Above Eden: Of Science, Magic, and Gods

Chapter 11: Of Elves and God

In Captain Moore's mind, the thought of 'elven elders' sparked an image of old, greying elves with canes. He imagined a few yelling at their company's guest for breaking curfew or getting captured, all the while nursing back pains.

He wasn't sure if he was impressed or disappointed when her expectations were… not too dissimilar from reality.

Three elves were standing in front of the fort, all far older than the ones the UN had taken in. All of them were dressed similarly to Caelu the first time Corporal Chen saw her: ragged clothes and robes caked with mud and dirt. He had never directly asked Caelu, but the captain was confident that the state of their clothes was due to tradition if anything else. He could not fathom any other reason for always wearing dirty robes caked in grime.

The sun was high in the sky, glaring down on the elves and humans in the open. He noticed a few people sweating, even in their short sleeved uniforms. From the rear, he heard Corporal Chen cough while sipping her canteen despite sitting in an open tent that provided shade to her and a few others.

"So these are the outsiders entering our forest," one of the greying elves asked, his face dulled by age yet retaining some youthful features. He was carrying a long wooden staff, though he wasn't using it for walking. "They are despoiling the serene view of Tesa's creations with their… metal monstrosities. They don't belong here."

"Elder Septen, this entire journey was your idea!" Another elven elder cried. She looked even older than the male elder, her face worn and wrinkled from time. Unlike her colleagues, she carried a walking stick and pressed it harshly into the ground. Her voice quivered as she scolded her partner. "Can't you behave for even a single minute!"

"Bah! Just because I suggested the idea doesn't mean I liked it. The Grand Elder felt a nudge from Tesa. It is not my duty to question the Grand Elder's or Tesa's will!" Elder Septen scolded. "Besides, it's not like these humans understand a word we're saying. Stop annoying my backside, Elder Auru."

"... I wouldn't be too certain. After all, humans are quite crafty according to the texts," the third and last elder elf stated. He seemed a tad younger than Septen and carried a staff, though more decorated and newer than Elder Septen's staff. His dark green hair stood out amongst the grey.

"No one asked for your opinion, Nedurp!" the elderly male elf grumbled.

The UN group, consisting of a few select members of the UN staff, Bravo Company, and HQ Battalion, waited in silence in front of the entrance to Fort Colossus. Its large steel gates and walls manned by soldiers loomed over the elvish and the human delegation, a foreboding silence filling the human side. Several drones whizzed about, monitoring the situation on the ground and under the ground as well. If the new elves thought anything of the flying machines, they didn't show it.

"So how are we going to communicate with them then?" Elder Auru demanded.

Elder Septen glanced sideways at Nedurp, who looked away and shrugged. The younger elf smirked and watched as the elder's face turned red. "I thought you didn't need my opinion, Elder Septen?"

"Bah! I'll figure it out on my own then."

"We can understand you just fine. I am… Leader Fletes, the chief 'elder' for my group," Assistant Director Fletes mused in Danj with a Spanish tinge, wearing a three-piece suit and a sun hat on his brown flowing hair. The tall man towered over even the tallest soldiers, and some soldiers called him a "half-giant" behind his back. "Admittedly, I was curious about your unexpected visit."

"... They speak?" Elder Septen sputtered.

Nedurp chuckled. "Crafty indeed."

"They must've done something to Caelu or the others.; there are no other explanations! They're either enslaved by magic or dead… What did you outsiders do with them? Extract their knowledge, their memories? Or something far more…"

"Elders! Nedurp!" Caelu shouted, waving her hand and running up to the elves from the human side. "I'm fine!"

"You always speak without thinking." Elder Auru smacked the other elder with her walking stick, earning a howl of pain. "It's as if you wanted Caelu and the others to be hurt."

Elder Septen groaned as Caelu hugged Elder Auru and Nedurp. "It's only her… what happened to the other two?"

"Chiu and Roke are… beyond the sky."

"Child," Elder Auru said. "What does that mean?"

"It's difficult to explain… but elder, believe me! These humans are friendly, and they're not from here. They're from a place far away…"

"Very far," Captain Moore stated. For some odd reason, he was utterly… unfazed by the skit occurring before him.

He blamed the first mission for throwing his expectations off track.

Iris whispered into his ears during the brief lull. "Are these guys really… some sort of elvish leaders? They seem kinda wacky."

The captain silently agreed, though his face remained impassive.

Nedurp nodded. "I suspected as such. I told you that they were different than the humans we studied, Elder Septen."

"Bah! You and your parchments. So what if they're from elsewhere." Elder Septen waved his hands at the fort. "They built… that thing in the middle of our forest! Right on top of where we had planned to move for the winter!"

"Before another argument happens," Assistant Director Fletes said. "Would you like to come inside? We do have refreshments."

"Do you have anything cold?" Nedurp inquired suddenly. Several streams of sweat were trickling down his head.

"Of course."

That led to Nedurp and Elder Auru dragging Elder Septen towards the entrance despite his angry protests.

"You can't do this to me! Nedurp, unhand me, or you will be severely punished! Auru, do something!"

Caelu tagged along, chatting with the female elder while Nedurp hissed at Elder Septen's screeches.

The UN group followed from behind, with Assistant Director Fletes leading the elvish delegation with his executive officer. Captain Moore and his company followed closely behind, discussing things in hushed whispers.

"Seems like the elves like cold things. I should've noticed that sooner with Caelu, considering her love for ice cream," Captain Moore mentioned.

"I escorted Caelu into the mess hall yesterday. When I showed her the freezer and explained its functions, she sat in it for half an hour," Specialist Smith said, her tone as even as always.

That comment prompted a few laughs from Bravo Company as they marched down the 'main street' of the fort. A few civilians and soldiers watched as the group passed by, and drones continued to patrol in and out of the fort. However, there was a noticeable shift in tension, and even the soldiers on guard duty on the walls looked more relaxed than before.

The group arrived at the HQ building and was further divided between the elvish group and those permitted to attend the meeting with the elvish delegation. Captain Moore entered with just Specialist Smith, who was still acting as the liaison for Caelu and Bravo Company. The remaining members of Bravo Company dispersed for their daily duties under First Lieutenant Doe.

As the elves sat down, Captain Moore noted the dirt from their clothes creating a linear mess throughout the floor and furniture and grimaced at the thought of the private that would need to clean up this mess.

It took all of one minute for the elven delegation to be sidetracked.

"Ice!" Nedurp exclaimed, examining the clear glass with apple juice and ice. "Such clear, clean ice! I do not sense a hint of dirt in it. I've never seen such a thing before! Do you have ice mages amongst your tribe?"

"No, it's not ice, Nedrup. I have not felt a flicker of magic within this place." Elder Auru frowned, though she took a sip from her own glass. "That is good juice. Tesfruit is still better, but this is some fine quality fruit."

The other elder shifted in his wooden seat, eyeing the humans on the other side of the table and the room itself. "... The tools they wield… I saw those flying metal beasts earlier. They must be servants of Bie."

"We assure you, we are not affiliated with Bie or any other god," General Bassot asserted. "And as… Elder Auru mentioned we have no affinity for magic."

"So how did you form ice like this? What is the light that is lighting this room? How do your tools work?" Nedrup rambled.

Elder Auru slapped the back of his head, making the younger elf faceplant into the table. "Don't mind him too much. He's the more curious member of our tribe, fitting of his title as the Scribe."

"We're not bothered," General Bassot said. "I have heard of how Ms. Caelu was… quite the curious elf herself."

Caelu blushed. She sat on the human side of the table next to Captain Moore. "I have learned quite a lot, elders and Nedrup. If you would like, I can share what I have…"

"No!" Elder Septen stood up and pushed away his glass. "Clearly, this is some ploy! As I have said earlier, we will not allow you to remain on our sacred lands! Your cheap tricks and tools can not convince us otherwise."


"Silence, Caelu! You have spent days with these humans yet are far too friendly with them. For all we know, you may be controlled by some tool or something else!"

"I assure you, if we had initially known that your tribe lived in this forest, we would've considered an alternative. By the time we knew, we were already here and beginning the end of our trip," Assistant Director Fletes replied.

"Then pack up and leave! You claim that your people come from afar, so it should not be difficult for you to move again!"

"We are willing to negotiate to remain, if possible."

"Not without the approval of the Grand Elder or Tesa! Which you do not have either of."

Captain Moore spoke up. "Caelu mentioned that Tesa speaks directly to your tribe during the Spring Equinox or through a messenger. Is there a way we can gain his approval through either of those options?"

"Bah! I do not think Tesa will regard you kindly, invading this sacred place and even traveling in the domain of his rival!" Elder Septen spat.

"Then what of the Grand Elder?"

"I am here as his representative. If I refuse, then he will also refuse. Besides, what can your people possibly offer my people?"

Captain Moore looked at Assistant Director Fletes, who answered. "Protection from external threats, along with access to any of our tools and knowledge. We're also amenable to trading goods to your tribe and more. If you have anything to request, you have all to ask."

Nedurp's expression changed to one of hunger. "I heard what Caelu said earlier about the tools… And your knowledge, you will grant us all of it?"

"As much as we can, yes."

"Perhaps it won't be bad to discuss with them, Elder Septen," Elder Auru said. "After all, if Tesa hasn't kicked them out yet…"

Elder Septen gritted his teeth. "Tesa works in mysterious ways, but we are his envoys in this forest. Unless he explicitly approves, I will not budge from this issue, and I know the Grand Elder will not either."

"We're just going in circles," Iris groaned. "This doesn't seem right though… I thought the UN wanted to avoid forcing the natives to bend to our will?"

"Assistant Director," Captain Moore spoke up in English, prompting curious looks from the elves. "Perhaps we're going about this the wrong way. They're clearly in the right to want us out of this forest, especially with what we have planned for the future. We're also trying to force them to accept our terms rather than discussing a potential resolution in good faith."

"Your objections are noted, captain. If negotiations fail, we will vacate the area and leave the Danj to their fate. However, General Bassot and I have agreed that this may be the best course of action for now."

"Doing what's right is always harder, assistant director."

"We will continue the negotiations regardless of your personal feelings, captain. I understand your sympathy for the elves, but considering our presence, they may already be in danger."

"Specialist Smith received a report stating that none of the locals in the duchy were aware of our presence."

General Bassot cut in. "I also received the same report, but that may change at any given time. Our situation remains precarious, captain. Until this location is finalized, we will not contact any local entities as it may spread the knowledge of our existence before we are prepared. Any delays or changes in the plan may result in our expedition being cut short by the Security Council. Do not forget how contentious this entire mission is back at home."

Captain Moore held back a biting remark and nodded at his superior. He leaned back in his chair as the two sides continued their negotiations. Elder Septen spoke the most for the Danj tribe, while Assistant Director Fletes attempted to soothe the elves' complaints with a silk tongue.

Iris grumbled in his ears as the verbal spat continued. "I think I hate bureaucrats more than before. That slimy, oily git…"

"I apologize for Elder Septen… He is usually not like this," Caelu whispered, leaning towards the captain beside her.

"Don't be. It's understandable," Captain Moore replied in a hushed tone. "The War did a number on your people… I understand why your elders would be against diplomacy or engaging with outsiders."

"Even Elder Septen hasn't seen a human in a hundred rotations; he wasn't even alive for the war. But his father, one of the founding elders, was. The distrust of humans has continued through Elder Septen."

"Which has us at an impasse…Any chance that your Grand Elder may be more sympathetic?"

"I do not know," Caelu admitted. "I have never met him; only a select few can."

The pair watched in silence as the two sides continued their negotiations. However, after several minutes of circular arguments, Elder Septen rose from his seat. "I believe that is all then. Please leave as soon as you can."

"Elder Septen…"

"Unless Tesa himself sends a divine message, I will not…"

"Elder Septen."

A deep divine voice rang out through the room, speaking in Danj, causing everyone to freeze. The elves dropped their staffs and sticks, and even the Assistant Director's hat was knocked off his head. Captain Moore felt the echo of power behind the voice, rippling through the air like a powerful trumpet blast. With each passing second, the temperature within the room rose, and even the ground heated up beneath his feet.

A slow rhythm of steps filled the halls to the outside, each step marked by the room shaking. Something was coming.

The door to the meeting hall burst open, and a young elf with mint green hair strutted into the room. His tiny size paled compared to his titanic presence, an aura of power oozing from the child's body. He looked around with disinterest, noting the elves on one side before walking.

His trek towards the table caused the floor to split apart, revealing the bare earth underneath. Captain Moore noted that the trail behind him looked the same, the elf's feet only touching the bare dirt and none of the artificial flooring.

"Chiu!" Caelu exclaimed.

The elvish boy turned, and Captain Moore saw the bright purple glow surrounding his body. Chiu's eyes were like sharp, glowing silver daggers. While he had no pupils, the eyes looked like they were ablaze. "Your brother is safe, but he will serve as my vessel for now. Do not worry, my child."

Each word caused a minor quake, and Captain Moore felt the weight of the earth behind the voice. There was a smell of freshly broken dirt that wafted through his nose.

"Lord Tesa," Elder Septen gaped. Suddenly, he threw himself onto the floor and planted his face onto the wooden tiles. His previous fiery personality was nowhere to be seen, as even his staff was tossed away. His proud and haughty tone from earlier was now replaced by a stuttering mess. "I… I am…"

The other elves, even Caelu, were also on the ground in an instant. All of them kept their eyes glued to the floor and away from the glowing figure of Caelu's sibling.

Elder Auru trembled while Nedurp gulped and pressed his forehead into the floor. Caelu's face had turned a slight hue of blue as if the presence of Tesa suffocated her.

Tesa, the God of Earth and Hearth.

A god that Captain Moore thought was a mere myth was now standing in front of them.


AN: Shoutout to Philip Mackinoths, Demoniose Oculus, Rémi Dufour, and deathraven181 for their support on Patreon. Thank you so much :)

As always, thank you for the support. Any comments, criticism, and suggestions are always appreciated.

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