A New Born Devil?

Chapter 15 A Lonely Girl, And Two Strays?

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Chapter 15  A Lonely Girl, And Two Strays? by Harem-Fan


     As our Gremory Magic Train entered the black Wormhole, we landed on train-tracks as we came out of the black void. Then Reynaldo's voice was heard over the magic intercom.

     [We have safely arrived in Kuoh Station Japan, and soon you may disembark. We are stopping on platform number 9.]

     Soon my Father and I stepped out into a massive and dark underground train-station, with many other Devil Trains parked.

     The walls and ceilings are all natural cavern with stalagmites and Hell Bats hanging upside down littered this massive stadium sized underground. My Father pointed in a direction and told me.

     "Let us go to the elevators about 300 feet over there. It will take us up 1,000 feet to the Kuoh Bullet Train-station. From the secret room in the station, we will Transfer to Tokyo Station. Then we will travel to Akihabara, and finally go to my office in the Sirzechs Hotel Tokyo, for a meeting. Any questions Ray?"

     "Father, why go up? Can't we just make a circle here?"

     Dad patted my shoulder and explained.

     "To keep the Church and the Fallen Angels out, this station is protected from spatial movement other than the entrance to the Gap and the Elevator, Oh!"

      Zeoticus makes a Gremory Circle in his palm, and a Demonic looking Key like an old time Skeleton-Key was left in his palm. He handed it to me and told me.

     "Only Noble Devils are allowed to have a key to the stations around the Human world, so keep this with you at all times in your Dimensional Pocket. You need it to operate the elevators."


     Soon we arrived at the modern looking sliding door, and I first noticed it was a small elevator.

     With my Fathers guidance I used my key and the doors open, to reveal a small elevator big enough for around 4 people, rather cramped.

     The two of us stepped in and I saw there was only a B1 button and a G1 button above it, so I pressed the G1, and we shot up like an express elevator at speeds that would make a Human-class spew their stomachs.


     Shortly with a gentle stop, the doors opened to show a utility hall with many staff-only doors lining it. When I looked at the closing doors, I saw the words [Out of Order] written across it, so if a human came by they would not think much of it.

     My Father pointed to a door to the left and said.

     "That room is for outgoing Devils, and the room across it is for arriving devils, so let us leave Kuoh Station now, my Son."

     As we entered, he locked the door and began creating the Transportation Circle to Tokyo Station...


     An hour later, my Father and I were walking through the Legendary Akihabara Station, a hub for all new Electronics and Cosplay with many anime and manga specialty shops hidden among the many Electronic stores. This place is so increasingly busy that if we didn't hold hands, I would be lost in the crowd.

     "Son, I think your outfit your Mother makes you wear, is drawing unwanted attention, why not try doing that Cosplay thing all the other youngsters are doing? When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Oh, see right there, let's go to that costume shop, ha-ha!"


     A half hour later, My Father held up another annoying suit, and it was a friendly purple dinosaur named Barney!

     "Son, what about this one? I like the color!"

     "Father, I feel like you are trying to punish me now, that is for little kids, not one of my age, sigh..."

     My Father, undaunted by my umpteenth rejection, found one that made him excited. He held up a slightly less revolting Cosplay outfit... Ash Ketchum!

     "Son, this red and blue outfit matches you well, and it reminds me of our Familiar Master, ha-ha, this is the one Son, now go try it on for me!"

     I reluctantly took it, because it actually was the least embarrassing one he picked, so to just get this farce over with, I went to the changing room.


     After stripping to my red and black boxers with G's all over them, I began the gloomy process of shaming myself. But as I put on the iconic ball-cap to finish the cosplay, I froze in sheer embarrassment!

     As my face reddened, so too did the cheeks of the black haired girl wearing an old Shinto priestess red and white outfit. Her hands covered her face, but the cracks in her fingers tell a different story. Unlike before, the girl's hair had grown longer, and went from her mid-back to her butt in length.

     She appears to be outside with a Naginata laying on the ground, in the middle of a mountain forest. The many slashes on a massive tree showed she was practicing when our mirrors connected. After I blanked, I ended up smiling at her, pretending I was not dressed as a fucking Pokemon Trainer. I waved all cool-like.

     The girl woke up from her daze and looked like she remembered something, and pulled out a calligraphy scroll she had pre-painted. She held it to me and unfurled it with a serious look.

     [Mr Gremory Devil, I live on the back-mountain of the Shinra Clan, please rescue me, and I will pay you. I live in Kyoto, and my family has banished me for my Demon Mirror, please?]

     Messing with the 5 Principle clans of Japan is not wise politically, but the helpless and sad look in her eyes tugged at my heartstrings, a flaw for a Devil to have... (Tsubaki Shinra is not one of the Characters that Ray remembers well, and the fact she does not wear glasses makes this even more pronounced. Yes, if Ray knew that she was the future Queen of his best friend, he would have not helped, but...)

     Using illusion magic, I wrote and made a picture for the girl.

     [Then draw this Magic Circle on the ground while I draw mine, and I will rescue you for a price, an equal price. Do you agree, Human?]

     The girl nodded and used her Shinto Magic to begin infusing magic into the ground she was drawing with her weapon. I put up a non-detection magic, then quickly began to make my Transportation circle to forcefully burst through the Shinra defenses. With a mortal drawing an arriving-circle willingly, and my massive strength, this little Human barrier cannot keep me out.

     (This is cannon material, as Sirzechs had the strength to even forcefully burst through a barrier powered by Trihexa, so a simple Shinra Clan circle won't be a problem with help from the inside.)

     Just as we both finished our circles, her mirror shattered, revealing a redheaded Ash Ketchum. For some reason, I had this bad feeling I was capturing a Pokemon for some unknown reason?

    As I activated my circle on the floor, I vanished from the changing room...


     Two things struck me as I arrived in the mountain forest, first was the frightened Human girl, a bit hesitant of making a contract with a Devil. But the second thing I noticed was my Gremory treasure and talent urge was guiding me to this Japanese shrine maiden, so I smiled and introduced myself.

     "Greetings Miss Shinra, I am Ray Gremory, the next Heir to the Gremory House. I do apologize, but my entry has probably been discovered by your Clan, so our greetings are short. By the time I make my return Circle, please make up your mind if you will come along. And who might you be?"

     With a shy and nervous voice, she managed to stutter out.

     "T-Tsubaki Shinra, and please rescue me from here, Mr Gremory."

     I nod and tell her.

     "Tsubaki, a pretty flower name. Please just call me Ray, I think we are around the same age after-all. I will be done shortly if you have anything you wish to bring with you from your small home."

     "I-I have nothing..."

     She looked a bit nervous at saying that, implying she has nothing to pay with. Yes, it is in a Devil's nature to never work for free... But I cannot tell her I am a bit different, but I cannot tell other Devils I have a slightly different mindset. One that cannot let a poor girl suffer, sigh...

     We said nothing as I finished. I held my hand out to her and said with sincerity.

     "Tsubaki, even if you cannot pay, you also cannot stay here, or they will kill you for summoning a Devil. So just come and do not worry. We only made a verbal contract, and nothing in writing, so let us flee."

     Hearing my words, she did not expect to come from a Noble Devil, she placed her free hand in mine, as my crimson light enveloped the two of us.

     A short while after the two children vanished, a large group of 12 priests came rushing ready for battle, as they inspected. One Shinra priest pointed to the Gremory circle and the leader frowned. He grumbled.

     "So the cursed child went and summoned the Devil. Tell the Patriarch that Tsubaki has betrayed the clan... Why did it have to be the Gremory, sigh. Whoever punched a hole here was very-strong, stronger than the Patriarch..."


     Back in the changing room, the Pokemon Trainer and Shinto Priestess arrived, an interesting Cosplay duo. Realizing where they were, the young woman looked down and blushed in shame. Knock Knock!

     [Ray, it has been too long, I am coming in...]

     As my Father saw the circle vanishing and the girl I was hiding behind me, my Father guessed what could have happened, but he put on his playful smile and said.

     "Oh! Ray, if I knew, I would have pretended to see nothing, but to think you had smuggled a Human girl into your changing room, should I come back later?"

     Tsubaki was pure red, and only looked at the floor at the older Devils words, but I broke the humorous mood and admitted.

     "Father, I am sorry, I may have offended the Shinra Principal clan by taking this girl... I... I could not leave her there, sorry. So this is what happened..."


     And not hiding anything, I told both of them everything I knew...

     My Father and Tsubaki had different thoughts at the time I bowed my head admitting to making a huge issue between the Devils and the Shinto Gods followers. My father did not have anger on his face, but his serious side kicked in, and he asked the girl.

     "Young lady Tsubaki of the Shinra Clan, you have put my Gremory family and the Devils in a sticky position, and this is fine, but the issue is what to do with you now. So I will tell you what your three options are, to avoid a conflict between factions."

    He held up a finger.

     "We return you back to your Clan."

     He put up the second finger.

     "You serve Ray as a future Reincarnated Devil Peerage member, in his soon to be formed team, and gain the protection of the Duke House of Gremory."

     Finally with the seriousness of a long lived Devil, He lifted a third finger while he said.

     "You leave now and never make contact with us again, leaving your fate to chance, so young Human girl, what do you wish for your future?"

     Tsubaki looked to me for my input, so I shrugged and said.

     "I cannot tell you what choice to make, because they all affect your life. But, I do know if you take option 2, I will not treat you badly, like some Devil Houses treat Servants. This is the only thing I can promise you."

     No matter what I do, or where I go, my very footsteps change fate in this world. Tsubaki, with certainty in her eyes, bowed her head to me and said.

     "Prince Gremory, for saving me, I Tsubaki Shinra will loyally serve you as a Devil of Gremory. Please protect me."

     My Father said with a joyful smile, knowing this girl was a treasure, and most likely had a Legendary Sacred Gear in her.

     "Congratulations Ray and Tsubaki. You are now officially Ray's very first servant, so let us go."

     Gurgle Gurgle! My Father and I both looked at Tsubaki's tummy, which made loud protesting noises, and my Father laughed hearing it and said.

     "There is a restaurant right across the street, let us fill your belly young lady, ha-ha."

     So with shame on her face, Tsubaki followed the two of us out after paying for my stupid Cosplay outfit. Then we went across the street to, [Ears and Omelets!]


     As the three of us entered, Ears and Omelets, the greeter was a Youkai Nekomata pretending to be a Human cosplaying, and with her long scorpion-braid red hair and blue eyes, she cutely greets us, even sensing we are Devils with a Human.

     "Hello guest, party of 3 ~Nya? I am your greeter Li, so follow me ~Nya!"

     We follow this cute cat-girl wearing a revealing sailor outfit, and she never once lost her playful smile or cheerful way of talking. She put 3 menus on the table and told us.

     "While your server comes, I will get you drinks ~Nya."

-      If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     After Li had given us our beverages, and we finished looking at the menus, the server came to take our order, and I did a double take.

     A similar copy to the previous girl had come to serve us, but her hair was blue in a long ponytail and she had red eyes, then she said cutely.

     "I am your server, Ni, and what can I get ya ~Nya?"

     My Father looked entertained by this, Tsubaki looked to be in shock going from isolation, to too many species popping up, and me?

     My Gremory tingle was firing off on full blast with the two Nekomata twins! Or, I just have entered puberty and their slightly exposed breasts are distracting me?

     No it is the cat ears, I just want to pet them, damn...


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(A/N Rough Estimate Power Levels)


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