
Chapter 37: Too much…

Entering Melody’s room, she took my hand and pulled me over to the bed. Then she spun me around and pushed my shoulders down. “Sit.”

“Okay.” I sat, my bare skin landing on the slightly cold sheets while my entire body sunk into the mattress. Meanwhile, Melody walked over to her closet, bringing out my collar and a large purple wand vibrator with a cable hanging loose. As she strolled toward me, her expression shifted, donning a seductive smirk, befitting a succubus about to torture her toy with pleasure…

Once Melody was in front of me, I tilted my head upwards, looking into her blue eyes and waiting for whatever command she would give me… and wondering how she would shift my reward into something else…

The first thing Melody did was lean down, holding out the collar between her hands. Understanding her desire, I stretched my body, placing my neck onto the leather strap in front of me, and then she fastened it tight. Tighter than usual.

Breathing was still fine, but it wasn’t just there, it was… there. Certainly digging into my skin a little. The moment she stepped back my heartrate rose and my breaths quickened… that tight feeling… it made me feel even more owned, even more like a toy… like a slave. I love it.

I’m never wearing it this tight outside of this room though. I think this might be tight enough that if something happened I would actually struggle to get it off… which is fine with Melody here… but… yeah. Nowhere else. Even this might be too much if we do something intense… which is kinda hot… asphyxiation… would be really hot. Melody’s strong hands tightening around my throat, making my body kick, my eyes water, but making my body fill to the brim with endorphins making the pleasure just that much more, as she pounds into me with a strap-on… yes, please. And when the system strengthens my body more… we could actually do it, but like, safely. Truly safely. That would be incredible.

Melody brought my attention back by pushing my body down against the bed, so I was laying across it, until she picked up my legs, and used them to readjust me, sliding me around until my head was right below the head board. Then she crawled up, spread my legs, and sat on her knees right in front of my exposed gushing folds.

I faced down at her, seeing her holding the vibrator with her right hand, while her left hand gently rested on my right leg. At some point, she had plugged in the vibrator, and the cable hung down, on top of my left shin, and to some outlet somewhere. Cables are cold. And very ticklish…

While we stared at each other, Melody moved the vibrator up in front of her face, turned it on, and then turned it up, making the vibrations large enough that you could see the wand quivering… and it looked way more intense than any vibrator I’ve ever played with. Melody smirked down at me. “Meow for me.”

Uh… “M-meow?”

“Good.” Melody lowered the wand away from her face and my eyes followed it all the way until it rested just above my pussy… god I could feel the vibrations already… and I feared them… my body was getting sweaty, my muscles tensed, bracing for the inevitable drop… and the unbearable pleasure that would follow.

Melody spoke again, drawing my attention back to her. “I don’t want to hear anything other than cat noises.”

Before I could even think about what she just said, she pushed down, smashing the wand into my folds. It was so hard I swear I saw drips of arousal fly out. And… holy fuck! I can’t even think it’s so intense… my whole body was shaking as my fists clenched the sheets as hard as humanly possible… Soon, I released a moan, only for Melody to immediately pull the vibrator off… eliciting begging squeaks.

“That didn’t sound very cat-like,” Melody said as my mind cleared and the pleasure slowly faded away. She took her left hand off my leg, and gently brushed her fingers against my lips… and I released a small moan, at the last minute shifting it into a meow. “Mmmm Ohhhh-eoww…”

“I guess that’s good enough, kitty,” Mistress sighed, removing her left hand and placing it back against my leg. “I’m going to wait for you to calm down, then we’ll continue.”

Mistress sat there while my pulsating lips begged for attention, which was never given. I thought this was supposed to be a reward? Melody… ughhh. I relaxed my body and let it all fade away, staring up at the ceiling… and fade away it did, soon leaving me with nothing other than my horniness…

“Fuc—meooooow!” While I was distracted, Melody shoved the vibrator back into my folds, pushing my body up against the sheets while I instinctively swore, just barely remembering to switch it back to a meow, and I glanced down at her, praying she wasn’t angry…

And she definitely was. Mistress didn’t stop the sensations, but my moan was close enough to what I am that she was okay with it, and punished me by turning the vibrator up another notch. How the fuck does it vibrate so much?! “Meow, meow, meow!”

Hearing my begs, Mistress only pushed harder, and soon I was struggling to remain in place. My hands clenched the sheets with a death grip while my left leg, the one that wasn’t held in place by Melody’s hand, began folding, my foot sliding across the bed sheets as I tried to do something, anything, to prevent it from going completely wild.

But as the pleasure built, I completely gave up. My entire lower body started buckling with my leg kicking freely, trying to force Mistress away from my lips… despite how much I wanted more, it was just too sensitive, as my body fought, I moaned once more, “Meeeooowww! Pl–pwease…”

Finally, Mistress released the pressure for a moment, but only to fold my legs up, all the way up until my feet hung above my head, and commanded, “Hold your legs.”

I released my fists, wiping the sweat onto the sheets as best I could, and reached up, wrapping my arms around my own legs so my palms could grip my legs, just below my ankles. Then, I looked back down at Mistress, who was shaking her head. “Like this.”

Mistress unwound my arms, and instead had me pull my hands against my chest, then over my legs, and pressed them into the sheets, where they clenched the fabric again. My legs were now both secured by my arms and splayed out, leaving my holes more exposed… and more open for Melody to smush her vibrator into…

And the moment I was secure, she did just that. The vibrator made my entire body shake yet again, but as long as I held my grip, Melody was free to do anything. My legs kicked as much as they could, but hit nothing other than air, didn’t push my body up, didn’t shove Melody away, didn’t free themselves any more than tugging my arms upward, which resulted in me gripping tighter trying to pull them back down…

I was bound by my own body, and it felt wonderful… and so so sweaty. Ugh… but that vibrator… the vibrations kept rolling through me, my feet shivering, my entire body shaking as much as it could, which wasn’t very much, already being crammed against pillows right by the headboard and my hands holding me in place. Mistress just kept pushing harder, and soon… “Oh, god! Fuuuuuuckkkkk…”

My entire body began convulsing and my hands completely lost all their grip strength as they filled with tingles, while my stomach tightened, causing my legs to unfurl and land on Mistress’ shoulders… and my eyes locked with hers… and a bucket of cold water washed over me… I forgot… “Meow, meow, meow…”

The euphoria was pushed to the side as I tried to clear my mind, trying to ignore the waves of pleasure… I somehow managed to ruin my own orgasm… ugh… but I kept on meowing, trying to please Mistress, until her frown flipped, and she said, “I think I’ve come up with a punishment. Endure it and I’ll clear all the other punishments too.”

Punishments? I have multiple? When!? Fine… I can endure whatever she gives anyway… stupid… Mistress dropped the vibrator to the side, then took my legs again, placing my ankles onto her shoulder, before sliding up, propping my ass into her lap, on top of her skirt, which was definitely going to get very wet. 

Mistress tucked her hands under my legs, and picked the vibrator back up. She placed her left hand right beside my pussy, on my right thigh, while her right hand held the vibrator. Staring at me as I released heavy breaths, tired from my orgasm… and far more nervous for this punishment… Mistress whispered, “You better keep meowing.”

“M-meow…” I replied, and she turned the vibrator on. Then made it faster. And faster. And faster… and she placed it straight on my clit. My body immediately convulsed, my legs kicking against her shoulders, but held apart by her arms, while my hands slammed against the sheets, trying to pull my body upwards… but she kept going… the pleasure…

My sensitive lips having just had an orgasm were completely dying. My mind fogged; I couldn’t think of anything other than my heaving breathing, heavy and fast enough that the collar wrapped around my neck was brought back to my mind, and stayed there. I was completely split between struggling to breathe, and trying to evade the intense pressure demolishing my poor lips, yet I felt myself getting closer and closer to a second climax…

“Meow… meow meow meow…” My body released hitched moans, which I converted into meows, as the pleasure built up even more, and I completely gave up on evading, which resulted in Mistress pressing down harder, with me fully in her grasp. Soon after, I came.

My entire body shivered as my muscles tensed and released, my legs kicked, falling off of Mistress’ shoulders, while my hands dug into the sheets, and the waves radiated through me… only to be replaced by stinging pain as Mistress kept the vibrator on me… on the same high setting.

“Meow-ow…” Piercing waves of overwhelming pain traveled through my body from my poor abused lips, and it wasn’t getting pleasurable yet… just so so sensitive… but as I tilted up seeing Mistress’ grinning face… I took every little ounce. My senses became more and more intense, the touch of my collar wrapped around my neck feeling ever more present, and I could feel every little movement of Mistress’ left hand, holding my thigh right beside the evil wand.

After a few more seconds… the pain began fading, being overtaken by pleasure, more pleasure than before, my sensitive lips now only enhanced the pleasure, making it so much more intense… and the next orgasm built even quicker…

I tilted up to look at Mistress’ eyes again and she smiled down at me… and pressed harder, making me lurch upwards briefly, until all of my muscles broke and I climaxed. It completely broke me. My body collapsed, my stomach tightened so much that my muscles felt like they were squeezing themselves to death. The pleasure was so overwhelming that I couldn’t think at all.

And as the clarity came back, Mistress still had the vibrator placed on my dying lips… and a jolt of pain rolled through me, tightening my muscles, as she kept killing my poor nerves. “Please please please… Mistress…”

Mistress chuckled above me, and I felt her left hand leave my leg, eventually landing on my right hand. “Just one more, kitty.”

“Please… no…” I lurched out, fighting through the pain that threatened to take over my mind. Tears welled up while Mistress leaned forward, staring down at me, still pressing the torture device into my folds.

“Just look at my eyes, kitty. Just think of me, it’ll be okay.” Mistress smiled down at my disgusting figure. “You can take it. I believe in you.”

Seeing her eyes… and her happiness… I somehow managed to push away the pain, replacing it with a sense of euphoria, and whispered back, “Okay…”

Taking her cue, still leaning over me, she pushed harder… and I felt the same effect take over, my pain morphing back into pleasure, enhanced by my sensitivity, and it built even quicker than before. In seconds, I was cumming. My entire body was so exhausted that it barely even moved despite all my muscles tingling and tightening and loosening and so much more… and this time, Melody took the vibrator off of me…

Then, Melody leaned back, sitting on her legs in between my legs, and stroked my sensitive lips, causing me to lurch backwards, my body now entirely free. She chuckled. “How was that?”

“I… so painful…” But that intensity, that complete lack of control… so much force, so much power, so much more than I could ever do to myself, so so crazy… and ” fucking good.”

“I’m glad.” Melody chuckled, grabbing my feet and sliding me toward her until my butt was on her skirt again… her very wet skirt, and she leaned down. “You did earn another punishment though, your sounds weren’t very cat-like.”

“Wha…” Seriously? How the fuck am I supposed to meow during that? I couldn’t think… dumb… “Stupid…”

Melody tsked. “That makes two.”

“Mean—” Ugh. I’m not making it three… fuck me. I can’t… ugh. “Melody… thank you for punishing me…”

“That’s better,” Melody giggled, wrapping her hands around my body and pulling me up onto her lap so  our faces were mere inches away.

With my crimson eyes locked to her bright blue ones, she leaned down, and gave me a quick peck on the lip. “Have I told you you’re adorable yet?”

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