After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 185 Computer Use: Grandmaster, Cat Burglar: Advanced!

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Chapter 185  Computer Use: Grandmaster, Cat Burglar: Advanced! by Harem-Fan


     Outback on a massive wooden deck, the whole family had gathered for a BBQ with ribs, chicken, and burgers. I was manning the massive outdoor grill with Big Rick. (using this so you know it is Kim's dad.)

     With my cooking skill, this was easy and relaxing for the two of us. While we cooked and talked, we both were drinking Budweiser, the popular American beer. The female group were all at one long picnic table, while the men cooked or sat at a separate picnic table to the side.

     Keven Smith and Karl Smith were the 2nd and 3rd brothers behind Kim. Yes, they all have K names, and each of the five sisters have taken a separate letter for naming their children, to make identifying them easy for outsiders to the family. Two of the wives even kept their Wesson last name, to keep their children out of Smith matters.

     A few of the young boys, Big Rick's children from his younger sister-wives, had been hanging around and watching us cook. I had put on a flipping show for them. I would use water and coal techniques to help with smoking and make the kids' eyes get excited for BBQ.

     I had mentioned that American men did not really cook, but this rule went out the window when it comes to BBQ. This is what real men here look forward to the most. But the wives still prepare all the side dishes, and keep track of the kids, who in rare moments of fun, get their own table and freedom from their annoying parents' every control. Yeah, the kid table was free from parent harassment.

     Big Rick was kind enough to get me my own baseball cap with the logo of UKA with the red, white, and blue background flag. He joked that I could not be a real man here without a ball-cap, cowboy hat, or Bowler hat. He said nobody wore top-hats anymore, they are out of style.

     Using his oversized tongs, Big Rick pointed to the women's table with a smile and told me.

     "Kim looks really happy. I have not seen her this animated since she won her high-school cheerleader competition. She had loved the Eurasian life and had big hopes for her fate. But, well you know the rest. Carol and I had believed our first baby was not going to find another partner without us introducing her to some gentleman."

     I nodded and agreed with him.

     "Yeah, I have many wives, and at first I hesitated to add another, but... Kim is such a pure soul, that I just could not ignore her feelings. I had this feeling in my heart that told me I need to share my heart with her."

     Then Big Rick smiled and joked.

     "Well, if you believe in reincarnation, maybe you and Kimmy loved each-other in a past life, and you just instinctively know she is the one? I know it is a far-fetched idea we use in movies here, but it is nice to believe that you're united with a lover in your past. Does she give you that feeling?"

     Hmm? What if Kim, and some of my other wives were indeed past loves I connected with... Would I meet or had I met them in the past or future?

     "I hope it is true, then I could love her again, in my next life... As far as a past life, it would make sense why I could never tell her no. I just hope I was a good man to her then, ha-ha!"

     Big Rick, not knowing my feelings were genuine, just patted me on the shoulder and then announced to the whole family.

     "Come and get it! We are done! After, I have an announcement for the family, so let's dig in, come-on partners!"

     The two of us dished out everyone's request, with the kids mostly eating burgers. When Kim came by, she handed me some home-brewed Sweet Tea, southern style... Not that killer stuff that Vicky makes me, cough.


     During our meal, Kevin, eating some beef-ribs, asked me some questions.

     "So Rick, why are you marrying my sister? You are a bit young to be looking for an older woman like her right?"

     "Really? Hmm, Well, even those two foreign students of mine are at least 10 years older than you, so what you're saying is... You should not look, right?"

     Not only was he exposed for looking, but his probing question put him in my boat... I won't tell him I got Hinata, the one he looks at the most, pregnant already.

     Karl asked with a grin.

     "Hey, since we are brothers, mind hooking me up with one or both of them? I would even marry them if they want? It is what a good brother would do, right?"

     Kevin looks like my last life's young version of Tom Cruise, and Karl looks a bit like a young John Travolta. I smile and tell them.

     "Sorry, I do not share women, even with brothers... Oh, and the black hair lady, Hinata, has my child in her, so yeah."

     Okay, I just said it anyway, why hide it like a pussy. I have many beautiful lovers, so what?! And as for Lan... We do not have that kind of relationship, but I find her very attractive and her personality is one I like. If she ever flirts with me, I would fold like a house of cards.

     Lan and Hinata sensing the gaze of three perverts, looked to our table, and both women smiled. It is funny, because they are both eating BBQ with chopsticks!

     Kevin then with a bitter pill in his heart, feeling like his future concubine was snatched, said a bit rudely.

     "So you are just an international Playboy? My sister is going to be used and forgotten, won't she? Well, not like she was going to come home to run our family business. So I guess her wish for a Eurasian man is at least fulfilled. Now she can have a half baby."

     As I chuckled with no humor, Big Rick scolded his idiot son.

     "Hey brat, if you like being in this house, then cut the crap. If you are not careful, I will let Rick here deal with you for your rudeness. I and your mother approved of Rick and Kimmy, so apologize or leave the table."

     Keven stood, and put his napkin on his plate and said without anger.

     "Sorry, I lost my appetite, good day everyone, while I rest."

     When Keven walked into the house, his two wives also excused themselves not knowing why their husband looked gloomy. I actually don't mind him leaving, because the two brothers are a part of the trouble coming, and Big Rick knows they are up to something, but he does not know the full details like me.

     Karl is a slightly better snake than his older brother, jokes.

     "Ah, He is only pissed because his friend Ralph Colt got wrecked by some Eurasian Hoe. He had heard his own teammate betrayed him in some competition in Eurasia University fighting stuff."

     Yeah, I remember Tina made him suffer. So I tell the two the details.

     "That Hoe that kicked his ass is my wife, Tina, that was making that Colt ass suffer for hurting and scolding Kim in public. I was on that team, and Ralph Colt is a pussy fighter. So you can tell him that for me, to be beaten by a woman half his size, ha-ha!"

     Karl's face twitched, because he only heard the story from Ralph, and had no idea the woman who almost made him lose his dick was my wife.

     Big Rick decided the time was right and stood with his beer in hand for an informal toast.

     "Carol and I have an announcement for the family. The wedding for Rick and Kim will not be held in 3 days like we planned. But rather, we are having a private wedding on the beach tomorrow! Surprise Kimmy, ha-ha!"

     I stood and clinked my bottle gently to him, and Kim stood caught, surprised, but happy. She smiled with a tear in her eye. She had been nervous to meet so many families on her wedding-day, and deal with her past shame she brought her parents, but now...

     I agilely caught the running Kim in my arms without dropping my beer. She kissed me in-front of everyone, displaying her feelings. It was not one of our passionate kisses, but one that was okay to have in-front of family. I just smiled down into her eyes, understanding her heart.

     I had noticed the look of panic in Karl's eye, about how we are not getting married on Monday, like the plans expected, but on Saturday, tomorrow. He planned on not showing up on Monday during the chaos, but now, what will his allies do on Monday? He then said to his father.

     "Dad, we cannot cancel on Monday, our guests will all be further disappointed in our family, if you cancel?"

     His father, seeing through his lies, only smiled and said.

     "Oh? We will throw our 'guests' a 'party' on Monday, but Kimmy and Rick love each-other too much to wait, so we are just doing a private wedding. So any family member that does not show on Monday, will be kicked out of the family, ha-ha! It will be a fun party!"

     Karl's soul left his body! No seriously, he turned pale when he heard he would be kicked out for not coming to the party on Monday! I smile, because he does not know, the guest will not be invited, for their safety.

     Big Rick said.

     "Alright everyone, the ceremony is at noon, and we are ending dinner now. Our Eurasian guests have jet-lag and need to sleep early. See everyone tomorrow."

     And with that, we all went to our rooms.


     In a basement bedroom (hides the hidden bomb-shelter), Kim and I are getting ready for bed, I rubbed her shoulders. Then I asked her while she was straightening her hair for tomorrow.

     "I am going to ask Hinata to stay here with you tonight till you sleep, dear. I plan on using the firing range and do some workouts before I go to bed, if that is alright with you?"

     Kim was surprised and asked.

     "You're not going to sleep in the bed tonight?"

     "If I stay in bed with you... I won't be able to wait for tomorrow. Plus, I want Hinata to be not alone with your brother around, if you can keep her company for me?"

     Kim nodded and asked.

     "Dear, if you have Fire Birds business to attend too, then just go. Hinata can protect me so you don't worry. I trust you honey, so just be safe if you go out, now kiss me."

     So I kissed my smart wife. Sure she is a klutz, but she knows I don't want to worry her, and she knows there are local Fire Birds here. She knows that my crime business has to be on the down-low, so I just assure her.

     As I was leaving the room, Hinata was already standing and waiting to enter. With no one around, I pulled her in for a gentle kiss.

     "Thank you for everything you do for me, Hinata. I... I love you."

     Hearing my words, she blushed to be forwardly told my feelings. She said with gentle words.

     "I have known that for a while now, Sensei. Hinata loves you too. Now go and be safe, leave Kim to me."

     I nod then head to my next destination...

     Hinata rubbed her belly, and smiled at my disappearing back. Touching her bracelet, she entered the room...


     Knock Knock! As I knocked on Lan's door I heard her ask me to enter.

     Still in her robe, Lan was expecting me. She waved to the desk in her room and pointed to my laptop.

     "Rick, your computer is there, and next to the couch, is your infiltration gear. May I do anything else for you?"

     I smiled and shook my head. I told her my plans.

     "Not really, but if someone comes knocking on the door looking for me, just tell them I am sleeping here. I will use your window to leave and enter the home. The maids saw me come in, so any police investigation will only think I am fooling around, so an alibi is all I need."

     Tap Tap Tap! My fingers blurred on the laptop as I was encrypting files and breaking into the American internet servers. My skills have improved lately to the point, even poor Lucy is toyed with by me. Though, she only got turned on by that fact.

     Lan over my shoulder watched the screen flicker from one screen to the next too fast for her to understand what I was doing, like watching an annoying channel surfer or Tictock app user!

     I was rerouting public cameras to not-alert the hackers from Wizards of Oz, who have a tight leash here. I was also aware of the men they have watching the house, and even the spy satellites they hacked to watch from above. Yeah, they are actually really bad ass in the tech department. They did rob Fort Knox Gold Reserve from the King after all.

     Lan had her head next to mine watching me, and I saw her white hair dangle. I admit, my fingers slowed only for a moment, smelling her perfume. She asked in amazement.

     "My Emperor, what is it like to be Enlightened?"

     I know as a Master, trying to learn more about the world around her, her curiosity is like others. I still speed through while I say.

     "A normal kid, gets hundreds of years of experience, and memories from another life... Sometimes, Lan... I wonder if the real me is me, or the memories I inherit. Do others follow my skills, or me? I was not very impressive as a young man, before I awakened. You definitely would not follow me without it, right?"

     To my surprise, she shook her head to deny me. She looked into my eyes with her blue eyes and said.

     "Mary, Kate, Lucy, Tina, Linda, and even Mercy all fell for you before your 18th birthday. If you had not been bullied, or lost your parents, you would have been amazing even without the awakening. All true Li have gifts, you only did not pursue yours. My guess, your gift was guns, but you never practiced it. So, you still would have been amazing in your own way. Sure, some of us are attracted by your past, but that is life. You are the Yellow Emperor, so act like one, and do what you want..."

     Wow, she is like Lucy, Mei, and Hinata... They want me to be more than normal.

     "Lan... Thanks for your words. Hearing it from Lucy was not the same. Also, I think I like you more than I should."

     Lan Chow blushed at my slip of my words, but she said.

     "I-I am honored. But, I am not worthy of liking..."

     "Sorry, Lan. I was not trying to make you feel uncomfortable. I just had been thinking of it for a while, and I have learned to just admit it. But don't worry, I would never push it."

     Lan pondered realizing if she was too stubborn, I would lose interest so she quickly backpedaled.

     "Maybe, we could go see the new Sect together when we get home, just you and me?"

     Since I am not a moron, I nodded seeing her intentions, and said.

     "Then when things are settled here, I will unveil it for you. Now, I have to leave... I have a Colt to kill..."

     Lan in a smilingly good mood, helped me gear up in my night-suit and my Cat Burglar gear. She then pulled out of her robe a small long box with incense sticks. She explained.

     "This is the same poison gas Laura used on you once before. It will knock out those that breathe in too much. This toxin will not show on modern blood tests and dissipates after 15 minutes, just don't leave the stick behind. Here is the antidote for you to use."

     Putting the items in my waist belt, I said to Lan as I climbed out her window.

     "I should be back in 2 hours. I need to go to the Colt home, and over to the Oz house, for my plans, be back soon. And thanks for your words again, bye..."

     After I left, Lan dazedly looked out the window and muttered.

     "Okay, admitting you like me before I said anything... I will forgive you for breaking my nose, fufu. How did Lucy know he would like me? She is scary..."

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[Acting: Advanced] [Acrobatics: Grandmaster] [Auto-Mechanics: Basic] [Business Management: Advanced] [Cat Burglar: Advanced] [Computer Use: Grandmaster] [Cooking: Advanced] [Driving: Master] [General Education*: Basic] [Gun-Fu: Grandmaster] [Firearms: Grandmaster] [Kung-Fu: Grandmaster] [Medicine: Advanced] [Stealth: Advanced] [Thief: Advanced] [Virtual Business Management: Advanced]

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