Astralyth Online

Chapter 19 – Slimes

Madelyn arrived at the Eastfield Plains just as the sun cast its golden hue over the landscape, turning the grass into a shimmering sea of emerald and gold. Her eyes widened in awe, the breathtaking vista stretching out before her like an artist's masterpiece brought to life. Rolling hills undulated gently toward the horizon, each one carpeted with wildflowers that painted the fields with splashes of vibrant color—crimson poppies, azure cornflowers, and sunlit daisies swaying in unison with the whispering breeze.

She stood there for a moment, allowing the serene beauty to wash over her. The crisp air carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the distant melody of birdsong. Madelyn closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as her tail swayed slowly behind her, mirroring the gentle rustle of the grass. The warmth of the sunlight caressed her skin, infusing her with a renewed sense of purpose and excitement. This place was even more enchanting than she had imagined—like stepping into a dream.

Opening her eyes, she observed the plains more closely. Scattered across the expanse were other adventurers, each immersed in their own battles against the ever-present slimes. Some moved with the fluid grace of seasoned warriors—their weapons slicing through the air with precision, dispatching slimes with calculated efficiency. She watched as a swordsman deftly dodged a slime's attack, his blade flashing in the sunlight as he delivered a swift counterstrike that dissolved his gelatinous foe.

Others, however, were less adept. Madelyn's keen eyes caught sight of a young mage whose incantations fizzled ineffectively, his frustration evident as a slime oozed closer. Nearby, a pair of archers struggled to coordinate their shots, their arrows embedding harmlessly into the ground as the slimes bounced unpredictably. She couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy for them; after all, she was about to embark on her own first real challenge.

Unbeknownst to her, a few adventurers had already taken notice of her arrival. Their eyes lingered on her, curious about the lone foxkin girl standing at the edge of the plains. They exchanged glances, intrigued by her presence and the happy expression she wore, though Madelyn remained oblivious to their attention.

A mixture of nervousness and determination bubbled up inside her. She flexed her fingers. "Alright, time to begin," she whispered to herself, her voice barely audible over the rustling grass. Her gaze shifted to the weapon ring adorning her finger—a simple yet elegantly crafted band that held untapped potential.

Madelyn took a tentative step forward but then hesitated. A sudden realization halted her in her tracks. "Wait—I don't know how to use my weapon ring," she thought, a slight frown creasing her brow. The blacksmith had assured her that the ring could transform into various weapons, each suited to different combat styles. The trade-off was that she wouldn't master any single weapon or unlock its full potential and skills.

She gazed thoughtfully at the ring, its polished surface reflecting tiny sparks of light. "How exactly do I make you work?" she mused aloud. The cool metal felt reassuring against her skin, but its secrets remained just out of reach.

Maybe I can just picture it. She closed her eyes, focusing her mind on the image of a weapon. The quest tip had mentioned that slimes were weak to blunt force. "A mace," she thought. "Sturdy, heavy, perfect for crushing." She visualized every detail—the weight of it in her hand, the feel of the textured handle, the gleam of the metal spikes catching the light.

A tingling sensation emanated from the ring, spreading warmth through her hand. Startled, she opened her eyes to see the ring glowing softly. The metal began to shift and flow, extending outward and solidifying into the form of a mace just as she had imagined. The transformation was seamless, almost as if the weapon had always been there.

Madelyn stared in awe at the mace now firmly in her grasp. She gave it a tentative swing, feeling the heft and balance. It was heavier than she expected, but not unwieldy. A sense of accomplishment surged through her. "It worked," she whispered, a smile breaking across her face, her tail wagging excitedly behind her.

Her confidence bolstered, Madelyn scanned the field for her first target. A lone blue slime jiggled nearby, its translucent form catching the sunlight and refracting it into a kaleidoscope of colors. It seemed almost harmless, bouncing gently as it moved. But she knew better than to underestimate it.

As she approached, the slime reacted to her presence, quivering before launching itself toward her with surprising speed. Madelyn let out a brief shriek, her instincts taking over as she leaped backward. Her heart pounded in her chest, but she quickly regained her composure. The adrenaline sharpened her senses, and she felt a newfound agility coursing through her veins.

"Focus," she told herself, her fox ears twitching as she honed in on the slime's movements. The creature paused, preparing for another attack. This time, Madelyn was ready. As the slime lunged, she sidestepped gracefully, the mace already swinging in a powerful arc. The spiked head connected with a satisfying thud, and the slime splattered upon impact, its gelatinous remnants dissolving into the ground.

A translucent message materialized before her eyes:

You've defeated Blue Slime (Level 1) [Common]
You've received 10 Experience
You've received 1 Silver Coin
You've received 1 Monster Core (Slime) [Common]

She blinked, a mixture of disbelief and joy welling up inside her. "I did it," she breathed, her cheeks flushing with pride. The exhilaration of victory was intoxicating. Any lingering doubts she had were washed away, replaced by a growing eagerness to continue.

Emboldened, Madelyn sought out more slimes. She decided to experiment with her weapon ring, curious about its capabilities. Closing her eyes briefly, she envisioned a warhammer—massive and imposing. The mace in her hand shimmered, morphing into the new weapon. She hefted it onto her shoulder, adjusting to the increased weight.

Her next encounter was with a group of smaller slimes. Swinging the warhammer in a wide arc, she dispatched them with a single, thunderous blow. The ground trembled slightly upon impact, and she couldn't help but grin at the display of power.

Unbeknownst to her, more adventurers had begun to watch her. Her skillful weapon transformations and the ease with which she dispatched the slimes had caught their attention. A few nodded in silent approval, while others whispered among themselves, impressed by her versatility.

Switching tactics, she transformed the ring into a lighter club, favoring speed over brute force. The club felt nimble in her hands as she weaved between the slimes, delivering swift strikes that left them quivering before they dissolved.

As she ventured deeper into the plains, the slimes grew more varied. She encountered the acidic ones the quest had warned her about—slimes with a sickly green hue that hissed softly as they moved, leaving a faint trail of corrosive residue in their wake. Approaching them with melee weapons seemed unwise.

"Time for a ranged weapon," she decided. Concentrating, she transformed the ring into a sleek bow and quiver. The weapon felt natural in her hands, the curve of the wood smooth beneath her fingertips. She notched an arrow, drawing the string back as she took aim at an acidic slime. Releasing her breath, she let the arrow fly. It struck true, piercing the slime and causing it to dissolve without leaving a hazardous mess.

Madelyn was puzzled as to why it had only taken one hit. According to the quest description, slimes were supposed to be more resistant to piercing weapons, yet this one had dissolved almost instantly. Madelyn shrugged and dispatched several more acidic slimes this way, maintaining a safe distance.

Each of the slimes had given her the same message:
You've defeated Acidic Slime (Level 2) [Uncommon]
You've received 20 Experience
You've received 1 Silver & 30 Bronze Coins
You've received 1 Monster Core (Acidic Slime) [Uncommon]

She looked at the bow in her hands, not quite sure how the weapon ring worked, but somehow, she instinctively knew how to use each weapon it transformed into. It felt as if the knowledge was buried deep inside her, surfacing only when she needed it most.

As she continued her mission to defeat slimes and learn how to wield her weapon ring, she encountered a cluster of slimes. She opted for a staff. Channeling her energy, she summoned a fireball, the orb of flame crackling with raw power. She found it strange that she knew exactly how to summon the fireball and why it felt so strong. She hurled it toward the group, watching as the explosion engulfed them in a burst of heat and light. The scorched earth smoked gently in the aftermath.

With each transformation, Madelyn became more attuned to the weapon ring. The transitions became smoother, the weapons feeling like extensions of herself despite her supposed lack of mastery. The versatility of the ring was exhilarating, allowing her to adapt to any situation she faced. The weapon felt almost instinctual.

The slimes began to grow stronger the further Madelyn ventured into the fields, and she soon found herself facing more slimes of different colors and abilities. She encountered a particularly resilient red slime, its rubbery form bouncing back from each hit. This she had seen when other adventurers had fought the same kind of slime around her. She narrowed her eyes, wielding a long spear, its sharp point glinting in the sunlight. She jabbed at the slime with precision, and to her surprise, the spear pierced straight through, the slime dissolving into a puddle of shimmering goo after just one hit.

Messages continued to appear, tallying her growing achievements:

You've defeated Red Slime (Level 3) [Uncommon]
You've received 25 Experience
You've received 3 Silver Coins
You've received 1 Monster Core (Red Slime) [Uncommon]

Her inventory filled with the accumulation of coins and monster cores. The numbers were a reminder of her progress. She felt a surge of satisfaction each time, a small reward fueling her determination to continue.

Amidst her focused efforts, Madelyn became aware of a subtle shift in the atmosphere. Glancing around, she finally noticed that some of the other adventurers had paused to watch her. A group of novices whispered among themselves, casting admiring glances in her direction. A seasoned warrior nodded appreciatively as she caught his eye, a silent acknowledgment of her skill.

Her ears perked up, catching snippets of conversation.

"Did you see how quickly she switched weapons?"
"She's practically one-shotting everything."
"She must be a much higher level than she looks."
"That's some impressive magic she's using, even while using the weaponring"
"The ring is supposed to be weak, and only people who can wield multiple weapons in real life can make use of it."
"Look at her—she's switching weapons so fast, it's like she's dancing around out there."

A flush of warmth spread across her cheeks. Madelyn felt a mix of embarrassment and pride, her tail flicking nervously behind her. She wasn't accustomed to being the center of attention, and the realization that she had drawn a crowd made her self-conscious. She wasn't sure why she could switch the weapon ring so quickly—it just felt so natural. She also had no idea why she was able to one-shot everything, and why the ring, which was supposed to be weak, seemed anything but.

Madelyn heard a sudden cry of pain as one of the adventurers who had been watching her was struck by a slime—a particularly large, dark purple one with a menacing aura. The adventurer had been distracted, not paying attention, and Madelyn felt a sudden strong need to help. Without hesitation, she sprang into action, transforming her ring into a longsword.

Madelyn stepped forward, her fox ears twitching as she analyzed the slime's movements. It was slower but far more resilient than the others she had faced. Its gelatinous form seemed to absorb the blows, barely showing any signs of damage, as another adventurer had smacked it. She narrowed her eyes, focussing on the task at hand.

Madelyn lunged forward, her longsword slicing through the air with precision. She struck at the slime, her blade sinking deep into it. The creature let out a gurgling hiss, its form shuddering violently.

A message appeared before her eyes:

You've defeated Dark Slime (Level 5) [Rare]
You've received 40 Experience
You've received 5 Silver Coins
You've received 1 Monster Core (Dark Slime) [Rare]

The adventurers that had been watching cheered, slimes on their faces. "Thanks so much! I wouldn’t have been able to take it down without you," the young man said, his voice full of admiration.

But Madelyn felt a surge of panic rising as the attention closed in around her. The cheers, the smiles, the admiring looks—they all pressed in too tightly. Her ears flattened against her head, and her tail curled protectively around her waist. "N-no problem," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper as she tried to make herself small.

Her heart pounded in her chest. "I need to get out of here," she thought, biting her lower lip. She stole a glance at her inventory—she had more than enough monster cores to fulfill the quest. She had practiced with the weapon ring. That was enough.

Without another word, Madelyn turned and bolted, her feet carrying her away from the crowd before she could stop herself. She ran, her tail trailing behind her, ears still flattened as the sound of the adventurers faded into the background. She didn’t look back. The weight of their attention felt suffocating, and all she wanted was to escape.

The cacophony of battle soon gave way to the gentle sounds of nature as she distanced herself from the adventurers. The wind whispered through the tall grass, and the soothing rustle of leaves gradually replaced her racing thoughts. She slowed her pace only when the village rooftops came into view, her bare feet sinking into the cool earth with every step.

Madelyn let out a shaky breath, her earlier anxiety melting away as the tranquil surroundings wrapped around her like a comforting embrace. Wildflowers lined the path ahead, vibrant and welcoming, but her mind was still racing. The village was in sight, and for now, that was all that mattered.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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