A New Player in the Force

Crystal Stars 1

The sun was just creeping into the room and I growled as I looked at my private datapad. It was the one that contained the flight logs of the ship that brought me to Coruscant and the worlds of the Sith Empire – and was stored in my Inventory – but that was not what I was not what was making my anger grow.

What was grating on my nerves was the fact that every idea I had about how to delay, weaken and counter Sidious' plans seemed to boil down to the same underlying issue: Money. Whatever I could think of – beyond just assassinating the current Senator, which TPtB had suggested with the Sever the Head quest would actually make things worse in the long term– were long, drawn-out plans that would take time, effort and money. Lots and lots of money.

"I need to figure out how I'm going to go against what is probably a massive, secret war chest that the Sith have built up over a millennium, if not longer," I muttered as I looked at the list.

Develop my own army. Not clones, but loyal.

Create/take control of a mega-corp.

Found my own Force Order.

Accelerate the development of certain tech. (X-Wings, personal shielding, etc.)

Discover and colonise a safe harbour for Jedi/Force users.

Eliminate key people.

It was a short list on the surface, but each choice led to a separate document that held further ideas. Yet none could truly advance until I had access to millions, if not billions, of credits.

"I wonder if I can get Dooku to become Count without leaving the Jedi?" I mused, figuring that the title must've made him rich. That was based on what was seen of his private estate in the Clone Wars cartoons, but there was always a chance the title was more political than financial, like many minor members of the royal family in Britain in my past life. Sure, they all lived very comfortably, but I think only Queen Elizabeth had much in the way of financial holdings; and even then, she wasn't close to being the richest person in Britain.

"Right so how do I make money?" I muttered as I tapped my finger on the table beside the pad as I sat quietly in my quarters. "I could invest in companies that create the battle droids used by the Trade Federation, but even then, I need cash to do so," I growled once more. "Maybe I should just rob someone," I muttered with a small chuckle which petered out as I started to consider the random idea.

"Maybe I could rob someone. It's not like everyone in the galaxy is nice and deserves what they have. And I could use Compulsion to…" My self-discussion trailed off a small hatch in the wall near the door opened and a scuttle-droid rolled in. The things wandered around the temple constantly cleaning the floors while other droids cleaned the walls or carried supplies back and forth. "Buggers are everywhere," I mumbled as the droid sped around the room.

As I watched it speed around, my mind wandered as to how much access this droid – and its siblings – had to the Temple. They had to have access to every room in the place, sleeping quarters, training rooms, the hanger bay and council chambers. Heck probably even had access to the Holocron V…

'OK. Now that could be useful.' I thought as I focused on the small tan-brown droid. 'If droids have a way into the vault, then it is possible I could use it to gain access to the Holocrons.' I needed to get my computing skills to higher levels and I remembered I had a quest to do just that.

I called up the quest lists and expanded Just Don't Get Caught.

'OK, the rewards don't kick in until I'm sixteen it seems, but nothing is stopping me from getting to the base levels earlier. And the three short-term quests I have don't overlap so I don't have to worry about taking time for them from working on my other skills.'

Those three quests were Competent Duellist, Trainee Space Ranger and Trainee Space Ace. The first was just a push/reward to get Makashi to Professional:1 before the year was out while the two Trainee quests were to get the piloting skills for space and atmosphere to Adept:1 in the same timeframe. They had come to me once I had started flight training after the Initiate Trials had ended; about three weeks ago. It was interesting that Dragon Clan was being taught by Knight Lhan, one of the four Jedi the Council of First Knowledge had recommended for me to take as my trainer.

I was not going to refer to whomever it was – if it was anyone as I was still considering just going solo, though I was less keen to do so now that I realised Sidious knew about me – as Master as the term held issues with granting someone power/ownership over me. How the Jedi didn't see that Anakin must've felt the same I didn't understand but put it down to institutionalized blindness.

I was drawn out of my thoughts when the cleaning droid smacked into my foot.

"Damm it you little… Go away!" I growled. The droid ignored me but a small purple notice in my log drew my attention.

Force Power Usage: Compulsion

Power Failed!

Half XP was granted for the attempt.


Droids are immune to Compulsion/Mind Probe/Memory Rub

"Huh?" I mumbled as I read the notice. I could get XP for Compulsion by using it on droids, though it wouldn't work successfully. That was broken as hell, but I was so going to exploit it over the coming years.

Assuming Mind Probe and Memory Rub were what I suspected they were – reading and manipulating minds – and that they were advanced forms of Compulsion like how Lightsaber TK was to TK, then if I could get all three to high enough levels, I could simply take control of certain individuals.

Though it would take a long, long time to get the powers levelled up as Compulsion was 250FP a pop and I had to assume the others would be even more expensive/taxing to use.

"Something to work towards, without making it a quest," I added to prevent my interface from offering another quest. This was going to be a slow, background plan that I didn't want to interfere with my current, and future, short-term quests.

Was I abusing the powers I had? Probably, but why shouldn't I use and abuse them to give myself the best chance to succeed and survive in this galaxy?

I went back to watching the droid as it continued to move around the room and hit it with Compulsion until I ran out of FP, then became bored as it kept cleaning then I began to think about where the main control system was for the cleaning and maintenance droids in the temple, and how easy/difficult it would be to access that room.

'I imagine it is behind multiple locked doors with cameras and other security measures in place to avoid tampering. Hmm, entering the room would be difficult, however, if I was to install a worm into a cleaning droid, it might upload that to the central computer. If programmed correctly, I could have the computer transfer everything that happened in the Temple to an outside server, provided it had network access, which I could then pursue at my leisure. Damm, that seems like…' "Fuck!" I spat out as my train of thought led me to realise that I may have just found a huge flaw in the Temple's security.

I lifted my datapad and quickly opened another file. This file covered the ways that the Sith could monitor/spy on the Jedi. I suspected they must have access to Senate records – especially since Palpatine was a Senator – but I hadn't considered they could actively spy on the Jedi themselves.

"Great, so I just found a potentially major security flaw. I would assume the Jedi have closed that flaw, but if they haven't…" My voice trailed off as I stared at the droid as it left my room. "Well fuck."

I dropped the datapad back in my Inventory and exited the room, planning to find someone to tell. But who to talk to?

Dooku and Sifo-Dyas were out. While both were respected and Sifo-Dyas sat on the High Council, both talked regularly with Palpatine so he could ask them subtlety who had closed the flaw, which would draw his attention to me even more.

Fay, while someone held in high regard by other Jedi, was not a regular to the Temple, so I doubted she had much understanding of the daily activities that went on here. Lhan was a new Knight, so lacked authority.

"Guess I need to find Yoda or Windu then," I murmured to myself as I walked the quiet corridors. Now just to find them. The most likely places at this time in the morning were either the mess halls or a meditation room. But which way to go?


"Damm." I spat as I crashed to the floor having bounced off someone and fallen backwards.

"Cameron? Are you alright?" A male voice asked, and I looked up to see Master Giiett looking down at me with a slightly creased brow.

"Yes sir. Just was lost in thought." I replied as he helped me stand before I gently patted my robe. "Sorry for not looking where I was going."

"I believe we were both guilty of that Cameron." He countered as he reached down and picked up a datapad. "What has you moving so fast this early in the morning?"

I opened my mouth to mutter out a half-hearted excuse when it occurred to me that Master Giiett might just be the Jedi I needed to talk to. He was a High Council member and a Sentinel; a Jedi charged with hunting down Dark Side users and their influence across the galaxy. Sure, he and the rest were missing the Sith Lord in the Senate, but otherwise, I felt he was competent at his job.

"I, I think I've found a security breach," I said slowly. "I might be wrong, but I have a feeling that I'm not."

Giiett's brow creased as he looked down at me. "And what is this breach you believe you have found?"

I mentally thanked him for not just ignoring my concern as I think some of the other High Council members might.

"I…" I paused as another cleaning droid – though it could've been the same one as from my room – shot across the floor behind him. "I would rather discuss that in private. Away from anything that could monitor us." I said slowly, tilting my head to the droid.

Giiett's eyes caught my movement before drifting skywards for a moment. "Hmm. Perhaps that would be for the best. Come." He turned and walked back the way he had come from and I quickly fell into step beside him.

"I saw the recordings of your performance in the Initiate Trials," he began as we entered an elevator, "and read the reports from the Council of First Knowledge. I had expected you to do well in the Trials, but phasing, teleporting, and showing an interest in Makashi?" He chuckled and shook his head. "There is doing well, and then there's rubbing everyone else's faces in the dirt."

"I… that was not my intention." I countered slowly as we exited the elevator and I noted we were now on levels that Initiates were restricted from going to unaccompanied. "I simply knew I had to think outside the box if I wanted to do well."

Giiett laughed and shook his head. "You did more than 'well', Cameron. You shattered the course record for the obstacle course. And I mean the temple record, not the Initiate one. And you made Master Dooku smile."

"What?" I couldn't help but stumble and blurt out at that comment. While I respected Dooku's ability with Makashi and enjoyed the gruff no-nonsense manner he had – probably as it reminded me of my old life – I had never seen the slightest hint the man could smile.

Giiett laughed once more as he glanced at me. "He smiled. Sure, he tried hard to hide it, but I have known him since I was an Initiate." We entered a small room that was an office of some sort as Giiett slipped around the desk and sat while indicating for me to do the same.

"Now, what is this concern you have?" He asked and I explained what I had considered about the droids and how someone could use them to monitor everything happening at the Temple, even in areas restricted to many such as the Council Chambers and Archives if the droids had access.

Through my short explanation – which avoided getting into why I was thinking about the droids and their programming – he sat there quietly and when I finished, he leaned back in his chair and tapped his forefingers on his chin while his hands were overwise interlocked.

"Hmm. I admit your concerns are valid. The droids, cameras, and external data requests are all recorded by a central computer core. And while that is regularly checked to ensure it is free of external programs, it does link to a secure mainframe within the Senate." He tapped his forefingers a few more times against his chin. "I believe that this mainframe is also secure, but we are talking about politicians here…"

Normally that little comment would earn a small smile from me, but not today. "Who would have access to the mainframe?" I asked. Hopefully, I didn't come off as too curious/aware, but I had to get him thinking about the potential dangers that existed.

"To my knowledge that core is for the Chancellor, their staff, and select Senators. If any of them wished to know about what went on within the Temple, they are free to do so. However, if one or more of them were, persuaded, to provide copies of those activities, then we could be looking at a serious problem." It looked like he agreed with me, but the way his brow seemed to both lower and rise made me think he'd thought of something else that was a bigger threat than just knowing what Jedi did every day within the Temple.

We sat in silence as I pondered just what else beyond droid recordings could be on this Senate computer and Master Giiett's brow furrowed as he considered whatever was going through his head.

"Thank you for bringing this to me Cameron." He said as he suddenly leaned forward and placed his hands on the table. "I will discuss this with the High Council, and we will take appropriate actions to ensure this potential security breach is removed." His words were calm and relaxed, but the furrows in his brow didn't vanish.

"Yes sir." I hoped he could convince them to do something about it, but until I knew for certain, I was going to have to be very careful of what I did and said around the droids, or in any room with recording devices.

He nodded and leaned back as a small smile came to his face. "Now, what drove you to focus on Makashi when almost no one, Knights and Masters included, do so?"

I shrugged. "The main part of the combat trail was one-on-one combat. Of the three Forms I had been shown, the only one that was designed for such combat was Makashi."

Giiett nodded as his smile grew a touch. "Yes, that is true. Most Jedi choose Soresu or Ataru, though I prefer Shien. And that is because I find myself dealing with an inordinately large number of blaster-wielding foes on my missions." He chuckled at what I had to assume was a private joke. "Are you staying with Makashi?"

Again, I shrugged. "For now, yeah. Though from my reading of history, I do know there are far fewer Sith around than when I was born." That drew another chuckle. "Perhaps later I will study another Form, but not until I feel I have mastered my current one." And unlike the others, I had a built-in system that told me when I had done that. Once Makashi was at Master:1, I planned to try to train up Shii-Cho and Soresu. Hopefully, by the time of Episode One, I would have at least mastered those three Forms.

"Hmm, so you will be taking Dooku as your Master?" Giiett asked as he leant forward.

"I have not decided on whom I wish to learn from, though all of the options given to me by the Council have their strengths."

Giiett shook his head, though he continued to smile. "Spoken like a diplomat. Your grandfather's teachings I assume."

"Yes sir." No that wasn't why I was being careful, but it was the best reason that anyone had come up with so far as to why I hadn't instantly picked a trainer. The others were pushing me to take various Jedi, though none suggested Dooku, and that was only after they got over their annoyance that I was being 'fast-tracked'. Now that I thought about it for a second, Serra had never been annoyed. She had simply given me a massive smile and a nod before asking who was to be my Master. Damm, I hated that term so I could only imagine how Anakin would feel about it.

"Very wise. Very wise. Now, is there anything else you wish to discuss? It is time for the morning meal and, while I do not know about you, I am famished." He asked as he stood.

"No sir," I replied as I stood even as I wished I could tell him about Palpatine and everything else, but the instructions for my power had said I couldn't just tell someone about what was to happen. I had tested that last week when talking with Sifo-Dyas. Instead of saying Palpatine was a Sith Lord, I'd called him a smelly lady! It seemed I was going to have to hunt for the proof I needed after all.

He nodded and we walked out of the office to begin the day.

... …

… …

"May I join you?" I lifted my head at the request and saw Master Fay standing on the opposite side of the table that I was using in the Archives, a slight smile on her face as our eyes met.

I nodded and the elegant Jedi slid onto the bench beside me.

"If I may ask, what are you reading?" She asked calmly.

I shifted the datapad to her as I answered. "I'm learning about my family," I replied. The datapad was currently showing an overview of Satele Shan's time with the Order.

After getting the clearance from the Council of First Knowledge, I'd spent an hour a day in the following week researching and reading about whatever I could find about Revan, Bastila and now Satele. The information contained in the Archives, or at least the freely available information, was nothing useful/impressive and did nothing to improve on what I knew of Revan and Bastila from the KOTOR video games.

Satele however, while mainly just a long, long list of bullet points about her career, was more helpful. I had never played TOR so apart from the name, I knew nothing about her.

"Ah, Satele Shan. I remember reading about her when I was a Padawan." She slid the datapad back to me and her smile curved upwards. "It is a shame the public records are so, dry."

I felt my brow lift at her comment. For a normal child, it would've seemed innocent, but I caught the less-than-subtle markers suggesting she knew more than she was telling.

"Did Satele, or my great-grandparents, leave a recording or diary? Maybe even a holocron?" I asked, figuring I'd play her game to see if it led somewhere. Plus, the more time I got to spend around the lady the better. She easily put any woman I had ever met to shame with her beauty and the way she carried herself.

"Hmm, I believe that Grandmaster Satele did create a holocron after the war with the Sith, but I never checked if there was one from Revan or Bastila. Though I highly doubt it has survived to the present day. Ignoring their non-accepted views of marriage and family, the Sith attacked and held Coruscant during the war when Satele was Grandmaster of the Order." She paused and tapped her fingers on the table. "Still, if they had created a holocron, then I imagine Satele may have tried to save and protect it from the Sith. Revan was, a curiosity, to many, including me."

"Truly?" I blurted out, and Fay's smile turned into a small grin.

"Yes. When I was but a Padawan, I admit to finding the story of the Prodigal Knight most… enjoyable." Her eyes wandered off to a spot before returning her gaze to me, her eyes seeming to bore right into my soul. If I was a normal child, I would've squirmed under the intensity of her gaze, but I did not.

"You have something of him in you. Oh, your face is different, as are your colourings, but I can see that same, certain something to you. The same energy that he seemed to radiate is within you. Many cultures have their own words or phrases to describe it, but I like jate'kara."


"Jate'kara." She corrected quietly. "It translates into basic as 'a course to steer by'. It implies that someone has been touched by the Force, fate, or some other power, to be or do, something important. Though I imagine the galaxy at large tries its best to keep such people limited." She laughed a soft, musical laugh, and brushed a loose strand of hair out of her eyes.

"What do the tattoos mean?" I blurted out, as I had missed them when we had first met as I was distracted by her, but now I was curious about them, and I felt my cheeks heat up.

I almost engaged Player's Mind, but I didn't want to rely on that power too much or risk her wondering why I had suddenly become so in control of my emotions. Oh sure, The Jedi might preach about letting go of your emotions, but I was less than a year into their 'training' and I knew that other Jedi showed emotion; case-in-point, the lady sitting with me, whose emotions were clear to see at my abrupt – ok rude – question.

She continued to smile even as her fingers traced the twin lines on her left cheek. "You are the first Jedi I have met in a very long time who has asked me about them." She sighed and looked away from me, towards one of the windows in the upper walls. "They are a reminder of something that happened a long time ago."

I felt my brow rise in surprise at her seeming admission of having cared deeply, if not loved someone long ago and I kept my mouth shut as she continued to look out of the window; her brow having drooped, as had her smile. Figuring she needed time, I returned to reading about my great-great-whatever niece.

"How does your training go?" I lifted my head to see she was now looking at me once more, her face calm again.

I shrugged. "It's fine. The flight lessons with Knight Lhan are helping to pass the time and I am learning more every day."

"And?" She probed, her lips twitching upwards at my neutral answer.

I sighed and looked around to make sure we were alone. "I'm bored! I mean, the others have spent their entire lives growing up here. It's home. But for me…" I stopped there, unsure of how to exactly phrase my mounting frustration.

"It is just a place. Nothing more. Indeed, it probably feels like a prison." She finished for me and laughed at my surprise/shock at her so easily hitting the nail on the head. "I am much like you in that regard. Oh, I was raised here from before I can remember, but I always felt a… pull to leave. To explore the galaxy. Many Jedi are the same but most still regard the Temple as home, but to me, it is nothing but a place now." She paused and now it was her turn to glance around before leaning closer.

"I should not probably say this, but I do not like this planet. It feels like a world basking in decay and deceit. That feeling has only grown stronger over my time away from here and even now, in this great Temple, that feeling of decline is clear to me."

"Have, have you spoken to others about this?" I asked, genuinely curious as to if she could feel the corruption of the Sith and the plans that were coming to fruition, and if she'd informed anyone of her sensations.

"No. I have not mentioned it to anyone here. Indeed, I am unsure as to why I even mentioned it to you." She paused and stared into my eyes, tilting her head in the process. "You are far older than you appear and something about you guided the Force to return me here."

"Well, I am technically three-and-a-half thousand years old," I replied, hoping to deflect her attention as a tingle went up my spine.

She smiled at the bad humour. "Yes, while your legal age is far older than anyone else, that is not what I meant." She leaned forward and her hands lifted my head gently. "Your body is young, yet your inner energy, the part of you that is connected to the Force feels older." Her hands left my cheeks, yet I could still feel their touch, and she sat back.

"Jate'kara." She said that word once more and smiled at me as her head tilted to the side. "The Force has marked you, of that I am certain. And I believe you already know this."

I opened my mouth to deny her statement but paused. She was right in that I was here with a purpose, but just not one of the Force's making. No, just my own choice and the power of someone/thing far beyond the Force. So, I decided to play on it to probe in my own way.

"I have heard others hint at something similar. A prophesy about a 'Chosen One'." I didn't hide my annoyance at them thinking I could be their saviour as I left that prophesy dangling.

Fay laughed even as her brow rose. "Yes, I imagine many would think that way. The child of the Prodigal Knight, sent across time and space, having killed a pair of Sith without any formal training. How could the masses not believe you were a gift from the Force?"

"I only killed one Sith, and that was blind luck." I felt the need to correct that point.

"And yet that is what no less than five Masters told me you had done; including one rather frustrated member of the Council." She chuckled softly and shook her head. "People always look for a cause, an ideal, a champion. They are willing to follow without truly understanding and that often leads to more problems than it solves."

Before I could ask what just she was on about, she stood.

"Forgive me, but I have taken up too much of my time and have an appointment with Master Yoda."

"Any time spent with one so wise and beautiful is well spent," I replied, though I instantly wondered why I had just attempted to flirt with her.

Her musical laughter filled the air. "Such a charmer. Already I fear for my fellow females when you reach your majority."

She continued to laugh as she turned and walked away, and while I shouldn't have, I watched her go.

She stopped just as she was about to disappear from my view and my gaze moved upwards to meet hers. While I couldn't hear her, I could see her laugh a little as our eyes met and I felt the heat return to my cheeks. 'Dammit! I'm meant to only be eight! I need to act like it or others might suspect something is off about me.'

Fay shook her head even as she smiled and resumed walking, leaving my field of vision.

The moment she did, I remembered the Cleansing the Temple quest and felt the urge to smash my head against the table. I should've said something to her about it, maybe hinted that I felt something off below the main Temple and see if I could persuade her to take me on a trip downwards.

"I will have to remember to mention it to her the next time we talk," I muttered though I didn't know when that would be. Today was the first time since meeting Fay that I had spoken to her, and one of the four months for me to select my trainer had already passed.

Fay was the only one of the four Jedi Masters who I hadn't talked with until today, though my only words with Dooku were regarding my lightsaber training. Sifo-Dyas and Lhan both actively sought me out for conversation.

Truthfully, Lhan's continual need to ask me a question first during flight classes/training was annoying everyone in Dragon Clan and had quickly soured me on choosing the only Jedi confirmed to be leaving the Temple that might become my trainer.

… …

… …

"Watch your footwork, Funt," I stated as I watched the Sullustan duel Aayla. He didn't reply but slid his rear foot back a touch. "Good. Now relax and just guide Aayla's attacks away from you."

I observed as Aayla came at Funt using her preferred Ataru, while Funt tried to use the basics of Makashi. He, like a few others in Dragon Clan, had come to me about a week after the Initiate Trials had ended and asked for help learning the basics of the Form.

I had suggested they go to Dooku for instruction, but strangely none of them found my idea appealing.

So here I was, two months after the trials, guiding the members of Dragon Clan through the basics of the duelling form.

"You're really good at teaching," said Serra from my right side.

"Yeah, much nicer than Master Dooku," agreed Lon Boglid, a younger Duros member of the clan who was standing on my left. "I actually enjoy these sessions."

"That's good but remember not to state such a thing within range of Dooku," I replied to Lon, my eyes still watching the duel. It was a very slow affair as I had made sure that whoever the aggressor was – usually Sia-Lan, Serra, or Aayla – wouldn’t directly use the Force while attacking and that they kept their movements slow. Everyone was a little confused as to why I had them do so since they hadn't done slow katas or spars since they were younglings. I had reminded them that Makashi was a Form that none of the clan, save myself, had spent any real-time learning, so if a spar was conducted at regular speeds, they would instinctively fall back to their preferred form.

"Pause," I said loud enough for Funt and Aayla to hear me. Both stopped their motions as I stepped towards them. "Funt, slowly go back to where you blocked her last strike."

The pair reversed their actions until Aayla's blade was halfway through an aggressive arc.

"Stop there. Funt, when Aayla's blade came down, you raised yours fully to block it. Why?"

Funt blinked once, then shrugged. "Why shouldn't I? I stopped her attack." His tone was calm, though there was a hint of annoyance which I suspected was because, of all the members of the clan, he was struggling the most with Makashi.

I reached forward and placed my hands on his. "You did yes, but if you had done this…" I looked at Aayla and she resumed her attack, though even slower than when they were sparring.

As she did so, I tilted Funt's blade so that Aayla's attack would be guided away and to one side of Funt's body while exposing Aayla's midsection.

"… then you would've been able to strike at her and gain the advantage." I finished as I released my grip. "Remember, Makashi isn't about simply defending yourself, but about fluid motion, balance and precise strikes. Guide your opponent where you want them to go. Make them over-commit to their actions while you stay balanced."

Funt nodded, and I stepped back from them.


I watched as they continued from the new position even as I noted a skill level-up in my notice box. With a subtle flick of my wrist, I opened it.

Skill Levelled-Up!




I had gotten this skill when I started these sessions. Each level granted a small boost in the ease with which my 'students' learnt from me.

"Well done. I didn't think anyone could get through his dewflaps and teach him so easily," said Darihd quietly enough that the combatants didn't hear with his amusement clear to hear. "You're going to make an excellent instructor one day."

"He may one day be, but he is not one yet."

I spun around at the familiar adult voice, my hand instantly reaching for where my lightsaber would be – if I was carrying one – and saw Masters Dooku and Drallig standing behind us.

Drallig was relaxed, his eyes on Funt and Aayla, but Dooku's were locked onto mine the moment they met.

"What is going on here?" He asked sharply and I caught sight of Darihd and the others quickly and quietly moving away from me to avoid being in Dooku's glares. 'Traitors.'

"Sir, after the Trials, a few members approached me for pointers on Makashi. Soon others did as well, and so I arranged an introductory session to the basics, in which I feel I have sufficient proficiency that I could pass them on." I replied calmly.

Dooku's eyes narrowed and he glanced at the rest of the clan before returning his gaze to me. "And why did you not ask Master Drallig or me to conduct these sessions?"

I glanced at the rest of the clan and noticed a few with pleading looks to not throw them under a bus. "I felt I could handle the very basics of the Form and did not wish to bother you or Master Drallig with something that may not have resulted in any of my clanmates choosing to take further studies in Makashi. If that occurred, it would have resulted in a waste of your time."

I spotted Drallig nod once at my reason, but my focus was on Dooku. If I handled this well, it might help ingrain me with him more. More learners of the Form he considered the True Form might help persuade him that some Jedi were worth saving.

"Your reasons are valid," he said slowly, and I felt the corners of my lips twitch in triumph. "However, neither Master Drallig nor I have stated you are proficient enough to teach even the most basic velocities of Makashi." With that, the smirk that had been developing fell away.

"Perhaps you should test him then," Drallig said, a smirk on his face as he looked at me. "From what I saw in the trials, and in the regular sessions, he is competent enough to be tested on the Form."

"He is too young."

"Nonsense. Unlike a few of the other Forms, Makashi does not count strength as a major factor. You know this better than most," Drallig countered Dooku's argument. "Besides, I am sure we both agree that more students of Makashi would be a good thing."

Dooku's eyes narrowed further as he turned back to me. "Perhaps you are correct. Come Initiate." He pivoted, his robes billowing out and forcing me to take a step back to avoid being struck by them, before marching away.

"You should do as he says," Drallig said with a rueful shake of his head. "Actually, I think you should all come. It will allow you to view a pure Makashi duel, which will help you determine if you wish to commit to the Form or not."

"Yes Master," said Darihd.

We all followed the Jedi Battlemaster to the main sparring hall. Dooku was waiting in the middle of the smaller sparring circles and tossed me a training lightsaber as we approached.

"During this exercise, you may only use Makashi. The usage of velocities from other Forms will result in your failure. If you can survive five minutes without sustaining three glancing strikes or one killing blow, it will be accepted that you understand the basics of Makashi well enough to carry out simple training sessions for your clanmates.

"However, if you fail, not only will I forbid you from holding your training sessions, but you will be forced to spend an hour each day under my tutelage until I am satisfied with your proficiency with Makashi. Do you accept these terms?" Dooku asked as he ignited his lightsaber – seeing it blue instead of red was still a little strange for me – and swished it a few times in the gap between us.

Quest Alert!

Duel of Contention (Challenge Quest)

Prove your (basic) competence with Form II

Rating: C


Survive 5 minutes in a duel with a Makashi master without suffering 3 tags.

Bonus: ?


Increased reputation with all Jedi.

Heavily increased reputation with Master Dooku.

Permission to hold elementary training sessions in Makashi for other Initiates.



0-300EXP (based on how long you survive)

1-hour daily tutoring with Master Dooku for 2 months.

Loss of reputation with all Jedi.




Challenge quests are quests directed at you by another to prove yourself.

This can be for a specific skill, a title, a competition or for other reasons.

These quests carry lower EXP rewards than regular quests, though they often grant reputation boosts with large groups or offer different rewards for competitions.

Challenge quests cannot be denied without incurring an automatic failure.

'Son of a… I either accept it and probably get an arse-kicking or reject it and fail. That's just… Actually, it makes sense, I guess. Especially, as this whole power is unbalanced in my favour, to begin with.'

"Yes, sir. I understand and accept." I said out loud as I ignited my blade and stepped into the circle. I knew from training that I could only keep on Precognition and Bullet-Time together for around four minutes, and as soon as they auto-engaged, I planned to turn off Precognition. While both would be useful, a faster reaction time would grant me the best benefit during this spar, and I could always turn Precognition back on if I started to struggle; provided I had the time or FP to do so.

Dooku gave me a fractional nod of his head. "Master Drallig, on your word." We both raised our blades in salute before swinging them downwards.


Dooku stepped forward and probed my defences with a flurry of short, sharp slashes. None of them were difficult to avoid or parry and after the initial attack, Dooku stepped back and gave me a very fractional nod. Hopefully, it meant he was satisfied with my defence. Before I could consider it though, he came at me again, far faster than before.

Thanks to Bullet-Time, I was able to keep up with his thrusts, slashes, and probes, though I quickly could tell that he was still taking it easy on me, even as I began to struggle with the constant storm of movement.

Eventually, his constant attacks exposed my blade arm and he clipped it, earning a point in the duel and costing me a few dozen HPs.

"Your defence is sound, though you lack the strength and reach that will come with age." He said as he stepped backwards, not taking further advantage of the hole he had created in my defence. "Now then, let us see how well you can attack."

I nodded in acceptance of the command and stepped forward to probe his defences, even if I knew the odds of me breaking through and scoring a hit were minimal at best.

I was quickly proven right. Nothing I did exposed an opening in his stance for me to exploit even as I activated Force Speed in the hope that a faster attack would help.

I wasn't sure how long I attacked for since I was only concentrating on him and not the small countdown in the upper left of my vision, but suddenly I spotted a gap that seemed to expose his left thigh.

I moved my blade to exploit the gap, only to stop and ignore it. The moment I did so, Dooku parried my latest jab and tapped his blade against my forearm before stepping backwards.

"Why did you not take the opening?" He asked as we reset our stances.

"The chances of me succeeding in breaking through your defences are slim, and while the gap was only there for a moment, it was too obvious and large to be anything but a trap."

His lips twitched even as we saluted each other once more. "Good." He said nothing else before he came at me far faster than before and I was instantly on the defensive, taking one step back. That step was followed by others and I knew that if I did not do something soon, I would be forced from the ring and lose the spar.

In desperation I ignored an attack that was heading for my left side and pivoted away, dropping my lightsaber from my right hand to my left, and frantically jabbed the blade out in blind hope that it would block an attack I knew was coming.

As I ended my pivot, my eyes bugged out a touch as the tip of his blade was now right between my eyes with my weapon in no position to help.

"I yield," I said calmly, knowing the fight was over and Dooku pulled his lightsaber backwards and extinguished it even as he clipped it to his belt.

"Your attacks are slow and predictable yet controlled. Perhaps you do understand more than just the basics of Makashi." He said spoke slowly with no audio or visual clue if he was impressed or disappointed in how I had done even as he turned and looked away from me. "Time?"

"Seven minutes, eighteen seconds." Master Drallig stated and my head whipped around to see the Battlemaster standing there with a large smile on his face; and that there were more than just the members of Dragon Clan watching us. "I know you stated he only needed to survive five minutes, but I felt the other Initiates would benefit from seeing Makashi in action from one of their own."

"Indeed." Dooku turned back to me. "Your execution is commendable for one so young. You may continue instructing your clanmates in the basics of Makashi, but I reserve the right to test them at a time and place of my choosing."

"Yes, sir," I answered as I tried – and failed – to stop a grin from creeping onto my face.

Dooku gave me a short nod before walking away, which allowed the rest of Dragon Clan to rush into the ring.

"That was awesome!" Shouted Jyl as she bounced over with the others. "You made Dooku smile!"

"And you landed a strike on him," Sia-Lan added giving me an unexpected smile with a sideways tilt of her head.

"What? When?" I asked since I had no memory of doing so.

"When you pivoted out of position," Darihd explained. "You managed to tag his forearm without looking. Sure, you lost, but we all knew that was coming."

"Not all of us," Aayla stated with a smirk as she glanced at Serra, who avoided my gaze when I turned to her.

"That was pure luck. I only extended my lightsaber in the vein hope it would force him back when I lost sight of him." I explained to the Clan as I looked at each of them in turn. "Master Dooku is many levels beyond where I am and has decades of experience with using Makashi; probably in real combat."

"Yeah, but that was still awesome! The way the two of you seemed to flow without really moving was incredible. I want to learn Makashi." Jyl stated with firmness in her voice. Up until now, Jyl hadn't shown any interest in Makashi, though she came to the sessions, preferring Soresu.

I smiled at the younger girl. "That's fine but remember that every Form has its own advantages and drawbacks."

"I know, I know. But Makashi looks graceful, fluid." Jyl smiled as she looked skyward. "It feels right."

I had nothing to add to that and so just nodded at her.

"Well, you'll have to try Makashi next session. We have flight training with Knight Lhan in ten minutes, and I doubt Cameron being tested by Master Dooku is a valid excuse as to why we are all late." Darihd stated after a glance at his datapad.

As we moved off to our class, I slid to the back of the group and accessed my interface.

Quest Completed!

Duel of Contention (Challenge Quest)


Survive 5 minutes in a duel with a Makashi master without suffering 3 tags. [Yes]

[?] Score a hit on the Jedi Master [Yes]


Increased reputation with all Jedi.

Heavily increased reputation with Master Dooku.

Permission to hold elementary training sessions in Makashi for other Initiates.



'Nice, though I wish I knew what my reputation was with everyone.' Currently, all that was displayed on my Reputation page were two lists – Jedi and Others – with some details about the various beings I had met. I wouldn't find out how I stood with others until I turned eleven, and the system 'upgraded'. Whatever that meant.

'Still, this should boost my standing in the Order and hopefully increase my chances of preventing Dooku's fall.'

I waved away the message and caught up with the rest of the Clan to continue the day.

… …

… …

Quest Failed!

Miner's Run [Challenge Quest]


Complete the challenge in the quickest time. (Casualties will result in time penalties.) [3rd]

[?] Destroy a target (5EXP/target) [20]




'At least I got EXP for my 'kills' and not coming last.' I thought as I waved the quest failure notice.

It referred to an instant quest created during what was hopefully my last flight training class when Knight Lhan randomly split Dragon Clan into four teams and gave us a challenge. If my team had won, I'd have earned a chance to fly a real ship but given that my teammates were the two youngest members of the Clan to be allowed to take flight training, and that I'd already flown on a starship, I wasn't too concerned about failing my first quest. I was just glad we hadn't finished last, as that would've resulted in a loss of reputation with Dragon Clan.

The only quests that I was worried about failing were the Changing Fates quests, as if I failed them, they would make things worse for both me and the Jedi – though I was more concerned with my own fate that the Order's – and the two quests that would lock my skills at a certain level for years.

"Congratulations to Blue Team," Lhan said with a smile that exposed fearsome-looking fangs as Aayla, Serra and Jyl bounced around in enjoyment at winning. "Also well done to Cameron, who scored the highest number of kills during the competition."

I acknowledged him with a slight nod but had no other reaction to his statement. Since my teammates had been the youngest, and least experienced, on the simulators, during our attempt at the mission, I'd acted as bait for the 'defenders' and drawn a majority away from the target. That I'd managed to kill so many was due as much to the program's low level as it was to my skills at flying and combat.

"Knight Lhan, may I enter?" We all turned to see Master Ima-Gun Di standing in the doorway.

"Of course, Master Di," Lhan replied with a partial bow. "We have just finished class for the day."

"Yes, I was watching on the monitor outside," Di stated as he took a few steps into the room. "Blue team worked extremely well as a unit." I glanced to my left and noted the three girls all sitting up straighter at the praise. "However, that is not why I am here. Initiates Bykys and Shan, the Council of First Knowledge wishes to speak with you both. Come with me."

Darihd and I stood and followed the Nikto Jedi Master through the halls of the Temple. Since tomorrow was the first day of New Year's Week, I knew that it was time for me to make my choice regarding which Jedi would be my 'Master', and I was hoping I could convince the Council of my choice. I could only hope that Darihd had also been chosen as a Padawan if he was also being summoned by the Council. I didn't think he was being reassigned to one of the corps, but either way, I planned to try to keep in contact with him as loyal allies were going to be needed in the coming decades.

The walk was done in silence, save for Master Di greeting other Jedi as we passed them. Many of those Jedi stared intently at me as we passed. I was not enjoying the fact many saw me as their Chosen One but figured I could put up with it since I was soon to leave the Temple and it would hopefully mean some of them would not try to fill Anakin's head with the bull when he joined.

However, I had no intention of staying in the Temple to be trained as I needed to begin prepping for the war to come. I had had a revelation about how to begin to earn credits, but that needed outside access, like almost every other thing I needed to do before the war came.

"Initiate Shan, please wait here. Initiate Bykys, enter with me." Di stated as we arrived in the antechamber for the Council of First Knowledge.

I gave Darihd a smile and a nod in support before he followed the Jedi Master into the chambers. As the doors closed, I sat down on an empty bench and considered how I was going to get what I wanted, though how to go about it was still uncertain as I worried the Force would be a factor in this argument, yet I still didn't know how it 'saw' me.

The one thing I had taken from that brief explanation about the Force was that it saw both the Jedi and Sith as unbalanced, which suggested to me that if I could find a new, better, way, the Force may just decide to help me. Then again, it could just as easily decide my new way was worse, and subtly act against me and those who stood with me.

Perplexing did not even begin to describe the Force. And the less said about TPTB, the better.

Good, you're learning.

We are so far beyond you, that you cannot understand our ways.

But know that whatever you choose to do with this new life, we accept.

Live your life, or don't.

Be a Jedi, a Sith or something else.

Engage in what you call Virtues or Vices.

All of this is your choice.

'Sometimes I don't know if TPtB are simply uncaring or do things like give me these powers to amuse themselves. They act like both the Prophets and the Q at the same time.' I thought, using the two Star Trek omnipotent races as examples. Examples that should not be compatible, yet both worked, at least partially, to help me gain an understanding of TPtB. Even if it might be a flawed one.

"Eh, best not to dwell on things I cannot control or understand for too long," I muttered as the message from TPtB vanished. "List Quests."


These are the story chains that will help push and shape your new life.

Quests come in various forms, from repeatable simple ones to long, multi-part campaigns.

Most of your activities will be set up as quests, however, you are free to decline most quests.

You can also create your own quests if you are willing to push yourself beyond what would be considered easy/safe.

All quests are rated from F to S*** for difficulty, with anything rated B or overrunning the risk of bodily harm, if not death.

Current quests, with rankings, are:

Tremors of the Ancient Sith Empire (S***)

Forge your own Path (N/A)

Cleanse the Temple (B)

Changing Fate [Dooku] (A)

You Can't Hurt Me [User Defined] (B)

Stones of Muntuur (S*)

Wipe That Grin off her Face [User Defined] (D)

Changing Fate [Anakin] (S**)

Just Don't Get Caught [User Defined] (C)

Changing Fate [Qui-Gon] (B)

Changing Fate [Sifo-Dyas] (B)

Trainee Space Ranger [User Defined] (C)

Trainee Ace [User Defined] (C)

Competent Duellist [User Defined] (C)

Competent Swordsman [User Defined] (C)

Trainee Defender [User Defined] (C)

Two are Better Than One (B)

For more details, on a quest, tap it or say 'List Quest' followed by the quest required.

Competent Swordsman and Trainee Defender referred to quests for Shii-Cho and Soresu that I had taken when I'd examined my skills after being challenged to prove my competency with Makashi and found I had passed Professional:1. I had decided to try to improve those two Forms during my nightly training cycles. Only needing to sleep once every thirty days thanks to the Force Power Serenity was just ridiculous, but I had to learn to exploit these seeming flaws in my special powers. If I had truly understood how the Interface worked before I’d created my new life, I have done things differently during the creation of my new life; like taking Eidetic Memory instead of Photographic Memory. Though I would correct that mistake the first chance I got.

Still, there was no point in dwelling on things I couldn't change. "List Quest, Two are Better Than One."

Two are Better Than One [User Defined]

Gain 2 Jedi Masters as your formal trainers.

Rating: B


Convince the Council of 1st Knowledge that both Fay and Dooku should become your Masters.



+25 ranks in skill [Persuasion]


Loss of reputation with whoever doesn't become your trainer and lack of access to them for 5 years.

The quest had been generated once I'd made up my mind last week to try to gain both Dooku and Fay as my trainers. The risk of failure was big, especially if I lost access to Dooku as that would probably remove the reputation gain that I'd made during the Duel of Contention quest and would greatly increase the chances of me failing the Changing Fate [Dooku] quest.

Still, I was going to try anyway to get both as trainers and even before the quest had been generated, I'd expected to lose access to whoever wasn't assigned as my 'Master' if I failed to convince the Council of my wish, so overall, the risks were acceptable.

"Initiate Shan, the Council is ready to speak with you." I stood at Master Di's statement and spared a glance for Darihd. He was smiling happily, so I hoped that meant he had been assigned a Master that he was happy with. As Master Di turned back towards the chamber, I quickly activated Player's Mind and the Force Powers of Enhance Stat and Enhance Skill. The boots weren't much, one stat point to CHA and a handful of skill levels for Persuasion, but any help was welcomed for what I was about to attempt.

Entering the chambers, I saw all five members of the First Knowledge Council present. The seer, Nilas, gave me a small smile as she turned to face me.

"Greetings once more, young one. Please step forward." Astaal Vilbum said with a smile on his heavily wrinkled face. "Do you understand why we have called you here today?" He asked as I stepped into the centre of the chamber.

"Yes, sir. And I have reached a decision, but I wish to explain it to you," I replied as I took a breath.

"I already suspect your choice young one, and my vote you have, if that is indeed the case," Nilas said, the smile growing a touch.

I nodded at her, even if deep down I was worried that the Force was letting seers know what I planned before I did anything. I am the master of my fate, not the Force.

"Thank you. When I was last called to face this Council, I was given four choices for whom to take as my Jedi trainer. Knight Lhan is engaging, friendly and eager. Master Sifo-Dyas is a diplomat of renown, and who also appears patient and willing to listen to the concerns of younglings. Master Dooku is the Jedi Order's true master of Makashi, and a firm but fair trainer who has little to no patience for excuses. Master Fay is… a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. She is a very powerful Force wielder, yet she reminds me of my first schoolteacher in how aloof she is."

"That is a fair assessment of the four Jedi who we feel would be best to become your Master," Adi Gallia said with a slight upturn of her lips. "And I am impressed you have gotten such accurate impressions of them at your tender age. But what exactly does this have to do with your choice?"

"I feel that I need to explain my choice, and before I do that, I wish to make it clear that I hold no ill will towards those I have not chosen." That earned me nods or smiles from the entire Council. "Truthfully, my choice is… unusual I suspect, but it is what I feel the Force is guiding me to." OK, not totally true, but I knew I had to play every card I could to make this work.

"And what is your choice?" Master Piell asked, his ears twitching as he leaned forward.

"With this council's permission, I would accept either Master Dooku or Master Fay as my Jedi Master, however, I wish to learn equally from both."

The Masters looked at each other, their smiles faltering – save Nilas, whose own smile grew as she gave me a nod, meaning this was the choice she had seen in a vision. I again ignored, for now, the fact the Force was able to predict my actions. That was an issue to think about at a later date.

"That is...an unusual request," Astaal said slowly after a moment of silence that I suspected the Council had used to talk with each other telepathically. "Do you have reasons for making this request?"

I smiled a touch at not having my request rejected out of hand. Now to explain my reasons and see where things went.

"Master Dooku is the undisputed master of Makashi, the form I find myself drawn to, and while he can appear to be uninterested in training, I find his strict and concise lessons rewarding." OK, I planned to learn all seven Forms to at least Master levels, but there was no need to state that here and now.

"Master Fay is, something undefinable. At least to me. There is an energy, a pull, that I cannot deny the feeling. I would not assume to suggest it was the will of the Force, yet I cannot deny that the few times I have spent with her have been more enlightening than anything else I have learnt within these walls." I knew that if I had said some of that after I had hit puberty, it could've had a hidden context, but since I was not yet affected by those physical and psychological changes, I hoped the Council would not worry about that issue. That Fay was essentially a Space Elf had nothing to do with my opinion, though it did make me curious about her species.

"Your reasons are sound, yet no Padawan is assigned two Masters. Why should we make an exception for you? Do you feel you are special?" Master Di asked with a frown that pulled the horns on his head closer, giving him a slightly demonic look.

"I am no more or less special than anyone," I replied slowly, having expected this line of questioning. "My, admittedly limited understanding of the Jedi Code states that we are to forgo attachments, yet it is common practice to assign an Initiate to a Knight or Master, thus creating a bond of attachment from a child that has never known a true parental figure. From my thinking, I am led to believe that this is allowed as it maintains loyalty to the Order above all else." I noticed that Gallia was nodding while both Nilas and Astaal were smiling as I spoke.

"I, on the other hand, have already had a parental figure. I have suffered loss, and know that death is not the end, but merely a natural part of the circle of life. As my grandfather used to say; 'We are born of the stars and return to the stars upon our deaths.' Thus, I am far less likely to accept any single Jedi as a parental figure going forward."

"Well spoken, yet I have yet to hear a reason for granting you the right to have two Masters," Piell stated, a crease in his brow making his ears droop in a way that would've made me chuckle at the silliness/cuteness of it if not for Player's Mind being engaged.

"I already formed bonds to others before the Order, and while yes, those people are gone, the bonds to them, and what they taught me still exist in here." I tapped my head. "I respect what the Order is, I wish to learn more and help protect those that cannot protect themselves, yet that loyalty to the Order that all others my age have, I do not. And I do not think time spent with a single Master to guide me is enough to help me fully integrate with this ideal or the Force."

Some of that was true, some wasn't, but it was all something that I hoped the Council wanted or needed to hear.

"Your reasons are valid, and you have shown why we generally avoid taking in older younglings, yet you have done nothing to truly convince us of your wish," Di stated, earning him nods of agreement from Gallia and Piell.

I shrugged. "If that is so, then you can assign me to one of the Masters I prefer; or one of the others I do not. That is your choice. But all our actions now create ripples in life, within the Force itself, and actions that are taken without understanding are often the wrong actions to take." I paused and took a breath. "Four months ago, you gave me a choice, today I have given my preference. Now all I can do is wait for your decision."

Astaal smiled that wrinkly smile of his and chuckled. "Very true. You are wiser than most your age and speak with an intelligence far beyond your years." He looked at the other members of the Council. "We will consider your request for a few days but before we allow you to leave this chamber…" He trailed off and I watched as Master Di left the chamber, only to return with Darihd a moment later, the smile from before still present, though more under control.

"Initiates Bykys and Shan, you have been chosen and accepted as Padawans of the Jedi Order. Now it is time for you to construct your own lightsaber. Report to the hanger in this spire no later than nineteen hundred for The Gathering."

"Yes Master," Darihd said with a bow that I copied, and we left the chamber, even if no formal dismissal was given, it was clear that we should leave.

"Ya-hoo!" Darihd shouted as soon as we entered the elevator. "Who were you assigned as your Master?" He asked with a grin.

"The Council has given me a choice and they are debating who would be the best for my further training," I replied. I wasn't intentionally being vague, but I didn't want to deal with others thinking I might have two Jedi Masters before the Council made their final decision. "What about you?"

"Master Sifo-Dyas." He replied and I felt my brow rise. It was a good thing I had decided a while ago against taking him as a trainer or things would be very awkward. I could only assume that Sifo-Dyas had realised I was not interested in becoming his Padawan and turned his attention to others in Dragon Clan.

"Congratulations are in order then. This is my stop. I will see you in the hangar," I said as we reached the hall leading to my quarters.

"You don't want to talk with the others?" He asked as his smile faltered a touch.

"No. I am concerned that some of them may resent me being taken before them, so I would ask that you not mention anything about why I was called to the Council to them."

Darihd nodded before he replied. "Right, I hadn't considered that. Well, see you later Padawan." The doors closed on his smiling face, which exposed his sharp-looking teeth.

I walked quietly to my quarters and began to pack the few things that I would need for this Gathering even as I did mental somersaults at finally getting to make my own lightsaber.

… …

… …

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