Ascension of the elder

Chapter 163: I know that movie

"Where the hell are we?"

Looking around Kyle could see concrete walls and metal railings, so it appeared as though this was at least a semi modern structure so it was far removed from the life he had been living for the last few years.

"Have we reached Dosney land?"

Asked Susan looking around with wide eyes trying to take in everything around her as she had never seen a place like this before. From the slums to the mansions she had seen and even the new areas Kyle had unlocked, none of them bore any resemblance to what she was seeing now.

Kyle was also observing their surroundings but with far less enthusiasm than Susan. It looked like she had managed to open a portal to another area but due to the difference he could feel in the mana he thought it was more likely they had travelled to a different plane.

In their world the mana felt like a living and breathing force of nature. It was always active and moving. In this world however the mana in this world felt much thicker but also it felt stagnant, almost dead.

Kyle tried to draw in some of this mana while maintaining his vigilance of the reasonable large room they had found themselves in. The racking around them with some random items placed on them made Kyle think they had landed in some kind of storeroom.

Back to the mana, Kyle found it was easy to draw in this mana and when it reacted with the mana in his system it became purified and active again. It looks like in the short term he wouldn't have to worry about mana.

"Come on Susan we should at least know where we are and what's in our surroundings."

Kyle said while Susan became excited as this was something new that she would be among the first to see.

"Great but where should we go."

Kyle indicated to the far wall which had a steel reinforced door recessed within it. Even though the door was heavy and tough, they were already inside so the mechanism to lock and unlock it was on their side.

"We'll go through the door there. Calm down because we won't be going far, the magic will snap us back soon and I don't want us to far away from where we entered from, just in case this alters our path."

Kyle explained to Susan while he felt the space magic around them gradually thickening. Kyle believed this was because of the way they entered this plane/universe. As there was no true doorway it easier to say they were only partially here and the magic would pull them back eventually.

"So we can't stay here and explore huh. Well maybe next time anyway let's see what we can."

With that Susan ran over to the door with Kyle close behind her. Yanking the handle down Susan flung the door open to be greeted by a sight she had definitely never thought she would see. In the centre of the room she had opened the door to, was a man strapped spread eagle on a steel table.

The man on the table was wearing a black suit and appearing to be around six feet tall with black hair exuded a charm and charisma which belied his circumstance. Standing next to the man on the table was an older slightly overweight man.

The strangest thing about this whole setup was the beam of light coming from an apparatus above the man. This light was gradually moving up the table the man was strapped to leaving a scorch trail as it moved.

"So Copperpit do you expect me to talk."

"No Mr Bland I expect you to get cut in half."

As they watched this scene Kyle had a sudden bad premonition which came to fruition seconds later.

"Oh sorry to disturb your S & M play we'll be going now."

Kyle quickly wrapped a hand around Susan's mouth.

"Please excuse us."

Copperpit and Bland we're shocked by the sudden appearance of the pair before Copper shouted out.

"Guards kill them!"

From all around men in bad jump suits appeared and Kyle couldn't help but wonder where they were previously. These guards moved with purpose and assumed a firing stance before pulling the triggers on their automatic weapons.

The bullets approached but due to their cultivation and other buffs both Kyle and Susan could see them approach in what appeared to be slow motion. Even though this appeared to be slow it was still approaching at supersonic speeds so Kyle grabbed Susan and flung her back in the store room before retreating himself and kicking the door shut behind him.

"Kyle are you okay?"

Susan asked with some concern as she didn't understand the weapons that were just used against them.

"Yeah I'm fine I think. My back aches a little though."

Kyle turned around so Susan could see his back and she could see several holes had appeared in the back of his shirt where the bullets had hit. These bullets however hadn't penetrated his skin and had instead deformed on contact with the surface.

"Hum looks like you'll be fine but what were those?"

"Guns I believe but we appear to be much stronger and tougher than the people in this world."

Kyle responded to Susan but had to stop himself from saying to much as he had almost let slip some knowledge that he shouldn't have access to. Before they could think of anymore banging could be heard on the doors as the guards began hitting it.

"Why don't they just get the keys?"

Susan and Kyle said together as the pounding increased.

"Kyle what should we do?"

Kyle looked around then suddenly looked up. Above them was a large grate allowing access to the ventilation systems.

"Hey when in doubt go for the vents."

"Kyle why would they make vents big enough for a person to fit."

"Don't question it and let's go."

With that Kyle leapt up and grabbed the grate and then allowed gravity to do its part and dropped grate in hand. Tossing the grate away Kyle prepared to jump into the vent when he felt a shunt in the surrounding space and he and Susan were dragged back through the spatial portal.

After another lsd trip through space and time Kyle landed superhero style while Susan was launched at speed into a wall. Shaking her head Susan looked at Kyle with an accusatory gaze.

"Why did you land and I got flung into the wall."

"I used my null and void magic's to remove the velocity but as we weren't touching I couldn't pass this inertial dampening onto you."

Kyle answered with a smirk as he looked at Susan. Susan gave a humph but then looked more closely at Kyle as she saw he was looking towards her with a little anger.

"Susan we didn't get a chance before but you are in true trouble this time. You ignored what I told you about not messing with space and the other esoteric magic's until we fully understand them."

"But why Kyle if we have more people experimenting we could find uses for it much more quickly."

"Let me explain something, I suspect the reason the bastions and the cities of the ancient empires were destroyed was because of the use of the stretched space within the libraries. This was simply stretched space the energy that would be released from a portal to another plane or universe; well let's say the energy released would be cataclysmic."

Susan paled when she thought about it in this way as she never really considered this side of it.

"I well I wanted to help; I guess I cocked it up again didn't I?"

"Yes if Alfred hadn't locked down the area with the new arrays we worked out and I hadn't reinforced the area around us with my own mana the destruction could have cost our friends and family their lives. Think about what you're doing next time but for your punishment I think two months working in the first year of the academy should do."

Dropping to her knees Susan let out a wail.


Kyle beautifully dodged Susan's little tantrum and decided to find out if anything had happened as passing between universes may have some unexpected side effects or some other unknown results. Accessing one of the communication arrays Kyle contacted Alfred.

"Alfred how long have we been....away?"

Alfred responded immediately when Kyle contacted him.

"Sir you have been away for two weeks, currently the young missus has joined 'Steel lotus' in harassing the enemy force and your main force is currently marching to the border between your outer cities and where they are expected to arrive."

"Thank you Alfred how have my family taken our disappearance?"

"Well sir after I informed your parents about what happened your father just sighed and your mother simply said that your armour would protect you whatever that means. Also we have a messenger from the enemy force is currently waiting to meet with your parents, but they chose to wait ."

"Okay I'll speak with him, it's better for one of us to deal with him as soon as possible, before our forces engage. Get my parents to meet me in the main hall, I don't want this messenger to see too much of the bastion."

"Very well sir."

With that Kyle cut the connections and walked over to Susan who was still on her knees about having to be a teacher to young children.

"Come on Susan we've got something to do which should make you feel happier."

"Really what's that?"

Susan said while she bounced up back to her feet eager to do something once again.

"We're going to mess with a messenger."

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