Abyssal Road Trip

63 - Feel Good Inc

“Really?” Yngvarr asked, exasperation clear in his tone when Julia signalled done.

“I told you it doesn’t take long,” said Julia, giving him a shrug.

“That wasn’t even a bell. It can take years to gain a single affinity,”

“With learning Air, I’m now at twelve,” revealed Julia.

“I know some Wizards that would kill for that talent,” Yngvarr warned with a frown.

“Well, I wouldn’t suggest they’d want it as part of my package deal,” declared Julia, gesturing dismissively.

“You have a valid point,” conceded Yngvarr, the nod he gave her apologetic.

“How is that detection spell form’s going?” Julia asked, to change the subject, as she pushing to keep her own frustration at bay.

Yngvarr just smiled and handed over some inscribed rune paper.

“You’ve researched and inscribed them already?” asked Julia, storing them in inventory.

“It was just a change to an existing spell form and then inscribed with specific intent. When you activate the rune, it will tell you the air quality in a one hundred metre radius,”

“Cool, a new spell and your dimensions make sense to me. So what’s next?” asked Julia.

“Show me how you are trying to cast the messenger spell you picked out. I’ll see if I can determine what’s going wrong.”

“I can do that," replied Julia, pleased to get help. "What idea did you have for powder?”

“A transmutation spell to change iron to magnesium or white phosphorus, though magnesium might be safer.”


“Now I know what that means and how some view it, young lady,” scolded Yngvarr.

“You’re far too old to be my dad,” Julia said, shooing him away with both hands.

{{He still hasn’t said if he swings both ways? He could be my sugar daddy! Just close your eyes and think of that virginity begone.}}

“I saw that facial twitch. What did B say?”

“Never mind. I’ve let my guard down far too much,” said Julia.

{{Spoil sport. }}

“Now I can guess the context. Has she set you chasing Rana?”

{{He’s paying attention to me. He loves me! See, he says we should chase Rana. Permission from your elders. }}

“No comment,” avoided Julia, quickly shaking her head.

“Very well, show me your casting," Yngvarr prompted. "I’ll work out the transmutation later.”

“Okay, Ýridhrendaer, shall I begin,” Julia asked

Yngvarr just looked at her a moment before he shook his head.

“Did Alfarr or Rana tell you?” sighed Yngvarr.

“Rana spilled your secret,” admitted Julia, with a smile.

“I told you the Norse find Yngvarr easier,” Yngvarr reminded her.

Julia just smiled at him and started shaping the spell form.

“Stop,” declared Yngvarr.

Julia released the mana and locked gazes with Yngvarr.

“You’re pulling the mana into the spell form?” Yngvarr asked.

“That’s how I've been manipulating mana,” admitted Julia.

“It’s one of the least efficient ways to handle it. Your spells will be more costly even as you get better at casting them,” cautioned Yngvarr.

“Isn’t that cost because the spells hit harder?” asked Julia.

“The spells should draw the same amount of mana. Your skill should increase the damage alone. It’s an issue many Wizards don’t get past, and it limits them,” Yngvarr revealed.

“Wait, but you said image the spell form, and then set the mana through it,” Julia argued, giving him a frown.

“Yes, you visualise the spell form shape in your mind. Then you set the mana loose through it with the required affinity. I can see by Mana’s movements you’re drawing the mana through the spell forms still. The spell form is the mental walls of the construct, a vein or pipe through which the energy should flow,” explained Yngvarr.

“Yeah, I assumed with your explanation from my first stay it meant to picture the shape and draw the mana through it. So I was drawing mana within the form, I hadn't set up pipes. I got all the other spell forms you taught me to work.”

“Those were simple ones, so your high starting skill made the difference. Very well start again,” Yngvarr said, rubbing his chin with his palm.

“You’re trying not to say Fuck, aren’t you?” asked Julia, with a cheeky smile.

“Fuck!” said Yngvarr.

“That’s the spirit." Julia proclaimed. "So my abbreviated lessons from last time set me up with bad habits?”

{{He wants you. }}

No, he doesn’t. Stop it.

“Indeed. Try again,” prompted Yngvarr.

“When did you last have an apprentice?” Julia asked, curiously.

“Decades. Why do you ask?” asked Yngvarr, giving her a suspicious look.

“Maybe you’re out of practice teaching," Julia teased, light-heartedly. "You should find one or more.”

“Perhaps you’re right, but I prefer teaching those with a range of Affinities,”

Oh my. Most elitist of you Yngvarr.

“Doesn’t that exclude most seeking an apprenticeship?” probed Julia, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.

“Fortunately, it does,” admitted Yngvarr.

“That’s mean," declared Julia. "So you’d make an exception if I find someone with multiple affinities.”

“You know someone?” Yngvarr probed, giving Julia an inquiring look.

“Not yet, but I’ll keep an eye out. But what happens if I find multiple candidates?” asked Julia, an idea blooming in her mind.

“If you find folk you'd recommend with over two affinities, I’ll find teachers for them somehow.”

Challenge accepted. Will have to see if my idea works.

When Julia put together spell form in her mind, the hours spent trying to draw the mana through the shape allowed her to visualise it quickly. Focus set on its form the moment the mana moved, it flooded through the crystal pipes she’d pictured, and the energy jumped to Yngvarr.

[Spatial spell form: Mercury’s Whisper Learnt]

“Well done getting it working. But what did you mean by it?” Yngvarr enquired, frowning as he considered her message again.

“What’s wrong with my message?” huffed Julia playfully.

“One small step for Succubus kind. What do you mean?” asked a baffled Yngvarr.

Could I teleport to the Moon? That would be so cool. Cold I’m not immune to, so maybe not.

{{Just moon people. It’s easier. }}


{{Moon a little, just a quick date. You’ve regretted most of the ones you’ve gone on since the dick! Wait, he counts as well. }}

“The message is clearly from me at least,” declared Julia.

“Practice. Cast it again,” prompted Yngvarr, nodding at her to get on with it.

As the next spell completed, its energy simply vanished, and when Yngvarr frowned, Julia could only smile.

“Seems you need more practice,” cautioned Yngvarr.

“True, but you’re assuming you were the spell’s target,” Julia responded, lips twitching in amusement.

“Who did you send a message to?” Yngvarr asked suspiciously.

“It’s a secret,” whispered Julia, putting a finger to her lips.

This spell was designed to transfer sounds, not just carry words. I hope Moke enjoys the sound of a knife being drawn next to his ear.

{{Maybe the MGM lion roaring in Dolby stereo next time.}}

“Lining up time with Livia?” probed Yngvarr, eying Julia when she shook her head.

“Not as yet,” declared Julia, when he continued to stare at her questioningly.

“Focus on practice and not whatever you’re up to,” admonished Yngvarr.

“I’m sorry, Yngvarr. It was just something I needed to take care of before I forgot,” apologised Julia.

{{Yeah, don’t let a grudge die of old age. Beat it to death instead. }}

Julia focused, and the energy lept to Yngvarr again.

“Better, keep practicing. You’ll need to be proficient at it to send messages across the planes,” stated Yngvarr, motioning her to go again.

“It’s your choice. You might feel nothing at all. How much do you want it?” asked Julia.

{{Oh, Baby. }}

B, please don’t.

“I’m still not comfortable with the idea, Lady Julia,”

“Everyone has gone out to the Silver Chalice. Please call me Julia,”

“Why did you turn down the invitation to join them?” asked Rika.

“There’s someone there I’m avoiding because I'm tempted to break a few of their dearest possessions. Now I interrupted you, drink your water,”

“What do you want to break, Lady Julia?”

Julia just looked at the cup and then at Rika and didn’t reply until she began drinking.“ His dick, balls and an assortment of bones.”

The spray of water that resulted across the kitchen table was quite impressive.

“Why?” asked Rika, eyes wide at Julia’s flat tone.

“To teach him to keep his mouth closed. No more Lady Julia from you,” scolded Julia lightly.

“Are the Skald’s sagas about you?”

Julia's sigh was pure exasperation. “Not you too. Aren’t you a little young to be listening to Moke?”

“I heard a part that I hope I remember right. It was good,” Rika said.

The excitement in her voice made Julia fidget and groan. “Please don’t.”

“Why don’t you like it?” Rika asked, tilting her head at Julia.

{{That's my question! }}

“From what I’ve been told, I want to hurt him,” said Julia.

“If it’s about you, it seemed grand. I'd hear it before you judge. I had to stop to listen to part of it this afternoon. It's something like,"

"In that dark hall, where foul demons spilled. I merely could hope only to be killed,"

"Yet within she did sway, Where I might but pray. Her will set the fiends to be stilled.”


Damn it, what is he telling people?

“Do you think I remember it right? I hope so. I liked it,” said Rika before continuing.

“From among them rose a true beast. Having set aside a truly grim feast.

A plotting, vile demon, knotting flesh of a freeman. Enraged as it stood, it quivered not in the least.

With their growls, my fresh hope did shred, Yet set forth her grace did with surety spread.

As its fury did flow; She barely did slow. Against her, the foul beast’s life soon fled.

For Lady Eakcï proved a mighty wizard, and against this demonic lizard.

Her power did flare, and with but a stare. The foul beast was bereft of its gizzard.”

What the fuck! It wasn’t a lizard. But at least he's telling people I'm a wizard and not anything else.

{{He’s got just the quill tip ready for you. It’s just the tip. Honest!}}

“It wasn’t a lizard. Let’s put Moke aside for now. How did you remember all that?”

{{Put him down or go down? Decisions, decisions}}


“When mother started weakening, I learnt fast to remember all my Uncle’s instructions. He never hit me; I was bigger by the time I was eleven winters, but he’d yell, and mother would get upset. I didn’t want her spending strength defending me,”

“Why didn’t a priest heal her?” asked Julia softly.

“When she got the chance to escape home with me, the wounds were old. The blessing could only ease her discomfort,” said Rika. The raw pain in her voice echoed in her gaze.

“I’m sorry. Do you want to try this?” asked Julia, lightly resting a compassionate hand on Rika's arm.

“Yes, please,” Rika replied, nodding hastily blinking away restrained tears.

“Now turn on the tool for freshwater, and I’ll see what we both can learn,” said Julia, fighting back the urge to find her uncle.

Harmony’s presence having kept a sullen B at bay. The trickling water had run for sometime before the notifications flared across Julia’s awareness.

[Mana Affinity Unlocked: Water.

Harmony [Ad] (47->48)

Your actions have unlocked Water Affinity for Rika.

Your actions have unlocked the Wizard class for Rika.

Rika has gained her first class.

Bonus attributes assigned to the initial class' primary attribute.

Your actions have unlocked Mana Manipulation for Rika.

Rika now has Mana Manipulation (1)

Your actions have unlocked Harmony for Rika.

Rika now has Harmony (1)]

It worked cool. That is interesting, wasn't expecting Harmony to unlock as well.

“I sensed it, the way it moved, the energy in its motion, its energy within me,” Rika said, wonder lighting up her face as she looked at Julia.

“Shall we see if you can learn more?”

“If you would, this is wonderful. Are you sure about this?” asked Rika.

Julia laughed and gestured towards the magic hot plate as she turned the water off.

“Yngvarr said he’d find apprenticeships for anyone I find with over two affinities. Time to find out if I can help you learn. We might as well learn some of them together,”

Fortunately, it was late when Yngvarr, and Alfarr returned. Perhaps it was unfortunate for Yngvarr, who looked confused when the sound of shared laughter beckoned him to the kitchen's door.

“What are you ladies up to now?” asked Yngvarr, his tone bemused as he spoke to them from the doorway.

“I was just sharing a laugh with your new apprentice,” Julia said.

“Why didn’t you simply tell me Rika had affinities. I hadn’t thought to check,”

“When you hired me, I had none,” said Rika. Though she shot a tight gaze at Julia, seeing her light mood, Rika relaxed.

“It was a productive evening, but now Rika has Air, Earth, Fire, Spatial, Life, and Water affinities and the Wizard class requiring instruction,” said Julia, ticking off the ones they'd worked through.

“But how?”

“An extension of our experiments with Telepathy; I touched Rika's mind while using Harmony to feel the energy. The combination shaped a bridge and allowed us both to gain an understanding of it.”

“You extended it and in doing so taught Rika two of the rarest Affinities plus others in an evening,”

“What ones are rare?”

“Spatial and Life,” said Yngvarr, giving Julia a stern look, “Life allows for healing magics, normally the realm of Priests,”

“That’s cool. So guess you need a new housekeeper,”

“It seems I do, very well, Apprentice Rika. We’ll see what basic teachings you need in the morning,” Yngvarr said, giving the girl a kind smile.

“I’ll take care of reading and writing tomorrow. Rika is looking a bit worn,” said Julia.

“I’m fine honestly, Lady Julia,”

“I don’t believe you work here as a servant now, do you, Rika.”

“Very well, Julia. Did you do this so I’d just stop using a title on you?”

“Absolutely,” said Julia, and her light-hearted tone sparked a rumbling laugh from Rika.

“But what will an apprenticeship cost me, Lord Yngvarr?” Rika asked, looking at him with concern.

“You’ve six affinities, two of them extremely rare, and you’ve only fourteen winters. I will let no one else have you as their apprentice,” Yngvarr said, his tone filled with disbelief.

“Alright, Rika. Go get some sleep, your gaze shows your exhaustion. Off to bed, young lady,” said Julia, making a shooing gesture.

“We’ll move your things in the morning,” Yngvarr said, smiling at her.

“Move?” asked Rika, confused and concerned by the change in subject.

“You’re an apprentice now, so you need a suitable room with space to study,” Yngvarr said, bemusement clear in his eyes.

“Oh,” Rika said, her tone stunned.

“See, your brain needs rest, off you go,” said Julia, and smiled as Rika walked away, the fatigue clear in her posture deepening with every step.

When she had left the kitchen, Yngvarr gave Julia an arched look.

“How many apprentices will I need to handle?”

“Maybe a few,” replied Julia, with a casual shrug.

“Who else did you have in mind?” asked Yngvarr, his tone firm.

“Sagga appears to Soul Sight to be just as bright as Rika, though she thinks differently. There are a few other smart children I’ve seen, but I’ll ask if any are interested first,”

“Among your faithful’s families?”

“Maybe,” Julia said, with a cheeky smile that lit up her gaze.

“Only three to start with. I’d not enjoy trying to explain why I have a handful of individuals with multiple affinities needing apprenticeships. Could this not have waited?”

“I’ll be busy, and who knows when I’ll get back. Could you find an apprenticeship for children with single affinities?” Julia asked, “I can help them gain more later.”

“Very well, keep it under ten,” Yngvarr answered in resignation.

“Jolly good,” replied Julia, mischief clear in her tone.

“Good night, Julia. The fundamentals of Norse script only, she needs practice in learning for herself,” Yngvarr said, starting to leave the kitchen without waiting for a reply.

“Yngvarr,” said Julia, his name almost a question.

“Yes, Julia?”

“How much do you think some Wizards would pay to learn an Affinity quickly?” Julia asked curiously.

“Some of them would be quite generous,” responded Yngvarr, the hopefulness obvious to Julia.

“Excellent,” cheered Julia, her mood clearly buoyed by his assessment.

{{Excellent. }}

((The pair of you, should I worry. ))

“Why are you interested in funds now, considering all you gave away to Livia?” asked Yngvarr.

“Communities need places to come together,” Julia answered, a warm smile lighting her face, as she remembered the larger family gathering.

“I’ll make sure your faithful are taken care of then. So about the Life Affinity,”

“Oh, really? Straight for the rare one,” Julia said, laughter bubbling in her voice.

{{No, the shiny things should be for us! Not fair. }}

A momentary overlap doesn’t mean the journey is heading in the same direction.

((I stand corrected. ))

{{Spoil sport. I’m still owed dancing. }}

Julia set aside the sharp tone in B’s mental voice and gestured Yngvarr to sit down with a smile.

“Shall we begin?”

The night’s practice after Yngvarr had gained the Life affinity, had Julia’s inventory skill jumped with time spent focused on pushing its capabilities. Guided by the experience of freeing the prisoners from manacles, Julia had found new uses for it. Precisely carved cubes of rock had eventually resulted from her attempts to store parts rather than a whole. Once that was working, progressing from small cubes to the explicit garden ornaments now decorating the garden's edges had been fun. The dreamy-eyed elf leaning over a mushroom she hoped would get a laugh from Alfarr. That's if the pair of naked fellows lounging on a tiny bed, drinking from glass and mug respectively, didn’t do the job.

In the pre-dawn, Julia slipped out of the yard’s gate and headed towards the Temple square. As she rounded the last corner, two cloaked figures pushed off from the stonework where they’d been waiting. Though both had a sword and daggers in abundance, the way they stood made it clear they intended no violence. Their hands, well out from their sides, were deliberately clear of the hilts.

Really! No option to decline these meeting invites.

When Julia drew close, they both bowed politely. Their faces caught the streetlights as they straightened, letting her easily recognise them.

“Lady Eakcï, we were hoping for a moment,” said Neferu. The older man clearly in much better shape now; vigour had returned to his angular features. The healing had removed the grey, leaving his Black hair untinted, and their deep brown eyes shone with health and gratitude as he regarded her.

Ipy, who Julia recognised, also looked in better shape. Though the fuzz of hair he had was gone, the bald look somehow suited his round face well, and his dark eyes and skin looked flush with returned health. His lean frame held a relaxed air as he waited next to Neferu.

“Good Morning to you both, Neferu and Ipy,” Julia said, nodding to the men. Ipy blinked, and his eyes widened but without fear, prompting Julia to remember there had been no introduction between them.

He's surprised but not scared, grateful. Is Ipy pleased I know their name?

[Sense Motive [Ap](19->20)]

It saves me from being rude and eavesdropping on their minds.

“You’re both looking much recovered. What can I help you with?” Julia asked, continuing onwards, hoping to avoid whatever question he might have.

“Sorry to distract. You're hard to track down except for your morning training. We wanted to thank you for the equipment that arrived. The Moon Elves who delivered and fitted the equipment told us you had made the arrangements,” said Neferu.

“I’m glad the Elves acted so promptly to assist you,”

“We also all wanted to know what we owed, your Ladyship,” Ipy said, jumping in ahead of whatever Neferu had planned to say.

“Directly, you owe me nothing. Though if you wish you could assist Moke with a task I asked of him, but anyone's involvement should be voluntary,”

“What might that be?”

“Speak to him discreetly. Perhaps other members might assist if you three believe them suitable. But purely of their own free will, nor would it be a primary focus for anyone. I expect it will take some time to complete,”

“You entrusted this to Moke?” Neferu asked, his voice laced lightly with disbelief.

“Before your rescue, and though Moke will run his mouth. I doubt he’d risk it for this task,”

“My path is an explorer’s one, so it will depend on what information you need,”

“There are places to be found. Since Ipy is a ranger in Bast service, I’m sure he’d prefer to talk to someone in the church before he commits.

“How did you know that?” Ipy asked, his shock clear in his voice.

“While I know many things, what I need to know is more about our mutual enemies. I would suggest you speak to Moke and decide if it's something you wish to assist in. Perhaps with proper discretion spells in place and not the one he uses,”

“Is the form I saw you in your true one?”

“Not everything is as it appears regardless of forms seen.”

“I thought as much. I’d read about deals offered before. Yours did not feel as described, which surprised me after what I'd seen,”

Doublespeak and he thinks I'm not a Succubus.

[Acting [Ap](23->25)]

“Is everyone recovering from your ordeal?”

“Some are still recovering; the Priestess of Eir and Týr have been tending them.”

“I’m glad. Please take care wherever life takes you,”

“The Elves called us adventurers, a term I’d not heard previously. How can you take care if you are going on adventures?” Ipy asked.

Does it seem I coined a phrase?

“Maybe you should start a common Adventurer’s guild across the kingdoms,” Julia said, keeping amusement contained when Neferu looked thoughtful. When they both bowed politely, Julia just returned the gesture. As the pair walked towards the Silver Chalice, curiosity got the better of her, and Julia used Analysis on Neferu.


[Name: Neferu

Species: Human Egyptian Descent

Class: Explorer

Level: 5

Health: 2730

Mana: 55

Defence: 54

Melee Attack Power: 86

Magic: 16

Details: A veteran member of the Charter House, Neferu only recently has just started the Explorer path but possesses a high rank within the organisation. This prestige path is available through the combination of Skirmisher and Scout at level forty.]

Level five, so the Prestige Class resets the level. Wonder if the experience requirement resets as well?

Out in the Temple Square, Julia still drew attention from the guard’s, but with less intensity. Livia was already there with Master Farhad and waved as Julia came closer.

“Good Morning Livia. Did Moke say anything to upset you?”

“I’ve only seen him that once. He was being silly and told some lies, but Torm and I called him on them,” Livia said, shrugging.

“That’s good. Glad his antics didn’t upset anyone,”

“I wasn't upset, though Uncle Torm kept him pinned down till High Justice Verdandi said he could support his arm.”

“Support his arm?” asked Julia, wondering what interactions she'd missed.

“Moke said something about you being naked, and Torm put a firm hand on his shoulder. That was after we got him to stop lying about you being his wife or him thinking you wanted to try out the positions on his clothes.”

“Well, okay then. Moke was kidding himself if he thinks he has a chance. Shall we start practice?”

That was after I had already warned him. Now I want to punch him repeatedly.

{{He just wants to practice his fingering. }}

Livia smiled at her, and they joined Master Farhad for the morning’s training.

When Julia returned with the additional apprentices, Yngvarr and Rika were talking in the sitting room. Sagga was very similar to her mother, with solid features and dark red hair, though she possessed her father’s deep green eyes. Sagga and Alfdis, both loomed over her at one hundred and seventy centimetres plus. Alfdis was light to Sagga’s dark, though both had sun tanned skin. Alfdis had the palest of blond hair and eyes, the blue of deep water. Her more angular feature than the square-jawed Norse around town showed a mix in her heritage, but Julia had avoided the temptation to dig. After Julia completed introductions between the four, Rika took the girls to select their bedrooms.

"Alfarr and I appreciate the carvings; We've moved them though to decorate our room,"

“Glad you like them. Any news?”

"I had a message from one of Caimatame’s advisers this morning. They've arranged delivery of Nisnohe from the Dwarves; it roughly translates to no stone. The dwarves don’t have quite the weight you wanted available but will prepare what is for sale for transport. We can expect the delivery in three or four days,” Yngvarr said.

“Thanks, gives me a time limit to work around. So the morning after it shows, we head off?” asked Julia.

“Agreed. I’ve got a few hundred kilos of powdered magnesium ready for you as well,”

“How did you get so much?”

“I had weapons I’d seized from dealing with Gnarls recently. I'd kept meaning to sell them to a smith for their scrap pile. After I completed transmuting them, I removed the science knowledge you taught me, I'd kept dreaming of devastated landscapes.” Yngvarr said, shaking his head as if to display the memories.

“Be careful with Nisnohe, it will melt straight through the stone it's sitting on when you ignite it. A quart pint will burn for more than a bell. Whatever you plan to set fire to, don’t expect it to stop burning for some time. The Dwarves use it to sink guide holes for lift and air shafts. When used for defence firepits, those first have to be treated with Alchemical solutions to keep the flame at the surface,” explained Yngvarr.

“That’s not a problem,” refuted Julia, the grim smile accompanying her words earning a frown.

“Well, if you don’t use it all. I’m sure the Dwarves will buy it back but don’t take it into Elven lands. It's forbidden in all their territories. Earth charred with it remains infertile without magic to revitalise it. It reacts like a living entity near any plants, even so far as flowing over the charred ground to get to unburnt trees. The Elves transporting it are planning to bring it directly here from Stoneheart, I’m sure,” Yngvarr detailed, his expression growing worried the longer they discussed it.

“So it’s a magical liquid, good to know. How are we travelling to Ternòx?” asked Julia, looking to change the subject.

“I know a planar gate spell; we’ll make use of it since it’s far more accurate than the conduit you possess. It should place us within forty or fifty kilometres of the Grotto. We’ll be able to see what’s on the other side before we pass through, so if it manifests within the Grotto’s effect, the rest of us will just go through. Then you can use your conduit and go straight to the Necropolis; otherwise, we’ll go together and make our way to the Grotto's edge,” detailed Yngvarr, his expression making it clear she didn't fool him.

“Sounds like a plan,” stated Julia. “Who's going with you beside Alfarr?”

“Envoys from the four Elven courts will come along, and I’ll assist the Envoy from my people,” said Yngvarr.

“Well, of course, your Highness,” responded Julia, giving him a cheeky little bow.

“I barely qualify for that I’m well off the succession line. One more degree of separation and I wouldn’t have any rank unless I earned it through service,” grumbled Yngvarr.

“Why does it work that way?” Julia asked, her genuine curiosity clear.

“How could it not? Elves live long lives unless through violence. With the family interconnections in some places, everyone would have a title," pointed out Yngvarr, with a shrug. "So most Elves only have what rank they've earned. Lastriel’s family bow determines which bloodline will continue to rule. If one of the blood doesn’t cause the bow to shine during the presentation ceremony, then they can’t stand to inherit it.”

"Is that the artifact that Caimatame mentioned?” enquired Julia, with careful casualness.

“Yes, I don’t know why she was so vague about it. It features in several Elven histories that others, outside their own people, have access to read,” Yngvarr recounted.

“Because Elves like to be mysterious?” retorted Julia, rolling her eyes with a smile.

“We don't,” refuted Yngvarr, giving a dignified shake of his head.

“I'll just point out that no one till Rana told me what the golden Soul thing meant,”

“Oh,” Yngvarr said ruefully.

“Yes, Oh!!!” said Julia.



“Sorry I just encouraged her then,” said Yngvarr, continuing on as he noted the slightest familiar twitch from their sharing.

{{Bloody Elven tease. }}

“Yes, she’s annoyed with you now. Also, I keep meaning to ask, do you have information on Prestige Paths?”

“I have some writings on them, you'll want to speak with Farhad about Monk. It’s not only getting enough skill within your path. There appear to be hidden criteria to some. As individuals have been collecting information on them, but even following such Sage advice doesn’t always help,” recounted Yngvarr.

“I knew some of that. Wizard and Fighter, you need multiple Affinities to get spell blade; otherwise, you get a specific variation,” said Julia, remembering the conversation with Lêdhins.

“Correct," Yngvarr declared quickly. "Same with Sorcerer and Fighter, Alfarr walks a prestige path that is referred to as Inferno among the Norse.”

“What about yourself?” asked Julia.

“For Arcanist, I had been progressing both Wizard and Sage. It was the third path I felt offered to progress onwards from them. My Uncle wanted me to hold off and see if it would offer another path, but given the slowing of my progress, I didn’t wish to wait further. I was looking forward to feeling a revitalisation of progress from the fresh path,” revealed Yngvarr.

Does that mean the experience required resets? Pity Lêdhins is too erratic to trust.

“So you’ve just got one prestige path?”

“Yes. Most mortals do. Though my Uncle is both a spell blade and a shadow dancer, the way he combines their skill sets on the battlefield beggars belief,"

“I’m walking four paths at the moment. I know someone who has three prestige paths,”

“Are you aiming for a similar goal?”

“I’m not sure it would be safe for me not to do so. I was told sisters have at least started three prestige path’s before being eligible to become full members. If she wasn’t lying, but who knows.”

“You’ll likely need to qualify as a full sister to get close to the Lady again,” Yngvarr cautioned.

“Likely; Should I should try Analysis on you again since I’ve got all these levels? I might get a reading,” asked Julia, hoping he wouldn't take offence.

“You can try,” responded Yngvarr with a shrug.


[Name: Yngvarr

Species: Sunset Elf (Andúnë).

Class: Arcanist / Andúnë Scion

Level: 72 /




Melee Attack Power:


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[Analysis [Ad](16->17)]


"Grandma, what big teeth you have,"

"I'm not sure I want to know what you mean. I take it you learnt a few things?"


[Andúnë Scion: A restricted class available only to the Andúnë Royal family and High Nobles, this represents their continual training in Andúnë Mysteries, Lore, and Power.]

"Not really lots of unknown, though I found you have a second path. Called Andúnë Scion, apparently, a class restricted to the Royal Family and High Nobles. You folks keeping secrets from the rest of your people?" Julia asked, the tone of her voice teasing.

"I can think of particular training we receive, though it's interesting you see it as a path of its own,"

"See? Elves love being mysterious," said Julia, ensuring her tone was clearly teasing.

"Child, I don't know what you mean," Yngvarr said, his tone crisp and dry.

{{Oh Daddy Yes!!! }}

At B's excitement, Julia simply buried her face in her palms.

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