Abyssal Road Trip

68 - Right back where we started from

With the inferno gone, Julia was aware of more than merely holding out against it. The residue that had coated the pool inside her was no longer present. Instead, it had hardened into an obsidian bowl resting coldly against her Soul. Mentally dismissing the grovelling of the Demons near the ramshackle machinery, Julia looked down and found herself naked. Though the spiderweb that had marked her abdomen was nowhere to be seen, Julia was making no effort to obscure it. Julia sheathed ivory flesh in the dominator’s leathers with the briefest of thoughts. The flames burning in her eyes reflected off the dark mirror of the river’s waters and drew awareness to other changes. The compulsion to return to the Stronghold was unabated but now felt a mere whisper, and ignoring its insistence, Julia teleported closer to Ùeqräkas. The power placing her where she’d sheltered before entering it the first time, so recently though it now felt a lifetime ago.

The ridgeline that overlooked the city of Ùeqräkas just a stone’s throw away, Julia paused before creating a steel mirror to examine the changes Ascending had caused. The white flames the water had reflected were brighter in the steel, but there were changes in her face and form beside the flames. Some changes went beyond the Succubus form, as Julia wasn’t able to recognise her own expression within the beauty of the reflected features. It made her wonder if she was just on guard within the Abyss or if staying awake within the inferno had scoured something from her. Unlike the first Ascension, when Ki had enfolded her, there was no numbness inside her. Instead, it was as if a wind had scoured her down to bedrock, allowing the exposed material to be smelted free of impurities.

Other changes were quite distinctive; the short spiked horns that had risen from above her ears were no longer alone. Spaced out between them in an arc, five other curved horns had joined them, cutting forward along her hairline. A bizarre tiara formation that looked capable of disembowelling someone now nestled in her bluish-black hair. The horns that had been originally black gleamed like ivory, matching the whiteness heating her gaze. Ears that had been almost human now looked Elvish, all her eyeteeth had turned to true fangs; and now an unsettling, elongated tongue contributed to the sensation of being pulled apart by existence within the Abyss.

One foothill down, another climb to go.

((More that your feet are no longer in danger of the tide. ))

{{Look at your tongue now. Gene Simmons ain’t got nothing on that thing. }}

The corruption of the Abyssal flames had met the Ki turning white-hot where they touched, a smelter for all the anger, pain and longing inside her. B had seemed to take great delight in vomiting up painful memories or dark emotions, and the occurrences had caused the flames to burn even hotter across them both. It made the time spent resisting the siren call of the Castellan’s instruction seem but a footnote. The eternity of the inferno had made it hard to register anything besides pain. When the rift had thrust her physically into the Abyss, the progress of Mental Hardening had immediately attracted her attention. Now she wondered if that influenced the steel in her expression.

{{We came through it together. Did it rock your world? Wonder if Nicholas now wishes his mum had swallowed instead? }}

The amusement in B's voice burst Julia’s introspective state, and laughter filled the air. The purity of the amusement a strange sound indeed to hear within the Abyss.

Thanks for the laugh. You had an impressive amount to throw up.

{{Sweetie, that was only a fraction of the interest. Don’t go thinking it's all fixed. }}

The Id’s tone sounded delighted to break the bad news to Julia, and the sound of water being splashed echoed in her awareness.

Fine, enjoy your bath time.

{{Oh, I will. Use your points. A hard look is fine, but a proper poker face is safer. }}

I had something else planned for them, not acting.

{{We’ll need it to survive. }}

[Fifteen (15) Skill Points spent:

Battle Trance [Ad] (36) -> [M] (1)

Seven (7) Skill Points spent:

Ki Meditation [Ad] (44) -> [M] (1)

Battle Trance and Ki Meditation combined and evolved into Zen State [M] (6)

Base Ki Multiplier progressed to x7]

Okay, that I didn’t expect.

{{Going for an emotionless robot all the time? }}

Julia shook her head at the stark anger that filled B’s tone, its mood as mercurial as ever.

That’s not the meaning of Zen, but I’ll check on it and the others.

Analysis: Zen State

[Zen State: This skill allows the practitioner to keep themselves in a state of calm attentiveness where actions are guided by intuition rather than conscious effort. Other skills that provide forms of mental reinforcement will function in synergy with this skill.]

{{Okay, maybe that’s better than your ice age approach. Balancing berserker instincts and logic girl. }}

{{What were you going to do if you didn't get something like that? }}

Julia wondered about the happiness in B's mental tone but tried to keep things semi-civil from her side.

I hadn't expected either to evolve. I'm planning to play games with Protean. Don't you already know?

{{I've been talking to myself for eons beyond count. A girl could go crazy. }}

I'm sure that ship has long since sailed.

As laughter resounded inside, Julia continued checking the new items within the Profile.

Analysis: Spell Disruption

[Spell Disruption: The skill allows the user to take advantage of openings in the construction of spells in line of sight. It can disrupt spells under observation in their formation stage or after the energy is already in motion. With the option of either explosive or harmless results, depending on the skill level and the spell. ]

Analysis: Mana Finesse

[Mana Finesse: While Mana Manipulation allows the user to tap into and move mana about, this power allows the possessor to do so with far greater refinement. While the user’s mana pool doesn’t actually increase, it effectively does, due to the greater efficiency they can achieve using mana. Where users of mana manipulation require a rope of power; users of this skill make use of refined silken cords, and subtle touches.]

That’s sweet will need to push it to the next tier. Now, does the 'tongues' power do what I think it does?

{{Tongue me deep! }]

The memory of the Succubi with their busy tongues in Setau's chamber came to the forefront of her mind. The shape of their tongues within the memories illustrating a similarity to that additional aspect of her form. Julia could clearly feel B expecting her response and instead continued with what she was doing.

Analysis: Tongues

[Tongues: The possessor can converse with an individual in their native spoken language. This power only works on fully sapient individuals and doesn't aid the possessor to read or write as well. It doesn’t provide a communication method with monsters or creatures not in possession of a native tongue, no matter how well trained or intelligent. Nor does it allow the possessor to keep knowledge of the language when not in their presence. It also allows the possessor to understand all words spoken in their hearing, if not from an arcane language, even if the speaker isn't the focus of their attention.]

Fine, no need to hold on to Knowledge points for quickly learning languages, though I'll get more of them with Wizard levels.

[Two (2) Skill Points spent:

Mana Finesse[Ad](49) -> [M](1)

Base Mana Multiplier progressed to x5

Base Mana Multiplier upgraded by item(s) to x7

Seven (7) Knowledge Points spent:

Arcane [Ad] (5->12)]

{{Being lazy there, hardly your normal studious self. }}

If I had books or time to study, it would be different. Would you prefer to avoid traps or not?

After minutes of continued silence, Julia waited for a response, before using Analysis on the other powers gained with the Ascending.

Analysis: True Sight

[True Sight: This power allows the user to see reality’s truths. Illusions, shape-shifting, magically altered objects, the nature of mana uses, and enchantments are all obvious to the world perceived while this power is in use. Greater experience with it will provide a refined meaning of the details.]

Analysis: Greater Teleport

[Greater Teleport: Like the Greater Teleport (Self) Power, this allows the possessor to teleport safely to a location where they have at least an accurate description. However, it is no longer restricted to moving themselves; the possessor can move up to 25 kilograms weight per level for their combined species and class levels, besides their own body weight. The power positions objects or individuals teleporting with them reappear as per the possessor's visualisation. Current restriction: 4,625 kilograms.]

[Twenty-four (24) Skills Points spent:

Unarmed Combat [M] (2->26)]

((Decades if not centuries of insights for some in mere moments. I wonder at the Titan’s intentions.))

Sorry V, I know he likely has your dedication still, but I couldn't care fucking less for what he intends. As for the unarmed combat, I plan to know Naz’rilca properly.

{{You crazy girl. Though that does sound like fun. Don’t suppose it’s in bed and a beating?}}

Like Farhad did, with breaking bones repeatedly. Naz’rilca really? What is it with you and sex? I wouldn’t touch her in bed with a ten-foot pole.

The suggestion of doing anything with the Succubus turned Julia’s stomach, especially with B’s mental tone unclear if she was serious or not.

{{Classic Dungeon equipment! The ten-foot pole, you know it's intended for laundry. Can we get dirty? }}

{{Or one with a really sharp spike on top? So Phallic. The silent treatment coming from you now.}}

{{You want to stick a spike in her cunt, and I’m not allowed my fun. So mean. }}

Julia didn't argue with B’s snide remarks but set about getting a feel for the difference the ranks in Unarmed Combat made. Techniques Master Farhad had worked with Julia to add to her style seemed now to click into place, extending from attack and defensive techniques already ingrained. It felt as if further insights were within reach, but at present still needed further practice.

It took a few bells of work before Julia managed a shape like her previous appearance. The challenge wasn’t the appearance itself but the flames that burned in her gaze. It brought one advantage to the fore though, the expressionless unblinking features that the fake front afforded. Though it started with her eyes, Julia built herself a false face, mobile enough only to allow speech without issue. The outside world seeing only what expressions she allowed Protean to form on the mask of flesh, the windows to her Soul literally closed for business. True Sight providing her with the ability to see, regardless of if her form possessed eyes or not. While losing the ability to look out a distant shadow was a loss, the evolved power seemed potentially valuable.

V, can you determine if something has cut that link to Usd'ghi?

((The remains of what you siphoned from Set's faithful baked in the inferno's kiln, forming that bowl that touches on your Soul now. ))

((The bowl's formation seems to have broken the link. The power is no longer hers, your Soul took possession of it, and broke the line.))


{{YES!!! No???}}

Feeling the sensation of B pouting at her, Julia just waited until a plain peace offering rose. The memories of another favourite rock song started playing in her mind, and Julia accepted the peace offering by continuing the agreed dance practice. If dancing got clear memories of home, then she'd continue working on her side of the agreement.

Greater Teleport delivered Julia close to where she had intended to arrive, and yet the sight in front of her didn’t come close to matching expectations. A redirection, similar to what had landed her in the Castellan’s office a while ago, must have been responsible for Julia’s arrival point. Julia stood on the edge of a massive pit, the Stronghold’s gate and a large section of the wall appeared as if something had scooped them away. Beyond the pit, silhouettes of Succubi in-flight marked the stonework of the inner courtyard to form a negative bleached into the fabric of reality.

Julia’s True Sight showing her those whose destruction had been complete, while others appeared to have suffered lesser injuries. However, those only ‘injured’ wouldn’t be coming back to this place soon, as the destruction of their forms would lock them to their home Plane. The symbol of Set etched into the rock before the spire’s main door tickled Julia’s amusement. Even from this distance, the black rock making up the pit and symbol’s edges seemed to resonate with the material that had compressed itself into the empty bowl inside her.

Reconstruction work was already underway, with hordes of Dretch workers placing rocks and dirt into the pit. Succubi casters around the Pit transformed the deposited materials into solid granite. However deep the hole had been, the workers had hundreds of metres of reconstruction efforts to bring it level.

The rock feels like the residue and the pool itself. The recall order was only a few cycles after Usd’ghi and I last spoke.

{{I love Usd’ghi. She gives the nicest of gifts. When you see her, tell Usd’ghi to bounce on the enormous dildo next. }}

{{Balnérith or the Castellan, not the tower. }}

Is this why she had the Elders gather?

{{What if the Castellan wants to blame you? Are you going to assume the position on her desk? Growl!!}}

Who me? I’ve been in Ternòx, I know nothing!

((The Castellan’s name is Ëobaq, a lesser angel she was a long-time ally and servant of Balnérith. ))

((She likes order. Her preference likely would have been to risk the Dukes of Hell instead of fleeing to the Abyss. ))

So this place is her worst nightmare.


V's tone had gone from his normal calm to a delighted amusement that would best the keenest of Bs excitement.

That explains why she was so pissed at me for throwing more disorder into the Stronghold’s routine.

Sisterhood guards stood near Julia’s arrival point, and as a circle on the ground shone with blood-red light, they relaxed. True Sight provided an odd double exposure effect, as the variation in their forms showed within the official Sisterhood appearance. The Zen State skill made it seem as if the information was just flooding into her awareness, as it took in the knowledge gathered by her senses.

[Perception [Ad] (1->3)]

Julia let the notification wash away when the nearest of the Succubi spoke.


As the Sister in charge spoke, Analysis provided their name as one of the few Julia knew. Fórlaÿreaî, who had questioned Naz’rilca after the disruption in the courtyard. True sight showing her very different to the other Succubi. The form masked by the uniform seemed breathtakingly beautiful, Elven in appearance, with the dusky skin of ebony blackness. Eyes of silver shone through the black gaze that locked on Julia, and as her hair shifted with every motion, threads of starlight gleamed in their wake. Fórlaÿreaî’s wings were different to both the Àluga and Culerzic norms, large arcing feathered wings of shining darkness showed in the superimposed state. As Julia studied her, the intensity of Abyssal Heat burning within her became clear, moving about under her flesh like clotted rancid cream.

[True Sight [Ad] (2->4)]

As Analysis focused on Fórlaÿreaî, it again just returned a series of unknown markers. Though it provided an extensive list of combat skills, it didn't show their skill level. What it provided to Julia were details about Fórlaÿreaî herself that made sense of what Julia could see of her form.

[Details: A Succubus native to the plane of Ijmti, the Sisterhood of Blood has its primary holding on this plane. Fórlaÿreaî has been in the service of Lady Balnérith since she agreed to serve her for eternity if Balnérith would help save the Night Elves from destruction on the material plane. Only to find Balnérith leaving them scattered and trapped out of reach of mortal threats in the depths of Ternòx. Like all the Night Elf Souls in Lady Balnérith’s service, she is forbidden from Ascending to Named.

Analysis [Ad](18->21)]

Well, fuck! Screwed over and then screwed again!

{{Oh girl, get me excited. }}

Analysis: Ijmti

[Ijmti: This plane of the Abyss is one of the deepest corrupted layers. The edges of it touch the untainted Primordial Abyss, causing the reality of this plane to destroy the minds of mortals and weaker demons alike. Several powerful ‘neutral’ groups within the Abyss have settlements and fortifications on this plane. Among these groups are the Sisterhood of Blood, Legion of Desolation, Servants of the Elders, and Cloister of the Fallen.]

The Abyssal name of the Servants brushed against the primordial language within Julia. The mental shudder making it easy to resist the temptation to see if Analysis would provide her more details on the groups.

It sounds like what Naz’rilca was boasting about. There is a group that serves the first of the Primordials; I think I’ll keep clear of the neighbours.

“Novice J, returning to the Stronghold at the Castellan’s instruction,”

If Fórlaÿreaî recognised the name, she didn’t react to it, simply gesturing to a Hag nearby to make a note before speaking to Julia again. The red points in the Hag's gaze lit up in apparent amusement at Julia’s name, even as she recorded the details.

Fuck! Is she a member of the Coven?

“Approach the Stronghold via the gap’s lefthand side, look for the runework passage. Your sigil will permit you entry,”


[Name: Dret‘balca’ghi

Demonic Species: Abyssal Stone Hag.

Class: Hag / Dissolution Hexer / Spy

Level: 16 / unknown / unknown

Health: unknown

Mana: unknown

Defence: unknown

Combat Skills: Claws [Ad] (5), Dagger [M] (1), Throwing Knives [Ad] (5) - Various spell forms - Affinity: Chaos, Spatial, Destruction, Negative, Void,

Details: An ‘exiled’ member of the Coven of Hollow Stars, currently in the Sisterhood's employment.

Analysis [Ad](21->22)]

Note to self: use Analysis on powerful individuals.

{{You already made that note! I'd suggest next time push your intelligence up, or make use of what you have. }}

“Novice J’s assigned mentor is Naz’rilca. She was on duty in the gatehouse, Commander Fórlaÿreaî,” said Dret‘balca’ghi, her tone abrupt and factual.

“I remember you now, little J. If you are reporting on the Castellan’s instruction, then go to her office for assignment. Since Naz’rilca won’t be able to teach you unless you’re assigned to the Order’s Castle,” Fórlaÿreaî said, giving Julia a barbed smile.

Dret‘balca’ghi, thanks ever so much, right into the dragon’s den instead of the Lion’s. Naz’rilca was in the gatehouse. Did Usd’ghi aim whatever that was at her? Blood relative and all that.

“The redirection spell form is interesting. Who made it? I’m glad my teleport didn’t blend me into a worker,” said Julia, gesturing towards the circle she’d appeared in.

“A spell and precise runework, Novice. Perhaps I might teach you for a fee,” Dret‘balca’ghi said, smirking at Julia.

“How would you like some questions from a knowledge Demon?” Julia asked, idly wondering how loud Naz’rilca would scream when she learnt the deal was dust.

“Enough. Be on your way Novice,” said Fórlaÿreaî, and Julia started walking as soon as Fórlaÿreaî gestured for her to move on.

“I’m sure the Castellan will be pleased to see you again.”

The words called after her didn’t even make Julia flinch, just adding to the information being sorted within the Zen State that she held onto with ease.

{{Mumsie is cross with you, little darling. }}

Julia headed towards where Fórlaÿreaî had gestured, glad the mask was merely showing a resting bitch face to those observing. The runework passageway seemed to glow in Julia’s perception, though once inside the wards teleport placed her effortlessly in the corridor that approached the Castellan’s office. As Julia approached, another Succubus left and walked past her without a hint of acknowledgement in the official form. Before the door could close, Julia moved past her to stop it. As Julia touched the door, the Castellan’s voice snarled from within the room.

“Did you need me to refuse another stupidity?” asked Castellan, her voice edged with furious impatience.

{{She opened her mouth, and dumb came out. }}

“I’m here on your instruction, Castellan. Should I return another time?” asked Julia. The tone of voice sounding disinterested and calm even to her own ears. The sense of being separated from the moment lay on Julia’s awareness, leaving her free to direct rather than react.

She’s got a cluster fuck on her nice neat front lawn. Likely looking to want interruptions done with fast or a reason to lash out at someone.

[Acting [J](10->12)]

“Come in,” Castellan said, her tone dropping the furious inflection, but the impatience remained.

Unruffled motions carried Julia into the office, and the place looked quite different. Instead of its former neat state, it looked like someone had thrown the contents of bookcases about the room. Books, scrolls, and parchment piled on nearly every flat space until the desk and side tables had overrun onto the floor. It was clear from their state someone had scattered them about a while ago now, from parchment creased and dog-eared.

The Castellan, unlike the others exactly matched her outer form, but in a way that felt forced and scarred. As if a greater force had pushed the essence of her into an uncomfortable shape and continued to press till it was unclear where the truth of her separated from the mould anymore. Analysis provided no revelations about the Castellan’s level, just echoing back the list of unknown Julia had seen last time, the only exception being the addition of the name V had shared with her.

If she’s doing research herself, then the Castellan either can’t delegate for shit, or it's too important for her to trust anyone.

“J. Have you gained any knowledge touring the tunnels of Ternòx?” Castellan asked. Her tone lightened as if glad to have a break from whatever she was working on.

“Some knowledge Castellan, though the tunnels are vast. I’ve been spending my time in them trying to learn them accurately,” replied Julia.

“How are you handling mapping in that maze of tunnels?” asked Castellan, the anticipation clear in her voice.

Julia just held up the cube of memories for a moment before making it disappear back into inventory.

“What is that?”

The lack of obvious answer not phasing the Castellan, though her gaze narrowed thoughtfully.

“It’s an item I purchased to enable me to do so with precision,” said Julia, hoping a sense of accuracy would appeal to the Castellan amid the chaos.

The Castellan gaze narrowed as her attention remained fixed on Julia. “It smelt infernal."

“From what little I learnt of its origins, it came from a Devil's corpse. It lets the owner replay memories of places they’ve been while the cube was present with them. Even details they might not have been aware they noticed,”

“Are you certain it only does that?” interrogated the Castellan suspiciously.

“I had it examined by someone besides the seller. Though the Treasury sold it to me, they’re supposedly famous for neutral dealings,” explained Julia.

“You set about to do your assigned task properly prepared,” allowed the Castellan begrudgingly.

“I tried using a BrÍn guide, but they had their own agenda. I split from them as soon as I could do so,” replied Julia.

“Where did you find a Treasury shop front within Ternòx?”

Julia nodded at the expected question and gave another truthful answer. “They have a branch in a mining outpost of Zôhma. I went there after I discovered some of my guide’s agenda.”


“I’m certain they had multiple plans in mind besides getting me into a trap. Lord Qjiadlóv certainly doesn’t need my services as a slave for his mining operations. I purchased the cube with loot and then went back to my assignment,” explained Julia.

All truthful statements, just misrepresented by being run together.

“Do you have proof that you tangled with Lord Qjiadlóv’s troops?”

Julia just withdrew one of the storage bags from inventory and held it, ensuring the crest on its rim was clearly visible.

“How do I know you didn’t purchase it?” asked the Castellan, her suspicion slowly easing as the questions continued.

“It can hold up to four thousand kilograms of weight, I do not know how much I'd have to accumulate to buy one. When I took it from the corpse of a Bãrftiz guard in the employ of Lord Qjiadlóv, it contained processed resources from a mine near where we fought. I’ve still to learn why they didn’t just have someone Teleport back with it. I sold the resources to the miner's group operating out of Zôhma, as well as collected the bounties,”

“Have you fought other factions in there?”

“Only his, a variety of Nox. Some could talk, most were bestial. Also, some individuals involved in the guide’s schemes,” Julia said, returning the storage bag to her inventory, glad she knew her amulet could also store them.

“The BrÍn’s name?” asked the Castellan.

“Does it matter? Pretty sure he didn’t give me the right one; giant ill-tempered, three arms and erratic as anyone,” said Julia, wanting to avoid any chance of the Castellan tracking down Lêdhins for a chat.

“True. How did you cause four Souls to scream loud enough to cause that disturbance in the courtyard?“

Four? What?

“Who told you it was four? I wasn’t sure what I needed to do, to shut them up. They didn’t scream that way on the material plane. It was the first time I had any Souls within me in the Abyss. Unfortunately, some Succubi don't have the discipline to resist temptations of immediate desire,” Julia said, not sure where Castellan had got her information.

“You count yourself disciplined?” asked Castellan, her tone doubtful, as fingers tapped against the parchment in the grimoire in front of her.

“May I ask, compared to what? I know I wasn’t the one fucking my duty partner while on security detail. Even when they were screaming, I didn’t lose control. Some can’t control themselves or don’t put in the effort they should. Then they always seem able to leave others to pick up the pieces,” Julia said, making a brief gesture towards the disorderly piles about the room.

“You had never brought Souls back?” Castellan asked, the surprise clear in her voice.

“Never. They were the first Souls I had ever harvested. I didn’t even know they’d react that way. Initial attempts to learn anything take time to perfect, and even bringing knowledge in line with practice isn’t immediate. Is there something I can assist with?”

{{Teacher's Pet! }]

“I doubt you have the training for it. Nor is it the reason for you being recalled. Though if you eliminated a caravan with a Bãrftiz, maybe you’ve gained enough combat experience to be useful,” admitted the Castellan.

“Two,” Julia said, interrupting before the Castellan could continue.

“What do you mean?”

The Castellan's voice did not show their earlier ill-temper, merely inviting further explanation.

“There were two Bãrftiz; I killed them both. Plus the Hümsi that were escorting them and the transport wagons. Though the most valuable materials were in the storage bags carried by the Bãrftiz,”

“You killed a full caravan by yourself?”

“I was exploring the tunnel, and they were in my way. Your instruction was continually insistent that I do my duty, Castellan,” said Julia. A single shoulder shrug, trying to emphasise a lack of choice in the matter.

“Arrange an Imprint,” Castellan said, the simple words snapped with a tone of command.

“Did Naz’rilca not share it with you?” asked Julia. She made no move to leave and instead drew forth the Dusk Emerald.

On seeing it, the Castellan raised an eyebrow but simply waited while Julia wrapped it with Abyssal Heat. “No, she did not. I would see what it would show me now. Where did you gain that?”

“Looted it from someone that stole from a caravan. There was a bounty on them. The group putting it up wasn’t interested in whatever they’d previously gained,” answered Julia without hesitation.

“What did you do with them?” asked the Castellan.

“I killed them,” Julia declared flatly.

“You are very concise,” Castellan said, in a tone so flatly neutral, it provided no hint if it was a problem or not.

“Am I wrong in assuming you have a lot going on presently?” asked Julia, making the mask's eyes flicker toward one of the larger stacks.

The coldness in the Castellan's expression eased further. “I would suggest you get a better 'Use' name for yourself, J.”

“Trouble,” said Julia, wanting to keep any rumours of Viper's activities and dealings with the Treasury well clear of herself.

“Why is it trouble to do so?” asked Castellan. The look on her face making it clear she was wondering at Julia's ignorance.

“No, that’s my 'Use' name,” Julia said.

“Trouble. Interesting.”

Julia was glad for the flesh mask's inability to react, considering the mix of amusement and disgust that fought to twist her features.

{{Torm's favourite word. Now that would be some furry action. }}

{{Kinky girl, all those muscles. Better hope he isn’t like in Dogma.}}

Ignoring the teasing in B’s voice, Julia just gave a basic shrug as she continued forging the imprint.

“I got myself in Trouble here, even found it in the tunnels. It seems fitting,”

“Do you believe you can make trouble for those that the Sisterhood sends you against?” asked Castellan, a curious tone lighting the inflections of the question.

“I’d be happy to cause trouble for those worthy of doing so,” Julia said, as she held out the imprinted Dusk Emerald, mana enfolded it. Julia saw it teleported to Castellan’s hand.

So she has Spatial and uses it so casually. I didn't catch a glimmer of that spell form until the gem had already moved.

“Trouble already shows up as a 'Use' name in your imprint. Rid yourself of J as soon as the Titan allows it. A lesser succubus, yet you have a master rank in Mana Manipulation and fighting with bare hands. Why bare hands?”


“Weapons can be broken or stolen. I’d prefer to use claws, teeth, fists or kicks.” Julia said, her tone relaxed as she watched the Castellan close the grimoire and turned her attention towards Julia completely.

“Not your wings or tail?”

“Close confines of some places make that an issue. I've learned spear and dagger fighting, but again, losing weapons is a concern. I want to learn combat skills I don’t need tools to use,”

“How did you gain Shapeshift instead of Change self?”

The Castellan's focus shifting between the gemstone and Julia as she asked the question.

“I’ve spent long hours changing my form. Persistence lets you gain many things, Castellan, and when it doesn’t, sometimes luck helps. Might I ask who told you I had brought back four Souls?”

“The watch commander, and Naz’rilca who had the payment confirmation from the Treasury. You did well there, at least. I know some lesser Succubus that can’t carry that many.”

She never learnt before she sent me off.

“I returned with one hundred and fourteen, Castellan,” Julia said, not sure how Naz’rilca had fudged things with the watch commander.

Does she not trust Fórlaÿreaî or the other corrupted Night Elves?

The words barely uttered when the Castellan's gaze locked on her, the gemstone apparently forgotten cupped in a lowering hand.

"That's the exact number I found in Fórlaÿreaî's report once you had left. I'm surprised you provided the same number, considering all the conflicting nonsense I'd heard, by the time I saw her report. The watch commander insisted you had deliberately provoked a security issue, and it had affected others' understanding of the numbers," said Castellan, pausing for only a moment before she continued.

Oh, assumptions and half-answers. I wonder if Naz’rilca took the share that Usd’ghi said was for the order. So you didn't recall me because gossip was doing the rounds. No idea how Fórlaÿreaî counted all the Souls. Wonder if it's something she kept from her mortal self.

“I was going to assign you to a guard roster at an outpost. Yet you’ve survived, grown more than expected, and gained five affinities. Having all the common elemental ones isn’t actually common; most gain one aspect or half of them, but rarely opposites. Those plus Dark and Time, which you had before. Yes, Naz'rilca told me, though she didn't share the full imprint. Lightning is interesting. Mental, doesn't really count to your credit as it's gained via the Succubus class. Still, Lightning isn’t something that most learn, though you’ve limited spells. How did you get your mana manipulation so high with so few spells in your repertoire?”

“It just seemed to come as naturally as breathing to a mortal Castellan,”

{{Because you could be one with your bum. Or fists, but still.}}

Fine, so using it with Ki Infusion did more than spell work.

“Breathing to a mortal indeed. Most are a waste of space, let alone the air they need. Find the library; there are grimoires there for a range of elemental spells. Get whoever is on duty to give you access to them. I’ll reconsider how the Sisterhood can make use of you. Someone will deliver instructions to you there, don’t leave that location until then. Is that clear?” Castellan asked, tossing the Dusk Emerald back to Julia with a snap of motion.

Julia’s hand snapped without thought at the last moment as the Zen State judged its speed and acted.

“Yes, Castellan,”

“One other thing. Why did you bribe Naz’rilca to influence others to leave you in Ternòx?”

{{Oh did Naz'rilca fuck it up or what?}}

Julia could only agree with B's assessment of the situation but gave part of the truth.

“I wanted time to learn more, Castellan. I was sure I wouldn’t survive duty in the Sisterhood without more time to learn than I’ve had,”

“You played an interesting game with Tras’laqì. Where is the little ferret's bowl?”

“Whatever bowl Tras’laqì is missing, I don’t know where it ended up. They asked me to return a grimoire with a particular rune on it from Wajet's possession. There was no mention of a bowl, so I didn't know to look for one. When I found the summoner's tome, it was in the state I handed it to Naz'rilca in. The ferret, as you said, wasn't sure about the number of pages there would be, so I counted them. I just saw the potential immediately,”

“All spoken truthfully. When did you gain our class?” asked Castellan, the intensity in her voice cutting but failing to faze Julia.

[Sense Motive [Ap](21->23)]

Julia didn’t need Sense Motive to tell the disjointedness of the questions were intentional rather than Demonic influence. High school principals seemed to play the same game in Julia's experience. So she told the truth, or at least provide a fact bound to frustrate.

“Blood Monk was the first class I gained in my imprint, Castellan. I’m told it should be a prestige, but I had it well before I ever earned assassin,”

“The Titan’s fucking games. He plays us for fools repeatedly, and each time we scurry after his trinkets. Over eighty willpower and quickness, your attributes at least are impressive for now. With that Willpower, I can see why you came back wearing dominator leathers. Did he put a normal class in with that name just to mock the Lady’s decision?”

The Castellan’s voice had become a whisper though the question obviously rhetorical; Julia poked and cut off the words too late.

“I don’t...”

“Of course you don’t. That question will need to be considered by others. What attribute goes up in your imprint when that class increases?”

“Willpower. My apologies, but Naz’rilca showed me nothing of navigating the Stronghold.”

Julia asked a follow-up question to no one as a spell had already snapped, and she was suddenly in the middle of a chamber with an arched ceiling. Shelves and cabinets lined every wall, and more were free-standing in places about the open chamber. The furniture in the room was a mix of styles and materials, but at least it was all intact. Unlike all the fancy rooms trashed by Sisterhood combat training, their destructive urges didn't extend to the library.

“Who should I get directions from?”

The words faded off as Julia looked around, wondering who the heck was on duty since no one was in sight.

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