Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 105: The beginning of the end

In the North

1014 AF Whitemonth

The fatal battle started with Lord Summersill charging towards the enemy. It is the beginning of his battle while he waited for the Vermont forces to arrive.

Their charge and battle cry sent a deafening sound to the soldiers' ears, raising their morale. This war would end only in their victory.

The battlefield was an arena with sounds of clanging shields and images of rotting corpses, which left some disheartened and terrified.

None of those that falls have a peaceful look. They all looked anguished and in pain as blood falls from their body dripping down from the wound that they got.

Some men died, easy and some died in more pain then they deserve

This is what war did to a man. It did terrible and unspeakable thing and those that survive will carry the scars of the battle until the end of their lives.

Lord Henry Summersill is situated in the West, occupying the Palais castle, bestowed by the King after the traitorous Lord Henry Palais returned from his exile without permission and gave his support to Alderam.

Compared to the East region that relatively has no battles and assault strike against them, the West always has threats.

From Zettel bandits to band of brigands and then when the war came, Lord Alderam forces.

Lord Summersill had pledged his allegiance to King Adrian for he had lost his close relatives in the Bloody Feast and had wanted to be the one to bash Alderam's head into a lump of meat in order to ease his anger and avenge his family.

The fire that he had set the night before to the Shield's tents had been effective, but now dark smoke obscured the enemy's trenches in the distance making it difficult for his troops to attack.

The cavalry had charged the enemy, but had been quickly slashed and now their blood flowed in the field like water on a rainy day.

So sticky with blood was the battlefield that even the horses had their hooves leaving red stains on the green grass.

Lord Summersill's troops had a high morale; they were confident that this would be an easy win when they first encounter the resistance.

However, their grins faded when the enemy emerged from the smoke, the Shield's cavalry screaming and trampling with ferocity in their gaze and apparent neglect for any defense.

Kill, kill, their eyes seemed to say as they were determined to crush anything on their way.

The cavalry clashed with each other. The initial strikes were full with sound of screams, bones broken, shrieks and the sound of meat being sliced, trampled and step on by the thundering hooves of horses.

Lord Summersill did not expect this.

His cavalry was caught unprepared by this sudden surge.

Then the arrows came and flew towards his troops, spears and javelins, stones and knives, axes and sticks.

The enemy used anything they could pick up from their surroundings while taking advantage of the smoke of flames that disrupt the vision of the battlefield.

A spear whistled by Lord Summersill and pierced one of his Knights. He died instantly, blood spurting like a fountain from his head.

Arrows rained like fire, hitting men and dirt alike, bodies were stuck on the ground, and men fell like trees, covering the sludgy earth in red.

Scream of confusion and fear can be heard. This sudden attack is so unexpected, so caught off guard, that the confusion spread.

The cry of painful agony can be heard, and felt.

There are no other words to describe these feeling. These banners swear loyalty to Lord Summersill and many of them Lord Summersill personally knows.

And he seeing them fall in front of him like they were some insignificant bugs. He gritted his teeth and then he shouted, relaying his orders to his officers

"Retreat! Retreat!" Lord Summersill cried out. There was no other way but to retreat before his troops were entirely decimated.

Suddenly, Lord Summersill heard gongs and drums of war being pounded and saw smoke rising in the distance.

The drums are moving to the beat of a song as everyone could feel their blood boiling hearing the song every Caelum people knows.

Someone is standing on a moving podium singing with a hoarse voice, dancing with half naked body singing a Song

The Song that man is singing is none other than the Song of Warrior of the Sky People

'Bring their head and fight to your heart content, O Brave Warrior of the Sky People

'O, Brave Warrior of the Sky! Fight and kill your enemies!

'O, Brave Warrior of the Sky answer the call!

Hearing the song, Lord Summersill smiles

'He is here finally!'

Faraway, a dozen horsemen were galloping towards them. The entire ground is shaking.

The sound grew louder and louder until it felt like a rushing horde stampeding towards the battleground.

Battle cries reverberated all around and terrorized Lord Summersill's troops.

Suddenly, a red banner emblazoned with a coat of arms was raised and the Lord and his army cheered loudly.

The flag blew in the wind, adorned with a majestic and fierce-looking dragon. It inspired fear in the enemy's eyes, but confidence for the allies of the king.

"The Dragon has arrived!" the army shouted.

The Dragon troops came with a vengeance and tore through the Shield's cavalry line while the Dragon cavalry charged ahead and positioned themselves behind the enemy, effectively trapping them.

Their control in horsemanship was masterful as they move in spiral position and before the enemy could react to it, they are now surrounded.

The reinforcement was led by none other than Arial the Dragon, clad in a ruby encrusted black armor.

His eyes scan the battlefield like a proud haughty monarch, his hand holding the reins of his famous horse, Firebringer, its red mane waved silently as the wind of the hills blows by them.

He looks at the current situation, his expression did not change even after looking at all the deaths and piles of corpses in the distance.

With one word he dictates the fate of this arena of life and death

"Charge!!!" he yelled, followed by his fellow knights. Their eyes are red, and they shouted



Behind them the Song of the Warrior could be heard even amidst the throes of pains and death.

The ground once again trembles like an avalanche about to rain down onto the land.

The Dragons charged the enemy with no mercy, their blades raised high and the moment they charge they were like a killing machine that mows people like they were weeds and they were a chopping knife.

They had been trained to fight quickly, effectively and mercilessly.

The Shield soldiers were cut down easily.

Every slash, the enemies died, their morale and spirit eroded, the ferocity in their eyes turns to fear.

The cavalry of the Vermont's was like a large meat grinder

The moment they tore through the shield defenses, they attacked and the flesh and meat of the enemies all scattered around like it was some fireworks.

Limbs of people flew to different parts of the battlefields, while the shrieks and screams of pain pierced the air

Red blood drenched all of their armors, drenching the cavalry horses into red, making them look like the rides of the Shield Maidens of the Horned God in legends of yore

A cold rain began to fall and a haze slowly covered the field still painted in red.

Thunder boomed in the distance, but instead of slowing Arial's troops, it emboldened them to press harder in their attack.

Suddenly, the enemy leader kneeled to the ground and shouted towards the Dragon.

"I surrender to your might! I surrender" he begged. The moment he surrenders, the other officers of the lord also wanted to surrender but then a cold voice from the distance brings a chill to their hearts

"I had given you enough time to surrender," Arial shouted back. "I waited patiently, and I have given you enough time but I will wait no longer. You have tested my patience enough! Justice will be DONE!" he yelled while still slashing through enemy lines.

Blood once again fills the land as the muddy dark soils could not be distinguished whether it is dark because of the blood or the rain.

Mashed meat melded with the piss of those who are cowardly and those that have their stomach exploded after being stomped by the horse's stampede.

Some enemy soldiers began to desert the battlefield, only to be rounded up by the Dragon cavalry and decimated.

Their corpses form a pile as high as the hill itself.

The Dragon Cavalry could be generous and merciful but once their young lord is angry, like being infected by his anger, the cavalry of Vermont's will become the most ferocious and terrifying existence in the battlefield.

Arial was still on horseback when he reached the enemy leader and jumped off his horse, beheading the kneeling lord with a slash of his sword.

"Soldiers! Surrender and no harm will come to you! On my honor!" Arial yelled, his voice resonating across the battlefield.

It only proves what people have been talking about the formidable young lord of the Vermont, he has a profound internal energy.

The enemy soldiers paused and looked at each other before quickly throwing their weapons and kneeling.

Their leader had been killed and the chain of command had crumbled.

The young Dragon lord had lived up to his reputation. He had been ruthless towards his enemies, but had shown mercy to everyone who had surrendered.

A scene of total devastation was left at the end of the battle.

The enemy soldiers had been captured and the bodies of the deceased had been buried. Arial spent the night in the comfort of Lord Summersill's tent.

The fight was over, but the long and painful war still raged on.


THe invasion to the North is beginning. Anyway, hope you like the battle scene and November is ending. We are near to the next year. leave some commnets and vote and review the stroy ..pretty please.

Ok, see you all tomorrow. Ciao

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