Ascension of the elder

Chapter 151: I've never seen balls like that


Kyle laughed to himself before he hoped in the shower to freshen up and brush his teeth. Even if he was in a magical cultivation world there was no reason to let his personal hygiene suffer. Finishing his shower and freshening up, Kyle left the bathroom wearing just a towel.

On exiting the bathroom Kyle was greeted by Miranda wearing some casual clothes, made using some of the suggestions he had given to Nettie. Even though Kyle knew some designs he was never really into fashion so the designs were just based on some of the random stuff he could remember.

Miranda was wearing a powder blue off the shoulder cardigan and jeans. Kyle looked at her appreciatively thinking she was becoming cuter and cuter as time was going by. For her part Miranda was staring at Kyle with his exposed upper body.

Realising she was staring she quickly looked away with a light blush on her cheeks. She quickly gathered herself before she spoke.

"Good afternoon Kyle, I have been assigned to show you to the festivities. Clara and Elena are going to meet us there with Bruno and Alena."

Kyle began drying his hair with another towel and spoke while he was getting ready.

"Alright I'll only be a few minutes, what are we going to be doing I haven't had a chance to chat with Nettie and Isaiah to find out how we're celebrating."

Miranda was still watching Kyle from the corner of her eye and when Kyle spoke to her she tried to make it look like she was looking out of the window.

"We've created a fair with foods prepared by us and the rest of the staff on the estate and later tonight we are going to be holding a ball for the noble and aristocratic families."

Kyle thought about this and couldn't really fault them for creating something for the nobles specifically, as they needed these lower nobles on side as they had proved their loyalty to the city by staying and fighting the invaders.

"Okay but you know I can't dance, well at least not without risking life and limb."

"Don't worry Kyle, the girls and I will look after you."

Miranda said with a smile full of integrity, Kyle couldn't help but shake his head before he grabbed his boxers planning to put them on. He paused for a second before looking at Miranda.

"Would you step out or do you want to stay and observe?"

Miranda froze and Kyle was sure she was weighing up whether she should go or not, realising she hadn't moved and that Kyle was grinning at her Miranda got a bright blush on her face before rushing outside leaving a sentence behind.

"I'll be waiting outside."

Kyle laughed at this and got changed although he was sure at one point he heard the door creak. Dressed in a simple white shirt with grey cotton slacks Kyle looked over himself in his mirror and couldn't help but narcissistically think 'looking good'.

Once he was ready Kyle exited out the room and saw Miranda paying an unnatural amount of attention to a picture hanging on the wall. Kyle seeing Miranda acting like this smiled at her before taking her hand.

"Come on Miranda let's get a move on."

Miranda began to softly smile when Kyle took her hand. It reminded her of the first time Kyle took her hand when he broke through and was rushing to see his parents. She began reminiscing about what had happened in the last few years.

Reaching the open fields of the estate Kyle was amazed to see various tables and attractions placed around. It had only been less than a single day and already the field looked like the fair had been planned months in advance.

On the tables were various cold foods while there were various mobile grills and ovens powered by arrays at different points for hot food. Miranda took the lead and showed Kyle the way, near one of the hot food stands Clara, Elena, Bruno and Alena were standing. They were waiting for Kyle and Miranda and as such they hadn't got anything for themselves yet.

It appeared that they had been keeping Elena under control as she was looking all around and was occasionally sniffing the air. It seemed cruel to have a foodie like Elena wait next to somewhere that was cooking food with a good smell, but with her being unable to gorge.

Seeing Kyle approaching Elena broke free from Clara who was keeping her from just running away to get fed, reaching Kyle she grabbed his free hand and began dragging him and Miranda at a faster pace.

"What took you so long, what'll you do if the food runs out?"

Kyle looked at the piles of meat waiting to be cooked not to mention the sweets and the like around, Kyle grinned at Elena.

"Elena dear, I don't think that'll be a problem and we're here now."

"Yes, yes you are. Now the question is where are you going to start. Maybe some pasta or chilli or maybe a wonderfully made taco like this handmade, non GMO, Susan special."

A wild Susan appeared waving around a stacked "chicken" taco around, this must have come from Kyle's staff as they had been preparing things with Kyle as far as he could remember. Taco's were something he had before and it took almost a year of experimentation to make an acceptable facsimile.

Like a hungry wolf Elena was watching the taco, as it moved left her head moved left as it moved right her head moved right when out of nowhere.


Only the corner of the taco Susan was holding was left. Elena had been holding it in for too long and this was the final straw. Susan froze and could only look at the bit of her taco she still had in her hand looking at Elena she saw her check were full as her jaw was moving.

"Why would you do that? Actually scratch that how could you eat a whole taco in a single bit you shouldn't even be able to get all that in your mouth?"

Elena carried on chewing and swallowed before she responded.

"I've trained to be able to open my mouth wider and fit more in it."

"Wait what why would you train your mouth of all things?"

"Oh that's simple me, Miranda and Clara spoke to their mothers about the best way to please Kyle, after hearing about what he's packing they said we needed training."




*Please wait normal normal service will resume shortly.*

"Whaaa um well I excuse me I need to be anywhere else."

With that Susan exits stage left. Miranda and Clara were now staring daggers at Elena who tilted her head seeing their looks before looking back at Kyle. Kyle was leaning over the table holding his stomach.

He wanted to laugh but he couldn't even breathe so all he was producing was a weird huffing noise. Alena was now red looking in the opposite direction and Bruno looked confused. After taking a minute Kyle managed to calm down and walked over and gave Elena a hug.

She didn't know why she got a hug but appreciated it, Miranda and Clara looked annoyed at this but knew that Kyle would pay attention to them as well they simply had to wait until their turns came.

"Never stop being you Elena. Anyway guys let's get moving I want to try some of the foods around. Do you guys also know if there is anything else to do, we've been training almost nonstop and we could all do with a break?"

"There are a few rides and entertainments, I want to see the beast race and I think the falcons are going to be doing something later."

Bruno responded while Alena just hugged his arm, she seemed happy just to be spending time together. Now that the immediate threat had been dealt with and the traitor had been removed Kyle felt it would be good to take a day or two of a week or they may burn out and wouldn't be able to help anyone.

Moving through the fair they saw and greeted many of their acquaintances. Kyle realised that amongst those he saw there was a group who were missing.

"Does anyone know where Willem and his remaining family are?"

"They felt it would be best to let the people celebrate without them being here as there may be bad blood but they are planning on coming to the ball."

Clara responded, she felt bad for the women of the Miles family but knew that is they were present something unpleasant may happen.

"Yeah that may be for the best, does anyone know what will be going on at the ball tonight."

Kyle asked as he had never really attended a ball or the like in either life.

"I'm not sure myself but Isaiah should let us know before we arrive, but I did see they were putting in a pair of large disco balls."

"Ah reminds me of you Kyle."

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