A New Born Devil?

Chapter 28 Kuisha’s Future Rival?

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Chapter 28  Kuisha's Future Rival? by Harem-Fan


     "Hello Duke and Duchess Gremory, and Lady Kuisha Abaddon. I am Akeno Himejima, and I will be Prince Ray's second Bishop, it is good to meet you all."

     Akeno, dressed in brand new Shinto Priestess clothing, is bowing to my parents and Kuisha.

     My Father is giving me a knowing smile, because he knows all about it from Heinrich.

     Kuisha is looking at another Japanese Human girl from one of those Principal Clans, at first thinking she might be like Tsubaki, but the air of the Fallen Angel on her instinctively made her weary.

     And my Mother?

     "Oh my dear? So you are the child that made my Ray track you down all over Japan? That means you have something special about you. I admit I was surprised to find out you are a Half Fallen Angel, but if my Ray likes you, then you are very welcome into our Gremory House, Miss Akeno."

     "T-Thank you."

     Akeno was nervous under my Mothers eye. Then my Mother said to Grayfia and Kuisha.

     "Grayfia and Kuisha, could you please make Akeno feel at home, and take her to her new Bishop room next to Ray's. I would like to talk with my son about other matters."


     I smiled and nodded to Akeno to go and she understood she was safe. So the three left me and my Parents alone...


     Now sitting in the informal living-room, my Mother asked me seriously.

     "Son, are you sure you wish to make this girl a Devil with her Father being the Leader Class, Baraqiel of the Grigori?"

     I smile and tell her.

     "I am as sure of making her my Bishop, as I am of marrying Kuisha. She has no connection to the Fallen Angels and my blood tells me she is incredible. She does not like her Fallen Angel heritage, but this side of her as well as her personality, will make her a well known Devil, I promise you Mother. Please treat her as you would treat Kuisha and Tsubaki."

     "So, why do you feel so strongly for a girl you just met? I know it is not your ability to find talent my Son?"

     I sip my tea and tell her the only lie I can come up with. Well, it is a half lie, cough.

     "I-I have recently found that while spending time in Japan, I have an attraction to the Yamato Nadeshiko type of charm, and both Tsubaki and Akeno will become such a woman..." (Yamato Nadeshiko is a Japanese term meaning the "personification of an idealized Japanese woman")

     I am blushing because I think it was my past life's Mother who influenced me about the beauty of noble ladies of Japan, and my Mother had been one such woman from Kyoto.

     No, my memory was not one of a Mom-con, but I had looked for women like my Mother in grace and personality. So I am only using this excuse to cover for my wanting to protect Akeno. My past life visions are something I will never spill, not even to my loved ones, because it is absurd to accept them.

     My Father nodded his head and said.

     "You got that from your Father my Son. You are now going through the phase we Gremory men go through. This is also why you like that Kyuubi woman, you have a certain view of noble beauty. Your father Supports you, ha-ha."

     My Mother used to my Fathers playful side, ignored him and reminded me.

     "You are entering a confusing time in your life my Son, and I know other Noble Devil men begin to play around like that Riser boy, but my son, remind me of our family promise again?"

     "It is to avoid sex till I turn 18. To protect the hearts of me and the women around me, to not let our lust cloud our judgement, and to be a Duke House that is respected and not besmirched for lack of tact. Um, And I can only hold hands, and kiss till then, to show my affection in a respectful way, right?"

     My Mother nodded in satisfaction, then she said.

     "Good, I just want to be sure, you are not raising a Peerage for the wrong reasons, my lovable and responsible boy. Now for the second talk..."

     My father looks away like he can't help me.

     "Ray, I heard your emotions started to get the best of you, do you understand why you of all Devils cannot lose control of your emotions? It is the real reason your Brother Talks before Fighting. Now explain why you must keep a clear heart and mind..."

     I sigh in my heart because my Mother is right...

     "Because if I lose control and release my true form of, Human-Shaped Aura of Destruction, I would have not only killed Akeno, but Uncle, Ni, and Li with my uncontrolled Power of Destruction, and even destroy all of Japan, killing even Yasaka in the process... I am sorry Mother."

     My Mother got up and hugged me into her chest and rubbed my back with love. She then told me.

     "My two boys are amazing, and you being so strong is our blessing, I just do not want to lose you to anger. There are times you might even have to use that power, but only let it be your last response. Take deep breaths and find another path to keep your family safe. Now my Son, I will train your new Servant Akeno, like I have with Kuisha and Tsubaki. I promise she will become the woman you hope for. I will even treat her like a daughter, Ufufu."

     Finally, the serious talk was over, and I told my parents about my adventures and Contract work I had been doing from my own thoughts, and not Heinrich's.


     Elsewhere in the Underworld...

     Mt Obsidian in the Naberius Territory....

     Two Devil Kings, Sirzechs Lucifer and Ajuka Beelzebub floated in the sky looking down at the dark unassuming mountain, and the two men spoke.

     "Ajuka, is this the place?"

     "Yes. I have confirmed this is where Amorous Naberius has been sneaking off to every week. He has made many Transportation Circle attempts to hide its location, but he underestimated I could track the King Piece in his body. He is inside as we speak."

     Sirzechs with his not so friendly cold face said.

     "If Ray hadn't pointed out the abnormality in his body, I would not have even thought anything of it. But to think that it was two issues with him, the King Piece and the Tampering of his body. Well, should we make our move now?"

     Ajuka nodded and said.

     "Let us try and preserve as much evidence as possible, and try not to kill if we can help it. Oh? They detected us, interesting?"

     Sirzechs smiled and said.

     "Lets go my Frenemy, ha-ha. No need to hide now..."

     The two Super Devils descended on the hidden mountain fortress lab, and did not even break a sweat as they slowly made their way through the laboratory of horrors that make even the Devil Kings frown in disgust...


     Knock Knock! I knocked on Akeno's new room, and then Grayfia opened the door to let me in. She said before leaving.

     "Everything has been sorted and Miss Akeno is happy with the arrangements. Now Ray, I will make sure dinner is ready, excuse me."

     As Grayfia left, I looked to the two girls sitting on the edge of the bed talking, but had stopped when I came in. I said.

     "Please, I want you two to continue your talks, I only wanted to let you all know that everything is settled perfectly, and Akeno, your training with my Mother will begin after you are rested and used to the home, lastly..."

     Holding out my hands, I summon my Familiar, who poofs into my hands.


     I pet Neko and handed my small black kitten to Akeno and told her.

     "This is my Familiar Neko! She will keep you company till you feel comfortable, and if you need anyone in the House, she can Transform and go fetch them for you. She can also guide you around the house and answer simple-questions for you, okay?"

    Kuisha smiled at Akeno, who was petting the cute black kitten, and then Akeno said,

     "Thanks Ray, all of this is so much to take in... This room is bigger than my old house, and everyone is so nice... Thanks for looking for me all this time. If, if, I knew you were so nice, I..."

     I cut her off and told her.

     "It is in the past, and I am only glad you are safe now. No need to thank or say sorry, just be the best person you can be, and find some happiness in this world. I just hope you can be happy again, Akeno. Kuisha and Akeno, I am leaving now, I need to freshen up for dinner, see you there."

     I waved at the two girls, and went on my way, feeling a bit better, unaware of the heart ache others are facing...

-     If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     BOOOOOM! The mountainside collapsed due to a massive purple beam creating a tunnel out of the mountainside, and a bloody Amorous Naberius flew out trying to escape the Devil Kings who invaded.

     Sirzechs with a cold gaze came flying out, holding a small Nekoshou Youkai girl, with short white hair with a pair of matching ears, and a single white tail. The girl looked afraid at what was going on.

     "Amorous Naberius, to try and use a small child to shield yourself from me is a bit desperate, right? Now surrender and come peacefully."

     Amorous Naberius laughed madly at Sirzechs and taunted.

     "Surrender? Like how you killed the head of my House, never! No, I already outsmarted you a lot, hah-aha. I already forced The Head's servant out when you came, and she will deliver all of our truths to the world! The old Satan Faction will rise once again, now feel my wrath!"

     Amorous Naberius activated the Devils Self-Destruct-Last Resort Magic, and his body began to swell, ready to wipe out everything around the mountain area with his overclocked King Piece fueling it.

     "Long live the Old Satan Faction, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Huh, What?!"

     "Ruin the Extinct! Sorry, you will just die quietly with no one to remember you..."

     Then 7 orbs of Bullets of Annihilation flew to him, slowly erasing his body bit by bit. Soon, there was no sign the Devil was even there.

     Sirzechs then looked at the shivering 9 year old cat girl in his arms, and thought of his Little Brother, and what would Ray do here?

     Mofu Mofu! Shirone had expected the worst, then the Devil gently fluffed her ear confusing Shirone. Her gold eyes looked at the smiling Devil who said.

     "My Little Brother who is friends with Youkai, said this is the best way to help calm you, is it working?"

     Shirone, a bit confused, only nodded, but then she asked.

     "M-My Sister was in there, did she......"

     "Sorry, there was no other Nekoshou in there, she must have escaped, but I believe she was in the Naberius Heads Peerage, so she is a criminal now. She most likely fled when we came. So the only thing I can do for her is to let her get a head start. But you are not a Devil, but you're the sister of a criminal, so I have to consider what to do with you young lady. Are you willing to testify against what went on here? I can try and protect you if you do?"

     Shirone, touching her cat hair pin, remembered her sister's cruel words before she ran and abandoned her, to be taken hostage by that Devil...

     With tears in her eyes, Shirone said.

     "I will tell you everything, even what my sister was a part of, and my dead parents..."

     Sirzechs shook her hand and told her.

     "Then I will make sure you are not jailed, now let us leave here, you must be hungry I think?"

     Shirone then nodded, not having been well taken care of in that prison...



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