Ascension of the elder

Chapter 164: Well that went as expected

"We're going to mess with a messenger."

"Ohh can I get to keep an ear?"

Susan asked with a malicious grin on her face, this caused Kyle to pause and look at her strangely.

"We're only going to screw with them not hurt them okay? Well as long as they are civil at least."

"Oh well there is always next time. So what are we going to do anyway?"

"Not sure yet we'll play it by ear, no pun intended but I don't want to initiate anything until I know why they're here."

Susan pondered this for a second before she nodded her head still with that creepy grin plastered over her face. They made their way through the bastion while Kyle pondered about his recent trip to another realm.

It was obvious that due to the training in mana Kyle's body was far stronger than an ordinary human as can be seen by the way he resisted the gunfire which struck him. He also thought about the fact that they managed to pass through the walls separating reality and found a world if not the same as his original one was at least very similar.

With this in mind it may be possible to find his original world or at the very least to move around and hopefully find something that could help in his current world. As they made their way through the bastion various people greeted them until they bumped into Alena.

"Hi Alena what're you up to?"

Kyle asked the woman who was very close to being considered his sister and he had already spoken to Bruno about this issue.




"Bruno you know I love you as a brother? I'd be willing to die to keep you safe right?"

"Yeah Kyle I know that. What's brought this on you're not dying are you?"

"Nope just wanted to let you know that if break Alena's heart I'm afraid I'll have to break your knee caps."

"Oh very funny Kyle you know that wouldn't do any permanent damage anyway."

Bruno grinned at Kyle when he said this but Kyle returned his look with an earnest gaze.

"Bruno I'm saying this for your own good. I'll simply break your legs to keep you safe, what do you think will happen if my girls caught wind of you upsetting Alena?"

Bruno began to sweat at this and tried swallowing with a dry throat.

"Good point thanks for the heads up, excuse me for a bit I find that I haven't being paying enough attention to Alena recently."

Without even waiting for a reply Bruno sprinted off to find his paramour. Kyle heard from his girls that Bruno had taken Alena out on a romantic date which was very out of character for him.


Flashback ends


"Good afternoon Kyle, I'm just getting our medical and alchemical supplies and our lines ready before I head to the camp to meet up with Bruno and his unit."

Kyle smiled at her when he heard this, it looks like Ash and Dylan had arranged the support unit so Bruno and Alena could be together. The adults had been watching over the kids for a long time now and had found themselves fully invested in their relationships.

"Well hopefully you can meet up shortly, but do you want to come with us. We are going to a meeting with a messenger from the enemy force."

"Ah why not I'm only waiting for the remaining supplies to be catalogued and loaded before we head out and I could use a break."

Susan was still grinning while thinking of various scenarios before she turned her attention to Alena.

"Hi little Ally are you going to join in the fun?"

Alena couldn't help but have a bad premonition seeing Susan's grin and hearing her words. She turned a questioning look to Kyle who merely shrugged before responding.

"We'll see what he says; he's been cooling his heels because I've been...away so he may do something stupid."

Alena could only sigh at this but decided to come along anyway since she was curious as to what would happen and if nothing else putting Kyle and Susan in this kind of situation always led to something amusing happening.

As they walked on several people joined them as Alfred had contacted them to let them know Kyle was back and had called for the messenger so in short order Harris, Isaiah and Shauna had joined him.

Landon and Maria were currently chasing his siblings and would meet them at the main hall, Bob had already left to the front lines with his force in tow and he would be able to stabilise the situation with his mere presence while Winona was currently working in the academy.

Winona had decided to stay in the city in case of any unexpected situations but with their current defensive capabilities and the home guard in operation this was highly unlikely.

They quickly left the bastion and grabbed some steeds so they could get to the main compound in short order. While they rode through Kyle watched as the people within the family moved with new found purpose.

They rushed here and there either to train or to fulfil some other obligation. It was amazing how everyone was now pulling together for a common cause. This newfound patriotism was also found within the city with little to no dissension.

This could be caused by the seals people were now placed under but as the hub of these seals Kyle could sense how much energy these seals were pulling and this amount was negligible, this meant that only a smattering of people resisted the direction they were given and even then it was only half heartedly.

They quickly arrived at the compound and dismounted before heading into the main hall to see Landon and Maria were already present. Charles and Aria, Kyle's siblings were also on their parent's laps making Kyle raise an eyebrow.

Landon saw this and coughed before speaking.

"Sorry Kyle they wouldn't settle so we brought them with us. Hopefully everyone will remember to watch their language."

Landon looked around at those present who simply sighed at this useless father. Maria wasn't even paying attention but was instead fussing over Aria who was now actively fighting to be free so she could see her elder brother.

Charles wasn't fighting but instead stretched out his little hands fully expecting Kyle to come over and pick him up. Kyle smiled at these little ones and immediately moved over and sat between his parents whom gave up and let their youngest begin to climb over to him.

Once they reached him they immediately sat on each leg and rested their heads against him and fell asleep. Maria smiled at this while Landon simply huffed.

"Kyle how do you do that?"

Landon asked in exasperation while looking at his kids who loved him and he loved them but as soon as Kyle appeared they would abandon him and his wife for their brother.

"Eh must be my animal magnetism I suppose."

This wasn't the first time they had this conversation but as usual Landon wasn't satisfied with Kyle's response. Landon could only pout while Maria began to stroke Kyle's hair and fuss over him.

"Kyle where have you been, Alfred said you were fine and we should carry on but you vanished with no warning."

"Well Susan was screwing around with space and made a wormhole which pulled us into another reality where we saw some middle age men enjoying some special time and I got shot before we found a vent and got dragged back due to spacial distortion and Susan is now going to teach our youngest as punishment."

Kyle said all this in one breath; Maria and Landon nodded at this before beginning to discuss what they should do for dinner while Harris was stood to the side with his eyes bugging out slightly at this explanation. The others in the room had expressions varying between these extremes.

After a couple of minutes a guard entered the room and announced their guest.

"Sire the messenger from the Peridot family of Golden Plains city is waiting to meet you."

Kyle thought for a moment about this family name and found it was familiar but couldn't place it so he decided not to bother with it and instead indicated the guard should bring the messenger in. The guard looked to Landon who also nodded.

The man who came through the door looked a little overweight and on the wrong side of forty. He was unremarkable except for the arrogance with which he carried himself. As he walked in Kyle was just impressed that he didn't trip over given how far up in the air his nose appeared to stick.

"I don't appreciate having to wait so long for this meeting don't you realise who I am."

Oh there goes cliché click number one thought Kyle who caught Susan's eye. She was grinning like a Cheshire cat by now and turned her attention back to the messenger man. Isaiah moved imperceptibly and it was unknown what he was planning.

"Now you scum have one chance and only one to surrender immediately as vassals of my Peridot family."

Well that was cliché click number two; more people began moving to cover the exits. Shauna also whispered something, apparently to the open air but there was a mild distortion which meant that a member of 'steel lotus' had moved very quickly.

"Now when you submit you will be expected to give tithes to us and what we currently demand is women."

This piece of dirt then looked around the women in the room and licked his lips with desire making them all uncomfortable. Now this was cliché click three meaning he had struck out and now Kyle could do what he wanted but before he could proceed the doors to the hall opened to another member of 'steel lotus', behind her they could see this idiots guards passed out and being dragged away by the guards.

This made the man pale as these were elites in their force and they had been taken out with no sound or indication. The member of 'steel lotus' rushed forward and knelt before Kyle before reporting.

"My lord sorry to rush in like this but I've just arrived with news from the front, Mistress Miranda has been captured by the enemy!"

Kyle paused at this and his mind ground to a halt before rushing through with various thoughts and fears before he pulled himself back under control and asked with an emotionless voice.

"How was she captured? Wasn't she with the others in a team?"

"Yes sir but the enemy somehow got their location and targeted your women specifically. Ladies Clara and Elena were closer to the group but Miranda was further out and they managed to separate her from the others using numbers and captured her before the rest of the team could breakthrough."

Kyle listened to this with a dispassionate face but inside he was boiling his anger was causing his mana to circulate faster and faster clearing nodes one after another. This was similar to his first time cultivating with the difference being he now knew what he was doing and using his emotions to fuel his progress meant he was getting stronger second by second.

"Haha see this is the result of going against my family, now surrender or your woman will be used until she is broken like the whore that she is."

The messenger didn't even realise the danger he was in right now and just had to go and poke the sleeping bear.

"Oh really I should warn you not to make me angry you wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

Kyle state simply while looking at the messenger who swallowed nervously. While Kyle was speaking his eyes began to glow slightly giving him a scary appearance.

"What are you going to do?"

The messenger questioned while stepping slightly back in apprehension. Kyle paused for a second before looking to the window to his right and responded.

"You see that little window up the top there; I want to see if you can fit through that at speed."


But before he could ask more than that Kyle had caught him by the front of his uselessly flowey robes and launched him towards the little opening section at the top of the arched windows. Isaiah being the gifted butler he was had already prepared, using a hook on the end of a long pole pulled the window open before the messenger hit allowing him to pass through the little gap with millimetres to spare.

Susan looked out of the window and when the messenger hit the ground and tumbled head over heels gave her opinion.

"Wow you got some good distance on that one; it looks like a new record."

This made some of those present smile but not Kyle. Kyle was still seething that people would target those close to him like this so his anger and power continued to grow and strengthen. Those who had received his seal could feel his anger and rage which made them shiver and only thank the gods that they weren't the ones to piss off this beast.


POV Shift


In a military camp far away from New Grange city an old and dignified general was sitting apparently waiting for something. Eventually some guards brought in a black clothed figure with their head exposed.

This figure was Miranda and she was looking around her without fear but there was a little crazy to be seen in her eyes. She had a solid steel pole running down her back with her arms and legs pulled tight with chains attached to this pole.

The general's eyes widened at this but didn't comment and instead looked at the young girl. She was pretty unbelievably so and he immediately took a fancy to her and decided to have some fun.

Miranda turned her eyes to this lustful man and tapped into her inner yandere.

"Oh lookey who we have here. Well I think I should warn you before you go any further, only one man can touch me and anything else that get's near me will end up getting lost."

Miranda's eyes showed true crazy at this point and the general unconsciously crossed his legs but before he could respond he saw Miranda shiver with excitement.

"Oh dear oh dear someone has done something they shouldn't haven't they?"

Miranda had a crazy grin to match her eyes as she felt Kyle's anger and power through the seal which made her rather excited.

"What do you mean?"

The general asked now fully nonplussed by the whole situation. Here he thought that he could get a little slap and tickle with this little girl but who knew she was nuts. Miranda looked at him again with slightly hazy eyes before responding.

"Well you're f*cked now."

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