At the same time, travel through all realms and change the fate of passers-by

Chapter 223

A group of little wizards, each with different feelings, followed Hagrid on a boat to Hogwarts.

Under the night sky, in the middle of the dark lake, a towering castle cast a majestic shadow under the moonlight.

The movie version of"Harry Potter" did not stipulate that each small boat should carry four little wizards. Although taking a boat to Hogwarts is also to experience the original experience of the four founders, the requirement is not so strict.

Therefore, on Wu Si's boat were him, Hermione and Neville in their compartment.

Looking at the shadow of Hogwarts, Hermione chattered on and on:"I read in"Hogwarts: A History of the School" that our behavior of taking a boat together to Hogwarts is to allow us to experience the feelings of the founders back then, but they don't seem to abide by it strictly. There should be only four people on each boat.……"

Neville didn't hear Hermione's story. He was already shocked by the castle of Hogwarts. Like other little wizards, he stared at Hogwarts without blinking.

Wu Si smiled and responded to Hermione's story, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he quietly felt the gentle magical fluctuations on his face.

Feeling the magic around him like gently splashing water waves, Wu Si realized that he had something more, or a certain qualification.

This is the most important thing for admission to Hogwarts. Only by going through this path can you get the recognition of Hogwarts and become a student of this magic school.

As for the use of this qualification, in Wu Si's view, it is the same as the student number of students in the Muggle world. Although anyone can enter the school, only students can enjoy the learning resources in the school. It is even more obvious in a magic school like Hogwarts, with libraries, various secret rooms, and even those maze-like stairs.

If you want to use them well, this qualification is very important.

As for the shock that Hogwarts brought to him, Wu Si did not have that feeling at all. After all, Hogwarts was just a castle with a different style for him. All the ancient capitals he had visited were shocking. This was child's play.

As the ship docked, Hagrid led the little wizards up the stairs and came to a side door.

After sending them here, his work was over. Next, there would be new teachers to take them to the castle hall.

So, a group of little wizards entered the castle in confusion, and then went up to the second floor along the road. Next to the stairs on the second floor, a thin witch in a dark green robe was anxiously waiting for them. It was Professor Minerva McGonagall.

Seeing the little wizards appear in front of her, she put down her anxious heart and outlined an awkward smile on her face:"Welcome to Hogwarts. Well, in a while, you will pass through these doors and gather with other classmates~「 "

"But before you take your seat, you must be assigned to a house. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin."

"During your time at school, the college is like your home. If you perform well, you can get extra points for the college. If someone in a college breaks the school rules, they will lose points. At the end of the year, the college with the highest score will win the college cup.……"

At this moment, a golden-backed toad suddenly jumped to Professor McGonagall's feet. Neville was so excited that he couldn't help shouting"Riff" and then he went forward to pick up the toad regardless of other people's eyes.

When his excitement passed, he noticed how inappropriate his behavior was at this time. He looked up at Professor McGonagall's eyes, shrank his body and quickly retreated.


Being interrupted, Professor McGonagall could not continue her speech and ended it directly:"In a moment, the Sorting Ceremony will begin."

Then she turned and left, without the smile on her face.

Professor McGonagall's serious expression made the little wizards dare not move, and they could only watch her walk away.

Wu Si did not think too much, he just raised his legs and followed Professor McGonagall, without any fear like the other little wizards. When

Wu Si moved, Hermione and Neville also hurried to follow. In the previous communication on the train, they felt Wu Si's maturity and difference, and they were only slightly familiar with Wu Si, so there was no need for them to stay.

Looking at the backs of the three people leaving, Draco Malfoy, who had combed his hair like an adult, leaned against the fence, looked at Harry with a smile and said:"It seems that what they said on the train was true. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

"This is Crabbe, this is Goyle……"

Malfoy stood up and walked to Harry, holding out his hand."I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.……"

Then, naturally, a conflict arose between Malfoy and Ron.

Although Malfoy tried his best to be Harry's friend, Harry had become friends with Ron on the train. Naturally, he felt the same way when the other party insulted his friend, and he had no good feelings towards Malfoy.

So naturally, Harry rejected Malfoy's friendship.

When Malfoy wanted to say something, Professor McGonagall had come behind him and patted him on the shoulder:"What are you still standing here for? Follow me when you are ready."

When they arrived at the door of the hall, Wu Si and the other two were already waiting there. After Professor McGonagall and a group of little wizards arrived, the door of the hall opened automatically.

Led by Professor McGonagall, the little wizards walked into the hall one after another. There were five long tables in the hall.

The long table in the front was the dining table for the school faculty and staff, and the other four long tables extended all the way from the gate to the front. These long tables were already filled with students in school robes. They all focused their eyes on the little wizards, with smiles on their faces.���There were all kinds of expressions, but generally they were welcoming.

Looking up at the candles floating above his head, the ceiling turned into a gorgeous starry sky, and Hermione's story rang in his ears. For the first time, Wu Si had a wonderful feeling.

Following Professor McGonagall to the front podium and stopping, Hogwarts Headmaster Dumbledore stood up from the main seat:"I have a few things to announce about the start of school."

"First-year students, please note that our school strictly prohibits students from entering the Forbidden Forest. In addition, our administrator, Mr. Filch, asked me to remind you that the corridor on the right side of the third floor is also a forbidden area. If you don't want to die miserably, don't go there."

"Thank you."

This unique opening speech frightened all the little wizards so much that they dared not breathe.

After the principal's speech, the annual sorting ceremony was held.

Professor McGonagall took out the student list and read out the great name of the Iron Hat King:"Hannah Abbott!"

As this name appeared, Wu Si seemed to see countless wizards standing up from their thrones and giving the warmest applause to the eternal Iron Hat King!

Wu Si was amazed. According to his previous experience, this world should be the movie"Harry Potter". The first name to be read in the movie should be Hermione.

But unexpectedly, the causal law of the Iron Hat King was too constant. In the real world, she was still the unwavering first!

When Wu Si was thinking about these miscellaneous things in his mind, Professor McGonagall called out his name:"¨."Si·Wu!"

However, Wu Si was obviously not used to being called this way. Even if he heard it, he did not immediately realize that it was him who was being called. It was not until everyone focused their attention on him that Wu Si realized that"Si·Wu" was calling him.

He reluctantly sat down on the chair and corrected:"Professor, my name is Wu Si, not Si·Wu. I remember that when you sent me the notice before, I wrote back to remind you."

Professor McGonagall calmly put the Sorting Hat on Wu Si's head:"A very stubborn child."

Wu Si was helpless. At this time, the magic power of the Sorting Hat actually invaded Wu Si's brain directly.

He frowned. Although he had guessed it long ago, this act of invading other people's brains still made him feel very uncomfortable.

But fortunately, he had made preparations before coming.

The fingers under the wide robe quietly made a seal, and then an illusion covered the brain.

Wu Si can't learn the brain closure technique yet, but it is still easy to use illusion to deceive a magic prop.

The Sorting Hat was deceived by the illusion:"Well... strong (Zhao Haohao) desire to explore, thirst for knowledge, like to plan before acting, very rational, clear goals... I haven't met a little wizard like you in all these years, mature like a child... Well, which college should I assign you to?"

"Sure enough, your quality is still... Slytherin!"

When Wu Si heard the name of this college, his cheek twitched. His illusion was absolutely Ravenclaw, how come he was suddenly assigned to Slytherin?!

When hearing that Wu Si was assigned to Slytherin, the students of the other three departments naturally would not cheer, and the students of Slytherin were also confused about the origin of Wu Si, an oriental wizard, and the words of the Sorting Hat were not covered before, and everyone heard it clearly. When everyone agreed that Ravenclaw was going to welcome another oriental wizard, they did not expect the Sorting Hat to suddenly assign him to their side.

However, since it was already like this, everyone was very helpless, and Wu Si also took off the Sorting Hat with a helpless look and walked towards the long table of Slytherin.

After sitting down, Wu Si looked forward and happened to meet Dumbledore's meaningful eyes.

Wu Si immediately woke up and it must be this old guy who secretly moved his hands and feet! Damn!

Is it because he had contact with Hermione and Neville when he came?!.

: Hồng Quân Đại Đế

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