
Chapter 38: Just chatting…

Melody spun me around so I was sitting on her lap, then she spun around, and collapsed back against the bed, pulling me down on top of her with her hands on my breasts, holding my body in place. As I uncomfortably rested my head half against her shoulder and half against the pillow behind her, she spoke. “Should we take a look at your stats again?”

Oh, yeah. I guess the next submission tier is waiting for me… I don’t think we’ll ever be outpaced by that cap.


Scarlet Diamond


Unique - X tier

Active Mistress Imposed Effects: Nudity

Level 2

Credits: 1598.06

Health: 60/60

Mana: 60/60

Submission: 20 (reward pending)

Strength: 60

Agility: 60

Points: 10


Speaking of stats, how’s that spatial storage going?


Secondary Ability: Shared Spatial Inventory (Level 1)

Provides a no requirement shared spatial inventory of size 5cm x 5cm x 5cm for pet and Mistress, with both having access and the ability to add or remove any non-living physical items. Any living entity inserted will die immediately.

Progress: 35%


Thirty-five percent. It’s around one percent an hour right now, I think. Anyway, time to see what this next submission threshold has in store for me… “What’s the next reward?”

Melody hummed a little song, then chuckled, all of which I felt as I lay on top of her. “This reward’s a fun one. For me.”

“What do you… mean?” Fun for you? I’m pretty sure they are all fun… they all require me to suffer… it must be something crazy. “Show me the screen.”

“Nope, nope,” Melody said, before asking, “Any way I can convince you to let me choose this one by myself?”

“Uh…” That… doesn’t make a whole lot of sense? Why is there anything to hide? “I’ll see it anyway won't I?”

Unless she wants me to take a weaker upgrade, but that doesn’t seem like something Melody would do. She cares way too much about what I do… 

“Well, kitty. It’s an ability for me, you see,” Melody replied, giving my boobs a little squeeze, which resulted in my legs falling off of hers as I lurched at the unexpected sensation.

It’s an ability for Melody… the fuck? BDSysteM, is that true?

Of course, it’s part of enhancing you. Your Mistress needs all the tools available to milk the submission points out of you so you can become the best slut possible.

That… kinda makes sense? She needs the tools to… train me… after all… gah! Why do I go along with this stuff?! Ugh. Am I not able to see the ability?

No, it’s her ability. You won't see what she doesn’t show, like any other ability.

So Melody wants to surprise me. Got it—Wait! She gets abilities for training me?! Doesn’t my submission score go up quick enough already!? Why the fuck are there abilities for training people into sluts?!

There aren’t. I already told you, you’re the first slut I’ve worked with. This stuff is fresh from the cosmos.

You… invented abilities… to make me slutty. Oh, my god if people knew this is what X tier systems did… fucking fuckity fuck fuck. Okay, okay. It’s fine. Uhm… moving on. What would happen… if we separated?

If you abandon your owner, then they disappear.

I guess that’s expected. Since my stats disappear too. Okay, I guess.

“Done with your conversation?” Melody asked, squeezing my breasts again.

“Yeah…” I moaned out, followed by, “Ah… wait… how did you know?”

“Your system told me.” Oh. Yeah. She can talk to BDSysteM. We already talked about this before… I think…

“So…” Melody hesitated, before eagerly blurting out. “Can I choose by myself?”

“I—” I guess it’s fine. It’s not my ability anyway… and mystery… not knowing what Melody can do to me… whenever she wants… will make me very horny. “Yeah, sure.”


BDSysteM Settings

Are you certain you wish to disable the requirement for your owner to discuss and come to agreement with you about any selections given during system rewards?






BDSysteM Settings

Restriction lifted.


Submission Level Up!

Having reached submission score 20, you have earned experience.

You are currently 33% of the way to level 3.


“Thank you, Scar!” Melody said, giving my breasts another squeeze. “I can’t wait to try this out sometime.”

“You won't tell me what it is though?” Since then it wouldn’t be a surprise.

“Nope!” Melody replied happily.

With a sigh, I asked, “So… now what?”

“I don’t know…” Melody hummed out. “It’s too late to go anywhere.”

“And it’s too early to sleep,” I added, rolling myself off of Melody, which she let me do, taking her hands off my breasts. I landed beside her on the bed, one of her arms underneath me, and looked at her face, which was still staring up. Her nose is larger than I thought. It’s pretty cute. I wanna boop it.

Melody rolled to the side, so her face was locked with mine. “Do you really want more?”

“What do you mean?” More of what?

“More… intense stuff, you know?” Melody shrugged with the one elbow that wasn’t planted into the sheets.

“Like during… sex?” I asked, a little confused. “I've already told you, I don’t have limits.”

“I know…” Melody took a deep breath. “BDSysteM keeps telling me to do more. I just…”

I let Melody think for a little, just looking into her wandering eyes… and brought my hand up to her face, gently placing it on her cheek. Which brought her focus straight back to me. “What are you doing?”

“Uh…” Good question. What am I doing? “I don’t know.”

Melody chuckled as I pulled my hand away. Before my hand reached my side, she grabbed it and brought it back to her face. “I didn’t say you could stop.”

I giggled a little, while Melody continued our interrupted conversation. “I don’t see the point in pushing you harder just because of… it. Especially if we already hit the cap of five every day.”

Huh. That’s… BDSysteM has been trying to get Melody to do more? Is that… good? So I can—Melody and I can have more fun in our, uh, relationship? Or a bad thing? Trying to interfere… I don’t see why BDSysteM would do that… or do either, really. Regardless of how annoying it is, it’s my system. Systems don’t go rogue. “Do you want to do more?”

“A little,” Melody replied. “But I also don’t want to go too fast for you.”

Heh. Oh, Melody. I’m so perverted, nothing is too fast. “You won't…”

“I have a sex dungeon,” Melody blurted out, maintaining the serious face she’s held for the past couple minutes.

I, on the other hand, completely lost all seriousness. “You what?”

“In one of my houses here. I converted the basement.” Melody smirked. “Wanna visit tomorrow?”

Wait. You said houses. Like, multiple. Actually, you know what? That’s not that weird. Melody’s rich. The sex dungeon is the only weird thing. When did you make it? Have you done this before, with someone else? Mmm... I don’t think I really care for that answer. Whatever. Do I want to visit tomorrow? Uh… I mean… we don’t have anything to do… right? So… uh… um… “Yes…?”

“Okay.” Melody nodded, still holding my hand against her face. It was starting to get a little sweaty, both of our hands were. “We’ll go tomorrow after buying you your car.”

“Okay,” I agreed and silence took over once more as we both stared into each other's eyes. My hand slightly rubbing her face and her left hand, the one I was on top of, gently patting my bare back as best it could.

After a few more minutes of silence, I pulled my hand away and started another conversation the same way I started our previous. “So, what now?”

“I don’t know,” Melody replied, still staring into my eyes. “Did you have any questions from orientation?”

“Lemme think for a minute…” Questions… uh…. What happened during that orientation? The first topic was… oh, that dungeon. “The ten percent dungeon completion, Blanchard said it took decades? Not centuries?”

“Oh, they never explored past the first three floors until…” Melody paused, trying to remember. “Some time relatively recent.”

I guess that makes sense. Makes sense for why it’s been decades in the making. “But why didn’t they explore sooner?”

“There wasn’t any need to.” Melody shrugged with the one shoulder not under her. “If there’s no funding, why bother?”

“And there is now?” Did they even need funding? Isn’t exploring interesting enough? I guess the first few floors were enough for the training they did, but I feel like that wouldn’t really prepare people much… unless this dungeon is high difficulty or something, but I don’t think it is.

“The at-the-time emperor decided to start investing,” Melody explained. “I don’t know why.”

“Huh.” I wonder why. Let’s see… next question… “How big is the school?”

“Fifteen hundred per year?” Melody questioned. “I’m not too sure.”

Fifteen hundred… one S rank correlates to around a hundred A, and that to around a thousand B… below B most people probably go to local academies, I doubt they’d end up here unless they excel for some reason… so just chuck in a handful of C tier… So I guess that makes sense? Might be a little low actually, I know I said a handful of C tier, but I’m thinking that handful might be more like five hundred, given how many of them there are.

Was everyone at that orientation? I know the venue is big… but that’s a lot. Maybe I’m just bad at visualizing large numbers of people. Not even a maybe, I definitely am. What else? Oh… yeah. Heh. That election. “Did they rig the election last year?”

“Yeah,” Melody said, nodding. “I don’t know exactly what they did though.”

I nodded back. Makes sense. Especially if they had, what? Forty-five hundred voting? No way they get a tie. Was there anything else? Hmm… oh, right! “When are you going to play cello for me?”

Melody blushed for some reason. “Tomorrow I guess… since I should have a cello at that house. I’m a little rusty though.”

“I’m sure it’ll sound great,” I said. “I’ll be swaying in your melody no matter what.”

“Yeah…” Melody agreed, then smirked. “I’m sure your body will get plenty of pleasure.”

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