Ascension of the elder

Chapter 141: No retreat you may want to surrender

"You like tentacles a little too much for someone your age."

Kyle looked at his grandfather with equal parts exasperation and annoyance but before he could do anything the beast was blown out of his view by a jet of condensed water. Kyle looked back at his grandmother who shouted to the beast.

"I can't hear what you're saying but I know it's nothing good so take this as a pre-emptive punishment."

The beast was busy picking himself up and straightening his furs before he turned to his wife. Kyle was however impressed that even during this surprise the beast never dropped his axe.

"What you don't even know what I said and I'm already in trouble for it? At least wait until you know what I said!"

Once this sentence dropped he received another blast and Kyle could only close his eyes and rub his forehead. Surely the beast should have expected that when he all but admitted he had said something he shouldn't have.

"Bruno quick question do you want to swap families?"

Kyle asked his best friend with an imploring look. Bruno looked between the beast and the widow before thinking about the rest of Kyle's family.

"Um how about no I think I'd prefer to hold onto my sanity."

"Yup thought as much but can you at least adopt Susan?"

"What you talkin about Powell?"

An irate Oompa Lumpa appeared in his view; Kyle looked at Susan before looking at his grandparents who were currently arguing loudly in the middle of the battle field, while everyone else was watching in incredulity.

"I'm just thinking that I've now got two more insane third stage cultivators to deal with, I'm afraid that I can only deal with so much crazy."

Kyle responded with a slight smirk on his face. Susan puffed up her cheeks at this before responding.

"Says the kid who has uncovered lost history, created a new cultivation method, advanced alchemy, blacksmithing and arraymanship. Also let's not forget training a new force, beating the hell of an existing noble house and somehow getting said third level cultivators from the capital in less than 2 weeks."

Once Susan had finished her tirade Clara stepped up, Kyle thought he might get some backup at this point but Clara simply said.

"You know she has a point."

"Fine, fine everyone get ready we've got the Miles to deal with now."

Everyone turned their attention to the front and saw the final hurdle in front of them. The Miles family forces were watching all of this happening and knew there was nothing they could do to halt this momentum.

Edith and the imperial overseer were still waiting at the rear of their combined forces not knowing what to do.

"Should we pull back, I thought the mercs and gangs would at least be able to buy us time but they couldn't even get us an hour."

Edith said while looking at the overseer, for his part the overseer was keeping an eye on the widow and beast because in his opinion they were the most fearsome and worrying members on the opposing side.

"There's no point in pulling out now, you've played your hand and lost. I hope you at least go down with some dignity, your son Raith is safe in my manor as they won't risk confronting my garrison."

The overseer was supremely confident that the Powell's and other noble houses wouldn't try to attack him; this was due to the oaths they had taken as members of the empire. As before oaths are considered sacred and no honest family would risk being vilified by breaking one.

The garrison commander looked at this pair and his hand strayed towards the hilt of his sword. He really hated these scum, but as he had also taken an oath in service to the empire he couldn't bring himself to betray it.

The overseer could see his commander's struggle and couldn't help but think that he would always win in the end because good people are just dumb.

Kyle himself was planning his next move; the Miles family were arrayed in a loose arrow formation. Once the battle begins their formation will release as cultivators, particularly at high levels don't work well in large groups. Kyle was banking on them operating like this so his people could pick them apart without many casualties.

The beast and widow finally stopped bickering and the beast was raring to go. Before he could move forward again Kyle held him up.

"Wait up old man not all of them need to die. I need to separate out those who haven't done anything from those who have."

"Okay I don't like it but this is your battle, but what about those who are guilty in your eyes?"

"Those you can kill em, skin em and use their skulls to drink your cocktails sound good?"

"Yup I'm happy with that."

Neither Kyle nor the beast kept quiet as they were talking and those around them began laughing. It was too far for the Miles family forces to hear themselves, but they did see as the allied forces began laughing at them.

The beast was now eyeing them up while checking his axe blade with his thumb and sporting a large grin on his face. This made those who fell under his gaze worry and more than a few felt their butt holes clenching.

"By the way gramps don't delete Edith or the overseer as we need to deal with them."

"Who's Edith?"

"Oh he's the family head of the Miles family."

With this little bit of trivia the beast felt his eyebrows almost disappear into his hair line and just thought to himself 'the things parents do to the kids *sigh'. Kyle needed to address the enemies and thought what to say for a minute before stepping forward.


Kyle stepped back after shouting this and waited. His forces were calm and waited for the outcome while the other allied forces were surprised. Leonard approached him to have a quiet word before the battle began.

"Kyle are you sure that's a good idea."

"Yup not everyone is involved with their perversions and crimes, they have this opportunity to live otherwise they chose to die. There is nothing more we can do."

With that Kyle continued to watch them to see who many if any accepted what he offered. It would be hard for some members to agree, but Kyle intended to make Willem a regent of one of the cities he would conquer or reclaim once they began expanding and he would need assistance.

As they watched a group made up of outer family members, on the left flank broke rank and exited to the side of the field. As they left members of 'steel lotus' suddenly appeared and took custody of them. They were held at blade point but nothing else was done and they were escorted away.

This opened the flood gates and various units began leaving. Edith couldn't stand this as with a sentence Kyle had begun to break down his family. As he saw a group near him begin leaving he took his sword and rushed the leader of this group.

Before the leader could react Edith cleaved him from behind and the crushing force of this strike caused his head to explode out showering those near him in gore and blood.


Edith had finally lost it but as he was the most powerful member of the family his forces couldn't resist and instead chose to attack as at least there might be a chance they would be captured.

The beast was a bit disappointed on seeing the enemy leaving the field but with Edith's threats and violence they had begun moving forwards once again. So with a smile he stepped forward ready to engage them.

As the forces saw the first one to move forward was the best they began splitting and planned to go around him as no one wanted to engage him. He was now getting really annoyed and finally snapped.

"If you p*ssies aren't coming to me I���ll come to you."

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