After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 173 Scott Tang Warns Me!

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Chapter 173  Scott Tang Warns Me! by Harem-Fan


     While I am between shooting scenes, I was thinking back about last Sunday night's incredible choice to have Hinata join me and Hana. Not only was the night memorable, but Hana even gave Hinata lessons on how to give me incredible blowjobs!

     There was one tiny flaw in my master-plan however, and it was the fact, Kim also wanted to sleep in the room. No she did not join in the fun, but she did stay away and watched the insanity, because she wanted more knowledge of what I wanted.

     Ultimately, I fell asleep with three hot women in my arms, well... Kim hugged my waist and drooled on my tummy. But all in all, awesome.

     I am also thinking about tomorrow's grand opening of the curvy street track of the new Lang-Lee raceway. Speaking of Lang, I am currently in the Lang Super Mall, shooting the date scenes with Ana.

     [Ana Zi, I am your biggest fan!]

     Man, that woman is really fat, so her statement has a double meaning!

     [We love you! Can't wait for the next film!]

     Oh? That couple are dressed like Gothic Vampires, creepy.

     [Love your Game Show, Miss Zi!]

     Ana just smiled and waved to her fans. The last dude was talking about the Game Show she Hosts that had started back in January. It is something like my past life... Family Feud. She had told me it was a real fun job to have. Basically, it was a Harem Version of the show. So one man and his lovers vs another.

     Her show is actually in my wives TV lineup and it is really good, but Kate makes grumbling comments about Ana's clothing or fake friendliness. Kate is so cute when she is being a sad competitive jealous puppy.

     I can imagine Ana watching Entertainment Tonight with a voodoo-doll of Kate and squeezing it in frustration. The two women have no idea how similar they are.

     We are currently sitting at a blocked off area of the massive food court, and it is just me and Ana sitting eating some KFC chicken meals. Jean said it was good publicity for her and I saw her eating between shots, so the fans got hyped.

     But personally, I like chilling with her. She and I became closer as friends over the two weeks of acting. And I now understand why the Movies, Music, and Celebrities always have flings or relationships, due to the closeness and bonds made on the set. Sadly, when the lights go out and the movie is done, things always change in their relationships, the next movie rolls around and the like.

     I am still wearing my character's standard attire, of bluejeans, a brown leather jacket, and white tee-shirt. Ana is wearing a white sundress, with a wide sunhat, even though we are indoors. Don't ask us, the producer said Lilith just dresses like that, as a Vampire.

     Ana realizing we are basically alone asked me her burning question.

     "Hey Rick, if I had been accepted by your wives, would you have dated me?"

     I wiped the grease from my lips with a napkin, and looked into her green eyes and told her honestly.

     "As a normal woman in the beginning, no. But as the actress, and the woman I learned you are... Yeah... I think it was sometime in November, I realized, you were not as bad as I thought. I was jaded by your reputation that shattered the image of your incredible acting skills. Plus, right behind Kate, you are one of my top 5 favorite actresses. Sorry if my answer was blunt or rude."

     Ana, only smiled at my honesty, and confided to me her past...

     "Rick, you will be the first person I have ever told this to. But, the scandal with me and Sam was true... I had been taken to the casting couch for my role in the first movie. I had never even been with a man before that. I also have not had real sex after. I have made out with a few men trying to find someone to take care of me, so I never was taken advantage of again, Like that Alex fellow."

     Yes, I cannot tell her, I know all of this already from hacking and background, and the fact she is being open with me, means she likes me more than I thought. Sadly, my wives said no to her joining our home...

     "However, I am not telling you all of this to pluck your heart strings, just... I think you are the only true friend I have. Does that make sense to you? I will not go against Boss Long's will, but it is fine if we are friends, right?"

     My heart was plucked though. But against my better judgment, I just followed my heart and told her my feelings.

     "Friends? Yes, I think of you like that too. And I plan on doing more than just acting. So in the future, I will do bigger things, more than the Fire Birds. So, you don't have to go looking for a man to support you. I will secretly help you. And if you need money, just let me know. This is all I can do for you as a friend. But yes, we are friends. Just promise me one thing in this life."

     Ana's eye had either fluttered a bit due to my words, or something got into her eyes. She only said.

     "Rick, name it, I promise to do it."

     "For as long as you like being a star, just be an Entertainer, so I can see you on TV, the big screen, or just on the news, bringing joy to fans. I will always be a fan."

     "That is all I ever wanted, to be admired and loved. I will keep doing things, even as a Game Show Host. Just knowing you are my fan is enough. But, I will still be jealous of Kate, this fact can never change. It is unfair that she met you by doing something retarded, sigh."

     Since we are friends, I pointed at her and said.

     "And the great Ana Zi, never did anything stupid? Yeah, you two are alike, ha-ha!"

     So the media and fans only saw me teasing and making fun of my co-star, and her angry pout was a rare sight for the fans.

     That night, I had deposited 5 million into her account. For some reason, I knew in her life, she would never ask for it. Thankfully, Lucy did not scold me for it. In fact she only teased me about being a bleeding heart.


     The next day, at the Lang-Lee Raceway...

     My only lovers to accompany this fun day and night are, Hana, Kate, and Nichole.

     Zoe drove Kate, Jean Jia, and Nichole in my SUV, while I drove my new Demon with the backseat removed for less weight.

     The reason Jean is here is to drag Kate out for a photo-op for her and me, to help the movie's promotions. Hana is here for obvious reasons, and Nichole actually has interest in watching me in this style of racing, rather than a boring downhill that has simply not caught her eye. But this format made her curiosity peak. Plus she said it was to show off her love for me in public.

     All three of my ladies are matching with white shoulder-less dresses going to their knees. All of them are also matching with ponytails, to show unity. Some things I don't get about their sisterhood, but that is not my job! My job is simply to compliment their beauty and smile while doing it.

     Linda wanted to come, since it was a Lang venture, but being just slightly over two weeks till our girl pops out, she did not want to be a mess in the crowded event, so she is watching live.

     Luke Fu is in charge of today's Fire Birds operation with our gambling booth.

     The other Syndicates also have operations of betting, prostitution, and meetings going on. But Brenda Lang (was Brenda Sho) naturally has the lion's share of the business here, due to it being a Lang family enterprise. Plus she is kicking back a bit to Georg's and the main Lang clan.

     Our group is standing at the main entrance to the facility, located in the area south of the Docks, on the West side of Star City. This location was to help with the noise pollution of the track. And a few miles South of us, is Disneyland. On a side note, I will be filming there next week.

     Hana holding an oversized pair of scissors is letting Head Lang say some words to the fans and press on the track's ideas and concepts. On my left arm holding firmly was my sexy Nichole, back to her schoolgirl sexiness. And on my right, was Kate with her Luna Yue smile on for our fans.

     Nichole whispered into my ear, after licking it...

     "I saw Scott in the crowd. He was watching us."

     I nodded to her and am not too worried. I am sure if he had ill intentions, the hidden Mei or Lucy would strike him down. Hinata is with Mei, and the two are on standby, and having a kinda day off. The two are in plain clothes mingled in the event. I gave them lots of money to try anything and just have fun. They can both hear me with my microphone if I need them.

     Clap Clap Clap! Hana just cut the ribbon, and her eyes are of a child opening Christmas presents, and getting the 'Red Ryder Air Rifle' she always wanted.

     I unintentionally laughed at the staff trying to take the oversized scissors from Hana. But Hana refused and ran back to me with her stolen trophy. The staff seeing this only shook his head and went to do real work.

     "Look Honey, I have something new to put on my wall. It is our Race Tracks memorabilia, and it might have value in the future, fufu."

     Nichole with dead eyes said to the thrilled blonde.

     "Sister Hana, I cannot at this moment imagine you being a genius Doctor, but perhaps a new Priestess of a devoted Racing religion, sigh."

     Then we are led in before the crowds fill the stands and concessions area...


     Inside my Tang VIP room overlooking the crowds seating areas, my family is getting comfortable.

     Knock Knock! Zoe out standing guard taps on the door and I hear her say after cracking the door.

     "Young Master, your cousin has requested to speak with you... Scott not Helen."

     "Tell him, I will be out in a moment."

     After assuring my girls I was fine, I left to see what Scott had to say to me.


     Stepping out of my VIP room, I told Zoe.

     "I will step out for a bit, so don't worry. Hello Scott, take a walk with me..."

     Scott, wearing jeans, and a light jacket over a blue shirt, only nodded to me like he did not care. But he followed me with his hands in his pockets, unlike his past self.

     Soon, he and I were in the main lobby where you could buy all kinds of goods and merchandise, or a 'Date' and I got in a line for soda and popcorn. I asked him.

     "I know your eyes. I saw them for years in the mirror, what is on your mind, Scott?"

     "After today, I am never coming back to Eurasia. I am going to America to work for Laura Long."

     I really am surprised at his words. Why would he tell me all of this? Seeing my confusion he said without emotion.

     "She is throwing you a welcome to America party, and is inviting all of your 'Friends' to celebrate."

     "Then why tell me?"

     "Because, I want revenge, and I won't get it if you kill me before I can do it. I will not leave this world till I make the person who started it all suffer. You, Me, Your mother, my aunt, and everything you and I have destroyed. It all started with one person. So... I want revenge. You are happy you got it, but you never finished the real revenge. Why? Why did you let Laura Long live?"

     I shook my head and said.

     "Killing Laura was something I wanted so badly, but... She is Victoria's sister, and Ashley's mother. I could not be the one to take her life, sorry."

     Scott grins and says with a bit of humor.

     "Rick Lee, said sorry and meant it, I think I truly have lost my mind to imagine your words, ha-ha. Anyway, it was Laura that had my mother do everything... to your mother Sally Tang, and to you. I am not apologizing to you though, because I still hate your guts. But, I hate Laura more."

     "So, you are not planning on coming back? What about your other two ex-wives and kids?"

     "Sigh, I am too far gone to be there for them. Just do me two things, then, our Karma is square?"

     I just wait to hear him out.

     "Even if I hate you, I know you take care of your family, so, make sure my two kids are fine in the future. And the second thing, when you meet me again, do not kill me personally, until I stab her in the back. That is all, I am out, for what it was worth... You were a worthy rival."

     Scott left, and I watched him leave. For only a moment, I was actually admiring him for finding a path for himself. Picking yourself up like that is very hard.

     While my past with Scott played in my mind, a pair of arms held me tight from behind, as my Mei loved me. She said.

     "I think, you are the only person in his life, he could turn too. Even Scott knows how wonderful you are. He even left his own family in your hands. I love you, Rick. Not because of him, but because you know wrong from right. Come with me, I know what will make you happy right now. A little bit of love makes the world go around."

     Then Mei took me somewhere private, and showed me how much she worried for me, by blowing my mind.


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