A New Born Devil?

Chapter 27 Akeno Is Avoiding Me?

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Chapter 27  Akeno Is Avoiding Me? by Harem-Fan


     Akeno Himejima looks at the young boy laying in the bed. His hands and feet are tied to the post of his bed, and at the door the boy's mother was watching the events unfold in fear, and heartbreak.

     Akeno this past year has been on the run from the Himejima Clan. And to make matters worse, not only are they after her, but a Devil child looking to be her age, has been following her around every month or so. Whenever she finds a job, he would sniff around looking for her.

     She is unsure how she offended the Devils since she has avoided all of their territories. She thinks the red headed Devil boy is able to track her due to the pair of Nekomata Devils at his side, perhaps they have her scent. This has forced her to travel to all parts of Japan.

     Placing the talisman she crafted on the boy's forehead, she made some hand-signs and began to chant some archaic words of power. Soon the talisman glowed with a white light of purification, and the child's body arched upwards struggling.

     Just as the mother was going to tell her to stop, a black mist was forced out of the youngsters mouth and flew into the talisman. Akeno quickly snatched the talisman and burned it with a white light, and both ladies heard the sounds of an evil spirit meeting its end. The child was left unconscious, sleeping peacefully.

-    If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     Akeno was greedily eating food made by the mother, and a small amount of yen lay there as her payment. The mother said to her.

     "Eat all you want dear, I do not have much, but for saving my child, I am very thankful."

     Akeno said to her.

     "Well work is hard to find for me as well, so I was glad I could help. Dont worry, the evil spirit will never come back, but I would avoid buying suspicious toys from thrift shops in the future."

     Knock Knock! The mother and Akeno looked to the front door, and were unsure, but Akeno slapped a talisman on her forehead and whispered.

     "Sorry, I need to hide, a tracker is looking for me."

     The mother pointed to the coat closet for her to hide, and she ran in, then the mother opened the door...


     It has been almost 9 months and I am already 11 years old. And in this time, I have trained up Ni and Li nicely. Both of their strengths are nearing Middle-class-low strength, so their progress is good.

     Kuisha is learning actual Magic that Humans use, so her spell-casting will be more efficient, instead of using normal Demonic Power Magic that uses a lot of power, she is using the one that uses less power for slightly greater effects in some casting. She is getting ready for the Bishop Piece.

     Tsubaki has left for her mountain training with Okita Souji, and I am still in Japan looking for Akeno.

     As my Gremory blood had been guiding me, I found out from investigation that Akeno Himejima has been moving from place to place doing odd jobs for yen to eat. It seems she has been doing things like clearing out haunted houses, purifying Spirits, and healing minor curses. But no matter how close I get to finding her, I just keep missing her, sigh.


     As I was walking down a neighborhood on the far outskirts of Osaka, I had another urge to come here. The two girls behind me are eating some roadside grilled squid sticks, and Ni asked me.

     "Ray, I do not think that Akeno Himejima wants to meet you ~Nya. Munch munch!"

     On the other-side from Ni, Li to my right offers me a bite of the skewer she bit off of, and I just take a bite to make her happy, she then said.

     "Ni, it is fine with me, it just means more time traveling with Master ~Nya! Chew chew!"

     Suddenly, I stopped in front of a two story suburban tract-home with a wall. My feelings are coming from here. So I go to the door and knock...

     Knock Knock! After I tapped the door, my feeling vanished again. I notice this happens a lot as I get close. I think somehow that Akeno is flying away, or using Transportation Magic to flee.

     Then the door opened and a middle-aged Human woman answered with concern on her face. Well yeah, I look like a redhead European boy, so in Japan it is strange. She asked.

     "Hello, what can I do for you?"

     I held up a Picture of Akeno with a really good likeness of her, and I asked with a charming smile.

     "Hello mam. My name is Ray Gremory, I am looking for this nice girl, Akeno Himejima. Have you seen her, she was in this area recently and I have been desperately trying to find her?"

     "Ah, Sorry young man, but I have not seen her... Maybe try next door, perhaps she is playing with the children there?"

     I pulled out one of my Summoning Flyers with my Magic Crest, and held it to the woman.

     "Please mam, if you see my friend, give this to her... She will know what it means. And tell her I am her friend, and I will keep trying to find her. Sorry to have bothered you, goodbye."

    As the lady took the Flyer, she closed and locked the door. I turned and left dejectedly...


     After the woman locked the door, Akeno stepped out and said.

     "Thank you for covering for me, I will leave out of the back so they won't come back."

     "Take this, so I can at least say I delivered it for the nice boy. Is he really not a good child?"

     Akeno took the Magic Flyer and saw the summoning crest on it and said to the lady.

     "That nice boy is a real life Devil, so don't be deceived. I will leave, thanks for the food and yen."

     After pocketing the Flyer, she left the job...


     With Ni and Li each holding a hand, Ni said to me,

     "Why leave, that girl was in the house ~Nya?"

     "Sigh, Girls I will not forcefully recruit someone, and she has trust issues. I believe everyone should have free will, and only in the most dire circumstances would I recruit someone. If I had my Evil Pieces, and I found she had just been slain from an enemy, I would bring her back and make it up to her, but now? If she does not want to talk, I am helpless."

     Li, who has grown a bit taller, put her head on my shoulder and told me.

     "Ray, and that is why we love you ~Nya! Um, Now can we go get some Milk ~Nya?"

     And the three of us walked off into the setting sun...


     Another month passes, but still no Akeno to be found, and Ray has given up, choosing to go to Kyoto...


     "Sir, the shame of our Clan went this way, follow the flying talisman, it has her tracks!"

     A team of 7 Himejima Clan Priests, wearing white robes, are running through the forest in hot pursuit of their quarry for execution.


     Akeno Himejima is looking rough, with tears in her tattered Shrine Maiden robes. She can hear the group hunting her.

     Her last job betrayed her, and sold out her location from a wanted poster, and knowing her skills, brought a Middle-class Priest that can counter all of her spells.

     "Hah hah! I-I cannot run anymore, sigh~!"

     Just as her sigh left her mouth, she found herself surrounded by 7 Priests, and the leader said to the exhausted girl.

     "Akeno Himejima, you got away for a year, but your Fallen Angel cursed bloodline ends here. Sorry, I will not lay your body with your mother, and you will just perish quietly here. Any last words before we carry out your sentence?"

     With wet eyes,being forced like this she held onto a paper in her sleeve, and said in defeat.

     "I do have something to say... I wish to live, and even if that means summoning the Devil, I will live, but I do not know if you will."

     Soon a crimson light made its way from her sleeve, and above the heads of the group, a crimson circle appeared drawing a Summoning Circle of the Gremory House.

     "SHIT! Quickly kill her before the Summoning is finished, or we will be in trouble, that is the Gremory Crest!"


     In my room at the Sirzechs Hotel in Kyoto, I am eating my breakfast with Uncle, Ni, and Li.

     Soon, I heard in my mind, a wish...

     [Please, I want to live...]

     Then I felt a tug from my Summoning Flyer wanting to take me, so I did not resist it and stood on our Transportation Circle, as crimson light started to cover me, I say.

     "Sorry, an emergency summons, I have to go..."

     As I was vanishing, I heard Heinrich...

     "Ray, wait..."

     He told me later that I could have taken all of them along as Gremory Devils, oops!


     As soon as I appeared in the air, I sensed attacks coming my way, so using my Power of Destruction to coat my hands, I swat away the bolts of light.

     My bat-wings keep me airborne as I scan the situation. 7 Humans, and one Half Fallen Angel. My heart angered at the sight.

     "I am Ray Gremory of the great House of Gremory, and you Humans dare attack me?"

     The 7 Priests see crimson energy flowing off of my body, a sign of massive Demonic Power ready to be unleashed, and then they see my hands covered in the black and crimson Power of Destruction. And the Leader recognized my name.

     "Gremory Devil this is our Principal Clans personal Himejima matter, and you have no business here."

     I point to the wounded girl on the ground, held by a light net, and unable to move, then say.

     "That poor child Summoned me to grant her wish, so my business is with her, not you Humans. Now let me do what I was summoned for."

     A sphere of Power of Destruction was formed in my right hand, and I said...

     "Ruin The Extinct!"

     The ball of energy separated into 3 Demonic Bullets of Annihilation and quietly shot to Akeno. She panicked and my cold voice said to her.

     "Don't move Akeno!"

     As my 3 Demonic Bullets of Annihilation surrounded Akeno in a dizzying movement, the restraints on her body were 'Eliminated' without hurting the frightened girl.

     Just at that moment, I landed next to her. The Leader seeing me effortlessly destroy their combined magic spell said.

     "Why are you protecting her? She is a Fallen Angel child from the Leader Class Baraqiel of the Grigori, and an enemy of you Devils, shouldn't you be killing her?"

     Akeno, hearing her background being told to me shivered in fear, because she had been told stories of how the Fallen and Devils fight, but her mouth opened at my words.

     "Hmm? No,she is an innocent young child. Her Father has no bearing here, and her wonderful mother was killed by you Demons. You are the real monsters here, the kind of Evil that gives Humans a bad name. Trying to kill a young child to protect your pride, disgusting. I Ray Gremory will just clean out the trash in my sight and make the Human world a little less filthy, what do you say Akeno, do you want them dead?"

     Suddenly 7 Crimson Attack Magic Circles appear and point one at each Priest. Akeno was looking at me in confusion, and a little bit of awe at the magic she was seeing. Her hurt legs keep her from moving,and she isn't sure about killing these men.

     Just as the 7 Bolts of Demonic Power were about to find their marks, a voice cut into the clearing.

     [Prince, what would your Brother do at a time like this?]

     Everyone turned to see Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa step out of the woods, followed by two Cat girls with grins. I then let my Circles vanish and I say.

     "Big Brother would try talking it out before fighting, but they did shoot at me when I showed up."

     Uncle scoffed and pointed to the dumbfounded Priest and said.

     "Even if they wasted all their magic on you, could they harm you Ray, I think not. So only your pride was wounded, yes?"

     "You win Uncle, but Akeno here is not to be killed, touched, or harmed by them, or I really will wipe out their whole clan, Gods be damned."

     Heinrich pointed to the side and told me.

     "Then please take the young lady to the side, and let me handle these gentlemen."

     I ignore the Priest and I princess carry the wounded Akeno, who is looking at me like I am a monster in a child's body. She had no idea the Devil following her was so strong. I said to her,

     "Miss Akeno, I am sorry I was late finding you, but you will be safe now, I promise."

     "Why are you trying to help me? I have never met you before?"

     "Akeno Himejima, we Gremory are masters at finding treasure and talents, and I have been looking for you for a long time, and always missed finding you. You may not believe me, but you are a super special talent, and I want you. Please join my Peerage?"

     Seeing my smile and forgetting I had the Charm to attract maiden-hearts, the only thing she really heard was... "I want you."

     While Akeno was in a flush, we see Heinrich walk to us, and the 7 Priests walk away. He saw my eyes and said.

     "The House of Gremory are making a deal over the custody of Miss Akeno Himejima. We will send compensation, she will no longer be allowed in their territory, and finally she must stay with the Gremory, and they will ignore her existence. so she can live with the Gremory free of them hunting her. What do you say, child?"

     Akeno, still in my arms, looked to all of us, and only nodded, she did summon the Devil after-all. And they don't seem to care about her background.

     "Now young lady, let me heal your injuries. As a Bishop, I am adept at healing injuries like yours, so watch and learn. Prince Ray here could use a talented Bishop if you are willing."

     So Akeno while still being held, had her wounds reverted, and her mind raced at the sudden turn, then I asked her.

     "Let me take you to my home in the Underworld, so you can think about joining me, please come with Akeno Himejima."

     And with that my heart eased, knowing she was not killed.

     Little did I know how much of a pain in the ass this lovable woman would be in my life in the future, sigh.

     (Peerage members officially... 5!) (Tsubaki Shinra Queen) (Kuisha Abaddon Bishop) (Akeno Himejima Mutation Bishop) (Ni Pawn) (Li Pawn)



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