After binding the comprehension system, I crossed into Hogwarts

Chapter 53 Beware of Those Abnormal Animals

"Today's schedule:

[-]. Read the Daily Prophet.completed.No reports of Peter have been found.

[-]. Try a new breed of cat food for Yuan I can't let her get fat anymore, I can only gradually reduce her food intake and take her to exercise.

[-]. Prepare a birthday present for Luna.completed.I chose a light blue dress for her from the mail order list of Outrageous Tailors in Diagon Alley, and I will be able to wear it when the weather gets warmer in spring. I hope she likes it. "

After memorizing everything, Sun Zhu couldn't help yawning.After putting away the quill and closing the notebook, she finally ended the last day of January.

It has been more than half a month since she ordered Peter to surrender in front of Dumbledore, and she has no way of knowing the specific progress of the matter.

At most, Uncle Long could know that Dumbledore had explained to Percy that there was an anomaly in his pet status through the remaining spiritual thoughts he left on Percy's cage, and hoped that he could hand it over to him.

Percy was surprised, but cooperative.After all, he was only a first-year student at this time, and he had always been an obedient top student, so naturally he would not question the principal.

It is said that Dumbledore wanted to compensate him for a new pet, but Percy declined on the grounds that he was busy with his studies and had no time to take care of him.

Sun Zhu knows that Peter is now secretly locked up in the Ministry of Magic. During this period, Barty Crouch and Amelia Bones have questioned him. Sun Zhu controls Peter to repeat his lines in the principal's office over again.

As for the "motivation for surrender" they asked about, he insisted that he had "suddenly awakened".

Although saying this seems to be too flattering to Peter, but in order not to expose her existence, it can only be explained in this way.

It's a pity that she didn't trigger any related tasks this time, and the system couldn't detect the situation of the Ministry of Magic for her.She can only guess the progress of the case by rubbing the "Daily Prophet" subscribed by her father.

I don't know when she will be able to wait for the good news she is looking forward to?

Hopefully, the Ministry of Magic will be more efficient in dealing with wronged cases than Muggles.

The only thing Sun Zhu wished for was that she really didn't have to interfere with all the main plots she knew. She just needed to live like an ordinary little wizard every day, worrying about her fat cat and Birthday gift for friends.

After the Easter break and birthday presents for Ron and the twins, nothing was revealed about Peter until late June.

"I have a hunch." Sun Zhu vowed to the system: "Before Hogwarts is on vacation this semester and before the start of the next school year, there will definitely be a result of dealing with Peter's matter within these two months."

"I hope everything goes as you wish," the system said.

Sun Zhu looked sadly at her only remaining experience, because the half-year deadline had come, she had no choice but to return the 35 that was exchanged for Yi Rong Dan, and now she still has 185 experience.

I don't know what will happen next, I always feel that this experience is not enough.

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw a letter from a familiar owl.

"Gyosen?" She was a little surprised, "Ron is looking for me?"

"Giosen doesn't know, Gyosen wants to go home and sleep." The grass owl flapped its wings, ate a few broken nuts from her, and then left without looking back.

"..." Sun Zhu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. At the beginning, he said that he wanted to pick a quiet owl for Ron, but who knew that he was so "quiet", except for eating and sleeping, it was almost impossible to see when he was in high spirits.

Sun Zhu opened the letter, but unexpectedly found that it was sent to her by the twins.

"Wise bamboo,

I didn't expect that what you said was true, Ban Ban really has a problem.Percy didn't bring it home during the holidays. When his mother asked Percy, he said that Headmaster Dumbledore took Scabbers. "

Sun Zhu couldn't help being a little embarrassed, two days ago, he must have regarded her as a pure magician, and also regarded her research on Banban as a little girl's prank.Of course, they really don't blame them. If it were her, she wouldn't feel that her behavior at that time was normal.

But when the twins asked her in the letter how she found out, where Ban Ban is now, and what happened, she decided to ask three questions.

After all, if there is news, there is no need to tell it through her.Talk more and reveal more.

She pretended to be ignorant and wrote back to the twins, saying that she just read a Chinese myth and guessed it.What was wrong with Ban Ban, she didn't know at all, and please, if no one asked, don't reveal that she once doubted Ban Ban's identity.

But when Sun Zhengxing was off work one day, he suddenly mentioned this matter to her.

"Azhu, do you remember Percy's pet when we went to Mr. Weasley's house for Christmas?"

Sun Zhu was very surprised, but asked nonchalantly, "Dad, did you mean that mouse? It looked old and ugly, and Yuan Bao didn't like it very much. If I hadn't stopped him, I was afraid that Yuan Bao would take it away." It eats."

Hearing this, Sun Zhengxing picked up Yuanbao, which had gained ten catties, and said with great appreciation, "What a good boy, I'll give you an extra meal tonight."

"Father..." Sun Zhu was speechless, she tried hard to lose weight for the fat cat these days, what was she trying to do?It's not that she's worried about her health.

Moreover, it is obvious that she herself is the main contributor to catching mice!

Thinking of this, she was inexplicably upset.

Obviously she has done a lot of good things hard, but apart from the system and Uncle Long, no one else knows about it.

Although it is not a grievance, but occasionally when vanity breaks out, it is not enough to show off.

Also worry about whether there will be any bad effects if you leak your mouth.

My heart is so tired.She swallowed a mouthful of pumpkin soup with tears in her eyes.

"Azhu, have you heard of Animagus? It should have been mentioned in the book I bought you?" Sun Zhengxing said suddenly.

Sun Zhu swallowed the food in his mouth with difficulty, and nodded hurriedly.

"Although you already know it, Dad still wants to mention it to you again. Animagus is a very advanced transfiguration technique that can turn wizards into certain types of animals. It is very difficult to practice, For every thousand wizards, there can only be one Animagus. All Animagus need to go to the Ministry of Magic to register their animal form and characteristics." Sun Zhengxing said with a serious face while holding the ingot : "However, there are also many unregistered Animagus. They are all wizards with excellent grades in at least Transfiguration and Potions. Because they can transform into animals, they have a strong advantage in some aspects. , like, crime."

Sun Zhu subconsciously sat up straight: "Father, why did you suddenly tell me this?"

Sun Zhengxing shook his head and said, "You don't need to think about anything else for now. Dad told you this, just to give you a reminder. Be wary of some animals that behave abnormally, even if it's an ant."

During a recent "help" in the Law Enforcement Department, he had learned part of the story of the betrayal that had rocked the wizarding world a few years earlier.

In addition to his distaste for Peter Pedilou, he also worried about the hidden dangers of these "wild" Animagus.

After all, if a wizard has become an Animagus but is unwilling to register legally, then he has reason to suspect that he is not doing good things.If Ah Zhu doesn't understand this at all, it is very dangerous to approach small animals and get close to them.

"Azhu, even if it's a cute little animal, if you feel that it's not normal, remember to keep a distance, okay?" He repeated his worry again.

"Okay Dad, don't worry, I will never get close to strange animals easily." Sun Zhu assured.

In fact, after her animal language proficiency is upgraded to the intermediate level, wizards in the state of Animagus can also communicate with her. consumes a great deal of her own energy.

Therefore, if the other party has abnormalities, she can quickly find out.

But Sun Zhengxing didn't know this, he was just an ordinary father, reminding his young daughter of a rainy day.

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