Aquatic Nightmare

Chapter 23: Something worth fighting for

Another small note on the wall of text last chapter of the pre-chapter author notes is that I also have a fundamental issue with revising things after release. It is bad to hold regrets, but even worse to act on them. Mental health is a big enough issue already in a world of commodification, and believing you really could have bought that can of sausages for 40 cents cheaper is unhealthy, actually going to the store to buy said sausages only to find out they taste like shit is even worse.

TL;DR Don't regret, double down on idiotic decisions. It will at least be your decision

Crown prince Eden is going to prove a bigger obstacle than thought. He has been building connections with imperial nobles, and foreign powers. Among those being prisoner exchanges with the undead, trade with the jungle, military exercises being done together with Dalka, and an end to piracy in the western seas on royal imperial ships in exchange for a tithe. We need to find methods to curb his influence fast.
-<DATA EXPUNGED> to Count Lifstein

It's been a while of going slow and steady. There were some deals made regarding the regions we represent, and from the letters I have been receiving from Lychta I actually have the authority to do so on behalf of Quintillius. The nobles are highly annoying in actually making deals with the Empire as a whole, but I simply bypassed them by setting the tithe rule to only apply to Eden's ships. I have also made major strides in magic, and most likely reached my maximum size in the process. Now I'm even bigger than the lamia, and me being near the teachers scares them as well. Although I'm not sure if that is because of my size or me having effectively hunted slavery out of the capital. Apparently my killings have reached a point where I am being treated as a natural disaster.

"Thus in two weeks there will be a competition in the arena, third-year students have some limited mandatory attendance. Class representative Eden will tell you all about it." We also forced the class rep position on Eden, because no one wanted that kind of spotlight.

"Eden isn't even here, I feel bad for the professor since Eden is effectively showing him up for this." I didn't know Kyla had the capacity to feel empathy for Solars. Let alone the man she always gets in a fight with over magical theory.

"That gilded shrimp hasn't been showing up to sparring classes either. I really wanted to test out some spells on some tougher humans." Some human classmates frown in my direction, whatever shrimpies. Should have gotten training from elites since birth as well if you didn't want to get called out.

Before things get too out of hand for the professor, Eden enters, looking more dismayed than usual. Carmilla who sits close by the door clearly notices as well, and I get to read her lips to check what she asks. "You look like shit, did your dad do something again?"

"You could say something like that." Eden shifts from dismayed to begrudging acceptance as he takes to the front of the class.

"Alright class, I have an announcement. As you might have heard, the yearly arena competitions are coming up again. This year will be larger than usual as the Emperor has made a few decrees. First off, the rewards for the tournament have been increased, along with some artifact equipment being available at the higher tiers. The first place reward is also a favor from the Emperor himself, within reason, of course. All this brings me to the meat of the announcement, along with four of the third years participating as is tradition, four of our class are to participate as well. Those that scored best during combat classes get first pick, and I will be participating separately as well." Eden said it with grace, but he couldn't hide a grimace where he said that four of our class with the higher scores would be participating.

A lot of people are suddenly looking at Kyla and me. There really isn't anything that interesting going on here. I'm just picking out some leftover meat from between my teeth with a bolt, and Kyla briefly looks up from a big tome titled 'strategic dark magic at the archmage level'. I think one of our four to go along with Eddy would also be Bessielle. That cowgirl takes the phrase 'go break a leg' rather literally. People are still upset at me about that when I told her that, saying something along the lines of 'encouraging excessive violence'.

"Not to worry, lady Esstrey, I'm sure you won't need to [face/challenge/fight] any stairs there." Cathy knows me really well, I may have plenty of ways to bypass stairs now, but a Russian remembers those who wronged them. Any accusations of property damage done to stairways at the academy is Dalkan slander.

"What are the rewards?" I ask the important question since Bessielle got caught up in another theological debate with our class paladin, and Kyla is enjoying her book. Eden simply sighs in defeated acceptance.

"I will now hand out the reward pamphlets, there will also be betting, and attendance is recommended for the entire class to see what big league fights look like. I wouldn't recommend betting myself, but I also know I can't stop you. However, you will need to make an official declaration that you have not, and will not get information on results through a seer. Don't try to lie, the staff will know." He starts handing out a list of all the prizes. I practically steal one of the documents off his hands by the time he finally gets to our corner. He also whispers something rather loudly to us. "Please don't kill anyone, that goes for all of you. It would really not help any of us if you did." That's reasonable enough. It would be bad sportsmanship, after all.

I look at the rewards starting from the bottom, being allowed to participate is apparently already big enough for a massive payday. The bottom place gets fifty gold, which considering you only really need connections to get there is absolutely massive. Further up, I see that fifth place and above get unrestricted access to the imperial library. With increasingly impressive sounding names being gifted as equipment for each as well. There is also a gold reward of FIVE THOUSAND GOLD AT SECOND PLACE? THAT'S A LOT OF DEAD PEOPLE.

Apparently I'm drooling as a napkin gets moved across my chin by some stubby arms. "Esstrey, when ya win a nice spot, canya gimme a peek at tha equipment ye'll get? Eye would love a gander at those beautes" Urist slurs the words, as it's clear he's excited about the equipment. Also, the reason why he's able to reach my chin in the first place? I'm letting him ride on my shoulders nowadays, at first academy staff was annoyed by it, but the only thing that matches my size is Urists vulgar tongue.

Meanwhile, Kyla is simply eyeing the first place reward. Having properly set her book down to get a good look at it. It seems a realization sets in for her as well as her eyes go wide.

"A favor from the Emperor?"

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