A New Player in the Force

Crystal Stars 2

I ignored the regular morning notice that my HP, FP and Stamina had all been fully restored after having eight hours or more of sleep and rolled out of the bed in the cabin I was sharing with Darihd.

We were currently aboard the Crucible, a Jedi training ship on our way to Ilum.

Since I had to share a compartment, I decided it was safer to simply sleep normally for the few days this trip would take. As I stood and stretched, I saw a series of flashing notices in my log.

Checking that Darihd was still sleeping, I sat back down and opened them.

Quest Completed!

Trainee Space Ranger


Get Piloting [Space] to Adept:1 by the new year. [Yes]

? Get it to Adept:25 [No]

? Get it to Adept:50 [No]




Quest Completed!

Trainee Ace


Get Piloting [Atmosphere] to Adept:1 by the new year. [Yes]

? Get it to Adept:25 [No]

? Get it to Adept:50 [No]




Quest Completed!

Competent Duellist


Get Makashi to Professional:1 by the new year. [Yes]

? Get it to Professional:25 [Yes]

? Get it to Professional:50 [Yes]






Quest Completed!

Competent Swordsman


Get Shii-Cho to Professional:1 by the new year. [Yes]

? Get it to Professional:25 [Yes]

? Get it to Professional:50 [Yes]






Quest Completed!

Trainee Defender


Get Soresu to Adept:1 by the new year. [Yes]

? Get it to Adept:25 [No]

? Get it to Adept:50 [No]





Level: 9 - 10

FP: +500

PP: +2

STAM: +14

SP: +5

SKP: +32

PPP: +1

Nice. Another level up, mainly by exploiting these powers better with small, narrow-focused quests. The two extra lightsaber form quests granted a greater boost in EXP as the timeframe was smaller. I was now sure I could set quests for shorter timeframes and generate more XP quicker for completing them. Though the knowledge that the bonuses for all these skill-focused quests were level 25 or 50 of the initial target, meant I could adapt my training to aim for them as well.

I swiped away the notices and quietly spoke. "List Player Powers."


These are powers and skills that are unique to The Player.

However, some of them are close to what many consider to be 'Dark-Side Force powers' so be careful when using them around 'Light-Side Force users’.

You gain 1 Player Power Point every 5 levels to spend on new powers.

Currently, you have the following Player Powers:

Player's Mind [ON/OFF]

Player's Body



Currently, you have 2 PPPs.

Do you wish to view available Player Powers?



"Yes," I whispered, glad that I'd turned off the info dump on the pages like this so that it just listed what I had or could take. If I wanted further details on a Force Power or Perk, I just needed to ask the interface to list it.

Available Player Powers:

Silent Interface

Enhanced Inventory



Colour Shift


You may view details about new powers by tapping on them and reading the descriptions.

To purchase a power, state 'purchase power:' followed by the power you wish to take.

I tapped each in turn and read the descriptions.

Silent Interface enabled me to give commands to my power without having to vocalise them. That was going to be huge as currently, I had to whisper commands like I was doing now if I wasn't alone.

Enhanced Inventory increased the volume of each slot in my inventory to a meter-squared while doubling the number of an object that could be stored in each slot. That would be useful if I had much in there, but all I had were two lightsabers, a Sith holocron, a stim-pack, an ancient blaster rifle, a four-thousand-year-old vibroblade and a spare power cell for the rifle. The only reason I was still holding onto the rifle and vibroblade is they might still be useful in the current galaxy. And if not, I could sell them off as relics. Maybe.

Examine instantly sounded overpowered. By simply touching an object or person, I could, as the power evolved, gain information about it/them such as what it was and did, how much damage it could take, its value and what it was made of. I got some of that from examining an item in my inventory, but the extra details would expand on what Inventory provided.

Enlarge/Shrink allowed me to in/decrease the size of any non-organic object by one per cent per day. This power had the potential to be applied to organic matter like food and living beings as it levelled up and increase how often I could apply it each day. That could, in theory, allow me to take a kilo of precious metal and, over time, end up with several kilos. Talk about an economically unbalanced power!

Colour Shift allowed me to change the colour of any inorganic object with the size I could change dependent on the power's level. It sounded semi-useful, but not very powerful.

Glamours allowed me to change various parts of my facial appearance (Hair, eyes, skin in colour and/or shape) for short times and at the highest levels could even allow me to change my appearance to another humanoid race. This had the potential for creating multiple personas for hiding from people who were after me. Yet, I wondered if such a thing wasn't possible with the Force; though whether that would work on droids was something I was unsure of.

Of the five, Silent Interface was a certainty to take while Examine and Enlarge/Shrink had the next highest possible usage, with Glamours and Enhanced Inventory also being useful. Colour Shift sounded a little pointless, but I wasn't stupid enough to just dismiss it out of hand.

"Morning Cam."

I turned from the choices, waving them away with a casual swish, and looked over a Darihd with a small frown at him preventing me from choosing new powers and for him using the nickname that Serra had come up with for me.

"You know I hate that."

"Yeah, but it's so much easier than saying your full name," he replied with a smile as he stood and stretched. "Have you cleaned yet?"

"Nah, you go ahead."

"OK, but I'll be quick. It's going to be so cool learning about how to build and maintain a lightsaber."

"You and I have very different ideas about what is 'cool'," I muttered as he walked to the smaller refresher in our quarters.

The trip to Ilum was projected to take two days. During that time, Padawan Bultar Swan, who was escorting us and the six others who were taken as padawans to Ilum, would be teaching us all about lightsabers including their history and meaning. It sounded less than enjoyable, but like basic training for the army, it was something that had to be done, so I would get through it. No matter how boring I thought it was going to be.

... …

... …

Four days, and hours upon hours of tedious lessons on lightsaber usage and safety instructions – seriously, who would use it for 'recreational activities'? – later, we arrived at Ilum. Soon enough, I found myself standing just inside the entrance of the ice chamber of Ilum that I remembered from the Clone Wars cartoon.

While the time had been boring, I had gained and levelled up fifty-two times a skill called Mechanics [Lightsaber].

This was a skill that covered building, maintaining, and enhancing a lightsaber. I assumed this meant that I needed to level it up if I wished to add extra crystals to a lightsaber like what could be done in KOTOR, but I wasn't certain as nothing in the lectures had covered the adding of extra crystals to a lightsaber. I suspected that, like a few other things I remembered from KOTOR, it had been 'discontinued' or 'outlawed' by the current Jedi Order.

Since we'd spent the whole four days learning about lightsaber usage and safety, I'd just run Force Cloak – which I could now run continuously without my FP ever draining – constantly for the last few days and nights. This had taken it past Savant:50, which granted me a new Force Power; Force Camouflage.

While Force Cloak was more meant to add to my natural skill at stealth, Force Camouflage actively hid me from sight with the Force, though currently, it didn't hide me from droids or detection via IR, UV or similar methods. Even if the last few days had seemed wasted, new powers and skills were always welcome, so I considered it a fair trade.

As I began to walk with the small group of other potential Padawans, I silently wondered what challenge I would have to face in this cave.

"He approaches."

The voice came suddenly and unexpectedly, carried by the swirling snow. I glanced around, half-expecting a few more Jedi to appear to monitor our progress. There was nothing.

"What do we do now?" Darihd asked the older Initiates. I glanced at them; they seemed not to have heard anything at all.

"Summon the Council." There it was again. The same voice, though I thought the undertones might be slightly different.

"Trust in the Force," replied the eldest, sadly for me Jon Savos from Katarn Clan, confidently. "Though for now, let's stick together for safety."

I fought off an urge to roll my eyes at him saying to 'trust the Force' and followed the group further into the cave.

"Come to us, Master. We are waiting for you."

"How long do you think we have before the door freezes over?" Asakan, an older Human was white hair and eyes, asked.

"The Council is in session Master."

"I'd say a few hours at least, replied Gastee, a red-skinned Zabrak who had two forward-facing horns that gave her a demonic look.

"What is your desire, my Master?"

"We await your command, Grandmaster." The voices were slowly becoming louder as we walked deeper into the caves until I had to stop and stare at the passage from which the voices were coming.

"Cam? What is it?" Darihd asked and the group stopped and looked at me.

"I can hear something," I muttered as I stared down the tunnel.

"Oh, the Great One hears something! Praise to the Force!" Jon exclaimed, his hands coming to his cheeks. "We should all bow to the Cho… argkh." He stopped as I used the TK to clamp his mouth shut.

"I suggest you hold your tongue, lest I do something more than just clamp your mouth shut," I warned. After two days of his condescending and belittling comments, I was fed up. Sure, I shouldn't just casually use the Force to shut him up, but I'd reached the end of my tether. He could go and bitch to the Council once we returned if he wanted, but that would just prove he was nothing more than a sycophant. Not worth my…

I shook my head to clear it. 'Where did that come from?' I wondered as I released the grip I had on his jaw. "There is something this way. I'm going."

I didn't catch what anyone said as I walked away from the group and down the side tunnel.

The walls began to close in, and the light began to dim, so I activated Force Sight.

"Fuck!" I called out as my vision was flooded, my hands went to my knees and I turned off the power. I forgot the whole place was soaked in the Force and I stayed bent over blinking until my vision settled. "That was stupid."

"Yes, it was."

My head snapped up at hearing a voice that sounded both familiar and yet new, and I found myself staring at someone that reminded me of Vaner Shan. Yet as I examined the figure a few things stood out.

First, and the biggest, was that the person wasn't a person, more of a semi-solid ghost. Not unlike a Force ghost, but this one was lacking the blue edge lighting and it was difficult to see through them. Though that might just be because I was standing in a darkened cave.

The shape of their face wasn't Vaner's, though it was similar and as I focused on the face, I noticed the eyes held a slight hint of green and the hair had flecks of light brown whereas Vaner's hair and eyes had been dark brown. The jaw was squarer than Vaner's had been as well and this figure was maybe a head taller than my grandfather.

"Who are you?" I asked as I turned to lower my profile to the ghost.

"Who do you think I am?" The ghost asked calmly.

I frowned and examined the face even closer before it clicked. "Me. Somehow, you are a much older version of me."

"Indeed. I am Master Cameron Shan Grandmaster of the Jedi Order." Ghost-me stated evenly as the area behind him came into focus and I saw others sitting around behind him. Obi-Wan, Aayla, an older woman who I suspected was Serra, Fay and others who I did not recognise but that felt familiar.

The room was meant to be the High Council Chambers, but everything in the room was white. Whether that was because of the vision, or something else, I did not know.

"Then why are you here?" I asked cautiously.

"I am what you could become if you chose to be," the Jedi version of me stated in a tone that seemed devoid of emotion.

"Are you something sent by the Force to test me?" I slowly asked as I examined this Jedi's face. There was no indication of how he was feeling or thinking; indeed, the face seemed almost robotic in his mannerisms.

"We both are." I spun to face behind me and saw myself again.

Yet this version was different from the first. This me was sitting on a… it could only be called a throne. The back reached high above him as he watched me condescendingly, his hand gripping a lightsaber hilt.

"Oh great, it’s the angel-devil routine," I muttered with a shake of my head.

Bultar had told us that we'd face a challenge which we'd have to overcome, but that mine would be the whole Jedi/Sith dichotomy was disappointing, if not unexpected. The PtB had stated the Force wasn't sure how I fitted into its ideals of balance, so this kind of test was logical. "Please tell me you aren't going to perch on my shoulder."

"Do not mock what you don't understand boy," Sith-me snarled as figures emerged from behind him.

My jaw fell open as the same females that were with Jedi-me sauntered around the throne. Aayla, Serra, Fay, a red-skinned Togruta, a green-skinned Mirialan, and even Padme, moved around the throne, stroking the arms, legs and chest of Sith-me as they did.

Though what had me from making a retort was the fact that all were dressed in what could only be described as cosplay outfits. Adult cosplay outfits that in some cases wouldn't look out of place in a bad adult movie. The only part of the cosplay that looked strange was the collar around each of their necks, though it did take me a few moments to even spot those.

"Power grants you many things boy. You will learn to enjoy them as you claim your power," Sith-me stated as one of his hands moved down Fay's back before drifting out of my sight as he reached her arse.

She gasped and Sith-me smirked as he continued. "With our power, we can mould the galaxy to our will, take and control what we want. Palpatine is powerful, but in the end, he can do nothing to stop us. He cannot stop you." I saw the muscles in the arm behind Fey clench, and Fey gasped loudly as they did.

"The Force is not something to be controlled." Jedi-me countered evenly, drawing my attention slowly back to him. "It is something to let guide us, to take our emotions. Our power lets us achieve this better than any other. We serve it better than any other can. Only we can guide the Jedi to achieve a true merging with the Force. Only we can submit to the Force as it guides the galaxy around us."

"He lies. Like all Jedi, he wants your servitude. Follow me. Embrace your power and take what you want."

"Sith only care for power. That power is all that drives them until they are nothing without it."

"This is all well and good, but do either of you have any cookies?" I asked with a small smirk just to break up the back-and-forth the two elder versions of me had going and it was too easy of an opportunity to make that joke.

"The Jedi are nothing more than Bantha being led to the slaughter. Claim your power, break your chains and be free. Or die like the rest." Sith-me stood and ignited two red lightsabers.

"We must serve the Force. If you will not serve, you must be removed." Jedi-me stated neutrally as he ignited a double-bladed lightsaber, one blade blue, the other green.

"Ok then," I muttered as I stepped backwards and sent a concentrated blast of Force energy at both. They simmered as the blasts struck and went through them but what worried me was the rumble I felt from the cave as the blasts hit the walls. "Well, that didn't work."

"Unchallenged aggression. The sign of a Sith." Stated Jedi-me with a calm, clear voice.

"Narrowminded dogma. The sign of the Jedi." Sith-me snarled as his face twisted in anger.

"But which are you?" They asked together as they moved closer and raised their blades.

"Neither. I hope," I replied as I scooted backwards and mentally opened my inventory just in case. Boy, was I glad I took that Player Power. "After all, I am only eight. Ok, I'll be nine soon, I think. But honestly, to me, both of you are wrong."

"No, we must dominate the Force."

"No, we must submit to the Force."

The two ghosts said at the same time as they continued to approach.

"If you are not with us, you are against us." These words they spoke in perfect tandem.

"Wonderful," I muttered as they came closer; the light from their lightsabers beginning to merge. I reached into my inventory, pulled out Haqu's lightsaber and ignited the blade. I brought it up, barely managing to block Jedi-me's attack before one of Sith-me's lightsabers struck my hilt; shattering it and making me stumble away.

I reached back into my inventory and pulled out the other lightsaber.

I pivoted and parried Sith-me's attacks a few times before the hilt was struck by Jedi-me stabbing it with his blade.

"For fuck's sake!" I grumbled as I dove over the double-bladed lightsaber and rolled down the passage.

I turned as I came to a stop and saw the two were now walking side-by-side toward me.

"Can't we just talk about this?" I asked as I mentally tried to come up with a way to escape this without losing any part of my body. I had thought they were just ghosts or figments of my imagination, but the two destroyed lightsaber hilts proved that theory wrong and I was unwilling to risk any of their blades hitting me.

"If you will not accept the way of the Jedi, you must be removed." "If you will not accept the way of the Sith, you must die." They spoke simultaneously.

As Sith-me raised his blades to attack, an insane idea came to me and I use the Force to push his blades towards Jedi-me.

Jedi-me instinctively defended himself and turned to face Sith-me.

I watched as the two future-me’s – future-I's? – began to fight against each other. Sith-me lost a hand and blade even as he struck part of Jedi-me's hilt. They spun away from each other and raised their remaining blades to attack.

The battle was quick as Jedi-me parried an attack and sliced Sith-me in the chest, though Sith-me had reacted to the parry to stab his blade through Jedi-me's heart.

As both fell to their knees, they turned to me.

"A path must be chosen," they said with one voice. "Which will you take?"

"That was… something," I muttered as the two figures fade away, yet my eyes narrowed. Where they had been, a saw light coming from the floor.

Kneeling cautiously where Jedi-me had been, I found a small crystal, though it seemed almost too small to be used in a lightsaber. Like it was incomplete. Curious, I used one of my new Player Powers, Examine, on it.

Ilum Adegan Crystal (miniature)

A kyber crystal from the caves on the planet Ilum.

This crystal, while capable of being used as a focus for the Force, is too small to be used in a lightsaber.

That wasn't much information, which I had expected as Examine currently didn't tell me much about an object or person, but it did confirm that the crystal was too small for what I needed.

I turned as I saw another light from where Sith me had fallen and discovered another smaller-than-expected crystal. After using Examine on that one and discovering that it too was too small to be used, I placed the two crystals in a single hand and rolled them around until the two came to rest together; seemingly forming a new, larger crystal and a gentle chime sounded from them.

"Unexpected," I muttered to myself as I pocketed the two half-crystals and moved to the remains of the two lightsabers I had used.

Both were destroyed, though as I examined the combined remains of them, I felt I could salvage enough from their parts to create a single hilt, and critically, the two lightsaber crystals were intact. Each of these crystals, while still small, was larger than either of the two I had just pocketed.

I pulled the mini-crystals from my pocket and compared them in one hand with what I felt were normal-sized crystals in the other. Combined the two mini crystals were a touch bigger than the normal crystals, so I suspected I could use them together in a lightsaber. Though I was curious if using two crystals would influence the lightsaber blade generated.

Realising that I would need to talk with Bultar Swan or another Jedi about using the two mini crystals in a lightsaber, I placed them back in my pocket and slipped the remains of the two lightsabers into my Inventory. I had every intention of creating another blade, not just to practice Jar'Kai once I could but so that I had another blade available if I needed one and didn't want to use the hilt the Jedi knew about.

I stood and turned to begin walking back towards the entrance of the cave.

"Fucking hell!"

I stumbled back and fell to a knee as I came eye-to-eye with another ghost, though this one was tinted blue as I'd expect for a Force ghost.

This ghost again reminded me of Vaner Shan, yet the eyes were purple and his hair a darker brown. The facial structure was similar to Vaner's, yet the cheeks were more withdrawn, and this ghost had an air about him that spoke of power.

"Did I startle you?" The ghost asked with a small smirk.

"What do you think? And who the fuck are you?" I blurted out in reply, my anger building slightly at potentially having to deal with another Force-induced episode.

The ghost chuckled and raised his hands, palms out. "Relax, I am not here to attack you. Merely to talk. Before I joined with the Force, I was known as Revan."

I felt my jaw fall a touch at that revelation. This Revan looked nothing like the one I had played as, yet the similarity between him and Vaner – and even myself a little – meant I knew he was telling the truth.

"Why are you here?" I probed as Revan smirked at my reaction to his reveal.

"To talk, nothing more," said Revan in reply as he leaned back against the tunnel's wall. "Though I am unsure of how to address you."


Revan's smirk fell. "You are my descendant, yet you are not. Being one with the Force has let me see possible, probable futures. For the longest time, your destiny was to die when the Sith attacked, yet barely a week before you were meant to die, something happened."

I frowned as he stated that without my intervention this 'Cameron' would've died. "So, what changed?" I asked, trying to play ignorant.

Revan tilted his head and gave me a small smile.

"You know well what happened. You are my great-grandson yet you are also not. Something… beyond the Force changed your fate and gave you unique powers that, while I have observed you using, I fail to comprehend." He glanced at my hands. "Those two lightsabers that you can hide beyond sight of the Force are the clearest sign of your different status."

"Do you hate me for changing his fate?" I asked slowly, hoping he would not as I had no clue how to deal with an angry Force Ghost, nor any idea of how to handle upsetting the Force itself. That was if the ghost and the Force were one and the same.

"I admit that a small part of me does. Yet the larger part knows that if you had not…" He paused and shook his head. "I am unsure of what word to use here. Replaced? Merged? It doesn't really matter." He said, dismissing the matter with a wave of his hand. "The larger part of me is grateful that my bloodline continues, even if this time grows darker and darker as the Sith grow stronger. Yet I sense you not only know about this threat but willingly chose to be here and now."

"I did," I replied with a small nod. "I don't know if I can stop Sidious and those he's working with, but I mean to try."

Revan smirked. "To quote an old Master of the High Council, 'do or do not, there is no try.'"

I couldn't help myself and I laughed loudly. "The current Grandmaster has used that one." I managed to get out once I stopped laughing.

Revan chuckled gently and shook his head. "While the phrase remains popular, it holds regardless of era. Do not try my boy. Do what needs to be done. Balance the Force."

"Is that what the Force desires?" I queried as I moved around to find a more comfortable way to sit as I felt this conversation was going to continue for some time.

Revan smiled in that almost condescending way that adults did with children. "The Force is… complicated. Even after millennia within it, I cannot say I understand it fully, yet if I had to say, that if it desired anything – not that I believe it is sentient in a way either of us could understand – it would desire balance."

I frowned as a question that never truly left my mind bounced to the forefront. "What does that mean though? I mean, I know the Sith do not bring balance, not once they fall so far as to need the Force almost like a glutton continually desires food yet is never full. Yet, I don't think the Jedi are much better."

Revan chuckled once. "Yes, your little dilemma just now proved that." He paused and stroked his chin. "Balance is such a vague term when referring to something like the Force. I cannot speak for the Force, yet I agree with you that both Jedi and Sith, in my time as well as now, are not balanced."

"Then what is?"

"Have you covered the ancient history of the Order?" He asked as he tapped his chin, and I nodded in affirmative. "Good. Then you know of the Je'daii, the forerunners of the Jedi Order."

Again, I nodded.

"From my studies, while living, and while using the Force to explore the past, I have come to realise that while still flawed, they were still closer to what I think balance within the Force is meant to be. Everyone has good and bad, light and dark, within them. Even the greatest Jedi can fall into the dark, or the Darkest Sith bathe in the light. Yet finding a way to accept both sides, to give and take, help and hinder, love and hate, without allowing the extremes to control you is difficult."

"That is true for everyone," I stated. What he was saying made sense to me and seemed to agree with my own opinions on what 'balance in the Force' meant, but it was still just an idea that was floating around in my head. Not a philosophy that I was willing to push onto others.

"Yes, it is. However, those with a deeper connection to the Force have access to abilities and powers beyond the normal. We can give and take from what many believe to be the very energy of the universe itself. The Force exists in almost every living thing, yet most fail to even realise that they exist in symbiosis with it. That without it, we are less than we should be."

I grimaced at another vague explanation. After a year in the Temple, I was sick to death of them. "Is balance possible?"

Revan smiled and held his arms wide. "If it was not, I would not be here." He chortled as I felt my face contort into a frown. "Have the Order told you about Force Ghosts?"

"In passing, but they speak of them as nothing more than visions given to others by the Force."

Revan sighed and shook his head. "How narrow-minded." He locked his eyes on mine as he continued. "I am me, I retain my memories of my life, good and bad, joy and pain. Yet I am a part of the Force. A Force ghost has not only recognised the good and bad within themselves but has accepted that both parts make them more than either does alone. I was Jedi and Sith, saviour and conqueror. While I regret many of my actions as both Jedi and Sith, I accept that they were mine and mine alone. This is, to me, why I became one with the Force, and why no Force user from either of the main orders has achieved this state in nearly a thousand years."

I nodded as he spoke, finding wisdom in his words. Even if the more metaphysical aspects of it went right over my head.

"So, the Chosen One prophesy?"

"Is wrong. At least as how the Jedi and Sith view it. Yes, the Sith have their version of this, the Sith'ari. The perfect being, free of limits, who will destroy them but remake them stronger than ever before."

"That… sounds just as nuts as the Jedi's view on the Chosen One," I muttered as I processed what Revan had said. "And could fit any number of Sith, past and present."

"The same as the Chosen One could fit Jedi, past and present." Revan continued with a wide smile. "It has been so long since I have spoken to another that understood the inherent failings of both Sith and Jedi. It is liberating." He stated with a grin.

"So, what should I do?" I probed, wondering if this Force ghost, my great-grandfather and a former Jedi and Sith, would have if not answers, then suggestions.

"Be true to yourself." He replied as he squatted down so we were almost eye-to-eye. "I am not yet willing to help you: you are after all not truly my progeny, yet you are."

He gave me a lopsided grin as he continued. "Since I became one with Force, you are the first whom I have witnessed that has the potential to make the changes I feel are needed. The first to possibly understand things as I do."

He stood and stepped backwards, into the wall. "Walk your path, know yourself and do what you need to do."

"Wait!" I called out as he began to fade. "There's so much more I want to ask you. Things you could teach me."

"There is," he agreed with a small chuckle, "but I am not sure if you are worthy of my time. Maybe I shall teach you if you prove to be so one day. We shall see."

I watched open-mouthed as he faded away to nothing.

"Son of a bitch!" I muttered once I was alone again. "I met Revan!"

I smile crept onto my face. Even if nothing he had said helped me or explained things beyond my thoughts about the Force, I had just spoken directly to Revan; The Prodigal Knight and Sith Lord.

"Now, how do I go about getting him to come back?"

Quest Alert!

The Promise of the Fallen [ꝏ]

Prove yourself to the one who was known as Revan.

Rating: B









That was unexpected.

The Force, or at least the Force Ghost of your ancestor, has found a way to grant you quests. Though as you can see, the details are hidden.

An outside power creating quests without our consent has only happened a handful of times across the entire Multiverse.

Now, we could show you what is hidden, but truthfully, we are curious about where this will go.

Thus, we will not.

Good luck.

I felt my mouth fall open at both the quest and the comment for the PtB. Revan had found a way – probably with help from the Force – to generate a quest for me, but I had no clear path as to how to complete it or the timeframe involved.

Still, this had potential. Perhaps Revan knew something that could help me with what was to come, perhaps lost techniques or technologies, or something else that I could use to help me in the future. Though first, I had to get back to the entrance.

After quickly checking that there was nothing on the ground I had missed, I set off at a brisk walk back towards the cave entrance.

"Ah," I muttered as I came upon the entrance, and saw it had frozen over. That might be an issue to others, but to me, it wasn't so I used Teleport to appear on the other side.

"Kriff! Are you trying to give us heart attacks bantha-brain!" Gastee spat out, her hand coming to her chest.

"Sorry, but would you have preferred I blasted the ice apart, and thus risk injuring you?" I replied with a smirk aimed at Jon. While such an event wouldn't have harmed him as he was a good thirty metres away, I couldn't resist the dig/threat.

"We are just glad you are safe Initiate Shan," Bultar Swan stated as she stepped forward. "Did you retrieve a crystal?"

I gave her a small nod as I pulled the two min-crystals from my pocket and showed them to her. "Two actually."

"That is… unusual," she said slowly as she looked down at the two. "They look viable however we will consult with Professor Huyang once back aboard the Crucible."

I slipped the crystals back into my pocket as she walked towards the temple entrance and to where the starship was parked and ignored the glare Jon was sending my way.

"You just have to be different, don't you?" Darihd asked as we followed the Padawan.

"I don't plan these things, Darihd. They just happen."

Darihd chortled and shook his head. "Yes, they do. To you." He placed a hand on my shoulder to get me to stop and open up a little distance between us and the rest of the Initiates. "Cam, you need to be careful. Jon told Padawan Swan about your actions towards him. I tried to defend you, but she will report this to the council."

I sighed and turned my head to meet his eyes. "I know, but he had it coming. And I was right about the voices."

"Really? What did you find?" His lekku shifted and brightened in colour as his eyes widened at my answer.

I sighed. "It's personal. And I'm not sure how to describe it until I speak to someone with a better understanding of Force-induced imagery."

The lekku dulled. "Ah, right."

"So did you find a crystal?" I asked changing the topic and listening while he talked about how he found his crystal as we walked across the surface of Ilum and onto the Crucible.

… …

… …

A chime rang out through the meditation chamber I was in and I opened my eyes.

It had been five days since Ilum, four spent on the Crucible travelling back to the Temple and another in private meditation, where I was meant to 'commune with the Force' regarding my Jedi Master. However, even though I was sent for private meditation, the Council of First Knowledge hadn’t told me their decision about my Master before instructing me to meditate.

Not that I had meditated and after a day in here, I called up the various notices in my log from the last twenty-four hours.

Force Power Levelled-up!

Force Attune x14


Force Power Discovered!

Negate Hunger

Allows a Force-sensitive to use the Force itself to negate their need to eat and drink.

Force Power Levelled-up!

Restore Stamina

Force Power Discovered!


The ability to lift and potentially move yourself using just the Force.

Force Attune was nothing more than the ability to attune an object with a connection to the Force to myself, though, unlike every other Force Power I had discovered so far, it did not seem to gradually increase in power/potential as it levelled. Instead, it stayed at the flat rate of two per cent per hour towards attuning an object. I hoped it increased the rate once I got to Adept, otherwise attuning anything was going to take about two days per object.

Negate Hunger lowered more than negated my hunger, but it was, potentially, one of the most powerful Force abilities I could think of. Currently, it would only stop me from having to eat for a day, but I imagined that would increase as the power levelled up, to potentially reach a point where I could go without eating for years, if not forever.

Restore Stamina was like Negate Hunger and one I had discovered in the months after the Initiate Trials. It was already into the Adept tier and simply worked to restore my stamina. Perhaps this power and Negate Hunger, at much, much higher levels, would lead to another Force Power that could slow, if not stop, ageing. Though I was not dwelling on the implications of that, as the idea of being functionally immortal was exciting and terrifying in equal measure.

I suspected that some combination of these powers, and whatever might come from them later, explained why Fay looked not a day over twenty-one, yet was a few centuries old, at least.

Levitation seemed a pointless power at first, as it only allowed me to rise half a metre off the ground and I couldn't do anything more than that. But, based on its short description, I hoped that at higher levels it would allow me something akin to self-flight. The issue with discovering that was it was my joint most expensive power outright along with Teleport. Though imagining how insanely dangerous/powerful/useful those two powers were, it did make sense that they were harder to learn/use than anything else I currently knew.

I'd only considered the power in the last hour after the second crystal was attuned, but this was going to be handy power to train during those hour-plus sessions where I had to 'meditate on the Force'.

Slowly I stood and stretched. A full day in one place should've left me with a few cramps, but I didn't feel any. I suspected that this was because of Player's Body, but I still stretched to make it look like I was just as normal as everyone around me.

Sure, the room was meant to be empty, but I suspected that there was a camera somewhere to keep an eye out in case anyone inside somehow hurt themselves. Or record any conversations that took place in the rooms.

The doors opened and a short, blue-skinned Duros stepped inside, his black, almost soulless-looking eyes, fixed on me. "Initiate Shan, I am Padawan Nidu Zham. I have been instructed to escort you to the Council of First Knowledge." The tone of her voice was the only way I could tell she was female, and I nodded in acquiescence.

The walk through the halls was done in silence, and we soon exited the elevator to the atrium outside the council chamber, where I activated both Enhance Stat for Charisma and Enhance Skill for Persuasion.

"Ah Initiate Shan, welcome," Master Vilbum stated with a small smile that was in danger of being buried under the wrinkles that covered his skin. The other members looked around at me as I entered. "Please, take a seat."

I sat on the small stool that was in the centre of the room and waited. I knew I was here to hear if I would gain Dooku, Fay or both as my Jedi Master/trainer and figured it was better to wait and appear humble than blurt out a question and seem arrogant.

"Ah, patience in a youngling. So, refreshing," commented Master Gallia with a small smile.

"Yes, though I suspect he is just doing this to not seem curious about our decision." Master Di countered with a chuckle as I shrugged. "At least he is smart enough to know when to speak and when to listen."

"He is smarter than many give him credit for," Master Nilas said as she stared at me. Or at least that is how it felt as where her eyes were covered with the same light blue cloth she always seemed to wear. "The Force has a plan for him."

I managed to school my features even as I frowned internally. I was still unsure what the Force felt about me, though the hints of what Revan had said made me think that it was willing to allow me to explore my own path.

"Yes, you have been quite clear on that point, which is why we have agreed with you." Master Piell growled out without any real anger.

"If I may," Vilbum waited for the rest of the council to look at him before he continued. "Initiate Shan, before we get to the primary reason that we have summoned you, there is an issue we need to address.

"We have received a report from Padawan Swan; upon entering the Crystal Cave on Ilum, you attacked a fellow member of this Order. Now, we have spoken to all other Initiates that were present, but before we pass judgement, we wish to hear your side of the story."

"Yes, Masters. For the entire trip to Ilum, Initiate Savos felt a need to mock and belittle me. Whenever I made a suggestion or questioned something we were told, he was condescending and scornful to anything I said or did." I paused and took a breath, letting go of the anger I had intentionally allowed to build within me as I spoke about Jon's actions.

"After four days I had reached my end and decided to deal with his verbal bullying, though the method I used was perhaps, a little too aggressive."

Di coughed quietly at that.

"You used the Force to clamp his mouth shut and then threatened to do worse. That is not acceptable behaviour for a Jedi," snarled Piell as his ears pulled back in a way that reminded me of an angry dog.

"No, but it was how I was taught to deal with a bully. Once you push back, they generally stop." I countered, and it was true in Jon's case as, after that incident, he never bad-mouthed me again, though he did still roll his eyes and whisper with a Clan-mate of his.

"While your decision to confront Padawan Savos about his behaviour was correct, your methodology was flawed," Gallia spoke slowly, and calmly. Yet the side-eye she gave Piell suggested the two did not agree on something. "Threats and violence are not the Jedi way. In future, you should try to resolve such matters in a calm and friendly manner."

I had to fight off an eye roll at the apparent naivety of the Jedi Master. That approach rarely, if ever, worked with bullies.

"Yes ma'am."

"We have made a note in your file regarding this incident, as well as for Padawan Savos." Stated Di as he took over. "For now, we are willing to forgive your actions, but further instances of being unable to conform to the Jedi Code will result in censorship or even possible expulsion from the Order."

"Yes sir." I wasn't going to call them out on the fact that a few months ago they had seemingly bent over backwards to keep me in the Order. "I will try to be more considerate of the behaviour of others before acting." Maybe.

"Good, good. Then, for now, this matter is settled." Vilbum said. "Now, when we last spoke, you stated your belief that being trained by two Jedi Masters was the best path for you in your continuing education as a Jedi. Do you still believe that to be the case?"

"Yes, sir. While I am well aware of how rare, if not almost unheard of, it is for a Padawan to have two Masters teaching them, my reasoning has not changed. Yet in the end, the final decision is yours."

Vilbum nodded and smiled a fraction. "Yes, it is. However, we prefer to guide the Initiates and Masters to each other. Generally, that happens naturally, but if the Force grants a seer a vision of a path, or is felt to be accepting of a choice, we generally do not interfere." He paused and glanced over at Nilas, as did Master Di and Gallia.

"When we first told you of the four possibilities for your Master, we mentioned that all four appeared in conflicting visions regarding you. However, what we avoided mentioning to prevent it from influencing your choice, is that of the four Masters to appear with you in these visions, Masters Dooku and Fay both appeared more than once."

My brow rose at that, even if I wondered again if the Force itself was trying to push me towards a path.

"Is that unusual?" I asked carefully, as the idea of visions and glimpsing possible futures was not something that I was comfortable with.

"It is," answered Master Nilas, drawing my attention. "Rarely do the same Masters appear in such differing visions, or appear to be vastly different from themselves in some. Yet, it is not unheard of."

I nodded slowly at the brief explanation. 'Force visions sound both useful and exceedingly confusing.'

"The one common thread in these visions was you, young one. A source of light, yet touched by darkness, shining brightly over those around you."

'Great, more prophecy crap. This is getting ridiculous, but it does help explain why Anakin seemed so arrogant at times in the movies. Having people always say or imply you were special and destined for greatness would make almost everyone arrogant and prideful.'

"Has this influenced the Council decision?" I asked, trying to steer the conversation away from talk of prophecies and vision.

"It has," Vilbum replied even as Piell glared at Nilas, who looked far too happy with herself. "We have decided to provisionally grant your request for formal training with both Master Dooku and Master Fay. We will review this decision in two years, but until then, as Caretaker of the Council of Frist Knowledge, it is my honour and privilege to raise you to the rank of Padawan learner within our order. Congratulations."

"Thank you, sir," I said, trying my best to not jump for joy even as a new Quest Completion notice appeared in my log.

Vilbum's smile grew. "Both Master Dooku and Master Fay have been informed of our decision and await your confirmation of them in the Temple spire."

"Then with your permission, I will go to them," I said as I stood.

"Yes, yes go young Padawan."

I turned and walked to the door, only to stop and turn back. I bowed a touch as I spoke. "May the Force be with you."

"And with you, child of time," Nilas replied.

I slipped through the doors and entered the elevator, and as it began to move, I pulled up the most recent notices in my log.

Quest Completed!

Two are Better Than One [User Generated]


Convince the Council of 1st Knowledge that both Fay and Dooku should become your Masters.



+25 ranks in skill [Persuasion]


This completion is subject to reversal.

If the Council of First Knowledge removes one or both Jedi Masters from your training, then you will lose the rewards and suffer the penalties.

Rank Gained!

Jedi [Rank 2: Padawan]

Grants access to the Great Holocron under the watchful gaze of your Jedi Master(s)

Grants level 4 access to Temple Archives.

I frown a touch at the note that I could still fail the quest if the Council of Frist Knowledge reversed their decision, but it did make sense.

The benefits of promotion in rank as a Jedi were nice. Especially increased access to the Jedi Archives as much of the details regarding Revan, Bastila and Satele were denied to me before; save the bland/boring description of their lives.

Hopefully, more details about them and other things would be open to me now. Though I noted that the increased rank said nothing about access to the Holocron vaults.

'Eh, I suppose I can always steal some later on, not that I will care about it for now.' I added mentally to prevent a quest from being generated. 'Or I could just wait until I become a Knight… eh.'

I decided to put how-to access the Archives – and the vault within it – out of my mind for the moment and pulled the two mini crystals from my pockets, using Examine on both.

Ilum Adegan Crystal (miniature)

[Attuned: Cameron Shan]

A kyber crystal from the caves on the planet Ilum.

This crystal, while capable of being used as a focus for the Force, is too small to be used in a lightsaber.

It has been attuned to work better with Cameron Shan.

HP: 5

Value: 3000 Credits

Power Levelled-up!

Examine [5/10]

Examine now also displays.

Energy Value of an object.

Force Potential of a sentient.

Ilum Adegan Crystal (miniature)

[Attuned: Cameron Shan]

A kyber crystal from the caves on the planet Ilum.

This crystal, while capable of being used as a focus for the Force, is too small to be used in a lightsaber.

It has been attuned to work better with Cameron Shan.

HP: 5

Value: 3000 Credits

Energy Value: 100

The level-up to Examine was nice, not least as it was the only Player Power I could level up, even if it had only gone up five levels in five days. Currently, the power told me the Value, Hit Points and Energy Value for an object and the Name, Race, Level, Health and Force Potential along with a short description for organics and droids, though I had yet to use the power on anything living for fear a Jedi would detect it.

The cost also varied depending on the target, from 5 to 10 PP. With my PP only being 20, that limited my ability to level it up rapidly by abusing it as honestly, my mind had been on getting the two lightsaber crystals attuned so I could build my lightsaber.

I frowned as I tried to work out what Energy Value was, even as I slid the two crystals back into my pocket. Force Potential was obvious, though I was curious about how it rated things and used Examine on myself.

Cameron Shan (*The Player*)

Race: Human

Level: 10

Health: 100%

Force Potential: Very High


(*) implies that the target has another name/designation.

At your current level of Examine, this only is visible if you know someone has another identity.


No description is given for The Player, as that would be redundant.

'Huh? Once I level out this power, I'll be able to tell when people have a hidden identity. Wicked! That, combined with Force Potential, should give me a chance to discover who Palpatine's Master is. Provided the person in question is still alive.'

That was going to be handy and learning my Force Potential was Very High was a little bit of an ego boost, but it made sense since I'd taken Force Prodigy when I'd created this new life.

I allowed a small smile to creep onto my face as the elevator stopped and I began to walk over to the Temple Spire; the central and largest of the five spires in the Jedi Temple.

I'd been surprised that the High Council didn't sit atop that tower, but in retrospect it made sense. The Jedi were not meant to be prideful, so having the grandest tower for meditation, special occasions and to mark the history of the Order.

The peak of the mountain the temple was built upon was also contained within this spire, yet I knew the corruption of the temple couldn't be here as Jedi passed by this point every day. If it was corrupted, someone would've noticed long before I arrived.

After asking one of the temple guards for their exact location, I found Dooku and Fay sitting in one of the smaller chambers on the veranda. Since the door was open, I entered quietly and began to speak, only to hear another voice.

"The attack on Coruscant caught the Order off-guard and many of my fellow Jedi fell that day, including Master Ven Zallow, who died defending the Temple from Darth Malgus. His actions allowed many of the younglings to escape into the lower levels of the Temple and hide in the depths of Coruscant."

Fay and Dooku were both sitting as a woman projected from a holocron spoke. The holocron was different from others I had seen in the temple when a Master had brought one out for teaching. Those had all been blue cubes in shape but this one was bronze and gold in colour and appeared to be two diamonds joined together in shape.

The woman speaking was old, easily in her seventies based on the silver hair that ended in two short ponytails that rested on her shoulders, and lines around her eyes, yet she stood tall and confident.

Her voice sounded familiar, and as I examined her face and stance, and spotted what appeared to be a saberstaff on her waist, Fay noticed me.

"Ah, our new Padawan, welcome." She said with a smile as Dooku turned to face me, though not before touching the surface of the holocron to stop the recording.

"Sorry for interrupting but the door was open, and the Council of First Knowledge told me to report to you," I explained as my eyes struggled to not look at the woman in the hologram.

"We have been expecting you," Dooku stated calmly. "The Council informed you of their decision and you accept I presume?"

"Yes, sir. I am grateful for their, and your, agreement with my choices." I bowed a touch and Fay laughed softly.

"There is no need to bow child. The Force willed it that we are brought together." She paused and gave Dooku a sad smile. "Neither Master Dooku nor I had planned to take another Padawan learner, yet here we both are."

"Indeed. After what happened with my last Padawan, I had no interest in taking another, yet The Force reacted unexpectedly in this instance. Yet I cannot bring myself to disagree with its intent." Dooku added in agreement.

"Still, thank you both."

"The only one to thank is the Force." Stated Fay as she waved my thanks and turned to look at the hologram. "Hmm, you seem curious about the woman. Why is that?" She asked with a smirk that hinted she knew who the person was.

"She seems, familiar. Yet I don't think I have ever seen her before." I replied as my brow creased as I raked my memories, yet not even Photographic Memory could tell me anything about her, save I had seen her face in my old life. Obviously, that meant I probably hadn't seen her face anytime in the last five years as it was only after that that the perk could fail.

Or it could be that someone/thing was intentionally blocking the information to get a reaction.


"Then allow me to introduce you to Grandmaster Satele Shan. Your great, great, and so on, niece." Fay said with a gentle laugh as she waved her hand over the holocron and my brow rose into my hair.

"Greetings fellow Jedi, may I ask your name?" Satele Shan, or the recording of her anyway, asked with a small smile.

"Um, Cameron Shan," I said slowly, wishing I'd turned on Player's Mind, but since the incident in the crystal caves, I had become reluctant to use the power.

After thinking over the strange behaviour of Jedi-me, I realised that he meant that because of Player's Mind, I could become the perfect 'emotionless' being that the current Jedi strove to be.

Satele frowned and leaned closer. "And who was your mother?"

I frowned in return as this holocron recording was acting differently from the two I had taken when I'd left home. Though those were used as a diary/training tool. This one was a recording for future generations, yet the fact both Fay and Dooku leaned closer at the question told me something was up.

"Jedi Knight Ressa Shan."

Satele's head tilted to her left. "And what is your rank?"


"Rank insufficient. Access Denied. Facial features and voice pattern recorded for future reference." Satele stated as her image flicked.

"What the…" I muttered as the image returned to the one that had first asked me for my name. I turned and looked at the two Jedi Masters.

"Was that meant to happen?"

"No, that was, unexpected," Dooku replied slowly as Fay waved her hand over the holocron, turning it off.

"More like unheard of," Fay countered as she picked up the device and stared at it carefully. "Grandmaster Shan's holocron has always asked for a user's name, but I have never heard of it asking those other questions. Perhaps Master Yoda or an archivist would know if such a thing has happened before."

"So, what was meant to happen?" My curiosity was pipped. Was there something on that holocron that was meant for my eyes only?

"Generally, a personal holocron, like that of Grandmaster Shan, will serve as a record of what has been and grant a Jedi insight into how our Order behaved during that Jedi's lifetime. Occasionally, they also provide training of rarer Force abilities." Explained Dooku as he stroked his beard slowly.

"That was why I had brought it here today," added Fay as she slid the holocron into her pocket. "I had hoped that she could provide you with pointers on Battle Meditation."

"What?" I asked, trying to play dumb, even as I tried not to jump for joy internally at learning the Force ability that Bastila used in KOTOR.

"Nice try, but we can sense you know something of the power," Fay said with a smile, having sensed my internal reaction. I needed to learn to block my emotions/mind from reading without always resorting to Player's Mind.

"I learnt stories about my great-grandmother and what she could do before I became a Jedi," I said slowly, trying to fudge the truth enough that the two Jedi Masters wouldn't think I was lying.

"And what stories were those?"

I turned to Dooku to answer him. "That she could influence the outcome of a battle with just the Force. Instil hope in one side and despair to the other before a battle even started."

"That is the basis of the ability, though a Jedi should not use fear," Fay replied with the faintest of smiles. "Your family was famous for its ability to use Battle Meditation; though that drove the Sith to actively seek out and kill your family line."

"Like the attack on my home," I blurted out as why the Sith had attacked finally made sense. Well, beyond a power greater than the Force wishing it.

"When my grandfather contacted the Jedi about my Force potential, the Sith somehow became aware and moved to take me."

"Indeed. Though if they could not take you, I suspect they would've killed you to prevent the Jedi of the time from taking you in." Dooku said calmly, though the tone sent a shiver up my spine and how calmly he spoke of my death to my face.

"So, you think that I can learn Battle Meditation?" I asked, moving the conversation away from discussions about my possible death.

"That is my hope, yet neither I nor Master Dooku have any training with the ability," Fay stated. "I had planned to introduce the idea into your head before we spoke to Master Rancisis, the Order's current master of the ability. Since you already know of what it is, perhaps we should now speak to him."

I bowed in acceptance of her suggestion and moved to walk behind the two senior Jedi.

"You are our Padawan, not an Initiate. Walk at our side." Dooku commanded gently and I moved quickly to his right side.

"How do you expect to learn from us if you only observe our backs?" Fay asked with a chuckle as I felt my cheeks heat up at her knowing my eyes had wandered lower than they should have.

"If I may, how exactly is my training to be handled?" I asked after regaining control of my blush.

"Master Fay and I have discussed this greatly over the last week," Dooku began as I turned my head just enough to be able to see his face without losing sight of where we were going. "Currently, I am assigned as a lightsaber instructor while Master Fay is, disinterested, in spending a large amount of time on Coruscant.

"As such, we believe that rotating your training with us, say half a year each, is the best approach for now."

"I hope to convince Master Dooku to leave the planet, but for now, he is committed to training others Makashi. Your basic instruction in the Form to your former clanmates has given him a base to work from which he is remiss in not using." Fay added with a wink and I internally groaned. By teaching the others in Dragon Clan, I had made Dooku less interested in joining Fay and me in exploring the galaxy. Thus, leaving him within easy reach of Palpatine.

"Who will I train with first?"

"Master Fay will handle your training initially."

"Though I think we will stay in the temple until your birthday. This should provide you with adequate time to say your goodbyes to your clanmates."

"I have no issues with that," I replied as my birthday was less than two weeks away. Then I'd finally get out of the dammed Temple and get to explore the galaxy.

"Excellent. Ah, we're here." Fay waved her hand over a panel on the door and it opened a moment later.

As we entered, I saw the long snake-like body of Master Rancisis sitting peacefully on a large chair.

"Greetings my fellow Jedi. Please come in," he said with a wave of his hand and I had to fight off a shudder at the length of the nails on his fingers. I was sure those were more than just a cultural choice and could do serious damage if needed.

"Before we begin, I wish to make one thing clear Padawan," the High Council member said as he locked his eyes on me. "I am unsure about teaching the art of Battle Meditation to one so young, and new to our Order. Yet Master Fay was able to convince enough of the High Council to at least see if, based on your family line, you could learn this ability. Thus, I have consented to instruct you in the basics. "

"Thank you, sir," I said with a small bow even as mentally thanked Fay and wondered if more of the High Council were against me learning advanced powers. Perhaps they felt I was learning too much too quickly or that I might somehow threaten their beliefs.

"Now, before we begin, you have spoken with Grandmaster Shan's recording regarding what Battle Mediation is."

"He has not," Dooku stated, cutting me off from replying. "It appears that the young Padawan already knew about the ability from stories told to him about Bastila Shan. What he knows is truthful, if coloured by non-Jedi thinking."

"Hmm, well perhaps I should explain fully what Battle Meditation is and allows," Rancisis said as his long, bony fingers stroked his beard.

"Battle Meditation is the ability to influence a conflict to achieve the result desired by the user by manipulating the emotions and abilities of those fighting; either by boosting their resolve and capacities while doing the opposite to their opponents. While it is an ability that has rarely been needed over my lifetime, it can alter the flow of entire wars if the user is mentally strong enough to wield it.

"The only true drawback is that to fully use this ability, you must submerge yourself in a deep trance within the Force. This means that you will feel everyone you touch, their fear, pain even their deaths. It can be, discomforting, and result in you losing control."

I nodded along as Rancisis spoke and ignored the new power notice in my log until I thought popped into my head. "Sir, is there a form of this ability that would allow a user to use it while active? From the stories I was told, Bastila had to meditate away from a battle, thus she would've been unable to defend herself."

'Or take an active role in the conflict.' I added in my head.

I wasn't going to say it out loud on the chance the Jedi thought I wished to seek battle. Truthfully, I was more concerned about the fact that using this power would leave me vulnerable to assassins.

"There are records, from before even your time, of a handful of Jedi Masters who were able to use Battle Meditation while actively engaged in conflict. However, they note that the effects and range of their power were far less than when used in a meditative trance."

"Understood," I said as I noted a second new power alert in my log.

"If you have no more questions," I shook my head. "Good. Begin to meditate and listen to my voice, follow my instructions and we will see if you are ready to learn."

I folded my legs under me in the typical way one does to meditate as Rancisis pulled his coiled body close and sank into the coils and Fay and Dooku sat down on either side of me.

"Reach out with your mind, try to sense the minds of myself and Masters Fay and Dooku."

It was weird to reach out through the Force, like pushing through both fog and water at once, yet I could easily sense the presence of the three Jedi Masters within the water-like fog. Each of them had a different… aura, to them. Two were old, though one was more… vibrant, colourful, while the other was… duller. OK, not dull, just less… lively. The young aura was much like the duller aura, yet it wasn't as… bland.

"Good. Now, brush against our minds. Be gentle though, as the stronger one is with their connection to the Force, the easier it will be for them to prevent you from touching even the edge of their mind."

I let my senses touch the most colourful of the auras and heard Fay gasp quietly. It made sense that Fay's aura was the most colourful as she seemed the most outgoing/emotional of the three Jedi.

Now knowing which of the auras was Fay's, and having an idea of which of the other two was which, I touched the aura of the youngest and heard Dooku inhale sharply.

When I tried to touch Rancisis' aura, I failed. It felt like something was stopping me from making the connection.

"I, I can't touch your mind, Master Rancisis. It's too hard." I said after failing a few more times to make a connection and realising that the power was not strong enough yet to allow me to touch more than two minds.

"That is alright young one. I can sense you have managed to brush against the minds of my fellow Masters. Now, to them I want you to project hope, confidence, and belief."

I nodded even though I was sure his eyes were closed like mine and did as he ordered. Both Fay and Dooku seemed to resist for a moment, I suspected due to their minds rebelling at the intrusion before they let me in. I tried to make them feel better, and more certain about themselves.

"It is weak, but I can feel his touch boosting my judgement," Fay whispered before gasping quietly and I thought I heard her move around a little. "This is… different from what I expected."

"Yes. This sense of certainty in myself. It is empowering." Dooku added with a hitch in his voice.

"Good, very good Cameron. Now hold the connections for as long as you can. Keep giving them hope and belief in themselves."

I did as Rancisis said, but soon enough I felt the link fail.

I gasped as I opened my eyes. "I'm sorry. That was all I could manage." I muttered as I regained my bearings. Having the link fail suddenly was jarring and a glance to either side showed me that the effect was felt by both Fay and Dooku.

"That is quite alright Cameron. This is a powerful but exhausting ability." Stated Rancisis with a soothing tone that was at odds with him looking like a giant snake. "That you were able to use it at all at your young age is most impressive." His head tilted to the left as his claws quietly made ripples in his beard.

"It will get easier with practice, so perhaps attempting to use this while you meditate will help. Though be careful with whose minds you attempt to link to. Many within the Order enjoy their privacy."

"Yes, sir." That now meant I had two powers I could use while meditating which made me smile a touch. Having something I could train during that time for something was a relief as it was three hours each day that had been wasted until now. Rancisis uncoiled his body and stretched upwards, which was taken as a sign to stand and glanced past me.

"Excellent. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a meeting to attend." He said before slithering past and I noted the clock above the door.

"I must also take my leave," Dooku stated with a small bow to Fay after seeing the time. "I have a class to instruct."

"Should I attend?" I asked as I had nothing else to do.

"No, my young Padawan. This is for the younglings. It would be a waste of your time to attempt to learn from such a class. I will be free at four o'clock. If you are available, I would be willing to instruct you in more advanced techniques for Makashi."

"I will try to be free then sir." No way was I going to pass up one-on-one training with Dooku until I had maxed out Makashi. Heck, I might still take the sessions to learn more about him and try to prevent his joining the Sith.

As he left, I turned to Fay and glanced at the flashing new power alerts I remembered the first quest I had received when I entered the temple.

Before I even spoke, she cocked her head to the side and smiled. "You have something you wish to ask?"

I nodded once and managed to prevent a frown at how easily she could sense my intentions. There must be a Force power to block that, but I didn't think any of the ones I currently had would do that.

"Um, yes. When we spoke before, in the Archives, you mentioned how the temple felt decaying." I paused and closed my eyes, hoping she didn't suspect I was lying as I spoke again. "Well, after that, I… I felt something under me. Under the Temple. Something wrong."

"That may well be the planet itself that you sense. I feel it occasionally. This whole world is dying. It is slow, but because I stay away from it and have lived a long time, I can sense it."

I frowned at her seeming to dismiss my 'concern' while I ignored the urge to ask her how old she was. I wasn’t making that mistake with a lady again.

"That might be it, however," I paused and looked at the floor. "What I sense seems to come from directly below the Temple. From the mountain itself."

She gently tapped a single finger against her chin. "Hmm. I had not considered that the problem with the temple was the nexus itself."

"Nexus?" That word was mentioned in the quest regarding Dormund Kaas but not the Jedi Temple, but I hadn't given it any thought beyond the general meaning of the word.

"A Force nexus is exactly what it sounds like. A place, be it a room, mountain or even a planet, which is strong with the Force. They draw Force-sensitives to them. The mountain on which this great temple is built is one, or at least part of it is."

"And you think that what I sensed was a problem with this nexus?" I asked her even if internally I was all but certain that there was.

"It is, possible. But I do not know much about the older levels." She turned to look me in the eye. "I know there is something you are not telling me, yet the Force seems to be guiding me to accept what you say. Most interesting."

"I try to be," I smirked which drew a chuckle from her.

"Yes, that you do." She ruffled my hair as she smiled before she began to walk away and I forced myself to keep my eyes on the back of her head.

She paused in the doorframe and turned back. "Come along Padawan. The temple records will not read themselves and I had no interest in doing so alone."

"Yes, Master." I move quickly to her side and we walk towards the elevator in silence.

Once inside, I subtly open the new notices.

Force Power Discovered!

Battle Meditation (Passive)

The ability to alter the course of a battle by instilling hope and belief or sowing fear in those around you while in a meditative trance.

Force Power Discovered!

Battle Meditation (Active)

The ability to alter the course of a battle by instilling hope and belief or sowing fear in those around you while actively engaged in the battle.


Battle Meditation (Active) is locked until Battle Meditation (Passive) reaches Savant:1.

'Nice. Two new powers, though I'll have to wait a while to even begin to train the second one.'

I casually waved away the notices and silently prayed that looking through the records wouldn't take too long so that I could build my lightsaber.

… …

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