Ascension of the elder

Chapter 152: Chatty faces

"Ah reminds me of you Kyle."

Everyone looked at Elena, on one hand they wanted an explanation and on the other hoped they wouldn't receive one. Alena however took the bait like a hungry fish.

"What do you mean by that El?"

All thoughts stopped at this while all eyes looked at Elena, almost in slow motion her mouth opened and she began her sentence.

"Well Kyle *munch*."

At the last moment Kyle had grabbed a pasty from the nearby table and shoved it in Elena's mouth. He wasn't ready for others to know about his origins, he wasn't even sure if Elena was going to say anything about that but it was hard to tell what she was going to do.

"Come on let's start looking around. Also it's probably best if you don't ask Elena questions like that as you may not be ready for the answers."

Kyle stated with true conviction which surprised Alena. What was Elena going to say was the major thought on her mind, but when she saw Clara and Miranda with slightly red cheeks she could guess it was something intimate.

The group began walking around sampling various foods and enjoying the various entertainments. As they were walking they encountered Chad, Theo and little Ruby running around with Lord Black chasing after them.

"Please excuse me, get back here you brats."

He said in passing, it looked like his daughter and her new friends were running Leonard ragged. They also into Neil and the young miss of the Tor family, they seemed to have made some progress as she was holding Neil's hand and didn't look like she was going to be relinquishing it any time soon.

"Hi Neil are we going to see you at the ball this evening?"

Kyle asked his cousin, he was happy Neil had finally got his girl and wondered when he would have to get a suit made for the wedding.

"Kyle you know I don't like these kinds of things...but well maybe I'll come along this time."

Neil seemed to want to say something else but the young miss gave him a look and on catching this changed what he was going to say.

"Oh you must be the daughter of the Tor family, I'm afraid we haven't been introduced."

As it looked like she was going to be close with his cousin Kyle decided it would be a good time to get the introductions done. He had been interacting with so many people lately it was sometimes hard to keep track but he would do his best to learn the name of everyone he believed to be important.

"Good day to you Lord Powell my name is Beth it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

She responded like a proper young lady with a small curtsey. She was a little younger than Neil but only by a year or two but she didn't seem to look down on Kyle.

"We'll head on and leave you crazy kids to it, remember Neil don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Kyle left while waggling his eyebrows at his cousin with an obvious innuendo in his words. This brought a blush to Beth's face and made Neil splutter.

Kyle quickly left them to their little tryst and carried on exploring and experiencing a new side to this world. People were happy and children were running and laughing, occasionally Kyle heard comments about the wall but they were all positive.

"How much do you think it cost?"

"How did they build it?"

"I don't know about you but knowing it's there makes me feel safe."

"How long would it take my spit to reach the ground from the top?"

See mostly positive, this was due to the additional defence this wall would provide against the beast in the nearby area. Seeing the reactions of the common people Kyle believed he had done the right thing and could only hope the following steps he took would also receive the acceptance of the common people.

After a few hours of wandering it was time to head back and get changed into their Sunday best(even if there isn't a Sunday in this world). Kyle returned to his room and got a suit out, this was a simple grey tailored suit, due to Kyle's physique he had to say that he looked good.

The ball was going to be happening in the grand hall of the main house so Kyle and his girls would need to make their way there. During the day Kyle found out the girls including Alena would get dressed at his parents rooms because they didn't want to mess up their dresses.

Kyle suspected that they also wanted to surprise him and Bruno because they had been told that they would change in the bastion and they would meet at the entrance when they were to be announced.

Kyle could only sigh about what was coming. During his training with his father he had attended a few balls and upcoming would be the part he hated "mingling". Moving between various families and functionaries would drain him worse than his hardest training program.

Kyle was seriously thinking of taking a weapon with him, just in case he needed to thin the crowd but decided this may be a bad idea as once you pop it can be pretty hard to stop.

Kyle and Bruno met up at the entrance giving each other a quick look over. Nodding to each other and giving each other a thumbs up they made the long walk to the main house.

"What do you think is going to happen tonight?"

Bruno asked as he hadn't really joined in with these situations before preferring to concentrate on training.

"Social climbing, manipulation, jockeying for position and general douche baggery is my guess."

Kyle didn't hold those who habitually attended balls in high esteem. Perhaps today may be different because of the reason for the celebration but he didn't hold out much hope.

They reached the antechamber where they would wait for the ladies and found Landon, Harris and Bob were already present and sitting around with grumpy expressions.

"What happened to you three?"

Kyle asked curious as to why they were just sitting around.

"The wife kicked me out when they wanted to get changed."

"Your mother said I would just be in the way and I should go with dad."

"I was going to enter the hall to see some friends when this pair grabbed me and decided misery loves company."

Bob, Landon and Harris responded in sequence, it looked like they had been told to wait and sit here or at least Landon and Bob received their orders while Harris was dragged along for the ride.

It may be a better idea not to poke a sleeping dragon so Kyle decided to change the direction of conversation.

"Where are Neil and Clyde?"

"Neil is escorting Beth and her father so he will meet us inside."

Harris responded on his sons behalf with a happy look on his face. He had seen Neil at the fair earlier and was happy to see he had found himself a young lady. He knew his son was hung up on Beth and refused to entertain any other propositions; luckily it looked like his persistence was paying off.

"Clyde is not doing so well, with his father abandoning him and rumours flying around he didn't want to attend tonight but I told him it is best to face this head on."

Landon said this about Clyde with a sad look on his face, he knew Clyde hadn't done anything wrong but he was now the target some people chose.

Kyle on hearing this gained a frightening expression on his face. He liked Clyde and hearing people were saying things about him because of things his father had done was like stepping on a nerve.

"Father who has been saying things about Clyde?"

Kyle spoke in a soft voice with each word spoken slowly and clearly. Landon looked at Kyle quickly and realised just how angry Kyle was at hearing his cousin was being blamed.

"Kyle you can't solve this situation with strength, this is where your favourite part of statecraft comes into play 'networking'."

Landon admonished Kyle with a slight smile on his face which grew when he saw Kyle grimace.

"Are you sure I can't just beat with a chair, just a little."

As they spoke a door opened on the back wall making them all turn to look.

"Kyle you shouldn't just think of beating people with chairs."


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