just wide enough to let it fall in, but it didn’t. It slowly slid against my lips. It was clearly held in place, probably by Melody’s right hand. As it fell, I felt like we should’ve reached the end by now, with Melody’s finger in my mouth…

And we did reach the end. But it wasn’t her finger. It was her lips. Her upper lips. Her mouth. Finally, she opened and let the pasta fall into me, but her left hand grew stronger and she tugged my face forwards, forcing my neck to bend, as she turned her body to make her lips parallel to mine, and she opened wide, shoving her tongue in between my ever so slightly parted lips.

I wanted to see her eyes… and I couldn’t resist at all. I opened my eyes, and locked them with her blue gems. Immediately, I worried she would stop, mad that I disobeyed her command, but thankfully. She didn’t.

I saw her smile ever so slightly… probably hinting at a later punishment, but that wasn’t her focus right now. With my eyes open, locked with hers, she dove deeper, squeezing her tongue deep into my mouth and wiggling it around, touching my own, as she brought her right hand up to grab the other side of my face, squeezing and pulling me closer to her.

As she deepened our bond, Melody released a moan that rumbled up her throat and into mine… it felt incredible. It felt like we were one… her sweet saliva filling my mouth as our tongues danced around, and our lips fought against each other, each trying to control the other… a battle I was desperately losing, as I should.

While Melody continued forcing herself deeper, somehow, her tongue hit the piece of pasta that was lodged in the back of my throat due to her imminent invasion, she skillfully pushed it around, somehow managing to pull it upwards and let it join our ballet,

Melody brought the pasta to the edge of my mouth, where our lips bound and our tongues battled, and we swirled around it. Getting a mixture of each other’s saliva and the quickly fading gooey alfredo. As the war raged on, the pasta began to get deformed, falling into pieces that dropped deeper into my mouth, which I did my best to keep out of my throat, releasing a few slight coughs.

Despite brief pauses, they didn’t deter Melody, and she continued her controlling campaign, right up until the vestiges of the pasta had fallen away. With no solid object left to defeat, she had a clear path to the final boss, my tongue, and she attacked, overloading it’s buds from every angle, diving around faster than I could register while her hands somehow squeezed my face even tighter, even closer, until she was finally satisfied, and slowly withdrew, ending our embrace.

As Melody’s tongue left my mouth and her hands pulled away, we were both once again left taking in rhythmic deep breaths… our eyes locked together again, our brains finally cleared from the battle, and able to focus normally.

We both started laughing.

That was… quite the kiss… our first real kiss, our first real mouth-to-mouth kiss. If it counts… no. It counts.

It was our first kiss.

A battle over… either me or a piece of pasta. Not too sure. Probably me, since then I’d be the loser. If it was over a piece of pasta, I won, since I got to eat it, right?

I'm hungry now...

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