A New Born Devil?

Chapter 14 Ray Escapes To the Human World Again, Poor Butterflies?

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(A/N If you want to know about where Kuoh Town is located in Japan, I have included a super easy map to help find Kuoh, Kyoto, and Tokyo for you. Now to find Kuoh, it is located on the coast between Mt Fuji [Triangle] and the Town of Yokohama, near Tokyo on the map. And the city of Nerima is what Kuoh Town most resembles in sights and locations. So I hope this helps your immersion, but fear not, you do not need to know or remember all of this. This is just a great mental-tool for a better idea of where most of the story takes place. Just click the spoiler tab... Enjoy.)


Chapter 14  Ray Escapes To the Human World Again, Poor Butterflies? By Harem-Fan


     It has been close to a year since the incident in the Familiar Forest, and thankfully life has been peaceful ever since.

     Thankfully I do not seem to have the Unlucky Protagonist trope most story characters seem to have. So what has changed in this time... Lots!

     Another change to our Gremory home would be the new addition to our Gremory House, and that is the birth of Grayfia's child. So how cute was my nephew Millicas you ask? I don't have a clue, why?

     Currently I am sitting with Grayfia and her newborn baby. I am holding this new Devil with care, thinking useless thoughts.

     The boy I constantly proclaimed to be born never came, and I was struck dumb holding a baby Rias Gremory, the new Daughter to Sirzechs and Grayfia. Goddamn you, Ishibumi Ichiei!

     Grayfia had the biggest smile on her face when she saw the expressions I made, holding my new little Niece who I thought would be a boy.

     But just when I was feeling complicated about this twist in fate, the baby Rias held my finger and smiled with her blue green eyes looking adorable, and my heart wavered. She is so cute and innocent, that all of my anime logic went out the window.

     As I am sitting on the couch holding my Niece, I said to little Rias.

     "Uncle Ray won't let you grow up naive, okay?! Ugh, Why do you have to be so adorable? Now I understand my stupid brother more, sigh..."

     Grayfia next to me patted my head and watched my midlife crisis, only scolding me with love.

     "Ray dear, no matter how true your words may be, you cannot call the Devil King stupid, alright. And Rias will be happy to have an Uncle who cares. I promise to not let my daughter become a waste Devil, alright."

     I smile at Grayfia and then think... Rias actually will have it harder as Grayfia's daughter than my mother's, and my mood felt less complicated. So I said to the head maid.

     "Then I leave it in your capable hands sister Grayfia, make Rias a respectable 2nd in line for the Gremory House."

     I know she is only teasing me here like I am some kinda Bro-con like my brother, but... Please God no, don't let me become a Bro-Con! *PAIN*

     "Damn Heaven's System! I wasn't asking for his help, you bastards!!!!!!"

     Grayfia watching me clutch my head, looked amused, because at least once a month this seems to happen to me. My Human past makes me occasionally talk to God in my head or say something stupid thanking him, and the System punishes me.

     When my family asked me about why I do it, because a saine Devil would not, I had given them the reason it was to temper my body against Holy Power, which they all thankfully bought. But shit man, It has gotten better, but comparing a sharp knife stabbing you in the head and a butter knife stabbing you is not much of a difference, right?

     "Ray dear, please do not teach Rias to become a Masochist like her Uncle, okay. And are you alright now?"

     "No, by the time she is old enough, I will have done Light Tempering, ha-ha..."

     At this time, my Mother and Father both came in with big smiles due to the new Gremory addition. And without asking me, she swooped Rias out of my arms and sat while making stupid sounds to make Rias giggle, sigh. I have been replaced already...

    Father covertly waved me over seeing my face, like he was up to no good again. Yeah, my dad may seem responsible and listens to my Mother, but when he can, he pulls mischief that always lands him in trouble with Mom. But I sneak off to see what he has in store this time.

     My Father's name is Zeoticus but my Grandmother Chysis and Mother both call my Dad by his pet name of, Zeo. So when I got to him, he put his arm around me and asked.

     "So my Son, you are just about 10, right? Well, while your Mother is busy with Rias, let's let you escape the Underworld just a tad early. You can finally ride our Magic Gremory Train, and we will go to Tokyo Japan, in the Human world, for some business. You can even go see that place you wanted to go so badly, Akihabara. Want to sneak out?"

     Just as I was starting to nod my head in excitement, I stopped, glared at my Father, and said unhappily.

     "Wait, the last time I went along with your plan, you sold me out to Mother, and I was in trouble, and you got off scot free."

     Zeoticus looked guilty, a little, and said like a boy-scout.

     "I promise on our Gremory name, to not sell you out my Son, now let us go before she gets suspicious, I have already packed your bags, he-he. It is Father and Son day, lets goooooo~!"

     I do not think it would be spoiling anything to say, he did sell me out...


     Getting out of the Gremory Town train station, our security guards surrounded us, to let us pass into the terminal. Somehow the media found out that we, my Father and myself, were taking the train somewhere and surrounded us for pictures and questions. (It definitely was not Zeo for publicity, cough, whistle.)

     My Father used to this due to our family's inability to never do anything small, just waved at them with his charming smile. He answered nothing and held my shoulder to shield me from the barrage of questions. I heard things like...

     "Duke Gremory, where are you taking your Son? And tell us about the birth of your new grandchild?!"

     "Prince Gremory, tell us about your new fan-club that has recently been growing in popularity, I am also a member, Ufufu?" (Cough, Not started by Grayfia and Sirzechs, nope.)

     "Prince Gremory, is it true, are you going to start your Human Contracts soon? Where in the Human world will you go, tell us, so I can move there?"

     Sometimes, I forget that my family and myself are common household topics. Well we are a Duke House, and the lack of good entertainment in the Underworld contributes to this.

     I just wave and smile like my Mother taught me, and I thought... How will Mother not find out we are sneaking away with the media here? I guess in the future I will have to deal with that, sigh...


     As we were about to board the Noble Car behind the engine, the man I have met many times is here to warmly greet us. I may have never taken the Gremory Train to the Human world until today, but I have ridden in it many times in the Underworld.

     Reynaldo Gremory, is the conductor of the Gremory Magic Train. He is a gentle-looking old man with a dandy white beard and hat. To me, he seems to be like a Shawn Connery type of charismatic man.

     "Hello again Duke and Prince Gremory, let me welcome you warmly, and where will we travel to today Duke Gremory?"

     My Father shook his hand and said casually.

     "I have business in Tokyo, Japan. So just take us to the station in Kuoh Town, and wait for us there. We will get along now, Reynaldo."

     And with that, the Servants helped us in...


     Inside this lush and spacious home in a train-car, we take seats on two opposing plush couches in crimson.

     The reason we Nobles sit in this car is for security and emergencies. If a terrorist strikes the train, or the train gets skyjacked, or stranded in the Dimensional Gap, the occupants in this car will be magically transferred to the Gremory home in a forced Teleportation.

     Soon our train began its journey and flew into the sky over our Gremory Territory. I looked out of the window at the beautiful view of our Dukedom. To Humans, the style and landscape of our honeycomb-like city structure would be odd, but it holds a secret.

     It is actually a massive Magic Array for protection and security. If our domain was ever attacked by Fallen Angels, we could erect massive Defensive Barriers to protect the weaker Devils in our Territory, but that is enough of the city stuff, now for the train...

     High in the sky, we approach a floating massive Vertical Magic Circle used for Magic Train transfers to make the train trip shorter, because the Underworld is too massive to just travel at cruising speeds...


     A couple of hours later, after passing around 7 transfer circles over barren lands, we have finally approached our destinations... A floating swirling black-hole that the train will travel into, like a Wormhole. This portal for a better term, flies through the Dimensional Gap and it will take about 4 hours until we reach the Wormhole to enter the Kuoh Town Train-station Devil Underground..

     The most terrifying event that hardly actually happens in the Gap is running into the Dragon God Great Red, and that is why we Nobles must stay in this safety car until we pass the Gap. Then we heard Reynaldo's voice over the magic intercom.

     [We are about to enter the Portal into the Dimensional Gap, brace for turbulence, in 10... 9...]

     My father drinking his whisky only smiled at me glued to the window like, well a kid. He said to me,

     "I remember the first time, your Grandmother Chysis brought me through here as a child. Now, like your Brother, I continue the tradition, enjoy this sight Ray..."

     As my Father's words ended, the train shuttered a bit as everything went black outside... I saw absolutely nothing but black?

     Just as I was about to ask why the gap was black, I saw it!

     The train emerged from the Wormhole and we are now flying in a vast nothingness that is only filled with swirling beautiful colors.

     I remember only briefly seeing this sight in that anime, but seeing it in real life... It is like losing your virginity for the first time (Ray gets twice), or getting to see a shooting star that was breathtaking...

     "Son, welcome to the Dimensional Gap, the most dangerous but wonderful place between all realms."

     And for the next few hours, I was mesmerized by the sights. Unknown to me, my trip would bring yet more unexpected changes to the world, and me...


     Many hours later, in a back alley of Tokyo, another fight has begun in a daily fight for life and death...

     Smack Boom! A flying girl was sent smashing into a brick wall, launched from a punch of a massive 7 foot tall Werewolf wearing only shredded pants. His green fur made him look like a cross between a Wolf-man and the Incredible Hulk. he licked the blood on his knuckles and growled out through his massive dagger-like teeth.

     [Man, I love eating Nekomata the most, and I cannot believe that woman was right. Not only one tasty dish, but two, ha-ha. I am gonna fill up tonight, hah!]

     Thud! A cat-girl wearing a skimpy sailor outfit, had just kicked the Werewolf in his back, to stop him from picking up her sister. She said with false bravado.

     "Leave my sister alone you big dummy ~Nya!"

    Whoosh~! Smack Crash! The Nekomata girl with red hair in a scorpion braid was unable to see the fast backhand that hit her in the face, sending her also crumpled into an opposing wall.

     As she spit out blood, she heard the overpowered Werewolf spell out their fate.

     [Little strawberry, just lay there while I eat this blueberry, then I will slowly devour your kitty-flesh, slurp.]

     Just as the Werewolf licked his lips, the first cat-girl climbed out of the broken bricks, got up and delivered a high-kick into his jaw, making him bite his own tongue and she said through her busted lip and black eye.

     "Stinky dog, eat my Touki infused Kick ~Nya!"

     The girl who was lucky to get a timely kick, was not in great shape, but her sister needed time to escape. Her long blue ponytail swayed in the wind created by her rising kick. Her red eyes looked to see her sister climb out of the rubble, with her shoulder hurt.

     The furious Werewolf spit blood and laughed, then made his move.

     [Hahahaha, Die Cat!]

     Just when the Nekomata woman was seeing the massive fist approach her face she and her sister only closed their eyes in defeat...

     Whoosh! Thud... Crunch! The sisters heard the fist made impact, and the sounds of crushing bones and flesh tearing were all shaking their hearts, knowing this was the end.


     "Now, Now, Cat's are for petting not meant to be eaten, so now run along, or this Noble me will have to waste more than just your arm, now run along doggy."

     When the two sisters and the Werewolf saw the missing arm flung to the side, slowly turning into a human arm, and their savior, their mouths opened wide... He just ripped his arm off like nothing! How cool!

-    If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     One hour before the ambush on the twins...

     In a Starbucks, sat a voluptuous European woman with illegal curves sipping coffee, sitting across from a young teenager with blonde hair and his iconic look, Riser Phenex, the older brother of his little sister Ravel Phenex, and her king.

     The Noble devil sipping his black coffee, said to his Queen...

     "Yubelluna, did you find those twin Nekomata for me? Riser is looking forward to collecting twins for my Peerage, and they seem to be my tastes?"

     "Yes Lord Riser, I found out they are working in a cosplay cafe for Human money. I have already told the Werewolf where to find them, so you can swoop in and save the two. Your sister's plan of playing Hero should move their hearts. They get off work in one hour, and that is where the High-class dog will ambush them as they leave their job. So we need to go and watch to make sure he does not kill them."

     "Hmm? No, let me finish my coffee first, even if he fights them, with their powers, they won't die so fast, but set up a barrier to keep humans out, Riser does not want my plan to go awry. How is your coffee my dear? Tonight, you and Riser will sleep together and celebrate our new members, hah. Riser loves it when a plan comes together."



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(A/N Rough Estimate Power Levels)


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