Ascension of the elder

Chapter 142: Where it doesn't shine

"If you p*ssies aren't coming to me I'll come to you."

While the beast was antagonizing the Miles family forces Kyle decided to address his men.

"We've given them every chance to surrender or change, the remaining family forces against us are our enemy. If one of these people survive our mission has failed, capture Edith *heh* and the imperial forces alive we'll deal with them specially."

The beast on hearing this got a happy feeling in his chest, with a happy grin he gave up on antagonizing those in front of him. Slowly the beast rotated the head of his axe until the blade was pointing at the miles family forces.

A feeling of dread spread amongst the Miles family forces as the whole feeling of their enemy changed at this point. With Kyle's command all attempts at reconciliation were done and the full bloodlust of Kyle's force was on display.

Kyle's theory about battle intent and bloodlust was that people developed a battle speed, where their mind shifted to a more primitive and brutal state allowing them to do things they wouldn't normally do.

This intent washed out from his force and was equally matched by the beast. He was in tune with this battle speed hence his nickname, when he felt a wash of this intent sweep over him he basked in it like he was home.

"Good boys now let's f*ck these b*tches up!"

For once there was no action taken by the widow to his language, they had an agreement that he could use his colourful language in battle situations like these. This agreement seemed fluid however as sometimes she would smack him when he thought he was in the clear.

"Hey you inbred, hillbilly, straw sucking, f*ckwits prepare to die!"

And it looked as though the widow was even more inventive in her language when she wanted to be.


Finally the battle was engaged, once more the beast led the charge, using the same tactic as he did previously, he swung his axe crippling and maiming the front line allowing him to close in and engage them.

Using the blade of his axe he became a whirlwind of death, there was a clear area around him now littered with body parts and broken equipment. The Miles family forces tried to move around him while their strongest members tried to find an opening.

While their concentration was on the beast Kyle and his men closed in as well, hitting the now disrupted lines hard and almost simultaneously along the entire front. This strike made a terrible noise before the Miles forces began to buckle and take a step back.

Kyle's forces had been trained to operate as a unit, with the strongest at the front while being supported by those behind. This allowed them to exert force on their enemy greater than expected, with the enemy line falling Kyle's forces began to break them down with the stronger enemies having to engage a couple of enemies at the same time.

Kyle encountered his first second stage enemy just after the first contact. This man was considered a good swordsman amongst his own people, seeing Kyle's katana the swordsman believed it would be easy to break this thin weapon.

The swordsman moved in and swung a large overhead strike with his bastard sword, Kyle sidestepped allowing the blade to pass him before slashing to the man's side opening a wound just below his ribs.

The swordsman growled in pain before trying to do a lateral swing and bisect Kyle. Kyle saw what the man was doing and took a small leap up; as the sword swung underneath him he used this as a platform and leapt up high while doing a front flip.

Those who saw this all had similar reactions.

"What the hell!!"

"What's he doing??"

"Is the circus in town?"

As the swordsman lost balance due to Kyle using his sword as a kickboard Bruno was there. While the swordsman was exposed and unable to pull back his blade Bruno swung his great axe taking the man's right arm.

The swordsman barely had time to register the strike when he heard a noise from above him.

"You who!"

Looking up the swordsman was greeted with a katana coming down at ridiculous speed due to Kyle's flip. Kyle's blade passed through the man's face and bisected him. As Kyle landed he immediately moved to the left while Bruno had moved to the right.

The swordsman's body fell apart allowing blood and viscera to explode out. The Miles forces that were nearest got drenched in their former commander. This obscured their vision and also slowed down their mental process for a moment.

In this moment Kyle and Bruno moved into them and began their slaughter, in this opening Clara, Miranda and Elena also moved. Using the magic they trained in they attacked. Using fire, lightning and light magic they opened up another clear area.

The widow saw these three and how they backed up Kyle and Bruno. These girls were powerful and seemed to compliment Kyle and she wondered what the relation between them was. These thoughts were for another time however so she began using her magic to assist.

Rather than using large scale magic which may damage their own forces, the widow began using water lances and compressed spheres of water to disrupt or injure the Miles family forces.

Landon and Harris arrived on one flank while Leonard arrived on the other and also engaged in their battles. While their forces weren't as quick to break their enemies they were making progress with minimal casualties as the strongest of the enemy were already engaged with Kyle and the beast.

The beast for his part was roaring and chasing down the strongest he could find. Swatting away those he considered weaker he was instead hunting the field to find a worthy prey. Those that survived this initial contact were quickly dispatched by Kyle's men who were following and reinforcing behind the beast which kept him from getting swarmed.

Edith and the overseer were shocked seeing this level of brutality. They knew the beast was a maniac, but they didn't expect Kyle and his people to also reach this level of violence which was far beyond that which any standing army could achieve.

Kyle had let his people off the leash, while they still followed their training they also had been taught that by people equally respecting and fearing you it could save a lot of problems. Even the girls had learnt this lesson and while they may need help afterward, during the battle there would be no hesitation.

This is also where the link from the seals they all had would come into play, as they would feel the support and care for those around them at all times. This was another overpowered ability but one which was more subtle in its use and function than others.

The enemy forces began to collapse in on themselves, making a smaller ring of steel in the hopes of protecting themselves. Some even began to attempt to surrender but Kyle's forces had received their orders and killed them without pause.

The injured enemies who were behind the main charge, also received no relief as those who previously handled the prisoners, now killed the remaining wounded and took away their own injured for treatment.

With the enemies whittled down to Edith's personal guard and the overseer with his garrison Kyle called a halt. Receiving the command Kyle's forces immediately disengaged and stepped back. Ash and Dylan had to grab the beast and drag him away as he wanted to carry on.

"What ya doin ya bastards they're still standin."

The beast was almost ready to attack his own people at this point, but luckily the widow was there and used her magic to dump a torrent of water over his head.

"Let them deal with this dear."

She said to the beast with narrowed eyes. The beast seeing his wife's look took the path of wisdom and stood down. Edith and the overseer were standing there not knowing what was happening. Currently the overseer had more men than Edith but he knew that he would lose if the battle continued.

Edith had his fists clenched at this point and his men were standing at the ready. These men had all taken a life oath to protect him so he didn't fear betrayal. These men were raised from orphans to be his final defence and sacrifice if needed.

Kyle looked at these men and knew they had been brainwashed to the point they were nothing more than puppets for Edith to move and manipulate as he saw fit. Raising his hand Kyle created his magic and then unleashed it.

Everyone was shocked when suddenly sharp spike of some dark stone appeared form the ground. These spikes were all aimed at the crotch region of these suicide guards. This was not for some weird reason or fetish, it was simply because this area was the most lightly armoured allowing the spikes to pass through almost unimpeded.

All of Edith's remaining guards were now skewered and raised of the ground with some having the spike coming out of the top of their heads. The imperial garrison looked at this with horror and one even whispered.

"The impaler."

Before he shut up and looked away. Kyle released his mana and the spike broke apart allowing the guards to drop to the floor. Edith looked at them before looking at Kyle in fear. He knew that if Kyle attacked him like this he would have no chance.

"I call for an honour duel!"

Edith shouted this out in desperation, if he could at least engage Kyle in an honour duel he could at least have a chance of killing him.

"I accept."

It wasn't Kyle who responded however, Landon stepped forward with his sword at the ready. Landon had been engaged in battle similar to how Kyle had been, but with the cultivation technique he now used his stamina had already recovered.

Edith didn't expect Landon to step forward at this point as to be honest he had almost forgotten him. As the head of the Powell family it was his place to accept or refuse the duel. Then from out of nowhere the overseer piped up.

"I demand you cease this illegal aggression right now."

"Why don't you shut the f*ck up, you little f*cking rat weasel before I shove a melon where the sun don't shine!!��

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