Above Eden: Of Science, Magic, and Gods

Chapter 12: The Eyes of God

A day prior to the meeting between the Danj elders and the UN…

"So, your people come from somewhere beyond the black sea?" Chiu asked the healer. She was unlike any being he had met, lacking a spirit but containing emotions and thoughts. Despite this contradiction, he saw her as a living person.

beautiful person at that. Her obsidian-like hair shimmered in the light, and her soft red eyes were calming. 

Nurse Lee slowly nodded, her hands on the transparent square she called a "tablet," though it was unlike any tablet he had seen before. "Yes, we call that black sea "space." It is dark and cold, and we do not think any life can exist in the naked emptiness of space."

"Why not?"

"The scientific explanation may confuse you, so I will answer your question simply. Space has nothing that allows living beings like yourself to exist within. If you were to step out into space without the proper wear, you would perish very quickly."

"What about you?"

"Since I am… man-made, I can exist in almost any extreme environment. Though, I would prefer not to." 

He was unsure how humans worked, but perhaps some humans were actually made by other humans with tools? Chiu was still confused on that matter. "So… how long was the journey?" 

"Sixty three night cycles. Our ships are swift and capable. Just several… rotations ago, we would've taken at least two hundred night cycles. However, our tools have rapidly improved."

"Are you from a place beyond even the gods?"

"I do not understand," Nurse Lee said, tilting her head. 

"Eden. Where the gods live, it was said to be beyond the sky."

"That word is familiar, from the Bible."


"To answer your question, no. We did not see any "Eden," if that is what you're asking."

Chiu frowned and looked out the window. "My people worship Tesa. He exists; I've felt him before. The sky has always been off-limits to us… but maybe being beyond the sky is fine, right? Especially since I'm not peeking into Eden." 

"I believe your god will not object to you seeing the wonders of space. I am sure he would be in awe as well…"


"I have seen much through the eyes of Caelu and Chiu," the being within Chiu declared. Every word rumbled through the air, vibrating the chair that Captain Moore was sitting on. "One could say that both are… fascinated by these new people and Bie's domain."

Elder Auru gasped while Elder Septen vibrated on the floor. "We…we dare not to! We did not know. We will ensure that the two are punished…"

"No." Tesa declared. "You will do no such thing. These outsiders are… unique. They are not of this world and have no animosity or relations towards Bie. I have glimpsed into their thoughts and memories, and even I am found wanting more."

"You've read our thoughts?" Captain Moore asked. His question slipped out inadvertently through his slack jaw and wide open mouth. 

He silently prayed… to the god before him that he wouldn't be smited.

"I am the earth; nothing escapes my sights," the god boomed. He shifted his attention to Assistant Director Fletes. I can feel the dull shine of gold within you, though all humans are afflicted with such greed. Yet, you are… in distress over the potential failure of your journey to this… "planet." An interesting word to describe this world we are in.

To his credit, the assistant director immediately bowed his head and greeted the deity. "Sir Tesa… we apologize for intruding…"

"You may save your apology for a later time. I decided to unveil myself to my chosen people and your people to resolve this… conflict between both sides."

The elves quietly awaited on the ground while the humans of Earth respectively bowed their heads from the immense pressure emitted from the being. 

"Earth… A quaint name for your home planet. You've named your world after the ground itself. No name is more fitting than such for any planet.

Captain Moore swore that the tone of the voice jumped a pitch, a soothing, pleasant rumble instead of the powerful earthquake that echoed through the room before. 

"And yet, I have seen what your people have done to your Earth and the earth of other worlds. You build, so certain of your will and abilities… yet contaminate the ground, poison the waters, and suffocate life. Every hearth you create… you damage and ruin. Only to make a pitiful effort to restore the beauty it once offered."

That did not sound good, the voice returning to a tone of simmering discontent, a volcano waiting to erupt. He glanced at Caelu, who looked stunned and confused at the god's words. Meanwhile, Elder Septen looked vindicated, a smirk forming on the edge of his lips. 

"In any other situation, I would've dismissed you from my lands and tossed you back to your world. The sins your people have committed in other realms would've been judged in full here," Tesa continued. His eyes swept the room, the ablaze balls of molten silver boring into the souls of every being. "But your appearance has caused a stir in Eden, for the better or the worse. Expelling you will not change this; unfortunately, this earth and my people will be caught in the exchange."

"Heed my word, elves of the Danj." The elves dug their heads into the ground even more deeply, which Captain Moore didn't think was possible. "The humans will stay. Open your minds to them. Pay them a modicum of respect and cooperation. I will offer them a hearth in this section of the forest, which I will expand to allow them to grow. You are to aid them, and guide them. They are… experienced, yet ignorant of this world and its ways."

"I hear you, Lord Tesa…" Elder Septen said. "However, as you said, they are destroyers of the earth…" 

"There is something amiss, and it is better that these humans are by your side rather than the humans of this realm, who are blinded by far more sinister things. These humans are… imperfect, yet there is a potential to them. Even amidst their destruction, they try to make amends with the earth. They are untouched by the divine, some of them do not even believe in a divine." Tesa sounded… amused, a spring breeze floating through the air and dissipating the quakes from before.  

"That is not to say that I will allow these humans to run wildly within my domain. No, if they even dare to touch even a blade of grass without my permission, they will face my wrath."

The entire camp shook violently upon Tesa's words, the sudden shift that caused Captain Moore to lose his footing. He stumbled and fell upon the ground, and looked up just in time to see Tesa snap his fingers to stop the quake. 

"You have awakened giants, humans. I can only hope you are prepared."

"Thank you for your words of wisdom, Lord Tesa. Your will is now ours," Elder Auru stated, her body slowly rising from the ground, though she refused to face the divine. "Will we see you again soon?" 

"Every moment I remain in the mortal realm, I expend more of my powers. Even for the most powerful gods, manifesting into this plane remains difficult.

The god's voice turned into a sorrowful tone, the melody of a bird eyeing its destroyed nest after a hurricane. "I'm afraid I will not be able to speak to your tribe during the Equinox. However, know that you will continue to receive my blessings. I hope in due time, you will be free to roam the earth, my domain, instead of being confined to this forest.

Tesa turned to Captain Moore and raised his arm. "You, a human with a decent heart. Continue to watch over my people, if you wish for your people to remain here. As for Caelu… may you find strength in the near future from what you will experience. I wish I can protect you from her, my child, but it seems she may not be controlled…"

With those final parting words, the spirit of Tesa left Chiu's mortal body. A physical green smoke exited through his mouth and dispersed into the ground. The damage left behind the god remained, though that thought was the last thing on anyone's mind.

Chiu slowly sank onto the floor and laid down, his breathing steady as if he was sleeping. Caelu quickly ran to his side and held his hand. "Chiu…" 

Captain Moore joined her and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "He'll be fine. I'm more worried about what he said about you, in all honesty."

"I… I guess I'm not an atheist anymore?" Assistant Director Fletes joked, letting out a nervous chuckle as he climbed back into his chair. "Where were we?" 

"Tesa has spoken through the Messenger, Chiu," Elder Septen declared. His tone was remarkably softer and a bit higher pitched, perhaps due to the sudden appearance of Tesa. "Even the Grand Elder can not overrule this. You have my… our approval." 


AN: Shoutout to CJ Moran, Philip Mackinoths, Demoniose Oculus, Rémi Dufour, and deathraven181 for their support on Patreon. Thank you so much 

I do have an extra scene I'm working on related to this chapter, so stay tuned. I'll hopefully have it out by Monday/Tuesday. After all... if a god is proven to be real, how would that affect some of the ordinary folks from Earth?

As always, thank you for the support. Any comments, criticism, and suggestions are always appreciated.

And I do have a Patreon if you want to read advanced chapters/support my work. https://www.patreon.com/okmangeez.

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