American Comics: Transformed Into A Super Race, Spider Gwen Was Stunned

Chapter 83 The Attitude Of Ancient One, The Real Destroyer!

Sun Wuming can't say good or bad about the plan that S.H.I.E.L.D finally came up with.

Thor has too many faults, and it can't be corrected in just seven days. A brat who has lived for thousands of years, his temperament is basically fixed.

Unless there is a big turning point, a complete change is possible.

For example, the younger brother wanted to kill him, the parents died suddenly, a sister suddenly appeared to snatch the inheritance, and then half of the family property was robbed by gangsters.

The purpose of Sun Wuming now is to touch Thor's heart and show signs of change, so that Odin can see this, and it is estimated that Mjolnir can be used by him.

From this point of view, S.H.I.E.L.D has done a good job, and Thor must be thinking in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't have asked such a question.

The next day, Thor found Sun Wuming again early in the morning to test whether he could lift Mjolnir, but it was obvious that the hammer didn't respond.

Thor, who had already expected this result, was not too disappointed, and was arranged by Phil Coulson to work in a bar in the town.

Seeing his strong muscles, the boss readily agreed and stayed as a waiter and part-time porter.

Jane Foster, who had been under the control of S.H.I.E.L.D, and Dr. Erik were also released.

They found Thor right away.

"Thor, they didn't do anything to you, did they?"

Thor, who was carrying the wine barrel, saw Jane, and showed a big smile, "Jane, I'm fine, where have you been these few days?"

"That group of damn agents confiscated our research results and locked us up too."

Jane said indignantly, Erik quickly interrupted her useless complaints, and asked eagerly:

"Thor, have you got your hammer back?"

Now they have also believed in Thor's identity. After all, a bunch of things with cerebral palsy before were not done by normal people.

It's not crazy, it's just a god who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world.

Thor should belong to the latter.

Hearing this, Thor shook his head dejectedly, and my father still didn't forgive me. "

Seeing such a heart-wrenching expression on the 1.9-meter-old man, Jane couldn't help but blurt out, "Then you won't be a god, at worst, I'll support you."

After speaking, he realized that he was wrong, and an ambiguous atmosphere permeated.

Erik interrupted again inappropriately: "Then Thor, what are you doing now?"

"Oh, it's a trial arranged for me by a virtuous Midgardian. As long as I can pass, my father will forgive me." Thor showed a big smile.

Jane and Erik glanced at each other, not understanding what Thor was saying, but seeing that he wasn't being forced to do so, he stopped.

In a blink of an eye, another three days passed. During these three days, the tavern was full every night, and the business was very good.

Thor is so busy that he has to work until late every night before he can go back.

But it's definitely not without gains.

With comparison, there will be a deeper understanding.

After watching the scene of hell for two days in a row, the peace in the town made Thor really like this atmosphere.

Especially when listening to those guests, when they talked about family life, the kind of smile from the heart, let him understand what ordinary people need.

Well, these guys are all actors hired by Phil Coulson.

Ordinary people spend their daily necessities and do a lot of nonsense. How can there be so many happy and harmonious people who go to the tavern every day to brag about their lives.

Doing this is also to make the contrast more intense, but looking at Thor's changes, it is obvious that this trick is also very effective.

Far away in Asgard, there are also a group of people who are worried about Thor's safety.

Asgard's current throne is temporarily replaced by Loki. The three warriors of Asgard and the goddess Sif all feel that there is something weird about it, but even the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, approves of Loki's behavior, so they can't say anything more.

Several people found Heimdall and asked him to send them to Thor through Bifrost.

Heimdall shook his head and refused, "No, Thor is doing well now, don't bother him~"

"Wait any longer, and Lu Ji will become the real king!" Hogan, one of the warriors, said impatiently:

"If you want to experience, you can do it anytime, but Thor must return to Asgard now. W

After some persuasion, Heimdall finally wavered and secretly let a few people leave.

The rushed Rocky had a panoramic view of this scene.

Loki is completely outraged!

He obviously left a way for Thor! Why are these people unwilling to accept the fact that he became king!

The current Loki has lost the cunning and cunning of the past.

All he wants to do now is revenge!

Kill Thor, and the Eye will work again!

Kill Sun Wuming, wash away the humiliation of being driven back!

Loki came all the way to the treasure house of the god king, entered the gate with Kungunir's authority, and came in front of a pair of metal figures with huge amounts of them.

This is the Destroyer!

The Destroyer is a super armor forged by Odin and an extremely powerful weapon.

The whole body of the battle armor is made of Uru metal by Nivada's dwarf master, and it is also mixed with various precious treasures from the Nine Realms.

At the beginning, Odin created this battle armor for the purpose of using it as the father of heaven to fight against the gods!

Although it ended in failure, there is absolutely no denying the power of the Destroyer armor.

The authority of the Destroyer Armor, the key to activate it, is Kungunir in Loki's hands.

The spear of authority of the god king shone with dazzling light, corresponding to it was the red light that slowly lit up in the body of the Destroyer.

"Kill 'em! Thor! Sun Wuming! Sif! Keep none!"

In the empty treasure house, Loki's roar echoed.

Blue Star, Sun Wuming, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

The phantom of Ancient One suddenly appeared in the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the room.

"The Destroyer is coming, the youngest son of the Odin family is really crazy." Ancient One said with a smile.

This kind of behavior can already be regarded as provocation.

Throwing Asgard's most powerful war weapon on Blue Star is a signal of invasion, and Ancient One will have no problem even if it shoots directly.

It's just that she has promised Odin to show mercy to the two juniors, so it's really hard for her to come forward in this matter.

The 500-year-old Ancient One is actually the elder of the 2,000-year-old Loki and Thor.

It sounds weird, but it's normal.

The strong are never judged by age.

Sun Wuming was a little puzzled, "Isn't that battle armor pretty rubbish? It was smashed by Thor with a hammer.

"Thor's shot, and your shot are completely two concepts."

Ancient One shook his head slightly, "If you are interested, you can try it, if you find it troublesome, you can also hand it over to Thor and Odin will give us an explanation afterwards.

"What if it's broken."

"That's his own fault. If you want to blame, blame his son for being ignorant." Ancient One said with full confidence, and Sun Wuming also smiled.

"Then let's play, it's too boring to compete with you, Venerable, I still like to fight to the flesh!"

Ancient One nodded, Hikiri is up to you. "

After speaking, it disappeared.

Outside, on the streets of the small town, strange metal armor has come to the earth, its face is wide open, revealing a hollow.

After a short charge, a terrifying beam of light blasted out.

Wherever it passed, the houses collapsed instantly, and a deep gully appeared on the ground.

"Why did the Destroyer appear here! Is the father really going to kill me?!"

Thor, who was originally happy to be reunited with the three warriors of Asgard, came to the street and looked at the wanton destroyer with shock and disbelief in his eyes.

"It's Loki! Your Majesty has fallen asleep. Loki has Kungnir, and he can manipulate the Destroyer!"

The three warriors and Sev explained the situation in a few words, which made Thor feel even worse.

His brother really wanted to kill him!

Seeing the once peaceful town destroyed by the Destroyer, Thor finally understands something.

Unjust wars can only bring deep harm to innocent people.

Other than that, nothing.

While he was in a daze, several companions rushed forward to fight the Destroyer, but even the Destroyer manipulated by Loki was not something they could deal with

"I have to stop Loki, no more sacrifices!"

Thor thought of something in an instant, and rushed up desperately. The Destroyer found the target of this trip, and the hollow face lit up again, aiming directly at Thor.

"Kill me! Loki! If you can leave Midgard! Take my life!"

Far away in Asgard, through the manipulation of the Destroyer, Loki heard Thor's words, and his face was a little uncertain.

But in the end, he gave the order.

"kill him!"

"No! Thor!"

Several Asgard warriors saw the pillar of fire sprayed on Thor, shouted, but could do nothing.

At the same time, Thor suddenly felt blessed and stretched out his arm.

There was a whistling sound in the distance, and Mjolnir [flew into Thor's hand at the speed of breaking the sound barrier.

In an instant, the sky thundered and fell on the ground. The thunder and lightning formed a barrier to block the attack of the Destroyer.

""~Father! Have you forgiven me at last?"

Feeling the refilling of divine power in his body, Thor was incomparably pleasantly surprised, and then looked angrily at the Destroyer.

"Loki! You really pissed me off this time!"

As he said that, he was about to wave Mjolnir to rush up, and an arm appeared out of thin air, pressing him down.

"Thor, this is Blue Star, I should do it."

"Wu Ming." Thor turned his head and found Sun Wuming standing beside him, and explained eagerly:

"At this time my father's battle armor, he is very powerful,

"Don't worry so much, just take a good look at it."

Sun Wuming said another sentence, and the whole person disappeared by Thor's side, and the next moment, he appeared in front of the Destroyer and punched him down.


The tyrannical wind shattered the surrounding houses, and the Destroyer was also thrown out of the town by this punch, flying into the distance like a meteor.

Sun Wuming chased after him quickly, leaving a group of people from Asgar in a daze.

"Thor, who is this man? He's so strong!" Fandral asked in shock, "He can blow the Destroyer away with one punch!"

"He is a friend I met in Midgard, and he is also recognized by Mjolnir, but I didn't know that Wu Ming was so strong."

Thor said blankly, and the others were even more shocked.

In their eyes, Midgard, which was extremely weak, unexpectedly had such a strong man.

Outside the small town, after Sun Wuming caught up with the Destroyer, he threw two punches in a row, keeping their fighting range completely away from human habitation.

On the barren next door, two (good) emotions have appeared on the body of the Destroyer, but the strange thing is.

The surrounding metal rose like a liquid ship, and Loki was furious in Asgard.

Thor was not killed, and his powers were restored.

Sun Wuming came out to disrupt the situation again!

Do you insist on going with me? Why can't you die in peace!

Under his full force, the size of the Destroyer battle armor swelled a bit, already exceeding ten meters, and the energy cannon, which was several times thicker than it was just now, fired loudly.

"It's just a target to become so big, what's the use of it."

Sun Wuming shook his head, stretched out his palm with qi attached, firmly received the energy cannon, and then made two round slashes of qi, splitting the Destroyer into four.

"It's useless! The energy of the Destroyer is endless, and he can repair it infinitely!"

Loki seemed to be talking to Sun Wuming through the air, using the Kungunir in his hand as a remote control, and kept launching terrifying attacks.

But the speed was too slow, Sun Wuming could easily dodge without even taking off the load.

Facing the scorching flames, Sun Wuming rushed directly to the top of the Destroyer, the terrifying energy in his hands gathering.


The qigong wave was released, and the blue light enveloped the huge body. After two seconds, the light dissipated,

The Destroyer has shattered into slag and fell to the ground.

Loki still wanted to urge the Destroyer to recover, but was shocked to find that the scepter in his hand didn't work.

On the ground, all the parts came together, just like before, but Sun Wuming's expression became serious.

The breath of the Destroyer has become completely different.

A mighty coercion that belonged exclusively to the gods swept across.

God-King Odin...Attack!.

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