Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 104: Honour and love (2)

"Truly, there is no plot between you and your father?" Arial asked.

"There is not."

Arial chuckled. What a liar, he thought. "There is fear in your eyes and a hint of nervousness in your voice. Tell me the truth, and I might forgive you for old time's sake."

West hesitated briefly like he was fighting an inner battle. And then kneeled. "I have lied, my lord."

His face looks down and he was silent.  A bead of sweat drop from West forehead. His breaths are hard to take, suffocated, Arial presume from his confession

Arial knew it.

West, though he has fault, he treated his honor very importantly.

He would not lie if somehow it jeopardies his honor. It is one thing he like about him, and the one thing he hates about him.

Arial frowned and then he said.

"You only have once chance to redeem yourself," Arial said forcefully.

"My father has concocted a plan to save the family, my lord. That is the honest truth."

"Why do you tell me this?" Arial asked, a nagging suspicion eating at him.

"The most important part of the code of chivalry is: be truthful, my lord."

There it is. His honor, his only pride. How can a man as cunning as Henry have such a son, that is a trick of the God that he will never know

'True, yet I have never seen any Knight more honest and honorable than you. Is this another plot? To gain my trust only to stab me in the back with more hideous plot?'

Hearing this West shakes his head and there is a trace of a bitter smile on his face

"You are too wary of people, my lord. Sometimes you just have to have faith."

"Faith, huh?"

"What will you do to me, my lord, now that you know the truth?"

"What do you expect?"


"For what, if I may ask?"

"For lying."

"Did you now? I remember no lying. No deception." And Arial almost chuckles

West looked at Arial, realizing his mistake. Then he understands something, He shakes his head and then said

"You already knew," West said. Arial nodded

"I suspected, of course. It is not that hard to make such an assumption considering your family really could be destroyed if Adrian's forces win. But with this plot of yours, whoever wins, your family will exist, live and in time prosper again."

"Then why did you not tell me?" Arial then stopped his step and then like he was thinking of how to say it, he shakes his head and continue walking.

Then he said

"Because I believe in your honor. I knew you at the Academy. We have our rivalry, but I have always admired your honor and your devotion towards your family. And I asked you here, to see how deep that honor goes. From your story I'm convinced that you will not betray our forces. I need able men, West. And you are able. Young, but like me, able. I have always had a soft spot for hardworking people. I did not reach this place without exerting many pressures on myself. However, I do have a question for you."

"Ask, my lord."

"Can you really do this? If I send an invasion force to the North, certainly, no, I'm pretty sure inevitably, you will meet your father in battle. What will you do then?"

West understand what Arial is saying and his face turned livid.

"Do you wish me to kill my own father?"

"Do you want to?"

He chuckled a tired laugh

"My lord, who wants to kill their own father?"

"Many I know of noble sons, who want to kill their own father but we're not talking about them we are talking about you. Will you do it? For honour?"

"Only if my father listens to no reason," said West stoically.

Arial laughed, which surprised West.

"Then you are a better man than me," Arial said.

"But honor is easy to declare'

And he laughed.

'You can be as honorable as Alan when there is no obstacle to surmount, no deeds to perform, and we all do our duty when there is no cost to it. It's easy then, West, to walk the path of honor. Yet, there will always come a day, mark my words, a day will come when you must choose. Your words are like the wind. We are human, fragile creatures fashioned to love and grieve, to long and to hate. You say that now, honor and justice. What beautiful words! What noble intentions! But when you meet your father in the battlefield, and the memory of his smile and warmth go through your head, then what becomes of honor at that time? How will it ever compare to those feelings? Honor is easy to preach, hard to perform, West. Do not make promises about things you know nothing of."

"Then what is it you want me to say?"

Arial sighed. "I guess no answer would satisfy me. But I promise you this, West. I have no desire of seeing your family crumble as much as you do."

"You hold no hatred for past incidents?" West asked, remembering the incident where his father had exiled Arial's family from the Dukedom.

"I understand why your father did it. And I thank him."

"For what?"

"For making my family stronger. Without a foe, you grow complacent and no growth can be achieved. But there is another reason I asked you to come here."

"What is it then, my lord?"

"Persuade your father."

"Persuade him? To do what?" And Arial smile. They are still walking slowly

"Betray the betrayer. Your father is in a position to strike Alderam, to turn on him at the most crucial moment and end this war in a swift manner."

West was silent for a while and then with a sigh he answers Arial request

"My lord, this I could not do," West said, shaking his head.

"Why not?"

"His honor, my lord. What of his honor?"

Arial shook his head. "I said it to you before haven't I, West? There comes a day where you have to make a choice. I'm giving your father a choice. Love and peace, or honor and blood? Mistake me not, West, you chose the path of honor and I admire you for that. But not everyone is like you."

'I see you wrong, my lord' he said, looking at Arial, with a disgusted expression.

"How so?"

"I think of you as an honorable man."

Arial shakes his head.

"And what constitutes honor to you? Prolonging this fight and risk involving the common folk, draining the Kingdom, witnessing the land scorched by the battles between the Spear and the Shield? Is that what constitutes honor to you? I admire your choice, but just because I admire it doesn't mean it is the right choice, West. That is your problem. You are too headstrong and wallow in your own self-righteousness. You are fit to be a Knight, but not a ruler."

"And you are, my lord?"

"I'm not. I'm a savior."

"Savior from what?"

"From a threat bigger than this. And for me to combat that threat I need to make this Kingdom prosperous and strong. And Alderam is the obstacle that needs to be cleared. He is a poisonous snake that poison the lands, spitting his venom onto the people, razing and killing and pillaging and in the end he would bring this Kingdom to ash, like a tree burned from a great fire. The old rule, his rule and his outdated customs and thinking, must be crushed so a new and more beautiful world can be born.

"Is that your opinion, my lord?"

"Yes, it is."

Then there is silence between the two men. He looked at Arial and for a moment both of them speak nothing. Then West said.

"One might argue though that someone who sees themselves as a savior could be the one that destroys the world with their ideals. How much great evil has been done because certain individuals believed themselves to be saviors? Didn't the Dark Lords once enslave humans because they looked at themselves as saviors, saving the human race from their decrepit lifestyles? Saving humans from their barbaric ways? Weren't we chained to slavery for thousands of years until the First Generation came?"

"I…" Hearing this Arial…. was speechless. He was about to counter his argument when he bowed and said.

"My lord, I will leave now and think of your proposition, and then I will come again." Arial shakes his head and then said

"Wait, West' He sighed and then he said

'I intend to let you lead two thousand men, able and armed."

"To where?"

"The North."

"My lord, you mean…."

"The Invasion is beginning. I will spare no more time or words from Alderam. He is stubborn and listens to no reason. A stubborn fool! I offer him a negotiation, but he refuses demanding his birthright. Too prideful. Too arrogant. He sees no reason. There is no such man in history that is not swallowed by the tides of time. I rush because there is disturbing news from the far North. One of the family in Vern, have promised to aid him, who is even right now is marching to the West to help him. I have sent letters to the Emperor of Vern to try stop the noble families from extending their help but with his own rebellion of his rule, I doubt he can do much."

"But then…"

"You will ride at dawn. The troops are already prepared. I will join you later with all the host of my banner. Helia and Lisa and Kyle will also be there. You are to be the vanguard. If you want money or supplies talk to my treasurer in the Council Tower. That is all"

West was speechless.

He was suddenly ordered to go to the North. And the army has already been prepared.

This level of preparation means that he understands that this is the decisive moment.

Then Arial exited the room. There are many things to do, strategy to form, people to message, lands to conquer.

"This threat to this Kingdom will end. Or this Kingdom and all of humanity will perish!" Arial exclaimed as he left the hall.


West is alwaysa nd will be an honorable man. And did you all agree with waht West said. Maybe that is why he is more content in following orders and following the code of chivalry.

Anyway, see you tomorrow and hope you love the story and leave soem coemmnst and dont forget to vote for the story.

I am scehduling thsi chapter so I dont knwo what will happen today, but I hope IZONE will not be disbanded. SOrry for anyone who doenst know anything about the idol scene since you had to hear me ranting about it.

Just feeling down about it. Hmmm. Anyway, caio and see you all tomorrow.

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