American Comics: Transformed Into A Super Race, Spider Gwen Was Stunned

Chapter 84 Magic Light Penetration Cannon! To Asgard

As Odin's trump card against the Celestials, the Destroyer Armor couldn't be so vulnerable.

In the situation just now, one reason is that Loki's bloodline is not good enough, even if he holds Kungunir in his hand, he still cannot exert the power of the Destroyer.

Second, there are not enough levels.

This is the equipment of a strong Level God Father, for a magician who can only play illusions, it is completely overqualified.

But now, things are different.

After following Odin for so long, the Destroyer Armor has long been contaminated with a trace of Odin's divinity.

If facing Thor, the bloodline possessed by the other party would not be able to arouse such divine hostility, and even have the effect of suppressing it.

That is the prince with a red root.

This is also an important reason why Thor can scrap the Destroyer armor with one blow.

But when the enemy is Sun Wuming, things are completely different.

Who was Odin in the early years?

Conquering the Nine Realms, trampling across half of the starry sky with iron hoofs, and even sealed his own daughter, how could such a ruthless person allow his armor to be dismantled by a mortal with his arrogance?

Even in the sleep of Odin, the divinity has been aroused instinctively, and the armor is slowly recovering.

The dark clouds gradually gathered in the four directions, and countless vortices appeared indistinctly in the sky.

The violent tornado wraps the battlefield belonging to the two, blowing Sun Wuming's robes and hunting.

Instead of being surprised, he was overjoyed, thinking that this would be interesting, as the previous battles were really boring.

Bifrost reappeared, and Kungunir in Loki's hand broke free from his grasp, plunged into the torrent of color, and teleported into the hands of the Blue Star Destroyer.

He can only watch all these developments helplessly. Although he can observe the situation of Blue Star through the perspective of the Destroyer, he has already lost control over the Destroyer.


The air wave exploded, and the aura of the Destroyer armor finally reached its peak.

Kungunir, also known as Gungnir, has runic characters engraved on the tip of the gun, and the body of the gun is made of branches of the World Tree. As long as it is locked by it, it will definitely hit the enemy.

At this moment, Sun Wuming had a deep feeling that he would definitely be hit by this gunshot, and no matter how he escaped, he would not be able to escape.

The Destroyer raised the spear in his hand, the runes flashed, and then he was thrown violently!


A ray of light flashed across the sky, and Kungunir almost escaped from the hands of Destroyer 097, and came in front of Sun Wuming, pointing directly at his heart.

"Drink ah ah ah ah!"

The red arrogance exploded! Sun Wuming directly increased the Kaiwangquan to the highest eight times. Facing the Destroyer, he couldn't use a little bit of strength like he did against the Ancient One.

This is the real battle of life and death!


Bits of blood dripped down, Sun Wuming's fist shook away the gun of eternity, and he was also injured.

Looking at the bright red blood falling on the ground, he was a little stunned.

In thirty-five days, Sun Wuming will celebrate his eighteenth birthday.

In the past eighteen years, this was the first time he was injured and bled.

The scarlet blood didn't make him feel a little bit of fear, but excitement?

"Come again!"

With a loud shout, Sun Wuming rushed forward with red arrogance to start a hand-to-hand fight with the Destroyer!

Logically speaking, it is undoubtedly the most unwise choice to go head-to-head with the Destroyer Armor with Ulu Metal as the main body.

But what's that?

Sun Wuming was fascinated by this feeling of hitting the ground with every punch and kick.

It is said that it is a standard process to endure pain, ignore pain, and enjoy pain.

But now, Sun Wuming skipped straight to the last step and started enjoying the pain.

With every punch, there will be an extra blood mark on the fist.

The Eternal Spear in the hands of the Destroyer is extremely sharp, and the hollow helmet that is wide open will shoot out energy rays from time to time, and his weapons are all over his body.

It didn't take long before Sun Wuming's body was covered with scars, making him look extremely miserable.

However, while his body was being injured, his aura became more and more powerful.

On the edge of the battlefield, Thor rushed over with the three warriors of Asgard and Sif, and saw the one man and one armor fighting in the distance, and the aftermath of the disaster.

Horgen swallowed, "Thor, are we going?"

Originally, they wanted to come to support Sun Wuming, but looking at the current scene, it is estimated that one person is almost as good as one punch.

Maybe it will be a series of two.

Thor was silent for a while, and then said firmly: "I can go by myself, this is Asgard's mistake, I can't ask Wu Ming to bear it for me.

The strength shown by the Destroyer armor far exceeded his (ceaa) imagination, and even made Thor think of his father.

But now that he understands his responsibility, it is impossible for him to choose to back down.

Just as Thor was already flying, he was held in place by the pressure that appeared out of nowhere in the sky, and a melodious voice came into the minds of several people.

"This is Wu Ming's battle, you don't want to interfere with him."


After searching the surroundings, several people did not find the figure who spoke.

After trying the words several times, Thor couldn't get out of this area by himself, so he could only give up, and followed the development of the battle with his eyes fixed on him.


Using Kamehae Qigong to neutralize the energy cannon of the Destroyer, Sun Wuming took the time to shake his arm.

It's so hard.

Throwing a celestial bean into his mouth, he swallowed it without biting, his body recovered quickly, and Sun Wuming's condition immediately improved a lot.

And at the next moment, the Destroyer's big foot stepped on it again.


Putting his hands on his head, he resisted firmly, and then violently exerted force, overturning the Destroyer's armor, followed by two round qi cuts, cutting off his limbs.

But soon, the battle armor returned to its original state, like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, and rushed forward again.

Sun Wuming floated up quickly, pointing his fingers between his eyebrows, gathering a large amount of Qi in his body.

This battle is enough to this point, if it continues, Blue Star will also be affected, and there is no breath of life within a hundred miles, this is the result of Sun Wuming's intentional restraint of power.

But the Destroyer Armor doesn't. Every attack of his is full force, which makes Sun Wuming unable to hide, and can only counteract it head-on.

This guy's energy is almost unlimited, and it would be too disadvantageous to consume it.

In three seconds, the Destroyer was reassembled. Seeing Sun Wuming flying into the sky, he also rose into the sky.

However, the few seconds he was delayed was enough for Sun Wuming to complete the charge of the move, and an astonishing light condensed on his fingertips.

"Magic Light Piercing Cannon!"

A beam of energy surrounded by a spiral airflow shot out, instantly hitting the center of a circle on the chest of the Destroyer armor.


After a moment of stalemate, the Destroyer's battle armor was pierced, the spear he was wielding froze in place, and the light inside the helmet suddenly went out.

But the energy beam continued unabated, and soon came to the outer space, passing by the moon.

This made Sun Wuming breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the moon was not destroyed. Otherwise, the next wish should be to make a wish to the dragon, and another moon will come out.

I don't know if that dragon has such a skill.

Ancient One, who was hiding in the mirror space, was also moved when he saw Sun Wuming's blow.

"What a terrifying penetrating power, this kid has become stronger again."

For the blow just now, even she couldn't think of a way to resist it for the time being, so she could only dodge it.

With such a powerful move, even the mirror image space may be able to penetrate.

Thinking of this, Tong Yi smiled with satisfaction.

From this point of view, Sun Wuming still respects the old and loves the young, at least he didn't use such a move when the two of them sparred last time.


There was a dull sound, and the Destroyer hit the ground, shattered into pieces, and there was no intention of recovering after a long time.


Only then did Thor and the others, who had witnessed this epic battle, come back to their senses.

Sun Wuming also fell to the ground, looking at the debris in front of him.

This result is no surprise.

During the battle just now, Sun Wuming discovered the core of the Destroyer armor. The defense there is several times stronger than other places, and even Qi Circle Slash can't break through it.

It can only rely on the single-point strongest blasting move of the magic light penetrating cannon.

It has to be said that Nobihan's biological father Piccolo's nirvana is quite powerful. A beam of light went down and directly consumed 70% of the Qi in Sun Wuming's body.

call out!

A golden light pierced the sky, Kungunir, the eternal spear, disappeared in this world, probably taken back by Li.

So the armor fragments in this place belong to him?

"Wu Ming!"

Thor hurried over, his face full of admiration: "You are so strong, you can even kill the Destroyer armor!"

"It's still not far away." Sun Wuming waved his hand [not at all happy.

It's just that Odin's armor is so difficult to deal with, so how strong is he himself?

Sun Wuming's hands were itchy, and he suddenly wanted to challenge this god king.

"Okay, now that you have regained your power, the trip to Blue Star should be over."

Sun Wuming patted Thor on the shoulder, and his bodyguard mission was successfully completed.

"Thor will never forget your help, my friend." Thor said solemnly, this exile really taught him a lot.

He originally wanted to stay for a few days, have a drink with Sun Wuming, and express his feelings to Jane by the way.

But the current situation in Asgard does not allow him to consider the personal relationship of his son and daughter. He simply told Sun Wuming that he will come back, so he raised his hammer high.

"Heimdall! Turn on Bifrost! Take me back!"


A beam of colorful light descended, enveloping Thor and his party.

"Wait!" Sun Wuming stopped Thor, "Can you take me with you? I have something to do to see God King Odin."

"Definitely! Would you like to come to Asgard?" Thor was overjoyed, beckoning him to hurry into the range of the beam of light.

"Wait for me, I'll take care of something." Sun Wuming said, and then opened a portal.

"Fack! What is this?!"

Tony, who was rolling his iron, was taken aback when he saw the spark halo suddenly appearing in front of him.

Sun Wuming poked his head out.

"Hey, Tony, here's something for you, see if you can research something."

He threw pieces of the Destroyer into Tony's house piece by piece, smashing holes in the floorboards.

"Damn it, Wu Ming, what kind of Ability is this, a magic troupe trick?"

Seeing that it was Sun Wuming on the opposite side, Tony was stunned. He didn't care about the mess of his own home, so he hurriedly asked.

"This is a spell. I'll talk to you in detail when I get back. I have something urgent to do, so I'll take a trip."

After speaking, disregarding the squeaks of Tony on the opposite side, he closed the portal.

Immediately afterwards, he sent another message to Gwen, telling her not to worry, before walking into the range covered by Bifrost.

Regarding whether he could come back, Sun Wuming didn't panic at all. He had already asked Ancient One whether there would be any surprises when he went to Asgard this time.

Ancient One's answer is also very positive, no matter in which timeline, Sun Wuming is in Aspen

Gard wouldn't stay around for long.

This time, Sun Wuming mainly wanted to ask Odin if he had any soil suitable for cultivating fairy beans.

After all, the Asgard people had arrived at the World Tree, so they should have brought back a lot of good things.

Standing in the Bifrost, Sun Wuming felt the space around him was constantly changing, and after a while of spinning around, his feet fell to the ground again.

As soon as they looked up, they saw a black ghost standing in front of them holding a sword.

It was Heimdall who was in charge of guarding Bifrost.

At the moment his condition was not very good, his lower body was completely frozen.

Seeing Thor, he didn't bother to greet him, so he said quickly:

"Loki has stolen the Casket of Ancient Winters, and the Giants of Jotunheim have stormed Asgard, Thor, help!"

"Loki! Look what you've done!"

Seeing the sound of explosions coming from Asgard in the distance, Thor swung his hammer and rushed over.

Behind them, the three warriors of Asgard and Sif followed closely, and Sun Wuming looked black.

This person is about to freeze to death, why don't you save him?


Sun Wuming raised his hand and shattered the Ice that trapped Heimdall, earning his gratitude.

"Thank you, those from Midgard."

Sun Wuming nodded, did not speak, and directly opened the Ten Times Realm King Fist, which is the limit that has just been broken in the battle.

Under the all-round increase, he quickly felt Gwen's anger, and he felt a lot more at ease.

Now even Bifrost doesn't have to worry about it, Loki can blow it up if he wants to, it won't affect him anyway.

Heimdall looked at Sun Wuming, then looked back at the backs of Thor and the others, a little embarrassed.

He wanted to go to help, but Sun Wuming is still here.

"Don't worry about me, I just look around by myself, so I don't need a tour guide." Sun Wuming said thoughtfully.

Heimdall has black hair.

He's the caretaker of Bifrost, not a guide!

But thinking that the other party has helped Thor a lot on Earth, and even raised Mjolnir, he shouldn't be a bad person.

Blocking it, Heimdall stopped hesitation, raised his great sword, and followed the pace of Thor and others.

And Sun Wuming walked slowly on the magnificent bridge, heading towards Asgard. .

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