Astralyth Online

Chapter 18 – Back Online

After the shower, Madelyn made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen, feeling a little lighter after the whole experience. The dress swayed around her knees as she walked, and though she wasn’t entirely sure why she had chosen to wear it again, it felt... right.

As she entered the kitchen, her mom looked up from the counter, raising an eyebrow in surprise as she took in Madelyn’s appearance. Madelyn could feel her face flush instantly, her ears twitching slightly in response. She had no idea what her mom would think about her wearing the dress, but the fact that her mom hadn’t said anything made the moment a little more bearable.

Her mom’s expression softened into a smile, one of those gentle, understanding smiles that seemed to say more than words. She didn’t comment on the dress, didn’t ask why Madelyn had chosen it—she just smiled, a twinkle of warmth in her eyes.

Madelyn felt the heat in her cheeks deepen, but she couldn’t help smiling back, a shy, almost sheepish grin spreading across her face. She knew her mom was silently supporting her, letting her figure things out at her own pace, and that simple gesture meant the world to her.

"If you’re still hungry, there's still one pancake left," her mom said, gesturing toward the table where a plate with the leftover pancake waited. "Help yourself."

Madelyn nodded, still feeling a little self-conscious, but grateful for the normalcy of the moment. She sat down at the table, her tail curling around the chair as she reached for her plate.

After eating the pancake, Madelyn lingered at the table, absentmindedly playing with her cutlery. Her thoughts kept drifting back to the game, a mix of anxiety and determination bubbling beneath the surface—what if the answers she sought were really there, waiting for her? Her mom sat across from her, sipping a cup of tea, their conversation drifting over small, comforting topics. The warmth of her mother's presence and the calm atmosphere helped Madelyn relax more than she had in days.

Yet beneath the calm, her thoughts kept returning to Astralyth Online and the mysteries it held. The more she thought about it, the more convinced she became that the game held the key to understanding the strange changes that had happened to her. After all, she had been transformed into a foxkin girl, and it all started with the game. There had to be more to it than met the eye.

Eventually, she glanced up at her mom, the curiosity bubbling to the surface. "I think I’m going to play Astralyth Online again today," she said, trying to sound casual, though her mind was already buzzing with the possibilities.

Her mom raised an eyebrow, her expression filled with gentle curiosity. "Are you sure, sweetheart? There's no pressure—only if you feel ready."

Madelyn nodded, more certain than she had been before. "Yeah. I know, but I feel there’s something more to the game than what we see on the surface. I mean, it’s the only explanation for... all of this." She gestured to herself, indicating the obvious changes. "I feel like I need to figure out what’s going on."

Her mom studied her for a moment, then nodded. "Alright, if you’re sure. Just be careful, okay? If anything strange happens again, you can always log out."

Madelyn smiled, appreciating her mom’s calm and supportive response. "Thanks, Mom. I’ll be careful."

She stood up from the table, stretching slightly as she gathered her thoughts. There was a strange excitement building inside her—a feeling that she was getting closer to discovering the truth. With one last glance at her mom, she made her way toward her room, ready to log back into Astralyth Online and uncover the answers hidden within the game.

As Madelyn made her way upstairs, her heart was racing with anxious anticipation. She entered her room and approached the Full-Dive Pod, her fingers brushing over its sleek surface as she opened it. The familiar sense of nervous excitement bubbled up inside her, but this time, it felt different. She felt more prepared, her determination stronger than ever to face whatever lay ahead. She made herself comfortable inside the pod, the padded interior cradling her body as she settled in.

As the lid closed, sealing her inside, Madelyn felt the familiar sensation of falling into a strange, weightless state—like drifting off to sleep, but not quite. It was a feeling she had not yet grown accustomed to, that brief moment of disorientation as the real world faded away.

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself standing on the village road, right where she had logged off last time. The bustling sounds of the village came alive around her, NPCs and other players going about their day as if nothing had changed. The crisp, clean air filled her lungs, and for a moment, she felt a sense of calm. The world of Astralyth Online was vibrant, alive, and full of potential—yet it may also held the answers she so desperately sought.

Madelyn’s thoughts drifted to Sarah—Seraphina—and how she had left her friend in confusion after panicking and logging out. The memory made her chest tighten with guilt, but she was relieved that Sarah had come looking for her yesterday. Even in her moment of panic, Sarah had been understanding, supportive, and just like always, she was the friend Madelyn needed. 

She glanced around the village, wondering if she should do the quest Sarah and she had picked out the day before, or wait for Sarah to log back in. Sarah was probably at school right now, but maybe later, she would join her online. Madelyn smiled softly to herself, remembering how her friend had practically burst into her house yesterday, full of concern and energy. It made her happy to know that their friendship hadn’t changed, even though so much else had.

For now, Madelyn decided to focus on the game. She knew there was more to discover here, and she needed to figure out what had caused all of this—why she had been transformed and what the strange glitches meant. The game felt alive with possibilities, and deep down, Madelyn felt like she was on the cusp of something big.

With a determined breath, she took her first steps down the road, ready to dive deeper into the mysteries of Astralyth Online.

Madelyn considered her next move, pondering what to do first. Returning to the Adventurers Guild seemed like a good idea; she didn’t want to finish the spider quest without Sarah. And at the guild, she could look for another quest to take on. She was curious about the combat mechanics in the game and wondered how well she would handle them.

Madelyn turned the ring around her finger, feeling its weight. She glanced down at her outfit—a pair of fitted leather pants that left room for her tail to move freely and a lightweight chestpiece strapped over a plain shirt. Her feet were bare, the cool stone beneath them a welcome relief. She felt ready.

With a small nod, she started toward the guild, her tail swaying behind her as her steps fell into a natural, quick rhythm. Something about the thought of combat stirred a strange excitement in her.

Madelyn moved through the busy streets with ease, her bare feet barely making a sound as she weaved through the crowd. It was even easier than last time, her body feeling more in sync with the world around her. I won’t bump into anyone this time, she thought, the confidence building in her chest. She had always been awkward in crowded places, but now, her smaller frame and nimble movements made it feel easier, almost effortless, less scary.

Like before, she decided to make it into a game. A small smile tugged at her lips as she darted between people, her tail swishing behind her as if joining in the fun. She caught sight of a tight gap between two merchant stalls and aimed straight for it, slipping through without a hitch. Her heart raced in a good way, like she was chasing something just out of reach. I could get used to this, she mused, the thrill of movement making her forget, just for a moment, the strange circumstances that had brought her here.

Her ears twitched, picking up the clamor of voices, the shuffle of feet, and the distant clink of metal from the blacksmith’s shop. Everything seemed sharper, more vivid than before, and it made her feel alive in a way that she hadn’t experienced before. The streets were alive with the chatter of NPCs and players alike, but Madelyn flowed through them like water, slipping past unnoticed. She felt part of the world yet separate from it.

It’s like this body was made for this, she thought, marveling at how smoothly she moved. Every step felt perfectly placed, every turn precise. Her tail swayed behind her, keeping her balanced—it now felt like an extension of herself. She reached up and ran her fingers through her fiery hair, shaking it out as she picked up speed. The wind caught in it, adding to the sense of freedom that coursed through her.

As she neared the Adventurers Guild, her thoughts turned back to her goal. I wonder what kind of quests I can take on? The idea of testing her combat skills lingered in the back of her mind. 

Approaching the guild doors, Madelyn slowed, her breath steady. She could feel the subtle hum of excitement in the air, adventurers moving in and out of the building, discussing their latest exploits or planning their next. It’s time to see what I’m really made of, she thought, pushing the doors open and stepping inside.

Her heart raced with anticipation. Today, she would find out just how far she could go in this new world.

Madelyn stepped into the Adventurers Guild, her eyes wide with the same amazement she had felt the first time. The sheer variety of adventurers milling about never ceased to impress her. Beastkin like herself, their animal features blending seamlessly with their humanoid forms, stood alongside elegant elves, stout dwarves, and even the occasional demon with their ominous aura and their unique skin colors. So many different people, all here for the same purpose, she thought, glancing around at the crowd.

Making her way to the quest board at the side of the room, Madelyn's heart quickened with anticipation. The room was crowded, the noise of adventurers talking and moving around making her feel a little nervous. She was here for a combat-related quest—something simple to get her started. Her eyes scanned the board quickly, wanting to hurry up and leave as soon as possible, searching for any F-rank quests that would give her a chance to test her skills.

Almost instantly, her gaze landed on one that caught her interest:

Quest Title: Slime Slaying in the Eastfield Plains

Rank: F


  • Defeat 10 Slimes in the Eastfield Plains.
  • Return with 10 Slime Cores as proof of your accomplishment.

The Eastfield Plains, a vast expanse of gently rolling hills covered in tall grass and wildflowers, located just outside the village, have been overrun by slimes. These creatures may seem harmless, but their numbers have been growing rapidly, and they are beginning to interfere with local travel and farming. Adventurers are called upon to help reduce their numbers by slaying slimes and collecting their cores.


  • Slime Weaknesses: Slimes are highly susceptible to blunt force and fire-based attacks. Their gelatinous bodies make piercing attacks less effective, so aim for weapons that can deal crushing blows.
  • Be cautious of acidic slimes: Some variants of slimes can excrete a corrosive acid that may damage equipment. If you encounter these, it is recommended to fight from a distance or use fire-based spells or weapons.
  • Movement: Slimes are slow-moving but can leap suddenly. Keep an eye on their movements, and be prepared to dodge when they attempt to attack.


  • 50 Silver Coins
  • 500 Experience Points

Madelyn’s eyes lingered on the quest details, absorbing the tips and extra information. This is really helpful, she thought, her tail flicking thoughtfully behind her. The last time, when Sarah had accepted the quest as the party leader, all she saw was the basic objective. But now, being the one to accept the quest herself, she could see way more details—the weaknesses of the slimes and their potential acidic attacks.

Madelyn smiled. Slimes, huh? This should be a good test. The quest seemed simple enough, and it was exactly what she needed to get a feel for combat in this world. Plus, the rewards—50 silver coins and 500 experience points—were enticing, though she still didn't know anything about their worth. She tapped the quest notice to accept it, and it was added to her quest log.

Time to see what I can really do.

Madelyn stepped out of the Adventurers Guild, the sunlight warming her face as she paused for a moment, excitement bubbling up in her chest. Alright, time to get started, she thought, quickly opening her map with just a thought. The familiar screen appeared in front of her, and her eyes locked onto the flashing marker hovering over the unexplored Eastfield Plains. It wasn’t far—just outside the village, toward the eastern edge.

She let the map fade from her view, already knowing the general direction. Her heart raced, and without another second of hesitation, she took off, her bare feet lightly tapping the ground as she dashed through the village streets. Her tail swayed in rhythm with her movements, her ears twitching to pick up the sounds around her as she skillfully dodged the bustling crowd, just as she had earlier.

My first quest, my first real challenge as a player. The thought pushed her forward, her legs moving faster as she raced toward the edge of the village. The thrill of it all made her forget everything else—the confusion, the changes. Right now, all that mattered was the adventure ahead of her.

As she neared the village gates, the open plains stretched out before her, the wind catching in her fiery hair. She grinned, her pulse quickening. Here we go. Without a second thought, Madelyn sprinted toward the Eastfield Plains, ready to face whatever awaited her.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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