After binding the comprehension system, I crossed into Hogwarts

Chapter 52 Peter's "Confession"

Dumbledore sensed something was wrong the moment Peter entered his office.

But his eyes behind the half-moon glasses didn't cause any big waves because of this, he just looked at the phoenix Fox that suddenly flew up.

"Something flew over and caught that mouse." Uncle Long was broadcasting live.

"Did you see anyone, an old man with a white beard?" Sun Zhu asked.

Uncle Long was about to answer when he heard Dumbledore's voice: "Fox?"

Sun Zhu's sound transmission talisman has failed, but she can confirm through Uncle Long that Peter has attracted Dumbledore's attention, and that's enough.

"Peter, show yourself." She ordered.

Fox suddenly let out a long cry, and threw the caught mouse into the air.

The mouse didn't fall to death because of this, but it suddenly turned into a short, ugly, sloppy man missing a finger.

Dumbledore left his seat, walked slowly up to him, and watched him quietly.

"Principal Dumbledore..." The slovenly man tremblingly looked at the elderly man.

"You are, Peter? It used to be those children." Dumbledore smiled, "Why did you come here?"

"Peter, don't talk nonsense, explain your crimes clearly, and don't reveal any information about me."

Sun Zhu added another order, although she felt that Dumbledore shouldn't be so calm about Peter's appearance, after all, in the eyes of everyone, he had already "sacrificed".

But the most urgent task is to let Dumbledore know the whole truth as soon as possible.

Peter knelt in front of Dumbledore uncontrollably, muttering in his mouth: "I'm guilty..."

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows slightly, his wise eyes were full of understanding.

"It was I who sold James and Lily's residence to... to the You-Know-Who, and I used the Exploding Curse to blow up twelve Muggles to death, and I secretly sent information to the You-Know-Who for over a year... I Guilty, but Sirius is innocent, I am the one who should be imprisoned in Azkaban!"

"Phineas, please calm down."

Long after Peter confessed, Sun Zhu heard Dumbledore say suddenly.

Could it be, Phineas Nigellus Black?Sirius' great-great-grandfather, rumored to be one of the most... unpopular headmasters at Hogwarts.

Sun Zhu remembered that the portraits of the previous headmasters of Hogwarts would be hung in the headmaster's office. Peter's confession must have made him angry.

Even though Sirius is no longer recognized as a member of the Black family, he is related by blood after all. As his elder, it is normal to be angry when he hears that he has been unjustly imprisoned for so many years.

"That useless, rebellious son! Useless trash!"

She heard an old and angry voice growl.

"..." Was he scolding Sirius?Why does it seem to be different from what she thought.

"Phineas, please be quiet," Dumbledore repeated.

"If he's innocent, why didn't he defend himself? Don't tell me he's actually in love with the dementors of Azkaban!" Phineas left his frame angrily, and went nowhere.

"Peter, is everything you said true?" Dumbledore could no longer see a smile on his face.

Peter kept trembling, as if he wanted to deny it, but the words in his mouth were still: "Everything I said is true! I am a criminal! I am a traitor! I am a murderer! I am a rat in the gutter! I am a filth who deserves to be burned. Dirty thing! And Sirius, his only fault is that he mistrusted me!"

"Where did you go after the explosion on the Muggle streets? Why are you admitting all this now?"

"I..." Peter closed his eyes in fear, "I became a mouse, I secretly practiced Animagus, and after blowing up the Muggles around me, I took advantage of the chaos and got into the sewer. Dead. And the group of Death Eaters couldn't find me, they wanted to kill me, they thought it was because I revealed James Lily's residence to the mysterious man that he had an accident when he killed Potter... "

Sun Zhu couldn't help rolling his eyes, Peter told Zhu Bajie to look in the mirror, he was a traitor to the Order of the Phoenix, but the Death Eaters also didn't agree with him.

Deserve it.

"...I have been on the run. I heard that the Dark Lord has completely disappeared. I was very scared, so I kept turning into a mouse and hiding in Weasley's house as their pet."

"Weasley? Mr. Arthur Weasley's house?" Dumbledore's voice seemed a little surprised, "But, aren't you willing to be a mouse now? Mr. Pedilou."

Sun Zhu straightened his back subconsciously, and continued to give instructions to Peter: "Tell Principal Dumbledore that you sincerely repent and want to go to Azkaban to atone for your sins, and hope that the Ministry of Magic will release Sirius and restore his reputation."

Peter repeated it anyway, and Dumbledore didn't speak for a long time.

"I said." Uncle Long who had been silent all this time suddenly said, "I don't think the old man believes what the mouse said at all."

Sun Zhu also had some headaches: "Then I can't help it. I have already made Peter confess, at least enough for the Ministry of Magic to retry."

Dumbledore certainly wouldn't believe Peter's words completely. After all, who could believe that a despicable villain who had been in exile for many years suddenly realized his conscience and ran back to confess his guilt?

But Dumbledore should be able to guess, at least the one who was a traitor back then would not be Sirius.

In fact, Sun Zhu suspects that Dumbledore should have known from the very beginning that Sirius would not be the one who betrayed James Lily, but he may have allowed Sirius to "atone" in Azkaban out of consideration for his plan ".

But Sun Zhu still chose to let Peter come to Dumbledore first to "turn himself in". If Dumbledore was willing to help, then Sirius would naturally come out soon.

Sun Zhu's heart was also disturbed by Dumbledore's silence. He is the person she trusts and relies on the most at present, and he is the person she would never dare to underestimate even if she has many golden fingers.

She guessed that Sirius entered Azkaban without trial, which may also have something to do with Dumbledore's acquiescence.At that time, after encountering Peter's betrayal and the tragic death of his best friend, Sirius' mental state was completely out of control, and he even mistakenly thought that Peter was really killed instead of escaping.

If he had been proven innocent then, as Harry's godfather, he would have become Harry's actual raiser no matter what.

However, then Harry would lose the protection of Lily's sacrificial magic, and this protection mechanism can only continue to take effect if he stays with someone who is related to Harry by blood.

Therefore, whether it is out of concerns about Sirius' mental state or out of protection for the young Harry, Sirius cannot be Harry's foster person.Perhaps, letting him stay "calm" in Azkaban as he wished is the best choice.

But Sun Zhu felt that after all these years, Sirius must have been sober enough.

Dumbledore should also know that Harry now not only needs a "safe" living environment, he also lacks the company of his relatives.

Now that she sent Peter in front of everyone, it was time to settle the accounts of that year.After Peter was convicted, they should all usher in a new life.

"I don't know who the old man is writing to, and I can't understand either." Uncle Long suddenly interrupted her chaotic thoughts, "A bird flew in and took the letter away."

"Is it an owl?" Sun Zhu asked excitedly, "Headmaster Dumbledore is notifying the Ministry of Magic, right?"

"I don't know, but anyway, the mouse spirit has fainted from fright." Uncle Long said contemptuously.

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