An npc who just wants to live idling around.

27. clumsy girl’s point of view.

(Change the trip, instead of being in 3 days, Thursday of this week, it will be the other Thursday, so that Akane's growth does not seem too rushed.

and on Wednesday, she will face Ren in a fight, with everything)

Akane's point of view:

My name is Akane Scarlett, I am the second daughter of the Scarlett of this generation.

The Scarlett family is known for its rarity in producing offspring that use fire magic, and thanks to having said genes, the birth rate is reduced, my parents wanted many children so that they would become powerful and influential people in the empire, and so on. gain political power in their territory, too bad they could only have 2 daughters.

My older sister is now a major general under the direct orders of the emperor, for that very reason, she is a rising star in the family, with maximum fire magic talent, being an S rank mage and having great strategic ability she achieved many merits causing may our family get more and more influence until we become one of the 6 grand dukes.

Despite having all that success, she was always affectionate with me, and never looked down on me for being a level 2, on the contrary, whenever I see her my dear sister encourages me to become stronger without putting pressure on me, unlike our parents.

I wanted to be a magician like her, but I have no talent for it, when they did a talent measurement, they told me that thanks to being level 2 in fire magic, it would be better for me to become a swordsman or something similar, but my parents Deciding that even if he is not a magician, he would be a vanguard and that he should get merits like my older sister.

For this reason, they forced me to fight with all kinds of weapons, but when they saw that I couldn't with any weapon, they gave up and left me alone since then they gradually excluded me from the family, all without my sister noticing. Neither did I, they took it upon themselves to show me how mediocre I am for not being able to do anything well, and over time I began to believe it anyway.

Since my sister is usually away from home in the capital and not in my father's territory, she doesn't know about it, and I'm forbidden to tell her about it so she doesn't waste her precious time coming over for something small, or so they told me when I was barely 10 years old.

One day while I was walking around the house, I saw a butler training with a dagger, as I watched his movements, I felt that I should use it too, it was strange, but I felt that I found something similar to my fate.

so I went to the training field and searched endlessly for a dagger, a dagger that was in the warehouse among a pile of dust, feeling how light the weapon felt, I decided to try it.

when I started to try training with the dagger and I started to move, I felt like it was a part of me and I knew that I had a talent for it, I thought that this way I could stop being the mediocre girl in the eyes of my parents and I thought I had found my calling with my gun, that was my mistake.

When I was happy to tell my dad in his office, instead of congratulating me as he expected, he slapped me that threw me to the ground.

I was confused by that blow, I didn't think my father would hit me, I thought he would look at me and accept me, but a little girl didn't understand why he hit me, I just understood that I did something wrong to her eyes.

and I remember well that he yelled at me that the Scarletts would not use cowardly weapons like that, at that time I was 12 years old and without many options, I practiced the sword with the idea that I could be a great fighter day if I worked hard, but no. no matter how long I trained with the sword, my progress was too slow to the point that even the few servants who still had some regard for me as the daughter of the head of the house stopped doing so, the servants began to ignore and despise me for not being able to do nothing right

One day, I was walking around the house, but on the way I heard a talk in the office of my father who was talking with a friend at the time, and that day although I knew that I shouldn't peek, I had a strange feeling of need to hear from him. that my father and his friend spoke.

As I put my ear to the office door, I listened as my father talked with his friend the head of the house Squirre about uniting 2 houses through a political marriage, and that I would be the one who would marry the only son of the Squirres, at first I told myself that it's normal since arranged marriages are an obligation as a noble, but after listening to all the talk... I got scared and went to my room and avoid going out for the next few days.

It turns out that my fiancé is a future good talented 3-element user and they wanted my family to join them to get an heir with all 4 elements.

But the problem is that after the marriage, they planned to use me as a human cow, to produce talented children, and live like this until the end, my father's words hurt me a lot "That brat can be useful for something in her pathetic life, at the same time." unless uniting the 2 noble houses, it can compensate for all its mediocrity".

I wanted to tell my sister, but my mother was always there when she called home, so I subtly broke the news saying that I would get engaged my sister got angry because she was very protective and complained that I was very young. to be engaged, she claimed to my parents why they engaged me, but they were able to refute and in the end, it was decided in a duel me against him, if I won, the engagement would be broken, but if I lost, I will not have a voice in the decision for the second time...

While riding in the limo, I couldn't help but lament about what happened at the academy, and what awaits me once Father finds out.

Arrived at the mansion, which originally belongs to my sister, but I'm there because she told me that I could be here living for the academy, I planned to go directly to my room since here, not even the servants treat me well, but today a maid called me saying that my father is in the capital and wanted me in his office.

'It won't be because of today, right?

When I got to my sister's office I saw that my father was with paperwork, I had to wait 40 minutes standing in front of him while my father continued to sign documents from our territory.

Although we were nobles and with political power, we still don't have a big territory and it's because of our grandfather and his past debts, he left us with almost nothing back then and father had to work hard so that they don't take that small piece of land from us, recently thanks to my sister's achievements, we are gaining more ground along with influence, but with the peace treaty to come, my sister's war achievements may be greatly reduced, which has my father in a frenzy. tip, although I know that in the eyes of my sister and me, there is a lot of family influence in the empire, it seems that despite being now one of the 6 great nobles, my father wants even more.

- Why did you get in trouble?

my father asked without even looking at me.

I could only answer him seriously without moving or making any changes in my voice because he could take it as a lack of respect.

"The truth father...

- You know that you could be expelled right?


- and you know that if there are rumors about you attacking a student and you lose your place in the academy, you will embarrass us, right?


-so you want to stain the name of your sister who works hard to get what we have today by daring to do that?


- I'm talking with you.

"Not father.

- Well, if it happens again, I'll take away the funds your sister sends you every month.

"I understand, Father.

- And don't get close to that damn brat without attributes, you've done enough to cause problems this week, I don't want rumors later that they can make the Squirre family find out and cancel the engagement that cost me so much to form.

father left me standing in front of him for a while longer before saying.

- go away.

I just nodded and got out of there, already in my room, I could only sigh in silence.

'what the hell is that boy?

'Someone who can go against the top 10 with just a wooden sword is not normal... It was the first time I saw someone who could fight like that... what if he could?

'no...better not to put my hopes in a boy like that, I could feel his lust in me for a moment when he entered the cube, although it was momentary, that told me everything, I shouldn't associate with someone like that...

Or so I thought until I got a message from my recent friend Kumiko.

-You better come tomorrow at the same time, otherwise, my master will make me look for you shouting your name, the worst thing is that she wants me to do it alone, you better go, I don't want to lose my voice by shouting a lot.

'ha... what an evil master, to make your assistant scream.

'wait a second... how does he have an assistant if he comes from a common family? well, I can always ask Kumiko tomorrow

The next day was similar, after finishing classes, I went straight to the training ground avoiding people, and when I arrived, I went to the dressing rooms first.

removing the tape from my chest, I felt all the pressure leave me.

' it's annoying to go out and people only see this

I thought while holding them.

for a while, I was bothered by the size that kept growing in addition to the looks they gave me, and I asked my sister for advice she said that I used tape to cover them, and now they consider me a "flat" girl, the looks Its hurts, but it's better than lecherous looks.

putting on my gym clothes where it is impossible to wear a tape, I entered the cube and saw them.

Kumiko was in a corner with a sword, and today's theme looks like a meadow field, Ren was in the middle of the field with his back to a sleeping rock.

'This guy is weirder every time...

And so, another day with that strange pressure that makes me want to give up, I have to fight him again, even though I complained to him before that he didn't want to fight.

I obey him... when I heard from Kumiko in class about why he does this, I couldn't help but feel sorry, of course, he can lie, but she said that his expression didn't indicate a lie, despite his bored and cold look at the others, there was a pain in those eyes, they reminded me of my sister when she lost her entire unit once and had a similar look... that's why I fight, not trying to beat someone in a duel.


When a week passed and Wednesday came, I felt ready, this week, I was fighting non-stop for hours until it was time to go home.

Later in my room, I stretched as much as I could, since sensei told me that the style that I can create should be linked to flexibility, but that it would be difficult to do so.

when I asked him why, he just looked at my bust... sensei is rude, despite the size, he never prevented me from moving freely.

I still think it's illogical that I can create a new fighting style so easily considering the difficulty of even recording one.

Originally created fighting styles take years of dedication and perseverance, it's not as easy as throwing a slash and giving it a name, you have to practice various moves, guide them, and follow a rhythm.

a large sword user would normally use a style dedicated to brute force and area damage, while a dagger user would be more focused on speed and lethality, it cannot be the other way around, because if the dagger user puts a lot of force on him the hit, the weapon will break, the same for the one with the giant sword, achieving precision with a giant sword will be almost impossible.

And in my case, I want something only at speed.

I can buy a dagger fighting manual, but they're often hard to come by, and also if my family finds out I use daggers, I'll be completely disinherited.

A manual is created through the users, people get a blank manual, they go to a special store where they will put the manual in a machine connected to a type of camera, and the person will have to do the movements they want to record, a You see done, give it a name and that's it.

It sounds easy, but it is not, if you make a mistake or lose concentration for a second, the machine will not be able to record the movements well and you will have to start again, once done, you can sell the manual to someone or take it out en masse, which they don't usually do and it is currently considered illegal.

Once the person has the manual, just inject mana into the notebook and you will have the option to learn the movements, and the mastery will begin.

minimum level, medium level, and maximum level, those are the 3 levels of mastery when learning a manual and it is more difficult the more rank you have, the maximum is up to an SSS rank manual, but apparently, those manuals disappeared in history, in the Currently there is even an SS rank and apparently the 4 monarchs have it according to rumors.

when we started training with sensei, it was decided that the duel will be next Thursday in private, so there will be no problem that my father finds out about it, sensei and Kumiko already planned and talked with Bernard, he is the person I will fight against and he is also the leader who bullies me at school.

When I asked to find out how they could convince him, since he is usually arrogant and proud, the two of them just told me "Don't ask, you don't need to know"...

I got into position, this time holding a pair of sharp daggers, even though the case of wounds inside the cube will be similar to sand, I will be thrown toward the corner of the cube in that case, but I don't want to swing the daggers, Only that time I threw a pencil at Bernard because I thought he would kill someone in front of me, but I didn't think it would hit him right in the hundred...

Ren is now in front of me, not with the usual boring look, he had a calm look, he was waiting for me to attack, and with his strange defense posture, I ran toward him.


Akane swung her daggers doing a crossover, ren patiently waited for her to reach his range to launch a thrust just as the 2 daggers were aligned, ren reached that point and broke the attack leaving Akane fully open to attacks, but Ren didn't attack, it just returned to its original position.

Akane backed away, and moved again, this time she ran around the forest-like area chosen today, yesterday there was a desert-type arena where it was more difficult to move, and 2 days ago she chose a rainy courtyard when they started fighting.

but today, luckily for Akane, she used a grove, where there were several artificial trees, but even if they were artificial, they seemed as real as the original trees, a sign of the great advances of humanity.

She took advantage of the trees to try to avoid Ren's gaze, but strangely Ren was still there, she kept running despite that and began to make her steps more silent.

'These days I didn't just do stretching, for some reason, sensei started giving me skill manuals.

They are created in a similar way to the sword arts, but at the same time it is said that they are usually more difficult to create, although I don't know where Sensei got them from, he only asked me to learn them, when I saw them all I was surprised in a moment. In the beginning, they had names that indicated only one thing.

[the footsteps of the blinder]

[ night vision]

[low presence]

among others, all indicating that they are for a murderer.

When I told sensei that my family is a family of wizards and knights and they don't use such dastardly abilities…

He looked at me like he was looking at an idiot and said.

- Even the strongest and most honorable gentleman is a baby unable to defend himself when sleeping, never underestimate someone just for not being "honorable" as you say, so don't come up with nonsense and learn everything, you never know when it could help you.

I could only sigh and learn everything, and even though I don't like to admit it, I like these skills, since they are mana-only skills, they can work just by activating mana, without the need for my fire attribute.

I use [Reaper's Steps], a skill that facilitates movement on any ground or obstacle when running, very useful for escaping.

Those books were all B-rank.

Although I don't know how sensei could get such abilities, I asked him and he lied to me telling me that he created it.

'Does sensei think I'm an idiot? you are cruel sensei.

Despite my internal bitterness, I kept running and used the other ability.

[low presence] used to be able not to make noise with my footsteps, looking for an Angle, I launched myself directly towards sensei, but he stopped my dagger and cut me with his sword, although I managed to avoid the sword, the attack if it grazed my shoulder.

'so by that, he meant to go all out huh...

That attack aimed at my neck, but I dodged it with the jousts.

Although I could help it, I have the hairs on my arm standing on end with fear, I couldn't help but yell at Sensei.

"You really cut me like that!?

- I told you that I would go with everything

said Sensei with a calm voice without lowering his defense.

"but you aimed at my neck

- a fight always aim for the weak point, you have to be precise and deadly if you use the daggers.

I couldn't help but answer him with a pout.

"It's not like he wants to use the daggers.

sensei was cruel and he answered me directly.

- is because you are useless for other weapons.

"is a lie! I could be a good swordsman if I train more.

sensei just raised an eyebrow at my words.

- when you tried it you ended up throwing your sword into the air from the weight.

' low blow sensei

"ugh...I just need strength training.

-Do you think giving broccoli to a lion will make it vegetarian?

"You continue with your strange metaphors...

- but those metaphors don't lie

"Anyway, I'll make sure I win today, I won't end up on the ground this time!

- That's what you told me from the third day.

"Today is different.

- ho... and why is that?

"I'm already getting my style shaped, on my status screen, it shows up as [ 66% for dual daggers style creation]. (your id)

- Interesting, and have you thought of a name yet?

"um... I could try a cute name like [the cat move].

- Give a cute name to the style of use of the daggers, typical of a maniac.

"Please don't make fun of me! I'm still new to this (╥﹏╥)

-hahaha, of course, you say that after trying to distract me with your voice sounding from one side and pointing from another... at least you know how to use the skills well.

nodded sensei with a smile.

"you make me train to the bone every day and if I lose, I train more.

- so you can overcome your fears.

" I'm not afraid anymore.

- oh really?

" yes, really

- So why is there a tremor in your eyes when you aim at a vital point of mine?

"ha... how does he not miss anything?

- It's my job, if I have to do it, I do it well, so that my sleep doesn't interrupt me later

"How are you so strong if you only talk about sleeping? Even though I keep sneaking around and sneak attacking, you keep blocking

-if your opponent has a perfect defense, he looks for another way to attack, use something that distracts him, whatever

"Oh, so...

Akane threw one of her daggers from behind a tree, but this time it was imbued with fire magic, colliding with Ren's sword and it exploded.

Ren recoiled from the oncoming fire, but to his back, another dagger was thrown in a similar fashion, a pincer attack.

Ren looked around as if looking for someone.

Akane was on top of a tree hiding waiting to launch with an extra dagger that she had kept in her bust, how did he keep a sharp weapon there? Don't ask me, they are women's secrets.

When the second explosion sounded, she launched herself, but when she got to where Ren should be, there was no one, until Akane felt a sharp edge on her neck, she could only raise both hands in surrender.

- um... despite being a good attack, you should have come at the same time as the second dagger, so you would have a chance.

"She would be caught in the flames.

- It's not the flames, it's your flames.

"I still don't know how to control them after putting mana into the daggers.

- It's a matter of control.

"So you say, but you don't even have an attribute.

- I told you I had it.

"Lightning users are just a legend.

- but I have it.

"Whatever you say sensei.

- by the way.


- How did your parents not find out?

"Simple, I just say that I'm sick and the maids move away from me that day to not attend to me.

- must be hard.

" you get used to it.

- maybe

"Well sensei

-don't tell me sensei

"If you're training me, what do you want me to call you then?

- call me ren

"As you say, sensei.

- ha... when they get into confidence they become very shameless, until a few days ago, you still couldn't look me in the eye, now you joke with me every time.

"I must say that it is Kumiko's influence, by the way, did she already choose her weapon?

-Yes, it seems that she wants to start with a shield, however, we must go

"Can't we train more?

- tomorrow is your duel, if I have you training until late, you will not be in optimal conditions

"I understand... see you tomorrow sensei.

- see you tomorrow, let's go Kumiko

sensei turned to see Kumiko who was training excited with her new shield.

- 5 more minutes.

-no way! Yesterday you stayed late and it was my turn yesterday to serve all those people in the restaurant, the boss almost hung up on me.

- but you could do it

Kumiko said bitterly.

-but the one who wanted to improve her kitchen is you, so move

sensei said before grabbing Kumiko by the neck and pulling her towards the exit causing Kumiko to kick her feet for a moment before giving in.

- OK! She was already about to withstand 50 kilos of pressure.

- later you can train, for now, we have work

Seeing that sensei was about to leave, I quickly said goodbye to him.

"See you later sensei, I'll see you tonight, please serve me a nice dinner.

- as long as you leave this sensei a tip

Seeing Sensei's furrowed eyebrows, I couldn't help but tease him a bit.

"If I don't like it, I won't give you a coin

- that is exploitation to the worker, you are the only one who arrives and eats 5 of the most expensive dishes every day and since you are from the Scarlett house, they make me put effort into your dishes

"good luck with that, sensei

while sensei and Kumiko left, it was my turn to return the whole cube to normal, and also turn everything off, I don't mind doing it, since I can scan better in the cameras as sensei can deflect my attacks perfectly and avoid surprise attacks .

'so I use lightning to improve movement huh?

I already knew that sensei has lightning, he shows it from time to time here, although the rooms are private, I always delete all the recordings as a precaution and then leave.

As I was going home, I thought about Don Julio's restaurant.

An older man with his daughter has his restaurant and they both serve alone, Don Julio is in the kitchen and his daughter Catalina serves the customers.

Kumiko said that on Monday when she started as Ren's assistant, they were looking at restaurants to work.

When Kumiko told her that they should go to a gourmet place, Ren just laughed and told her that she would wait and see her failure, she was rejected as they thought they were just children playing.

Ren made fun of her for a while, and they kept looking, when they saw don julio's restaurant, he saw a simple place with 8 tables, a family-type restaurant, but Ren said that it reminded him of home, so he entered the place and convinced Don Julio to work there so that Kumiko can learn there.

Don Julio agreed since he found some children's games interesting, but seeing Ren's cooking skills, Kumiko says that her jaw dropped for a few seconds.

from that moment the changes began, now the restaurant is always full, and reservations are necessary.

And they haven't even been there for 2 weeks, when I went on Friday to try said food, I was amazed, I felt in paradise, I think from there I felt that Ren is not a frivolous person.

and I doubt

How he can be just a pure bacon lover when he can make dishes that even gourmet-level restaurants couldn't do?

My opinion of him is simple, he is someone simple and calmly open to changes.

He doesn't get into trouble with anything, even when a client came claiming that he stole dishes from his restaurant and went to the press, he just challenged him and created a new one on the spot, and Ren shut that guy up.

An important nobleman arrived yesterday, and the ingredients that were supposed to arrive, he was told that the delivery truck had an accident, so he went to the nearest market, returned with wild boar meat, seasonings among other simple things, and when the nobleman ate said dish, he marveled and says that he begged ren to be the family cook, but to each invitation, until then he always said, "I'm a student, I have to finish the academy and then maybe I'll consider the offer.

Despite releasing direct words being someone common towards that nobleman, the nobleman did not get angry, he just smiled and accepted that answer and what he would expect, just like other nobles.

At school it's similar, I decided to observe him to find out how he is, he arrives with Kumiko, sleeps in his class and does the work assigned by the teacher, and goes back to sleep, or so one of his classmates told me.

but despite pretending to sleep, he always answers questions well.

In the cafeteria, he always talks to the cooks and gives them advice that sounds strange, but when I applied one, it was very useful.

when sitting down, although he feels alone since Kumiko goes with his former teacher, a white-haired girl approaches him, talks to him for a while, and returns with his friends somehow with a happy face and you see her defeated.

he helps his teammates if he's not sleeping, which is usually a golden opportunity.

He avoids the bullies in his classroom, or rather it seems that they avoid him, according to rumors it seems that there is a white-haired second-year student these days who spoke with them in private.

Despite all that, I realized something about his attitude towards others, it's simple, he smiles at whoever smiles at him and jokes at whoever jokes at him, but no more than that, to whom he is usually more direct and even rude it's a Kumiko and me.

I wonder what he will serve me today, although his tip rate is high, he doesn't even keep a coin, he gives it all to Don Julio and tells him that if he leaves, use the tricks that he taught him and his daughter and improve your restaurant.

After a wonderful dinner, I went home and slept soundly looking forward to tomorrow.

When today's classes ended, Ren came to my class and I went with him straight to the arena.

I went in uniform and faced my opponent and the first thing he said to me when he saw me was.

- so my fiancée wants to play with swords huh?

Bernard Squirre, my fiancé.

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