An npc who just wants to live idling around.

26. Starting to train the clumsy girl.

when Kumiko and Akane walked through the door, I felt like I'd be shocked.

not because of something unnatural, well... if there is something unnatural since when you enter a training room, you first pass through changing rooms and showers and separate dressing rooms one for men and one for women, then you enter the cube-shaped room which is the training.

The thing here is that the girls were wearing gym clothes, that's not weird, the weird thing was the 2 big melons hanging from Akane under her gym clothes, seeing those weapons, the first thing that came to my mind was.

'How could the uniform hide that?

but when I realized the embarrassed look that Akane was giving me, and the murderous look from Kumiko, I realized that I was making Akane feel uncomfortable, besides, how she could hide it will be like another of the great secrets of women and better not ask.

"hum, alright, I guess I should start with you Kumiko.

-Very well, what do I have to do?

Kumiko asked with evident emotion in her voice, and it was no wonder since she was waiting all day yesterday for me to teach her my training method.

Unfortunately for her, I had to burst her bubble and have her back off by letting her know the truth, so that she can then go her way, not Kiriko's way, but her way.

"Well, you see... you can't copy my fighting style.

Kumiko was visibly affected by my words and yelled at me in shock.

-What!?, but you said!-

"Listen to me completely before that, I mean that you can't use my sword style because mine is an original one, what we are going to do is give you concepts so that you can create your own and you can improve it from your perspective.

Kumiko looked at me like she was a jerk who talks nonsense.

-Do you think it's easy to create sword styles?

'is it really that difficult? I created mine casually in my old life and only for a time when I needed to block the path of enemies, and in this world, that style directly gained an S rank.

I couldn't help but tell Kumiko wryly.

"I have created mine, and I know that yours is learned.

-how do you know?

"Very simple, I was thinking about the last time we fought, because I am not going to repeat another fight since I want to avoid fatigue.


"That time I realized that your movements were not fluid, your foot movements were long and difficult for your legs since you did not have the necessary height, in other words, you use the style of kiriko, right?

Kumiko didn't hide it and answered me.

- The truth is, I wanted to be his equal to him and that's why I trained that one.

'Does this girl really think that copying the sword style of the most talented guy in the game will match him?

"Ha... and I'm the idiot, I'll tell you right away, every swordsman is different, and you're following someone else's style.

-What's wrong with that?

"Copying others' sword styles just because they aren't confident enough to make their own is for stupid people who don't think for themselves, my apprentice won't be in that category.

-eh... so what do I do?

"Well, I don't know... first you will practice with the practice dummy with all the weapons here, until you feel that it is the right weapon, finding a weapon is like getting married, if you lose it it will have taken your time and effort, so choose with dedication and seriousness, your weapon will be like your second heart in your life.

I left Kumiko in a corner of the cube and went to the main dish called Akane.

'those weapons of destruction can distract even the most disciplined soldier in my opinion, in the game the creators made beautiful characters that would easily destroy all the supermodels of my old world, I am surprised at the self-control of kiriko in the game that he could bear to put a Fingering the heroines in their (naked) birthday outfits at that event, I guess the great-grandma will help calm me down.

"Well, let's see with you... since you are afraid of acting against your own stalker, one day before the excursion, that is, Thursday of next week, you will face that type of name that I don't remember so that you can take off the fear.

-wait!? I thought I would just come here as advice and then go home.

Akane said with obvious shock and fear of even facing that guy, it's amazing the psychological shadow of this girl regarding those guys.

"Well, that would be a good plan... but I hate bullies more than anything, so you'll fight him in a few days.

- Why would I have to obey you?

Akane asked with obvious denial, I was a bit surprised by her response.

"ho... you have the will, I like that, well, I'll put it that way so your little head understands, bullies never stop being bullies on their own, they are disgusting people who take advantage of the weak for their fun and pleasure, those who Their targets are usually weak people with no position or strength, and I know you have both talent and position.

-why you said so?

' Because I know what you were capable of, abandonment turned you into someone who could fight the hero of this world and even almost killed him on many occasions.

Ren knew that Akane had the talent to become strong, and even if she wasn't a major character, Ren would still have spent his time helping her overcome her fear.

she helped him against the guy with the sword when ren was instinctively going to kill him out of habit, his teacher Shiro didn't tell him who that guy was but told him that his family was important at the level of a duke, although ren is not someone who has fear, he is someone aware enough that if he had killed that child, he would have gotten himself into a lot of big trouble with the need to depend on Naomi if he wanted to continue living the lifestyle he has now, and he was sure that Naomi he would have used it to tie him up as a very possible assistant to his nephew and tied him up for the rest of his life with no chance of escape by normal means

ren was someone who returned the kindness they gave him, and with the girl, in front of him, all she needs is a push to get to know herself, the problem is that for her to get out of that cocoon of fear, she needs help, she needs to understand that she is not worthless trash, in this strange world where even a girl from a slum could become a force in the world, Akane just needs to understand that she could be capable of great things. if she tries, and even if she fails in the end, it's better to have tried and died than to die regretting not even trying.

With those thoughts in mind, she first needed a strong hand so that she understands what she can achieve on her own.

Ren then began to talk about her evaluation of what I've seen so far.

"Well, it's simple... when eating, you had an unconscious elegance in the way you held your fork and chewed your food, which indicates that you were taught etiquette from a young age, so being an outcast shouldn't have been from such an early age, Rather, it must have been due to some event from a short time ago, your hands have calluses and scars almost invisible if it weren't for seeing your hand when eating, which indicates hard physical training with swords, in addition to throwing the blunt pencil right at the area where the target is unbalanced indicates the results.


"I don't know why you hide like that, I won't ask, but if you will have to use some of that force fighting against him

- I'm afraid to hold a gun...

' she really is an innocent girl, the fate of the kind people of this world is sad, first aiko was destined to lose everything, this girl was destined to be abandoned in a dungeon full of monsters, there are even kiriko ending variables in the that he becomes corrupted.

"at the expense of the health of more people?


' I seriously she doesn't notice? she thought they only hurt her?

"It's obvious if they do this to you, it's obvious that they do it to more students, especially people of common status like me like scholarship holders, or low-ranking nobles from border territories and let me tell you that medicine is expensive these days for his injuries.

-it's not possible

Akane wanted to reject reality outright, she didn't want to believe that there were more people hurt like her.

"I know you're kind, but that kindness is costing you, and we're barely a week into school, how do you think it will be when we're 2 months old?


After an eternity and as if she had made up her mind to make the guys who harass her stop harassing others, Akane answered me.

-I will fight

"Very well, draw your weapons and stand in front of me.

she took out a dagger and used 2 hands to hold it.



-something happens?

Akane asked doubtfully.

"I still think of a way to train daggers, but in the meantime, you will learn something necessary to fight.

In the field, while Akane was confused about what she needed, ren silently walked over to the weapons depot and pulled out a sword at random, and stood in front of Akane.

Akane got into position and got scared since she had never hurt anyone before, she was starting to get scared until she said ren.

"The most important thing in a fight, do you know what it is?

Akane thought for a moment before answering.


Ren shook her head and spoke as if she were speaking to a child.

"No, even if your opponent had a legendary weapon, it would be useless without a single thing.

-and what is that?

ren making a smile different from his usual smile, he said.

"will to fight

and out of nowhere Akane felt like a bus was being put on her back, she fell to the ground and was having a hard time breathing.

"I'll make the pressure gentle enough to keep you going for hours, but if you want to take it off you, you'll have to come to get me.

Akane was starting to get desperate little by little, despite the pressure that was on her, she felt it in her back, the sensation of death, and although it is impossible for a person to hear the voice of death in the back of her neck, she clearly felt what he was saying.

* fight or die.

So she took courage, and got up little by little, being face to face with Ren, Ren was not in any fighting position, he had the weapon in the holster without taking it out, but Akane remembered what happened at the time of the Lunch, she didn't trust that she could hit him for a second, determined to fight, she rushed forward.

Ren dodged even very crude blows, he smiled in his mind.

It's not that he exudes great pressure, although it is said that if a user releases his pure mana into the air, those of lower rank will feel the weight of the pressure, the more difference in level, the better.

They, although ren doesn't know it yet, both have the same rank, the thing is that ren's attribute is one [unknown], in other words, the electric mana released without any spell in the air is something unknown to the current Akane, and all living beings are usually afraid of something unknown and deadly in sight, in addition, ren used his mana passing through the ground to try to filter into her nervous system so that her body rejects the strange mana that wants to enter her, giving her a warning sign and extra pressure, in other words, this is all a simple trick, but Akane fell for the trick and was able to fight.

As they struggled more and more, Akane's movements felt less compelled and more and more frequent.

Ren noticed Akane's talent for daggers, she's getting used to it quickly.

'Why isn't she in the first place if she can fight like that? From what I see if she trains the dagger long enough, she should be able to surpass many students currently and even reach the top 10 unless... she's just starting out with the dagger? Considering that she was going to enter All, she should have been trained, why doesn't she have more mastery with the dagger?

After I don't know how long, Ren smiled and said.

"Very good, at least I see an improvement, I would like to train more, but there is something important to do.

-eh?  finally, finished?

"No, he did not, tomorrow we will return to this for the next 2 days until Wednesday and on Thursday I will do it with the sword without a scabbard and with the intent to kill.

- why?

Akane asked in bewilderment.

"Well, it's simple, so you can fight without fear.

-It's not that... why do you want to help me? We didn't even meet before today, are you after my body?

Akane shielded her breasts as she said to me with anxiety and a bit of fear.

-I warn you that I have a fiancé

' I can't tell her that I want to help her simply because yes, no? let's see... I could use that phrase.

"Heroes help people, right? If I can't help my teammates, how can I help strangers after a monster attack?

After saying that, I headed toward Kumiko as I said.

"Besides, having a fiancé has nothing to do with me, I'm just helping you because you don't let me deal with those stalkers

Seeing Kumiko with her head lowered, I realized that she didn't find his weapon.

"Nothing, huh?

- not (ಥ_ಥ)

Kumiko had tears in her eyes that I couldn't roll my eyes from.

' in the game Kumiko fights with a sword, in other words, searching for her weapon is now an uncharted territory, which makes it more fun.

Ren wanted to see what kind of weapon Kiriko's future bride and wife will use if she doesn't delay.

"stop crying, tomorrow we will try again, tonight, however, we will train your mana control

' Why is it so difficult for this girl to control the earth?

Kumiko left with that depressing posture to the dressing rooms next to an Akane sore from moving a lot.

I also went to shower and change back into my uniform.

As we were leaving, at one point Akane got separated and went in a limo, while she watched that car take her away, I couldn't help but think.

' sure you can carry bacon in a limo, I wonder if they have a way to cook it in there?

- hey master.


Kumiko said something that made me want to electrocute her if it weren't for us being in public.

-so... heroes help people right? If I can't help my colleagues, how can I help strangers later? right?

I had to use my flat face while I answered her, but she still had a mocking face.

"Please spare me such an embarrassment, I said it so she wouldn't misunderstand things about why I helped her.

-So you're really after her body? I admit that I was also surprised by her figure as she took off the cloth around her body, it seemed that she put a lot of pressure on her

'mystery solved

"Not really, although she did have a tempting body, she just reminded me of a guy I knew who suffered from something similar and I thought I'd help her because of it.

-so and what happened next?

"he committed suicide


Kumiko widened her eyes in surprise and looked at me as she answered me with some hesitation.

- oh really?

'That child was innocent...

in my old life, many years ago, when I was little, I remember one of my friends who were always there in my childhood, he was a boy who, unlike me, loved knowledge, was quite curious about books, and I could assure that at the age of 12, that child had already read the contents of a library that contained hundreds and even thousands of books.

Thanks to this great amount of knowledge, he came out of the bubble of a child who can believe that it is only good and evil in something, that child matured too much, but even so, he had the desire to have friends like any child.

unfortunately for me... by running away from the family with my parents, he made me lose all contact with him for years.

I found out about his case one day when I did not have any mission and was at home, it was on the news and I specifically asked my boss to I wanted to investigate his case, a thing that left my boss confused, but taking into account my history of missions accomplished and my abilities, He did me a favor and let me go.

When I went to his city, I found out that over time at school he began to isolate himself since he didn't share anything in common with all the other boys who were more focused on liking girls than reading culture books.

He also made the mistake of being manipulated by a girl from his class who took advantage of his knowledge for exams, but that girl had a boyfriend.

the girl's sweet words moved him, but the harassment he received from the boyfriend kept him from trying to declare his love to her, he believed that this girl would one day end up with her boyfriend, since he was just an idiot with some money of his family and give him a chance, someone with a promising future.

Unlike my case, where I had someone who supported me at that moment when I found out the harsh truth... he had no one.

After his plan to expose those guys who were harassing him failed because of the director who remained silent, in the midst of his shock, his next option was to look for that girl, so he went to look for the phone that he had forgotten on his table in his classroom when he got there, he saw with his own eyes how the girl he liked and her boyfriend were kissing on top of his study table as something exciting, so that after the 5 minutes that lasted the whole kiss of two excited teenagers and the 5 minutes that that boy listened to what was happening in the classroom, how the girl he liked moaned while actively participating in the kiss.

after they parted their lips because of the call the boyfriend got, her boyfriend started talking about his plan with his girlfriend about having that boy solve his school exams up to the college exam, and that he solves both his and her university exams.

since that boy many times before, he had exchanged exams with her and he solved everything for her, something that he normally wouldn't do because he was someone quite serious, she replied that she would only tell him that it was for a friend, she too He confessed to him what that boy was planning, which the boyfriend replied that it was useless because he already had the director in the palm of his hand with just one call to his father.

the two of them had made a rather cruel plan in the eyes of that boy, along with the shock of not being able to be helped by anyone, as well as being used by the only source of his smile...

in despair, he made a desperate decision.

He committed suicide in that same school to take revenge on everyone and for everyone to know what happened in the long-awaited prestigious school... I know the details because it was easy to find the bullying boy and the girl with a guilty conscience.

I remember that the first time I talked to him, I could conclude that he was a haughty and arrogant guy, since the moment I looked at his girlfriend, that girl that boy liked, the guy hugged her neck and pulled her towards him. while he stuck out his chest to show his manliness, that guy was someone who believed that with his father's money, he could conquer the world, it wasn't hard to make him talk about everything he did that same night when I accidentally went to see him at the disco where he used to go every night.

It took me 4 days to get all the concrete evidence to do justice by legal means for that boy's family, unfortunately, when I tried to take that guy to court, he was easily released by the power of his father, and that's when I realized, one more time, how unfair things can be for the innocent...

innocent people who only wanted to live their lives thinking about their goals, but who were manipulated to finally be used and destroyed without the possibility of justice, although I had to use the power of the organization in which I  worked to achieve said justice...

I still remember the haughty look that guy gave me the first time I saw him... and I compared it to his desperate and already empty look when I last saw him in prison.

It's not that I'm sadistic...

but in the end, seeing him locked up in a prison with an empty look knowing that he won't be able to get out of prison for many years... somehow gave me some justice for that boy, it was a much fairer solution instead of killing him, it was too easy to twist his neck, but that guy deserved worse than death, he took my friend from me... I wish I could have avoided it back then, it was so easy to call him and arrange to go see him... if I did I would have done it, maybe it could have been avoided, it was one of the biggest regrets I had in my past life.

'ha... only with power can you defend yourself... it may sound stupid, but hopefully helping this girl can somehow make him forgive me.

With those thoughts in mind, I tried to give Kumiko a summary of that boy.

"Yes, that boy suffered a lot of bullying, no one listened to him, not his parents, nor at his school, since the people who did it...

"suppose he is a nobleman

'and took it upon me to take all the power away from him at the end.

"For this reason, every time I see stalkers somewhere, I usually hit them until they record not bothering people, but this case is a little more annoying because the one who harasses Akane is noble.

-And by the way, don't you wonder who could be his fiancé?

'her fiancé? I can only say that he must be an idiot, even if it was an arranged engagement, you must have even some consideration for the woman who accompanies you, right?

"... surely an idiot, the mistreatment is not noticeable in her body for sure because she must use potions, but it will be noticeable in her very submissive attitude to the point that if a delinquent-looking guy says to accompany him to the bathroom, possibly she goes with him, it's not that I think she's easy, just too submissive, although I was surprised that she initially refused to fight her stalker, I guess something can still be saved from her if she could answer me so bravely

- so we will train with her these days? We are Monday, why did you tell him Wednesday? and not on Thursday if you really only fought with a sword sheath?

"Because I will really fight with her with the intent to kill, of course, I will stop if necessary and if she does not have the will to fight, but I will take it as a failure and I will take care of those guys later.

' so easy for me to take care of them... but well, if this helps that girl grow up, I guess it'll be worth it.

- Won't it be bad for you to face a nobleman?

'Who said I have to go straight? Only Kiriko would do that, most likely if he was the one to help Akane, it would be to try to mediate between the two, if that doesn't work, he would use his strength in a duel against him in which he won, but it would only arouse the hatred of that type later, which is not a solution, the solution is to make him unable to get up, and what better than to make the person he harassed reveal himself and humiliate him? The brave lives until the coward want.

"It would be bad for me to do it, but it's not bad if the director herself does it, right?

-oh, speaking of the hakuya, how was kiriko today?

"I'll tell you at dinner, after all, the news is enjoyed more with good food, right?

-What a great idea master, and when will you show me your secret recipe?

' What a funny little brat, do you really want to understand the secret recipe for homemade bacon? You must first understand the value of bacon.

"Well, when you appreciate the beauty of bacon and become a fan just like me.

- Wanting to take all the bacon from the supermarket is crazy, right?

"You never know when they can kidnap you and take you to an island in the middle of nowhere and only have a wild boar next to you, you will only have salt water and that meat and survive with that.

- Sometimes I don't understand what the teacher says, but at least teach me how to finish a buffet for 150 people in 1 hour.

"Oh, it's really just finding the right time, well we'll have to go to Don Julio for work today, so you'll see...

to be continued...

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