At the same time, travel through all realms and change the fate of passers-by

Chapter 224

As the sorting ceremony was over, the headmaster stood up and said,"Now, the banquet begins." As soon as he finished speaking, a sumptuous dinner immediately appeared on the long table. Although Wu Si wanted to describe it as a delicacy, everyone who knows British cuisine knows it.

Boiled corn, sticky mashed potatoes, roasted chicken legs with little flavor, dry bread, golden fried potatoes, and boiled lamb chops that looked unappetizing.

Thinking of the delicious meal his mother prepared for him yesterday, and looking at the bland food on the table, Wu Si longed for a bottle of chili sauce.

There was no way, Wu Si could only eat with his eyes closed to fill his stomach. While eating, he thought of all the food as Dumbledore because the other party disrupted his plan!

Wu Si chose to enter Ravenclaw because Ravenclaw allowed him to stay in the library without any scruples, and at the same time avoid the troubles in the next six years.

It can be said that entering Ravenclaw was the most satisfactory choice for Wu Si, but Dumbledore intervened and assigned him to Slytherin. With the atmosphere of Slytherin College and the harassment of the energetic little lions of Gryffindor, Wu Si could already foresee the unrest in his future study career.

Wu Si did not notice that Hermione was staring at Wu Si's back in Gryffindor, and there was a hint in her eyes.

At this time, Ron asked curiously:"Why do you keep staring at that Slytherin? ~ Do you have a grudge against him?"

Hermione retracted her gaze, glanced at Ron, and shook her head:"I had a great time talking to Wu Si. He is very knowledgeable and much more mature than others... It's just that when I discussed with him before which college he would be assigned to, he vowed that he would be assigned to Ravenclaw.-……".

At this point, the two senior wizards sitting next to Ron interrupted and said,"Do you know that Eastern wizard?"

Hermione looked up and was immediately confused, because the two senior wizards looked exactly the same, but from their red hair and familiar faces, it can be seen that they should be Ron's brothers.

"Who... is talking?"



The two pointed at each other, and Hermione laughed:"You are Fred, you are George."

In response to Hermione's identification, Fred and George smiled mischievously at the same time:"You got the wrong one."

"Forehead……"The smile on Hermione's face froze.

Then, Fred and George clapped their hands to celebrate.

The prank was over, and the two immediately continued with the previous question.

Hermione nodded:"Yes, we met on the train."

Fred said:"He must have been sorted into Slytherin because of his blood!"

George echoed:"Yes, according to what the Sorting Hat said about his personality, he would definitely be sorted into Ravenclaw, but in the end he was sorted into Slytherin. It must be because of his blood."

The two said in unison:"He is a pure blood!"

However, Hermione shook her head:"No, he and I are both Muggle-born, and his parents are not wizards.……"

This answer was unexpected. Although Slytherin did not only accept pure blood, those Muggle-borns were all ambitious. It was incredible that a studious person like Wu Si was assigned to Slytherin.

However, Hermione did not finish her words. She continued,"But on the train, he told me and Neville about his family. His ancestors can be traced back to tens of thousands of years ago, and they are the 'first ancestor of humanities'. From this aspect, his bloodline is definitely not simple!"

As soon as this was said, everyone around took a deep breath. Now the oldest bloodline in the UK is only a few hundred years BC, but Wu Si's bloodline can be traced back to tens of thousands of years ago, and he also has the title of 'first ancestor of humanities'. It is really shocking.

However, after Hermione repeated Wu Si's bragging on the train, as the students spread it one by one, soon all the students and teachers in Hogwarts knew about Wu Si's bragging before.

Wu Si looked at the respectful expressions of his classmates around him with a look of astonishment. He never thought that a small bragging would have such an effect.

On the Ravenclaw side, Qiu Zhang, who also had black hair, black eyes, and yellow skin, was also at a loss as he listened to the enthusiasm and curiosity of his friends around him.

After all, the bloodline of the"first ancestor of humanities" extended to her surname"Zhang", which means that in a sense, he and Wu Si are still distant relatives.

However, in response to his friends' inquiries, Qiu Zhang shook his head again and again:"I don't know, no one in my family has told me about this... But we do have some special inheritance, but it is passed down to men and not women, so I came to Hogwarts to study." The students' discussion naturally attracted the attention of the teachers.

However, Hogwarts has existed for so many years, but it still knows very little about the ancient East.

Professor Filius Flitwick, who was originally unhappy about Wu Si being sorted into Slytherin, asked the librarian Madam Pince curiously after hearing these remarks:"Is what they said true?"

However, Madam Pince replied coldly:"There are not many records about the East in the Hogwarts Library. There are records about the 'first ancestor of humanities'. It is rumored that he was the king who unified the tribes in the East, received help from the gods, and finally retired and became a god and left the world."

Quirrell, who once taught Muggle Studies and traveled around the world, The professor came up and said,"I have come into contact with wizards from the East. They seem to have no bloodline restrictions. As long as they are willing to learn, they can basically learn their magic. This is very magical." Madam

Pince nodded indifferently, and frowned slightly when she smelled the garlic on Professor Quirrell:"If that's the case, then maybe everyone has the wizard bloodline there."

Professor Flitwick widened his eyes:"It's incredible!"

Dumbledore heard the discussion of several teachers around him, and his expression did not change at all, as if he had not heard these shocking remarks.

As a top figure in the British magic world, he still has a certain understanding of the magic world in the East, so he didn't care too much about these discussions. After all, guesses are always guesses.

However, Wu Si's little bragging made him and Qiu Zhang a big hit. For a time, the two became the celebrities of Hogwarts. Countless little wizards wanted to get to know them and wanted to see what the bloodline that had been passed down for tens of thousands of years was like.

·· ·Request flowers···· ········

So, throughout the dinner, Wu Si and Qiu Zhang were like two baby pandas, attracting much attention, which made them very annoyed.

Fortunately, the dinner finally ended. Because of Wu Si and Qiu Zhang, the ghosts who were supposed to show off in front of the freshmen were robbed of the limelight, which made them very depressed.

After the dinner, Wu Si and Qiu Zhang looked at each other from a distance, and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes. At this moment, they felt like brothers in distress.

Afterwards, everyone followed the prefects of their own colleges to their respective college dormitories.

Slytherin's dormitory is in the dungeon, a strange location, and Wu Si really can't appreciate this taste.

Although the Hufflepuff dormitory is also in the basement, there is a kitchen next to it, which is in line with the personality and characteristics of the founder of Hufflepuff.

While Slytherin shouted pure blood and glory, he lived in the dungeon. He was worthy of being a reserve of Azkaban, and he was ready to let these children adapt to prison life in advance.

........... 0

As the Slytherin prefect shouted the command:"Glory of pure blood!"

A stone door immediately appeared on the empty, wet stone wall. The prefect opened the stone door and said to the freshmen:"The password will be changed every two weeks and will be written on the bulletin board. If you can't remember it, don't enter the dormitory."

Hearing this impolite words, everyone was silent. Wu Si looked at this scene speechlessly. He didn't want to live underground. He wanted to go to Ravenclaw to drink northwest wind.

As everyone filed into the Slytherin common room, a bleak green instantly invaded Wu Si's eyes.

The entire common room was very strangely reflected by the surrounding green lights. The layout was also very creepy. Animal bones were placed everywhere. Outside the huge window glass window was the bottom of the Black Lake of Hogwarts. From time to time, giant squids could be seen swimming in front of the window.

In the entire bleak green space, only the fireplace had a little warmth and orange tones.

Wu Si touched his hair, hoping that his hair was not reflected green.

When he returned to the dormitory, Wu Si found that he was actually sharing a dormitory with Malfoy. This made Wu Si hate Dumbledore even more. This was forcing him to get involved in these troubles!

Noticing Malfoy's hesitation, Wu Si directly picked up his toiletries and left without any intention of communicating with Malfoy.

After the cleaning was completed, Wu Si had already changed into pajamas. Seeing Malfoy's ugly face, he remained unmoved. He waved his hand, and the sheets floated up. Then Wu Si lay on the bed, and the sheets slowly fell down to cover him tightly.

This was not a levitation spell. Wu Si had not yet learned this spell. Wu Si's use of magic was just a rough one.

But just this alone shocked Malfoy. After all, his eyesight was not good, and he directly regarded Wu Si's behavior as a levitation spell.

Malfoy immediately lowered his head in front of Wu Si's powerful strength and hurriedly left the dormitory.

"Strange guy, where are you going so late?"

Wusi didn't know why Malfoy left, but he didn't think much about it and fell asleep comfortably. He still had classes tomorrow and he didn't want to be late... Long.: Hồng Quân Đại Đế

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