Abyssal Road Trip

67 - The Catalyst

Julia opened her senses within herself and locked her gaze with B sprawled on the Id's island. The islands Livia had shown in the shared memories floating a few metres apart in the mindscape, though the distance seemed dangerous with oblivion awaiting in the gap. Where Julia’s appearance from the page haircut to the freckles on her arms matched her previous mortal form, B had sprawled out on her stomach as a Succubus. As Julia looked at her, B rustled her folded wings.

“You decide on a safe word yet?” asked B, the teasing tone of her voice in this place far clearer than Julia had ever sensed it.

“Now you’re the one stealing lines,” Julia said, remembering the poke she’d received for the quip at Usd’ghi.

“That was Sarah’s line. Even before you could admit that she’d turned it into an income stream,”

The smugness in B’s tone was evident as she went from sprawled to standing, the mindscape responding instantly to its intent.

“Not doing this to talk about Sarah,” said Julia, firmness edging her voice.

With the words, she felt the island sway as the pressure of the Castellan’s Order increased against the place’s serenity. The IDs words poked at the concern Julia had been keeping suppressed, only able to hope Verdandi could help her friends.

“We’re not? So that's another topic you’re going to avoid thinking about. It would be something to focus on while you’re using the pressure to level Mental Hardening. Such a gamer chick,” B said, its tone a mocking grumble, yet instead of bitter as Julia had sensed from it before, it seemed playful.

With the words, B shifted again, sitting at a familiar desk layout, monitors flicking between memories of games. The old chair replaced by a backless kneeling seat to allow B to stretch the wings out wide. The view let Julia see that the Id, unlike Julia, hadn’t bothered to opt for clothing. Sensations of fine cotton swam across the inner awareness as Julia glanced down at the baggy T-shirt covering her body. It had been her favourite for sleeping, displaying a ninja panda waving a war fan about as its yawn showed some impressive teeth. Homesickness swam from between the islands; as it reared up, B dragged it to her instead. The Id ate the manifestation in quick bites, a distorted impression of the cookie monster showering the floor. The debris turning into bloody pieces of flesh, cookie crumbs, fragments of computer parts, and intact thumb drives showered the ground with every bite it took.

“That’s gross,”

B just smiled bloodied fangs at her, and after the form’s elongated tongue licked the blood from its cheeks, it belched impressively. The sound of it reverberating within the Mindspace and filled the air with the sensations of home. Air freshener tickling her nose, crisp pages of a new book, a lazy Sunday relaxing, freshly baked cakes, cookies, a dry heat, and sunshine across her skin. Julia blinked as the pleasant memories washed over her. Though instead of making things harder, it seemed as if her mental defences grew stronger still.

“Tell me that didn’t at least score an eight as far as burp grading goes,” said B. Her serious tone not matching the mischief in her gaze. A pair of old school librarian reading glasses, with their tortoiseshell coloured rims, suddenly perched on its nose.

“I’d give it a 21, nine for volume and twelve for the additional content,” Julia said, the dry tone matching B’s own.

“Sweet, I broke double figures, and at least the content didn’t include projectile vomiting,” said B.

Even as B continued speaking, memories of worshipping the toilet bowl the morning after her eighteenth birthday surged within the space. However unpleasant Julia let them wash past her, remembering Mal laughing in the doorway and Dad calling out the bacon was almost ready. Dad's words made her aware of odours wafting from the kitchen, and it felt as if the inside of her feet were trying to exit her mouth. Mal had closed the door with a click, and the continued sound of his laughter and the metal latch attempted to drive a spike through her brain. Her mum had stayed to tie back Julia’s long hair before she had left.

The pain and sense of loss in the homesickness Julia burned as fuel. Its molten energy fired back against the intrusive command digging around inside her, sealing it away again.

“We were wild on the dance floor that night,”

“At least we thought we were wild, not what the photo evidence afterwards showed,” said Julia. Lips were twitching in amusement at the memory of the photo with Rach and Sarah keeping her upright between them.

“That was the last photo. The booze had flowed into our legs by that time in the evening,” B said. The Id surged to her feet with a jerkiness of motion that made it seem as if she was overflowing with energy. Moves that would start in one direction erratically changed to go in a different one instead.

“Thanks,” said Julia, and the word froze B in surprise.

“Usd’ghi seems to have a grudge against the Anar. She says she doesn’t want to destroy us, but she wants to keep us here forever.” B said, her form blurring, and suddenly she was sitting dressed in a nice business suit behind a wide manager’s desk. Julia felt like someone had called her into a Manager’s office after something had gone completely pear-shaped.

“What do you suggest we do about it?”

Julia couldn’t help wonder what her Id had in mind, the sudden shift so unlike anything experienced from it since Livia’s revelations.

“Wait, Watch, Wash,”

“Wash really, how is that a plan?” asked Julia.

“Stress relief cuts the tension. It keeps you ready to move at a moment’s notice instead of coiling up in a stress ball. Wash things away and polish the pearl until it gleams. Fine, you tell me what you’re going to do,”

The manager’s desk and suit disappeared, and B suddenly was soaking in a bath that set the one at the Silver Chalice to shame. Julia thought before she spoke and remembered how the Ki kept the destruction force separated from her form's Abyssal Heat. Drawing on the Ki from the pool, she wrapped a wall of mist around their islands before speaking again.

“I will get out of here. If Usd'ghi’s got a hook and line in me, then I have a line to her. She gets to harvest from whatever we bring down, but that doesn’t mean she has to get the bulk of it,”

When Harmony and Ki Meditation's sensation enclosed further, Julia felt them carrying her deeper into herself. The descent left B’s laughter behind until she was only vaguely aware of the wagon's movement or the instruction’s pressure. It wasn’t till a set of wards brushed against her outer shell that Julia allowed herself to rouse. When she found the notification awaiting in her awareness, Julia smiled at the progress, aware of how much easier keeping the instruction's imperative at bay had become.

[Mental Hardening [Ad] (3->14)

Ki Meditation [Ad] (39 -> 44)

Demonic Instincts [Ad] (1-> 8)

Time Sense [J] (4->5)]

For a few bells of telling it, 'this face ain’t listening'. That’s a lot of progress. Pushy fucker, maybe I should spend a cycle meditating somewhere before I return.

{{Our form already has a tight butt, you just want to be a complete hard arse. }}

The snark from B’s mental voice was back, but rather than anger, it was teasing.

Just figure you’d prefer to be the only one able to take digs at me.

{{Some probing I won’t object to, but OK they can all piss off }}

I need to figure out why these wards aren’t screaming either.

{{Maybe because you are so loveable. }}

The clearer tone of snark in B’s projection to her had Julia wondering momentarily what her Id was really up to with its help. Though now inside the wards, she had business to focus on first.

All the practice with Telepathy allowed Julia to explore the surrounding minds with ease, skimming over the ones closest to get a view from further away.

The mind of a Hümsi guard standing on a high ledge gave her nearly a full view of what appeared to be a growing compound. The structures were within an enormous cavern compared to the one where they were mining the stone. They had set defensive works and kill zones up in many places, and Julia could see the transport she was riding moving through one. The guard’s field of vision showed her several buildings as they turned; Julia teleported onto a roof at the edge of its perception.

{{If you don’t actively push your skills, you’re going to be stuck forever. }}

I push my skills.

{{No, you try some. Though often it’s the same shit different cycle rather than use them in fresh ways. }}

There’s the angry, snarky B again, to think I missed it. Though you have a point.

Julia crouched in her Xenomorph wingless form and crept across the rooftop. Her gaze resting on the shackled Skëll still pulling the transport wagon into the compound and following them spotted more of them further within. Analysis told her what she wanted to know, and teeth bared; Julia grew additional eyes to scan about while moving carefully between cover.

[Name: Lag’nik’dali

Demonic Species: Lesser Skëll Drake

Class: Warrior

Level: 10 / 25

Health: 1,630

Mana: 0

Defence: 68

Melee Attack Power: 81

Combat Skills: Gore [J] (22); Trample [J] (10); Bite [J] (8); Glaive [J] (33)

Details: Earning a living as a general guard and labourer, he was taken prisoner during a faction conflict. They now hold him with enchanted shackles. The enchantments bind him to follow the instructions of those in the service of Lord Qjiadlóv.]

Security within the partially constructed complex was ironically tighter than it had been within the fortress of Setimet. The first patrol of Hümsi landed on the rooftop near to where Julia sheltered from a sentry’s line of sight. It was only the scuffing of boots close at hand that provided a warning. The mix of leather and chain armour they wore similar to the lesser Hümsi she’d fought when travelling with Lêdhins. They looked like strange humans with their deep red skin, and the full off white of their eyes gave her no clue how they saw anything.

The patrol itself gave their surroundings only a cursory once over before crossing to drop to street level again. Julia was still watching the nearby sentry when a guard travelling alone landed on the rooftop. The soles of his boots made only the slightest noises as he landed, instead of crunching loudly as the earlier guards had done. Already prone on the stone, Julia held still, careful not to look directly at them in case they might feel the weight of her gaze.

It was a species that Julia hadn’t seen before; its broad frog-like head looked odd on the squat humanoid body. Its wide splayed feet supported a solid-looking frame, and unlike the other guards she’d seen so far, its armour was a strange slick leather. However, the black armour was similar in texture to its hide, mottled in various shades of deep earthen tones. The battered and poorly patched armour in appearance at odds with the care the Hümsi took in their maintenance. Though when she spotted the wide collar that enclosed his neck similar to those that held the Skëll, Julia checked to confirm its state.

[Name: Quif

Demonic Species: Lesser Zrlser

Class: Scout

Level: 10 / 48

Health: 945

Mana: 0

Defence: 91

Melee Attack Power: 80

Combat Skills: Short Blades [J] (40), Short Bow [J] (40), Throwing Knives [J] (40), Spear [J] (40)

Details: A native to the plane of Kapùcterv, a mercenary Scout taken prisoner by Lord Qjiadlóv’s troops upon seizing the merchant caravan they worked with. He is now held in Lord Qjiadlóv’s service with an enchanted collar that allows for remote instruction. It binds him to follow the instructions of those in the service of Lord Qjiadlóv ]

All its skills combat skills are blocked at the top of Journeyman. Not smart enough to progress?

As soon as it started tasting the air with a forked tongue, it was apparent just staying still would not be enough. A reflex smile didn’t budge the chitin encasing her features as she remembered Klipyl. Telepathy touched its mind with a message as its gaze fixed on her location. Bulging slitted eyes blinked at her slowly as it held a gleaming short sword in its hand.

“Do you want to be free of your shackles?” Julia said, letting her voice whisper through its mind.

#I see you strange one. I’m not allowed to get free.#

“Are you allowed to stand still and let another touch your shackles?”

#There is no order against one who is not a Slave doing so.#

“You should stand near me. If you swear to me afterwards, I’ll help you Ascend if you’re blocked.”

His weapon already in his hand appeared to waver for a moment, and he stepped lightly towards where Julia waited, the mottled chitin of her form blending with the shadows. When Julia stayed still, it crouched within reach, but it was clear from its mind, it was ready to stab. Julia raised a hand to its neck with slow motions, and the collar vanished into her inventory.

#You kept your word. I don’t have to kill#

“Do you wish to Ascend or not?” Julia asked. The sharp tone of the words pressing on its mind reminding him of her offer. Her interruption in its mind cut short its considerations, which jumped between getting away or stabbing this strange Demon.

#What this cost?#

The suspicious tone of its mind was clear as it tried to decide if it was worth chancing it, even given that the strange one before it had already delivered once.

“As I told you, swear to my service, and I’ll help you ascend,”

I don’t care if it serves. I want to see if I get more Shards from helping it Ascend.

#Who are you then?#


#I swear to you service then Viper if you deliver on your half. Where do I go after I Ascend?#

“What’s your home Plane?” Julia asked, feeling against the slowness of his thoughts.

#I hatched in the swamps of Kapùcterv. Once back at death waters, I not leave.#

“I’ll get in touch if I need anything done there,”

[A demon has offered you service. Do you wish to be their patron?]


As Julia grabbed on to the Abyssal Heat within his form, her willpower crushed through its resistance. A surprised noise came from it, a muffled groan blending with a froglike croak. From its mind, it clearly enjoyed the pressure and the pain Julia was inflicting on it. The practice she’d had with Klipyl’s energy clear as the flow of Heat inside it picked up hurriedly, even though it felt more than Klipyl had possessed. Like Klipyl, it vanished into a black maelstrom of Abyssal power. The power blending with the shadows where Julia had hidden, not even attracting any apparent attention.

[Demonic Shards gained: 5]

Wonder how many of their slaves need to Ascend. Even if it's not lots freeing, some will piss these folks off. So stage things to blame the Sisterhood or Set?

With care, Julia moved to where a group of slaves were working. The Skëll Drake she’d analysed before was there helping unload the cargo it had hauled from the cavern. Demon by Demon Julia examined the workers, and while blocked Demons weren’t a large percentage of the workforce. From the count she kept of those passing where she initially focused, Lord Qjiadlóv’s forces owned many Demonic slaves. Hiding in cover near the busy area kept her on high alert, monitoring for anyone spotting her. Julia had to ignore the ping of stealth and perception levelling as she waited.

Not needing sleep had been great for survival in the tunnels now brought issues with breaking the slaves free. With no need for rest, the guards did not hold them in barracks or dormitories to sleep or even give a break. When the transports were finally empty, they ordered the quads of Skëll back into the transports' harnesses. Julia shifted form, teleported onto the last wagon in the line and waited for them to leave the cavern. When it was well out of hearing range, Julia made her move, shifting to her wingless form and hitting the driver with Ki strike. The flesh and bone shattered under her first strike, and Julia felt the blackness seize at it.

As the Hümsi driver swung towards her, Teleport carried Julia past, and tentacles snaked out to strike against the manacles and harness. A well-thrown knife dug through the Ki Armour as the manacles vanished, and Julia teleported away again. Her perch shifting to the next driver seat and that Hümsi failed to notice her arrival, distracted by the screams behind him. When Ki Strike and Death Strike drove her fist straight through its head, she got free by teleporting again. When the final Hümsi went down, and the bloodied Skëll finished ripping the wounded apart, they turned their gaze towards Julia.

[Combat Summary

Lesser Hümsi x5

Lesser Hümsi x5 (20% share)

Demonic Shards gained: 10

Total Experience distributed between classes: 6,324

Monk: +3,162

Succubus: +3,162

Death Strike (4->9)

Silent Kill (4->5)

Ki Infusion [Ad] (45->46)

Ki Strike [Ad] (45->46)

Stealth [Ad] (4->5)]

“Lag’nik’dali,” Julia said, nodding politely to the Skëll she’d used Analyse on first.

With a simple gesture, she held out her hand and the manacles and harnesses she’d removed dropped to the ground.

“Any of you able to Ascend?”

Before he finally spoke to Julia, the Skëll looked at each other, not having taken issue with her using his name.

“What are you? Why would any help us?” asked Lag’nik’dali, its words heavy with anger and suspicion.

“I’m a Xenona in the service of Lady Eakcï. My Lady had to break free of those that shackled her. So she isn’t in favour of anyone shackling other demons; she prefers strong willing servants. I help you Ascend, and it helps me. Plus, I’d like you to spread some rumours when you get home,”

{{Liar, Liar pants on Fire! }}

“How does helping us Ascend help you? What rumours?”

“Forcing you to Ascend lets me tap into the Abyssal energy of the rift that absorbs you, that helps my growth. Rumours about the force that attacked Lord Qjiadlóv’s convoy and how you all escaped while they were torturing the guards."

“Speeding your growth makes sense. Why would you want us to talk about you? You looking for Qjiadlóv’s guards to come put a collar on you?”

“No, I’ll show you what you’ll talk about to any that will listen. Don’t speak the name of their master unless you’re in a city,”

Julia put images like a movie set within their minds, and they saw the convoy of wagons attacked by a squad of Kralcí. When the mental movie finished playing, and they’d looked between each other wordlessly.

[Telepathy [Ad] (34->36)]

“Never heard of a Xenona,” said Lag’nik’dal. Julia just shrugged at its suspicious tone, took out the Dusk Emerald, and prepared an altered imprint. When Lag’nik’dal eyes widened after it read the imprint offered in the stone, Julia was glad for the Chitin keeping the amusement from her features. Especially when it had resulted in the Profile control skill levelling, she had bolstered and completely changed readings instead of downplaying skills. As they held the emerald, Julia could see their thoughts as they felt the content of it.

[Profile Control [J] (2->6)]

“You’re a named Vortex Storm! Not heard your name before Monty. All but Kari’plo’nik could Ascend, but none of us has managed it and the shackles stop us from trying. Skëll rarely makes it beyond lesser tier,” Lag’nik’dali said, gesturing towards one of the gathered group, before handing back the Emerald.

This whole thing feels like a Monty Python skit about now.

{{She’s not the messiah she’s just a very frigid girl. }}


“Why a big shot wizard fighter help us?“ Kari’plo’nik asked and quickly received a punch in the ear from another.

"Who wants to Ascend first?” asked Julia, looking to avoid repeated rounds of explanation.

Thirty-nine Ascended Skëll and one ninety-five Demonic shards later, Kari’plo’nik was the only one still present.

“What now?”

“Can you push the wagons together, then I’ll get you to a portal out to Hrz’Styrn if that’s useful,”

“Unloaded wagons easy to move. Not native to that plane, but it better than tunnels,” said Kari’plo’nik, in its jarring speech pattern.

A few shock blasts cast with Spatial Mana scattered the metal and stone of the wagons about the passage. Given the Skëll’s size it was just as well she’d had the large storage bags. Shortly after Kari’plo’nik stuck his paw in the bag Julia set him down outside the Portal to Hrz’Styrn. Julia smiled, watching them plod off through towards Ùeqräkas while challenging the forces of the Castellan’s instruction on her mind. Knowing the Portal lead closer to the Stronghold, it dug hard into her awareness, and with deliberate taunting of its pressure, Julia turned and walked away. Once the pressure lessened, she teleported back close to the compound and slipped inside again.

They’re Demons J, just do what you need to do.

Perched above the compound, Julia finally gave up on finding the perfect solution and Teleport placed her behind another isolated and enslaved Zrlser. Before it could turn on her, its collar vanished, and Julia’s will compressed the essence within it together. It barely groaned before the Abyss drew it in, and Julia moved onto another. When she finished with isolated scouts and workers who could Ascend, she paid a visit to the rooms of the guard’s primary commander. A commander who was dead in his chambers before large groups of slaves found themselves freed as their collars vanished completely or fell away in pieces.

Battle lines formed against the guards as the spare contents of the armoury appeared among those freed. The presence of weapons fueling their desire for revenge against the guards, and sometimes old rivals. Chaos whirled through the construction site as explosions of Spatial and Primordial mana ripped apart guards trying to regain control. The continual disappearance of slaves from among those fighting went unnoticed, given the chaos of the battle. Julia avoided joining in the melee and took action from the shadows, freeing slaves and Ascending those suitable.

As a Wizard at the back of one group of guards shaped a spell, Julia watched it form with Mana sense. As he pulled water mana into a spell form's shape, Julia recognised the same habit Yngvarr had smacked her for using and the vulnerability of it. Not sure what would happen, she injected a surge of Abyssal mana into the spell form as it neared completion and mentally blinked as a ball of plasma exploded in his face. The force of the explosion ripped apart guards and slaves alike and blasted chunks of a nearby wall into dust.

[Skill Mana Finesse Unlocked

Mana Finesse (1)

Mana Manipulation ranks absorbed by Mana Finesse.

Mana Finesse (1) -> [Ad](49)

Base Mana Multiplier progressed to x4

Base Mana Multiplier upgraded by item(s) to x6

Skill Unlocked: Spell Disruption

Spell Disruption (1) ]

By the time the battle ended, both sides bloodied by the fighting fled the cavern. The conflict leaving the hundreds of buildings within the compound badly damaged if not toppled. Guard towers sprawled over the previously re-enforced defensive emplacements they had provided over-watch on. Broken bodies of guards and slaves alike were being picked over by the combatants that hadn’t fled the scene.

[Combat Summary:

Least Hümsi x5

Lesser Dretch x12

Lesser Hümsi x52

Hümsi x1

Demonic Shards gained 25.5

Total-Experience distributed between classes: 72,230

Monk: 4,024

Wizard: +34,103

Succubus: +34,103]

So I only get Demonic Shards if I hit them with Energy Drain.

Though the experience wasn't a lot, added to the five hundred and twenty-five additional shards Julia had gotten from slaves she’d forced to Ascend, the progress wasn’t anything to sneeze at. Even if her gamer self wanted to even out the number of shards on the profile. Julia was pondering the number of Demonic forces she’d strengthened when V interrupted his tone comforting.

((They are unlikely to Ascend again, and you’ll have centuries to destroy others on their home planes to balance things. ))

{{Never mind balancing things. I need a ciggie after that fun. }}

The purring voice in her mind made Julia want to shake her head, and she sensed B’s amusement at the reaction.

I never smoked.

{{Not in the last life, sweetie. But we’re smoking now. Please don’t tell me you’re going to meditate again.}}

I’ve got at least one Affinity I can try to get, plus I’m wondering if the Grotto’s Song would lead to Order.

{{There is still others at the stonework’s cavern. Kill some more first! }}

((The Song is part of the Titan’s order, it's why it conflicts with the Abyssal Heat. ))

Fine! After I gain Destruction and Order, I’ll see about setting miners free and killing guards.

The chaos among the stoneworkers quickly reached the point where her sense of self felt battered from the essence within. Sure that she was pushing her luck, Julia freed the rest of the Demons from their shackles and teleported away. Meditation on the mark sheltered within her side, and the Grotto’s song added Destruction and Order in as short a time as any other Affinity.

Decades? It would seem not. How do I gain them so fast?

((The Anar helped the Titan sing many things into existence. Even if you do not remember them, the essence of you is in tune with them. ))

I’m going to have to risk learning Usd’ghi's spell form. If I go back to the Sisterhood anchored to that plane, it could go sideways fast.

((Learn it and project it across the spirit bridge, I can tell you if it’s a trap. Might I suggest a plane to use? ))


((Pandemonium. It’s rare, but some Demons call it home. ))

Isn’t that a chaotic plane?

((Yes, but why do you sound so pleased? ))

"Chaos makes three?"

Though it was tempting to go directly, there Julia opted for sitting in the Grotto’s song and set the Grimoire on her lap.

The worker’s near the dredging mechanism lifting bodies from the river dove away as a rift manifested over the river. As reality cracked, the rift exploded in a jet of flames; the heat incinerating the corpses floating directly underneath. When the flames died enough for them to look up, they saw the unblemished ivory skin of a Succubus with wings unfurled, hovering motionless in midair. The very air about them shimmered with the pressure of their presence, and the group groaned with desire and adoration as her will pressed down upon them.

[Mental Hardening [M](5->6)

Demonic Tier Progression Completed

Lesser Succubus successfully ascended to Succubus.

Excess demonic shard energy converted.

+5 Charisma Attributes applied

Resistance: Poison progressed from Minor to base.

Resistance: Electricity progressed from Minor to base.

Power: Translate Languages evolved to Tongues

Tongues gained 15 points from ascending to Succubus.

Tongues [J] (17->32)

Dark Sight, Mana Sense and Soul Sight detected

Power: True Sight Unlocked

True Sight (1)

Dark Sight and Mana Sense absorbed into True Sight.

True Sight (1) -> [Ad] (2)

True Sight not able to absorb greater power: Soul Sight.

Greater Teleport (Self) already present.

Greater Teleport (Self) [Ad] (7) evolved into Greater Teleport [Ad] (7).

Acting gained 15 points from ascending to Succubus.

Acting [Ap](25) -> [J](10)

Abyssal Lore gained 15 points from ascending to Succubus.

Abyssal Lore [J](38) -> Abyssal Lore [Ad](13)

Bluff not detected.

15 points added to skill points (20->35 Skill Points)

Haggling gained 15 points from ascending to Succubus.

Haggling [Ap] (24)->[J] (9)

Stealth gained 15 points from ascending to Succubus.

Stealth [Ad](5 -> 20)

Seduction not detected.

15 points added to skill points (35->50 Skill Points)

Stimulation detected.

Stimulation gained 15 points from ascending to Succubus.

Stimulation [J] (33) -> [Ad] (8)

800 Additional Demonic essence shards converted.

80 Attribute points added to the unallocated count, 80 are currently awaiting allocation.

Demonic Faction: Unbound (Group: Sisterhood of Blood).

Progression transfer to the Unbound home plane of Hrz’Styrn completed.

Alert: Destruction of your demonic form will cause banishment and a century’s imprisonment on Pandemonium, as no other planar option available.

Ascending adjustments completed.]

As Julia opened her eyes and the flames finished turning bodies to ash, she mentally flickered open profile. Without hesitation, she applied all the points to her Willpower. From the shoreline deepening Demonic groans attracted her attention. When eyes filled with swirling white-hot flames turned towards them, the group were already on their bellies. The power in each of them clear to Julia as her gaze passed over them.

[Dominion [Ad](6->8)]

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