Abyssal Road Trip

62 - Chained to the rhythm

They had kept the conversation at dinner casual, but when they moved to the sitting room, it immediately turned serious.

“While we're venturing to see the Grotto. Will you be returning to the Pyramid?” Yngvarr asked.

“That is my intention, but I’ve still some preparation to complete,” said Julia.

“What do you still need?”

“The Dwarven liquid, also lots of fine flour or pollen. I also need to gain Affinity with Air, if you can help, and finish learning at least one of the message spells.”

"I have an affinity with Air, but do you expect to gain it easily?” Yngvarr asked.

"So far, I’ve gained eleven affinities. The first took the longest, Spatial I learnt in moments."

“I believe I understand the use for the liquid, given the numbers you’re facing. Are you planning a fire barrier to control their advance?” Yngvarr asked.

“No, I’ve got other intentions in mind for it. Any ideas about getting a sizeable amount of flammable powder like finely ground flour?”

“It's winter, so I doubt many will part with it. Why do you need it?"

“In my previous existence, when you had clouds of flour or some other materials, it could explode. Though it needs testing first before we spend lots of effort on it,” said Julia.

“Is that why the powdered rock stirred your memory?” Alfarr asked.

“Yes. It wasn’t a concern in my job, but I’d learnt about it. Some powdered metals will also explode when ignited in the right way.”

“Why do you need Air Affinity?” asked Yngvarr.

“If I just drop bags of material, it won't disperse enough to explode. I need to create clouds, so I thought I would use a spell with Air Affinity to spread it around. Though I don’t know the Abyss’ air will even support that idea. I can’t tell if the air is good since I don’t need to breathe anymore. Moke could survive parts of Ternòx, so I hope it will work.”

“Air is air,” said Alfarr, shrugging as he leaned forward in his seat, the mention of things exploding hooking his attention.

“No, it's more complex. The air you breathe comprises materials invisible to your sight. That’s supposing the air you have here actually matches what I’m used to. I need to check that as well."

“How can you tell?” Yngvarr asked.

“We’ll need to run a small test here and determine a detection spell. Otherwise, it will just waste resources. Or a spell to transform foul air into good. Also, I’ll need to make deliveries to the Treasury before she gets curious.” said Julia, pausing as Yngvarr gestured to still her.

“You don’t just think on simple paths,” said Yngvarr.

“Too much going on in my brain,” Julia said with a shrug.

High school chemistry. How do I explain elements and compounds?

I hope this idea will work; I care more about fucking up Set's plans than getting experience. Bad Adventurer J.


“Yngvarr, would you let me use Telepathy on you?”


“While I know various things we could use, teaching them would require time, equipment and even shared words we don’t have. I can show you memories, share my understanding. Then you can work on figuring out meshing them with magic. Though promise me not to tell anyone about some of what I show you,”

“Dare I ask?”

“Spells are bad enough you've no need for weapons of mass destruction,”

“What are those? Though the term alone sounds ominous,”

“Ways that were developed to destroy places far larger than Eyrarháls in seconds,”

“Since others can’t read your mind, perhaps you should keep this information to yourself.”

“I could just give you the basic science to explain the parts of air. Then we can figure out a spell to determine foul air from good. If it is a thing here, it will help miners if no one else,”

After a moment, Yngvarr removed an amulet and quickly tucked it away.

“Very well, I must admit I am curious,”

{{I could help. If you give me one thing. }}


{{Learn to pole dance and dance at The Hollow once. Agile plus dancing, we could make eyes pop out for real. }}

Agile might do that on its own.

{{So you’ll find a pole somewhere and try it out? I can retrieve the science memories for you. }}

I’m so going to regret this aren’t I.? Very well agreed. In an outfit.

{{I cannot stand the way you tease }}

Tainted Love? Really?

“Okay. Let’s see how you like science, Yngvarr,” said Julia. As soon as their minds touched, Julia got a sense of lightning-fast thoughts and perceptions. As with his lab, even on the surface of his thoughts, everything had a place. It felt like listening to crystal chimes singing in a breeze with the warmth of reflected sunlight. The moment Telepathy touched against his awareness, it reacted to its presence.

I’ll start with the basics. Sorry for the high school girl perception of things.

{{Two dances and I’ll help with recalling other education as well }}

#I heard that voice. She sounds like you in my mind. If I have trouble following, we can determine what other pieces of your knowledge it requires. Dances?#

Please don’t ask. Okay, Yngvarr, you’re about to be schooled, old boy, English and our maths first.

{{Hey cutie, do you swing both ways? Virgin girl here needs to get laid. She enjoyed following behind you, let me tell you. }}

{{Yummie looking bum you have in breaches. I wasn’t complaining either. A prime rump there Elfie. }}

B! Stop over-sharing. Time to move along.

It didn’t help Julia’s discomfort that she could sense the amusement from Yngvarr.

Alfarr retired that evening long before Yngvarr was ready to call it a night. The only breaks either took in bells of shared learning were to refresh. While Yngvarr’s mind continued to drink in information, it was Julia who required refreshing. The knowledge shared between them with the speed of swift dreams had strained her capabilities.

“I’m the Demon here, and you’re wearing me out Yngvarr,” Julia said, watching Yngvarr consider a lit candle.

{{Not in a good way. }}

“You were only Human before, so it’s understandable,”

Thanks! I think.

The candle's flame gutters and a moment later snuffed out while Julia watched the tiny spell barrier around it.

“So after it consumes the oxygen, the flame’s chemical reaction can’t continue,” Yngvarr said, his English clear but musically accented. “There were minuscule amounts of material that surrounded the burning flames, but it's gone now. But matching material is still present within the room’s air. That I believe is the oxygen to the detection magics,”

“Are you making spells up on the fly?”

“Not at all. I have detection spells for various metals. It requires an understanding of them to determine if any are nearby. I found when I use them with air affinity, it lets me perceive the air’s makeup. Though I had needed your suggestion and the understanding your science gave me to sense them,” explained Yngvarr.

“So it works.”

“Yes, on both fronts. I see why you believe this knowledge is so dangerous,” Yngvarr admitted, a slight grimace making Julia's nerves twitch.

Julia gave a slight frown at the sudden sense of nerves from him, wondering what she was missing. “I’ve not got to that level of science.”

“You don’t need to. I can see how this understanding of elements combined with magic is truly dangerous. Once I design the spell forms for detecting breathable air. I might have to remove the knowledge from my mind.”

"My Telepathy got strained by that; It kept levelling up."

"So you challenged yourself for hours and progressed?"

“It seems to be the way it works for me, if I'm just doing the same stuff repeatedly, the increase slows or stops,"

{{Push it real good. Did that do it for you? }}

“I was wrong about your other you. At first, she sounded very similar to you, just raw," stated Yngvarr, pausing momentarily. "After a while, her interjections quickly became quite distinctive.”

“That she is. Now my brain's playing songs I prefer to forget,” quipped Julia.

“Moke asked why you reacted badly to him, pretending he was your husband. I take it the boy sharing the workbench during your science classes was the cause?”

"You, Alfarr and Torm all seem to be pals with Moke," probed Julia, not sure about the sudden subject change.

"Not pals, but we've spoken to him at the Silver Chalice. It seems Torm is no longer ready to strangle him, or at least not presently," Yngvarr conceded.

What the fuck did he say to Livia? If he said something to upset her, I'm going to hurt him. Deal or not.

“However he hassled Livia I'll smack him for it if no one else will,”

{{Pin him down, I'm sure he'll enjoy it. }}

“Not exactly Torm's issue. So the boy?"

Julia pointed a finger at her temple in a gesture Yngvarr easily interrupted. "Sorry, you got dragged through my baggage."

Nope, not talking about him. This isn't a drunken girl's night to bitch about an ex.

"You filtered most of it out, but I caught enough to put pieces together,” conceded Yngvarr.

“Did you need sleep yet?” asked Julia, voice tight and not caring about the blatant subject change.

“Indeed, I’ll get some rest, then start on the spell forms,” Yngvarr said, nodding politely in thanks and perhaps an apology.

[Sense Motive [Ap] (18->19)]

Yeah, you finally got it. Thanks, move along.

“I’ll spend some time getting a message spell working tomorrow. I understand parts of it, but I can’t get all the pieces in place before it collapses,” stated Julia.

Yngvarr gave an approving nod. “If you are still having issues, we’ll work on it together.”

“Thanks. Rest well.”

“Also, I have an option for your powder. We can try that as well,” offered Yngvarr.

Julia just nodded and left the spell chamber used for the experimentation.

You emphasised him being there intentionally.

{{But J, you got what you asked for. Didn’t you?}}

When Julia got out into the courtyard, she knelt near the animated practice dummy that Alfarr had been using yesterday. The enchantment's mana was deep within its metal sections. B's grumbled before Harmony activated and Julia flipped it a mental finger. With peace bathing the wound’s edge, its rawness and depth became clear; drawing consideration of how much its presence had affected past decisions.

I’ve other things to do now.

{{Sure you’re not still running?}}

With Harmony washing throughout, Julia ignored B, and let herself open to the metal pieces and the energy running through them. Even when the Metal affinity notification brushed across her awareness, yet meditation continued to drink in the stillness of the cool night air. It was only when the dawn threatened did Julia rise and turning towards the courtyard's gate released Harmony. Only to be startled by an Elven figure standing silently in the gate’s shadows.

“My apologies for not announcing myself. I didn’t want to disturb your contemplations,”

The figure’s voice was as musical as his Elven appearance led her to expect, but she didn’t recognise them from any previous meeting. Clenched fists raised in reflex lowered only slightly at its explanation, Julia stayed ready to attack.

“I’m Julia. Are you looking for Yngvarr?” Julia asked, even while wondering how he'd gotten in through Yngvarr’s wards.

“I know who you are, I’ve met with Yngvarr a few times recently, but I came to see you,” the male elf said, moving forward with a flowing grace that set Yngvarr to shame.

“Nice to meet you then,” said Julia, her words as polite as her tone was cautious.

“My apologies, it seems I’m not handling this well. I thanked you for my rescue but never introduced myself in the spell chamber. Please call me Rana,”

At his words, Julia relaxed fully and gave him a smile that lit her eyes.

The Ljósálfar? He moves more normally in mortal form, but still with so much grace.

“It’s a pleasure to put a name to one of your faces. How are you feeling now?” Julia asked as he moved into the arc of the yard's crystal lights. In appearance, he seemed to be a wood Elf, a hand span taller than Yngvarr’s height. His caramel skin looked accented with dustings of mint green. Eyes, a rich amber, gleamed from the fine lines of flawless Elven features. His dark red hair the colour of autumn leaves was pulled back in a way that provided Julia with no reference for its length.

{{More eye candy! }}

“Time in the Lady’s court has seen to my full recovery. I should give apologies for the stealth of my approach. I find since those events, I take far greater care to assess things. ”

“I'm glad to hear it, and the caution is understandable. What can I help you with?”

“You looked ready to go somewhere, We can talk afterwards if you’d prefer. Though I will accompany you if that is acceptable. First, I would present you with a gift from my Lady,” said Rana. With a bow, he stopped and presented a compact bundle wrapped within a large leaf.

Julia risked Soul Sight as she stepped forward and found her mind managing with ease the impact of the Celestial’s raw beauty. It had been worth the risk to see his now unmarred beauty overlaying the mortal one he currently wore.

Guess I don't need to worry about Torm so much. But one doesn't prove all true.

“That’s very kind of her, but really unnecessary,”

“It is something to assist those who follow you,” said Rana. The simple words making Julia pause, and Rana raised an eyebrow, “it seems I have a third apology to make for startling you. A sigil appeared on the Titan’s wall, and finding it referred to yourself, the Lady decided this might be a suitable gift,”

The Titan's wall?

With careful movements, Julia untied the tendril-like vines that bound the leaf closed. Within was a dark wooden pendant, sized, so it easily nestled within the hollow of her palm. Some of the inner grains gleamed like rich amber to outline a symbol she’d only imagined during a break earlier that night. Its rim looked like a branch’s outer edge, with enough excess left to shape a loop for securing a cord. The outline of the candle and chain links formed by the amber drew her fingers to trace the pattern.

“The forest holds places of darkness and light. Life grows as it will. My Lady says while it doesn't threaten the forest, your faith will always be welcome within. Her ladyship enchanted this disc so it will grow symbols for your followers since providing them with proper symbols might be a challenge,”

“I had planned on talking to a Priestess today. Since the only silversmith I’ve met isn’t available, I thought to locate another finesmith.”

Because I killed the rabid animal.

{{Should have taken his Soul too. }}

“If you’re open to my Lady’s offer, you need but focus on the disc. If you are acceptable to the relic, it will link to you. Then I will teach you and your Priestess the use of its enchantments. Also, how to gain strength so your followers may assist you better if you'd permit,”

“You’d teach them?”

“I’ll be staying in Eyrarháls a time, to teach and protect them, while they find their feet however much you allow,”

“I thought such a stay required a Priest to summon you and had restrictions on it. Like Torm’s service here to Verdandi,”

“A Priest summoned me at the Lady’s behest, and sent me forth to assist one who has aided the Lady’s Court,”

“But you’re not helping your own Lady’s faithful,”

“Your tenets are your own to determine, and I can’t assist there. However, there are general skills I can teach them that will aid their work. The Lady approves of your actions, even those that involved those that died within the trees,”


{{We did outstanding work. Lots of fertiliser for the trees. Now to find baby Groot.}}

Okay. Acceptable? Why do I think it’s a test?

It only took a moment’s concentration for Julia to feel the connection.

[Bond gained with Relic: The Blackened Woods

Relic added to your faith.

Your faithful’s standing with the Elven Pantheon has changed to Favoured.

Your new standing has increased your direct favour with Týr. (Currently Favoured)

Your faithful’s standing with Týr is currently Hopeful.

Your faithful’s standing with the Norse Pantheon overall is cautious. (Lowest standing Suspicious held by Loki)

Priests equipped with symbols grown from the Relic will receive bonuses while casting in the wilderness.

Additional bonuses will apply depending on their proximity to Elven Lands as long as the favoured state persists.]

Julia could only sigh and let a natural breath move through her lungs as the sense of a previously unnoticed pressure within her eased.

{{Puny God! }}



“I’m honoured. Would you like to come along?” Julia asked, setting B’s prodding aside.

“Indeed, I will,” said Rana, moving to open the side gate for Julia.

“I’ll introduce you to Eivor and the others afterwards,”

{{Get him to walk in front. He has tight breeches on! }}

“Can you tell me more about the Elven people and their history?” Julia asked, wondering what Eivor would make of their advisor.

“It would be my pleasure,” said Rana, holding the gate for her before moving to walk alongside.

The Dawn's Alert notification came as Julia entered the Temple square. With her focus on Eivor’s bond, Julia let the Ki wash more of her priestess pain and anger towards Julia.

{{Stop rubbing someone else’s shit. Hug Livia. Must have a hug. Now! }}

{{Or fondle Rana. High Elven the word Rana means wanderer could let your hands wander on them.}}

V, you’ve been quiet.

((You know when B is speaking to you now. So she can no longer interfere without your notice.))

((It seems I have choices of my own I will need to make.))

Eivor looked at the disc with wide eyes as it doubled in thickness, and the upper section of wood separated by itself. The new disc appeared to be the same dark wood, with the wood whirls forming the chain’s links seemed amber. Unlike the relic itself, the candle's lines appeared coloured as pure gold, its flame was a bright azure shape standing out dramatically from the grain. The links of the chain having formed a loop around the candle’s base.

“May I ask why the chain and its broken links in your symbol?” Eivor asked.

“Life can bind people. Whether it's a curse or a situation, like the slaves or prisoners I rescued. Sometimes people need to be shown the way out, other times they need a hand up,”

“So we should also provide hope to those forced into Slavery. Should we still respect the law for those whose decisions put them in debt?”

“I think all the human kingdoms have some type of such servitude,” said Rana.

“So what? If the kingdoms have options for it now, we’ll just work till they're changed. People should have a way to get free, even if it's a legitimate way to pay back a debt. That feeling like your life has become cursed isn’t just magical, as you know, Eivor. Someone threatening honest people is to be opposed. Peaceful solutions are fine, but if the other side won’t play nice, neither will we. We won’t restrict ourselves to rules the bad guys are free to ignore at will. I’d rather fight dirty than risk harm to an innocent,”

“So we give people hope of freedom, from oppression and curses?” Eivor asked.

“Yes, just like he oppressed Sagga with fear,”

Eivor's gaze grew steely, but there wasn’t the same hurt and rage Julia had seen previously in her eyes.

“Indeed! Thank you, Rana, for agreeing to assist us,” Eivor said, nodding to her surprise morning guest.

“You’re welcome, Eivor. I’ll be glad to work with all the Priestesses to help them grow stronger. Though to me, Eakcï, your symbol has more meaning, especially given what you just said,”

“What do you mean, Master Rana?” asked Eivor, her question only just beating Julia’s own.

Rana’s fingers traced over the symbol now resting on the table as he spoke.

“For me, the dark wood represents the world of the younger races. It can be a dark and isolating place where one struggles for freedom’s peace. Unbroken links of chains show all the traps and forces seeking to compel and bind. While the chain's breaks show your Lady's desire to set free those trapped, giving them a chance to find true wealth in the spirit of hope. That spirit of hope is the genuine gold of the candle, and its jewel-like flame,”

“Is that a gift of yours, Master Rana, seeing meaning in symbols?” Eivor asked, looking at the disc with eyes that shone with unshed tears.

I hadn’t thought of putting it that way.

“In the forest, one learns to look beyond the first leaf. The value of anyone shows in what they’ll do for others, not purely for themselves. Dark powers attract those interested in their own gains, so their faithful just get bitter leavings. True Gods of Light look for all within them to gain strength, their allies and faithful. The Elven and I believe Dwarven pantheons would wish all those that deemed themselves, Gods of Light, to be True,”

True Gods of Light. Some judgement between the pantheons? Wonder if the surviving Greek Gods are as bad as the stories in my world.

“I’m glad you’ll be around to guide us. I had worried about serving my Lady Eakcï properly,” Eivor said. The reverberation effect of Eivor addressing her with that title bounced inside Julia.

“I’m glad to help Lady Eakcï and yourself. Now that you’ve seen her use the relic, would you like to do so?” asked Rana before politely taking another unneeded sip.

Not you as well, Rana.

“Is that alright?” asked Eivor, looking between relic and Julia.

“There are other Priestesses that require symbols of faith; though others might wish them as well. So you'll need to get used to using the relic to grow them,” Julia said, holding the disk to Eivor, “I trust you and Rana will keep it safe.”

“Of course, my Lady. Though perhaps Rana should hold on to it once done,” Eivor replied.

Now to find someone that will give me helping your faithful 101-course work.

{{Get them to approach life mathematically. Lots of good square roots. }}

“I’ll help you guard it, and the freedom your Lady and mine both treasure,” Rana said, giving a nod of acknowledgement to Eivor’s words.

“Don’t forget payback against those that hurt others who don’t deserve it. I’m working on some payback Rana that applies to yourself as well. I found who organised that altar and likely the trap,” Julia said and shared a hard smile.

“Please, let me know when there is a hunt called,” said Rana, touching fingertips lightly against her wrist.

“I’m sure we can organise some fun for you to join on,” Julia said, trying to ignore the energy in the contact she’d felt.

{{Oh Baby Yeah!}}


{{J!!!!!! }}

“Eivor, because of the attention such goals will attract in the short term. We will need to ensure all faithful are discrete in their use of Eakcï’s name,” Rana said.

Eivor looked up at his words and, giving a nod of conviction, returned her attention to the relic. As she did so, the dark wood drank in the room's light and the symbol in its middle shone.

“We both walked through the township, and yet I was the one who drew more looks. Though I believe everyone should have been looking at you,” Julia said, gesturing at Rana as Yngvarr’s front door closed.

“Humans expect Elves to be beautiful, though it is not always the case. The inhabitants have seen Ýridhrendaer about for decades, so another Elf isn’t surprising,” Rana said.

“Who now?” asked Julia, interrupting.

“Ýridhrendaer, this is his house. Did you not know his name?”

“Yngvarr’s name is actually Ýridhrendaer. No wonder he said Yngvarr is what the Norse call him. His name is a mouthful,” Julia said, bemused by the discovery.

{{He might be more than that. }}

Gosh, you went there?

{{Gosh! What no fuck?}}

None for you either.

“Perhaps I shouldn’t have told you?”

“Everyone else calls him Yngvarr as well. Is Rana an easier form of your name or just something to use?” Julia asked, storing her cloak away.

“It’s a much easier form, yet it is indeed a piece of my name. But Yngvarr has no relation to his actual name,”

“Sometimes what we call ourselves can become real. Just look at Lady Eakcï,”

“Yes, very true. That is how Eivor knows you, and it doesn’t connect to your previous existence. It will be safer if that is the name that spreads, I would still advise your followers to be subtle about using it,"

“Great. Why?”

“You are in a dangerous position. A Lady of power normally is resistant to summons by their 'Use' name. However, you are not yet within that tier of power,”

Great. More things to stress me out.

"I keep finding myself in dangerous positions,"

“At present, your power isn’t tied directly to your followers. Also, their power isn't linked to purely channelling your provided blessings. While they won't have as much power as some Priests, it offsets the risks somewhat,”

So Gods are tied to their followers? Sounds like I can weaken Set.

((Those that do not serve the Titan directly have their limits set by such.))

((That I can confirm now that the Ljósálfar has informed you.))

So you can confirm what I learn elsewhere?


Julia pressed her palms against her eyes for a moment, before she gave up waiting for an answer.

“Why did the Elves all react as if my Soul’s colour is important?” Julia asked as she felt B mentally flipping the bird at her other guest.

“I wondered if you would ask. Who have you spoken to about it?” asked Rana, his tone politely curious.

“Just Torm. The Elves here for the meeting acted as if it answered everything and didn’t explain,” said Julia, grimacing at her continued frustration.

“Perhaps we should find somewhere to talk, aside from the front hall. This will take some explaining and further history beyond what the others shared the night we met,” Rana said, gesturing towards the sitting room.

Julia just opted to sit on the first small couch within the room, surprised when Rana sat down beside her. Their legs almost bumping when she’d turned towards the other seats arrayed within the room.


{{Sit in his lap. This couch is cozy for two. Though I'm fine if you want to squeeze around him. }}

“I’m sorry. Should I have sat further away?” asked Rana, their gaze taking in her surprise.

“Lots of seats, but it's your choice where you sit,” Julia said, moving her legs to avoid tangling him up.

Rana smiled and sat down next to her.

{{Just like a bus seat. The wheels on the bus go up and down. Up and down. }}

“The Anar, or Sun and Lómë the Night Elves, are truly unique. Their Souls do not progress across lifetimes the same as others. Normally Souls condense the lessons learnt into a seed, the Anar and Lómë keep the memories whole. Their Adulthood's rite awoke the memories in each new life. Much as the enlightened Souls among Humans, but unlike them, their Souls never lose the memories.”

Like what B was saying.

{{See. I know stuff. }}

You say you do.

“How can I turn someone’s Soul enlightened?”

“You did not turn Livia’s Soul enlightened. The Ki did that, and it drew knowledge of her past lives back to her,”

“So go easy on sending Ki to others,” Julia said, wondering what impact she’d had on Eivor already.

“Yes. I can tell you have used Ki on Eivor’s Soul but to a far lesser extent. She will live longer now, but her Soul hasn’t become enlightened. I noticed that when I saw her, have you done so with others?”

“One, besides Moke. To heal them and since I need to exchange energy to stay on this plane,”

“I will check on them later. You’ve been exchanging Ki instead of darkening any Souls?”

“I wouldn't stay beyond the bare essentials if that was needed. I was so worried about doing that,”

“When the last of the Anar race fell, there was none left to allow their Souls to go through rebirth and awaken their pasts. So the Titan freed them to wander and find their peace in other existences. We believed it the same with the Lómë that died. Now we know otherwise. While the Elven pantheon knew of Balnérith, having corrupted some of them into her service, they were unaware of the others. Neither Anar nor Lómë followed the Elven pantheon; instead, they served the Titan directly. The children similar to themselves who they Sang into existence possess only silver Souls. The Titan allowed the Elven pantheon sanctuary in this existence to tend to these younger Souls.”

“For whatever reason he had?”

“The Titan doesn’t provide reasons. He just provides his rules; to my knowledge, he rarely changes them. Though he leaves each Pantheon to govern themselves and their members. His rules have had some unexpected consequences for some of them,”

“Like two Greek gods?”

“Their demise followed quick on the heels of the last, and only actual change made while I’ve been serving the Lady. Odin, Mars, and Ra quickly used the change to end them,”

“I was only told about the involvement of Odin and Mars in their destruction,”

“The tip of the spear is not the whole weapon. From the tales in my Lady’s court, Ra helped orchestrate the forces behind their deaths,”

Everyone has just parts of any story. The Titan changes a rule, and two Greek Gods die? Is this a sanctuary or a trap?

“How many years have you existed?” Julia asked, wanting to change the subject.

“I’ve served the Lady for only six hundred eons,” admitted Rana.

That’s a bloody big ‘only’. Six hundred thousand years in the local lingo, well at least it isn't six billion.

{{Older man, well Celestial Elfie, but still you go girl. }}

“How were you caught then?”

“Carelessness can trip any being. Celestials and other planar beings do not grow in power as fast as mortals. We start with Power depending on how we come about. Then over time and in our role, we gain more, either relatively quickly or extremely slowly. Within the Lady’s realm, my role was mostly peaceful.”

“So no challenges to overcome?”

“Indeed, so though I have grown, my growth wasn’t as extensive as others I have known with different roles. Till recently, I’ve spent most of my existence tending and guiding the Souls in her groves. You have grown quickly indeed in comparison. It made me wish to challenge myself more, especially after what had occurred. I would say it's the Mortal perspective you still possess. Do you desire more knowledge of the Anar and Lómë?”

“I do. I’m just sorry you got caught by them,”

“You had no involvement in my capture and aided my rescue. Since it brought your situation to the attention of those that can help you. I consider it a small price,”

Yikes. Considers being tortured like that a small price.

“That wasn’t a small price,” said Julia, shaking the thoughts and memory away.

“It wasn’t a comfortable price, but not a burdensome one. Growth and change can be uncomfortable things. It is perhaps what I needed to spur me into greater change. Too long in gentle repose aids the growth of few mortal or immortal alike. I possess more focus now than for eons,” declared Rana.

“Focus. What does this mean then?” Julia asked. After a moment of manipulating her energies, a golden light shone from her hand.

“The crystals in the grotto allow the Song to be heard by mortal ears. The High Singer’s gem allowed yours to be heard by the Elves,” explained Rana,

“I can’t hear any Song though,” Julia observed, her nose scrunching up as she considered how discordant it must sound.

“How would you hear what your Soul is already resonating in time to?” asked Rana. “Mortal ears have not heard the Anar song from its true source in five hundred eons. Little wonder it stilled all questions.”

Anar, so what Rana's saying my Soul was originally a Sun Elf? If not for everything else, not sure I could believe this. Still, really?

“How would the Elves recognise it then?” Julia asked, disbelief colouring her words.

{{It's okay sweetie you were never a noble, so not a case of being told you're Cleopatra. }}

“They’ve never heard it directly from an Anar. However, there are objects and places that still resonate with that Song. Some relics in the Singer’s towers echo with their record, so they’re very familiar with the Song’s core. Though each Anar’s or Lómë’s song is a harmony built around what mortal Elves mean by the Song. Have you heard the beginning of a piece of music, and mere notes in, know the song?”

“Lots of times,” admitted Julia.

“The Song brought the mortal Elves into existence. When Lastriel felt the light upon her, she felt its beauty, even if she didn't recognise it for what it was immediately,” explained

“She still wasn’t happy with me till after the High Singer’s demonstration,” observed Julia.

Rana paused thoughtfully and tilted his head in consideration. “If someone was making a mockery of the exchanges between Master Farhad and yourself. How would you feel?”

“Annoyed. His technique is like nothing I’ve ever seen,” Julia admitted, and wondered where he was going.

“So annoyed on his behalf, interesting. So you would understand Lastriel being annoyed on behalf of her people’s Song given the circumstances?” enquired Rana.

Chewing on her bottom lip Julia gave a nod. “Yeah, okay, I can understand her feelings.

With heavy boot heavy tapping at the edge of Julia's hearing, she glanced towards the door, and a short while later Rika looked into the room.

"Lady Julia, Master Rana, I didn't hear the door open. Can I get either of you something to drink?" Rika asked,

"It's alright, sorry for disrupting your other work, Rika," said Julia, aware from Soul Sight, the girl's correct age. The heritage of her non-human blood had made her seem an adult to others, but despite being over 190 centimetres, Jula knew she was still under fourteen. The death of her mother was clear within her Soul, as was the pain of rejection and frustration.

"I was just getting some noon food ready for Lord Yngvarr. Have you already eaten or should I layout some extra?"

"We'll join him thank you Rika," said Rana, before Julia could say anything.

Food at least tastes good, but hate to think I'm wasting it.

"Very well. I'll lay out food in the small dining room shortly. There will be cold meat, dried fruit, cheese and fresh bread," Rika said, before heading towards the back of the house.

"Should I tell you more of the Isil lands while we wait?" Rana asked, his eyes not having left Julia.

"I'd appreciate that."

This sort of gratitude isn't good.

{{Maybe he wants a walk on the wild side. Pity for him you're not Sarah. }}

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