After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 172 Hello Ken, My Name Is Lilith, Nice To Meet You!

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(A/N After the Movie and America Arc, there will be a 3 year time skip to University Graduation, when Rick gets his Business Degree. This was planned in the beginning, and there are still almost 2 years after that for the final confrontation with China and the Li Clan. I know some readers hate time-skips, but there will be nothing important in these three years that cannot be brushed over in a chapter or two. Think of the Time Skip as a halftime show in a sports game. It marks that point in the story. Let me know if you want one big chapter covering the 3 years then, OR,  3 chapters covering one year each? Thanks.)


Chapter 172  Hello Ken, My Name Is Lilith, Nice To Meet You! by Harem-Fan


     I am currently sitting in a set that looks like a University students apartment. It even has a window with thin drapes to give it an illusion of being a real room in the heart of Star City.

     Sitting on the couch, my job is to pretend to find the late news inviting. The fake program is talking about how missing people have spiked lately. And as a Professional Bodyguard, I am cleaning a fake gun on the coffee table while I watch.

     I am playing Ken Long, a side branch member low on the Long Clans hierarchy, so I am more like lesser nobility. Ken still had not experienced the supernatural at this time in the story, so his guard is down for the incoming threats.

     Unlike his long dead uncle Kristofer Long, Ken does not have any supernatural ability of the main branch family. His background was just a bit better than the average man. But he was dedicated to training and becoming a true hero, and due to his excessive training, did not socialize when he was in high-school, a loner.

     I am currently waiting for the first meeting with Ken and Lilith, a fateful meeting after she tracked him down, following the trail that Luna had left, in her own search for Kristofer's soul. But as luck would have it, Lilith found Ken first.

     Lilith, after having Kristofer's blood in the past, had gained Sunlight immunity like Luna, so she had been promoted to a high ranking Vampire in the Kingdom of Transylvania. So just like Luna, she has the title of Princess Lilith Dawn.

     Luna never returned home, after the deaths of Dracula and Kris.

     I am dressed in sweatpants and a white tank-top. The Director said the few lash marks on my shoulders and upper torso was a nice touch for an action hero. She said it showed a rough life and death battle, so she threw me in the tank-top.

     Knock Knock! And there it is Ana's queue to start our interaction. So I placed the gun down, and went to my apartment door. I have to walk a certain path and stand on the marks on the floor, as the camera and crew follow me along.

     There is a camera crew on the other-side of the door recording Ana's movements and interactions as well, and that is why we must be on our marks.

     As I open the door, Ana is wearing a white leather trench coat for women, with sunglasses, and her hair is loose. Her skin is subtly whitened, and her lips are very red. I use my Acting Advanced to seem shocked to see such a breathtaking woman at my door. She kept an unmoved-face as she asked.

     "Are you Ken Long, the Bodyguard?"

     "Yes, Miss?"

     She then put on a smile opposite of what she came with, and said.

     "Hello Ken, my name is Lilith Dawn, and I am very happy to find you. May I come in?"

     Every fan in the theater would scream... 'Don't invite a Vampire in, moron!'

     I opened the door wide and waved to my couch.

     "Please come in Miss Lilith, anything to drink?"

     She smiled at the camera and said.

     "Maybe later... If I drink now, we won't properly talk, fufu."

     I sat on the right side of the couch, and she sat like a noble woman on the left. She removed her sunglasses to show me her red eyes. This is of course her colored contact lenses.

     "Do you need to hire me as a bodyguard, Miss Dawn?"

     She smiled deviously and took out a painted picture with Luna Yue on it and said.

     "My cousin wants to take my life, and I want you to protect me from her. I will need you to act as my fiancee to sell why we are together, is this doable? I will pay you this much..."

     She held up a smartphone with one million on it, and Ken was shocked. So I imagined how much I would love that, before I became the Yellow Emperor, and put that look on my face.

     "Are you sure you want to pay that much? I am not sure I am worth that amount, Miss Dawn?!"

     "Oh, no my dear Ken, you are worth that. If you want to keep me alive, then do your best, and do not trust my cousin Luna, alright? You are now my fiance."

     "So let me get a contract ready for us."

     As I reached for my briefcase, and Ana put her supposedly cold hand on mine and said. In the editing, it will show her eyes are glowing as she used her hypnosis on me.

     "No need, I trust you, I will just send you the money, and we can kiss on it."

     While I was hypnotized, she moved next to me with our bodies touching, and she had a hungry look in her eyes as she leaned in to kiss... No to bite my neck...

     As I felt her warm breath on my neck, we hear it...

     [CUT! And that was fucking amazing you two! you guys did that whole thing in one go!]

     Ana and I smile at the woman's over exaggerated praise.

     We had to cut the scene there because Ana can't grow Vampire Fangs. So we will have to do a follow up take with her teeth in. But for now, this is all we are filming for the first day.

     The bright spot lights are cut to normal lighting, then Ana said to me.

     "Except with Kate, I never get to have the first takes go so well. If I would have known how good you were on that first night we met, I wonder if things could have changed. Well, I guess there is no cure for regret. See you in the lunchroom."

     As I watch the beautiful woman leave, I just smile, because my lovers told me I could not be with her. Yeah, if things were different, I would have enjoyed her company, but... She is very self centered and is not good at sharing.

     My Mei came to me, and wiped off the makeup and sweat from the hot-lamps with a white towel and gently said.

     "Sorry Master, but Lucy said she would manipulate the harem in a bad way. If it is just casual sex, no one would care, but she is negative towards all women. I think it was being used by Sam, then finding out she never had to be, so she is now bitter."

     I nodded and said.

     "My heart has a weakness... If I make love to a woman, I want nothing but good things for them. I have feelings for my student as well, and I told myself to not have them, but..."

     Mei pulled my hand and stopped myself monologue. She smiled.

     "Master, you should not have fallen for me as well, fufu. Hinata has secretly told me, she is very happy now."

     I squish my maids hand, and my heart feels less complicated now. Now to go see how Kate is doing on her set...


     The weekend came fast after 5 days of filming, and today is the day Linda Lang and I are finally getting married.

     She is so damn pregnant, but she doesn't care. Linda designed her dress and it fits her perfectly, with an air of motherhood and loss of innocence. But what makes everyone speechless, is the fact, Linda is genuinely smiling. Gone, at least for today, is her expressionless aura, for her joy of today has changed her aura.

     Our marriage and dinner is taking place at the same place we had our Engagement Party, the Hilton International. But today, it is only friends and family, not the whole political circus.

     Mary made sure to be here today even with her new position. She is currently wearing her new Sergeants dress uniform and looking a bit sexy, now that she has gotten back into her top shape.

     On a side note, I was speechless when I found out what Sergeant's name was when he retired... His first name was actually, Sergeant! And his full name is Sergeant Rin! Fuck who names their child that?

     George Lang, Sue Lang, Linda's older sister Tonya Lang, and her freshly turned 18 brother in law, Ned Lang, are all standing next to Linda while we are ready for our vows.

     James is with me and brought his 3 wives. Yes he married Jenny Washington, his Kalawarner look alike, after finding out she was pregnant.

     Mary, close with Linda, is also at my side, while my other wives or fiances are sitting to the side, watching with warm smiles.

     The female manager from my wedding with Victoria is doing this union, and she begins the procedures.


     And the part of our vow exchange finally came, and my heart feels happy, thinking of our road to get here.

     "Okay Miss Lang, you start, then Mr Tang you finish."

     Linda took my hands, and put it on the sides of her belly. With a grin, she said.

     "Lucy Lang is very happy today, because her daddy and mother will become a real family. My husband, I said it before, but... I will listen to you. So love and never leave me."

     Linda's mother finally found out the gender of her first grandchild with those words, and she looks like she wanted to know earlier. Also, Linda and I promised to not make our vows revolve around the bank.

     "Sorry I made it hard on you to get here. I went through a lot on my way to this moment, but, having you at my side, makes me have faith that everything will work out. And Lucy Lang, I will be on your side when mommy is being strict, he-he."

     She and I both know, the last part was an emotional arrow I sent to her mother, for being a slow ass and making things tough for Linda.

     With the vows done, Linda pulled my face to hers and gave me a gentle kiss, to keep her ladylike image. Yeah, the women on the pool side of the house can hear how unladylike she is on Wednesdays though, sigh.

     With our kiss done, the picture was taken. And the applause came.

     Soon the bride was sucked into the harem circle, and I was left with George. He patted my shoulder and said what he wanted to say for a while.

     "Son, welcome to the family. Sorry the only normal one is Linda, but you know that already."

     "Thanks, but she and I have already been, husband and wife in our hearts, today was just official. Will the Race Track be open to the public next weekend?"

     George nodded and asked.

     "So, will you be racing on opening night?"

     At this time, Hana, seeing me talk business, came and put her arm through mine, and was drinking a glass of wine. I pointed to her and told him.

     "Hana told me I was racing no matter what. I am actually going to bring her on the track with me. I don't care about the extra weight in the car, just having Hana have fun is what I am racing for."

     Hana winked and said.

     "Rick already took me on the downhill, and my body can handle the racing again. His new Demon is ready with Alcohol fuel, fufu."

     George smiled, knowing Hana was a big help in bringing me and Linda together. He nodded and said.

     "Then I will see you in a week at the new Lang-Lee Raceway. Oh, Hana, do you want to cut the open ribbon for Rick?"

     I felt Hana almost shudder in my arm when he offered her that once in a lifetime dream for a race nut, and she asked me with begging eyes.


     "Dear, you hardly ever ask for anything, how could I not let you do it?!"

     She whispered with mischief in my ear.

     "Tomorrow night, bring any one lover with you to stay in my room and I will... whisper, whisper!"

     Thankfully my new father in law didn't hear anything she said, because I gulped loudly at what she promised me! It was less about what she promised, but more of who would partner with Hana well?!

     Hana was very pleased with herself for making my normally cool facade crumble.

     Hinata, off in the distance sitting with the Personal Maids, felt my gaze at that moment, as I decided who Hana would partner with! I am a fucking genius!

     And that was how I spent my first week of Summer vacation.

     In a few weeks, after the movie is finished being taped, I will travel to America with Kim and Hinata.

     Unknown to me, many others from Star City would also join me in the Capital of Boston, for the Chaos Party.


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