After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 184 Rick Smith & Carol Wesson!

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Chapter 184  Rick Smith & Carol Wesson! by Harem-Fan


     Outside the airport the four of us stood. The afternoon smog was visible in the distance, and reminded me of Los-Angeles in the 80's of my past life, like from that movie Lethal Weapon.

     The buildings in the distance were made mostly of older concrete or redbrick. It reminds me of a dirty Brooklyn. Then off in the distance a noise I am familiar with drew our attention.

    Bang Bang! A pair of gunshots far down the street was echoing as an altercation took place. A man grabbed a woman's purse, and she pulled a Derringer Pistol 2 shot, and shot his legs twice. Then retrieving her bag from the injured thug, she walked away! Fuck, now that is how you deal with a purse snatcher!

     Kim with a nostalgic smile said.

     "See Rick, when you pulled your gun on Chris Honda that night, that was the feeling I had... Of a man who took no shit, ha-ha!"

     At that moment, a armored Cadillac limo pulled up in white and heavy chrome, with the symbol of the family business on the front hood to show pride.

     An older man in his 50's got out and waved to us. He wore an Old English Butlers attire and suspiciously looked like his name sake. Kim waved happily and yelled to the driver.

     "Howdy Alfred, good to see you again, ha-ha!"

     "Sorry I am late, young lady. But there was a hostage situation on 32nd street, so I had to take the back way. Hello Mr Tang and guests, as you heard, I am Alfred the family butler, please let's get you all in?"

     I gently pushed Kim and Hinata to get in the car, while I helped the driver and Lan put in all the bags and chest we brought along. Soon the four of us are in the backseat.


     With the air-conditioning going full blast, I watched the city of Boston out of my window. I see how the men walk around with more arrogance and swagger than they should, and see how women walk behind their men in more of a submissive role.

     It seems, women are treated more like hug pillows and trophies than equals in the harem hierarchy. This culture style is like the women in the Japan and China Empire as well.

     I look at Kim, Hinata, and Lan then realize how all three women are definitely more submissive to me than most of my harem. Sigh, My mindset is do to my past world, and my father's personal views. Sometimes, I think my father was a transmigrator, the way he lived his life, and his world views?

    Kim, seeing me in thought, asks thinking I do not like Boston.

     "Dear, are you unhappy here?"

     I shook my head and pointed out to a couple of men walking down the sidewalk with the women that is obviously their harem tailing, and I say.

     "Hearing about it and reading about gender treatment is different from seeing it... I do not think men are superior to women, just rarer. So I feel like they may not be loved like they should?"

    Kim in her rare mature teaching mode understands and explains.

     "Living with the wives in the mansion, I see how you let us do more than other families, but Rick... Growing up here, I can assure you, the women mostly are not treated badly. They are just given rolls the men don't, can't, or won't perform. Men do not change diapers, clean the house, cook much and many other things you are used to doing. Why should they, when their are many women willing to do all of that for them?"

     She points to a man with two women on a bench eating some fast food. One woman is wiping her man's mouth with a smile and she continues.

     "Most gunfights in reality are performed by men, usually over women. So in Eurasia, the population might be 2 women to every 1 man, but here where men fight, the ratio is more like ¼ due to duelings. So with so many available and lonely women, they compete by who can pamper their man the most. This in turn makes strong and skilled men a bit proud. It has been like this for a very long time. Sadly, the UKA has many widows and orphanages."

     Hinata adds.

     "Sensei, it is like that in Japan, but the only difference is swords are used instead of guns, and even wives can be taken by another man if he honorably kills his opponent. So women are more of a commodity, and we tend to be servants as a whole."

     Lan also shared her insights from China.

     "If a nobleman sees a woman on the street, who belongs to no man, she may be seized into their harems. Any woman not in a noble family and over 17 years of age, can be forced into marriage. My family took me to Eurasia because of this. Many young masters of the ruling families abuse their authority and have hundreds of wives. And this practice started about 2,000 years ago when the civil war ended. The worst part, when the young master gets tired of his wives, he divorces them and gives them to his subordinates to marry."

     Hearing how all the other cultures treat their women, for some reason angers me.

     So when they killed and chased out the Li, it was so they could use the lands of China as their playground... My pride is pissed. All of my past lives just did all of their hard work, so some noble clans could enjoy their pitiful desires? Fuck them! Thankfully Kim could not sense my anger, but Lan and Hinata did, so Lan said.

     "Master Lee, you can change many things if only you wait and be calm. Hating the current system now will not keep your heart clear. When the time comes and your Business Empire is ready, you can color this world and make it better."

     I nodded to her words, then I smiled and teased.

     "Where was this rational Lan Chow when you were trying to start fights in a club? It is like you are two different people?"

    Okay! This is the first time I saw Lan blush in shame or embarrassment. Yeah, she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms to look out the window. She muttered.

     "That was a one time incident or situation, my pride was ruined, and I was angry... But now my heart is fine, humph."


     In the distance we could see an old and majestic walled area, filled with old buildings and even an ancient medieval castle. Kim pointed and said.

     "That is Pendragon castle, from the first King, King Arthur Pendragon about 5,000 years ago. The Pendragon family no longer uses the old castle, but it is a heritage site. Now the Royals live in those massive elegant buildings. It is said the security is so fierce there anyone stepping foot on the property is shot first with no questioning. All trespassers just die no court or trial."

     Yeah, I can see many palace-like homes in the region of the Royal estate. I would guess the property for their Royal family is the size of Star University in scale. Police presence is tight here as well, with the patrols all armed with Military grade M-16's and semiautomatic handguns. Based on their looks, they all have body armor as well... Oh, and around the property, I can see older model tanks! Damn, that is good security.

     Kim points to a massive white building as we pass-by.

     "And there is The White House where the 13 Senators from around the Country do their work to propose law's for the King to enact. They leave the Senators at 13 so no vote can ever be a tie. They must vote on everything, or be removed from office. The King then declares if a Senator is unfit, and holds an election in his state for a replacement."

     Kim then points to a statue of a man sitting in a chair in a monument, and my eye twitched when Kim told me who he was!

     "That man was our very first Senator, Clint Eastwood, who upheld handgun rights for all citizens of North America, assuring our safety from invaders."

     Yeah, seeing the past life actor in a wild-west gunslinger outfit, in a President Lincoln memorial is very unreal! I feel I can understand how the Human in the movie, Planet of the Apes, felt.


     After another long car ride, through some shady looking old neighborhoods with graffiti, we made it to an old road that leads to the Oceanside. I think I witnessed at least two shootings just on my way here.

     Kim pointed ahead to the coast and said.

     "On this stretch of road are around 100 large estates of some of the wealthiest families. Thankfully my Smith family is one of them and we live on the beach side of the road showing our status. The police regularly patrol this road in undercover cars, due to the importance of the family here. Oh, and that house there is the Colt family estate. My house is five homes down."

     After passing many other large properties, we finally neared the Smith Estate. Kim hugged me tight and pointed to the massive beach-side home and said.

     "My home that I grew up in is there, I have many fond memories here, and I cannot wait to show you my favorite spots on the property! We have stables there to ride horses on the beach, ha-ha!"

     As the massive iron gates of the Smith home slowly open, Lan, Hinata, and I look over to the Estate on the other side of the road, and its mansion far in the distance. Our eyes of killing intent can only be felt by us.

     The group The Wizards of Oz had recently bought that home as a base of operations and a place for Laura Long to train elite soldiers in private. Naturally they also plan to call in other nefarious friends to bring chaos to this neighborhood.

     I am not the only target, but many of the noble families of America. Oz wants to cripple the Kingdom's economy and cause civil unrest, buy kidnapping and ransoming important family members. Laura wants to deal with me at the same time, hmm?!

     During the Great Tea Party, the Mad Hatters and the Southern Cross are going to terrorize the Royal family and the government for the Oz group, so they can keep their hands clean. But no matter how clean your hands are, the taint of blood can always be found! Yes, I am going to use the Royal Family against the groups with Lucy's help. She and I have planned intricately for this Summer Bash!

     The mistake the terrorist made was targeting me and my loved ones. Their plans would have worked had they had not listened to Laura Long. Who knew, the political future of the United Kingdom was saved by stupid Laura?!


     After we entered the estate, it was a long road to the main house, and up close, it was huge! It is a tall two story mansion with probably around 40 big rooms if I had to guess? I think it might be at least three times the size of my home.

     This property alone has tennis courts, a stable for riding, a firing-range for professionals, and a massive water-park like backyard with beautiful flowers everywhere. This home had been fully renovated after our talk on Long Island.

     Large green bushes line and surround the lower half of the home from view to provide privacy, so only the home's rooftop can be seen from the home across the street! Yes, the tall wall of bushes is a new feature added in the home's renovation, like someone anticipated nosy reporters or... Snipers?!

     Alfred opened the doors to let us out, while maids immediately went to take our bags into the home. When we stepped out, we were happily greeted by a dozen family members!

     Rick Smith and his wife Carol Wesson, stood in front of the others and waited for us to come over.

     Behind them are two early 20's men who I recognized as both of Kim's brothers and the two I was warned about. Each of them had two wives of their own with them.

     And behind them was Rick's other 4 wives. And so in a freak twist of fate, are his first wife's real sisters! Yeah, Rick Smith fucking married five real sisters! The real scoop he told me was, he got drunk and had sex with all five sisters in a private orgy, so he took responsibility. Yeah, the sisters planned that shit!

     "Kimmy, come hug your mother, I miss you dear!"

     As mother and daughter did the whole embarrassing bit, Mr Smith shook my hand and asked.

     "Son, how was your flight?"

     "Father, it was smooth, no one bothered us. Oh, the home is beautiful, did you add the security features I recommended? I hope it was no issue, but it will come in handy this week."

     He whispered and hid his lips with his hat.

     "The bomb shelter, and reinforced walls and glass, are all installed, as well as the bulletproof flood-lights. I have made no attempt at being nosy with my new neighbors like you said."

     "Sorry to make things difficult, I have not even told Kim, I don't want to ruin our honeymoon."

     He patted my arm and talked normally.

     "You knew her well, and I will move the wedding to tomorrow, so it cannot be ruined, and I will cancel the other invitations after. Just make my girl happy, now let me introduce you to everyone!"

     While I greeted the family, I and my students noticed the lustful eyes of the two idiot brothers. But being Masters, I do not have to worry about Lan or Hinata.

     So how did Lan and Hinata handle the two brothers? First they did not shake hands and only held the swords in their arms. Second, Lan only responded in Chinese, and Hinata in Japanese, with... "No speak-a English!"

     Kim only giggled watching her playboy brothers smash into a brick wall with them. Yeah, I can deal with them in other-ways...

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