A New Born Devil?

Chapter 11 Demon In The Mirror?

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(A/N The Queen vote was overwhelmingly made, and the "Surprise Me" crowd won in a landslide, so Surprise!)

Chapter 11  Demon In The Mirror? by Harem-Fan


     Before I talk about my first day at school, there was more news that I had found out recently that made me sad.

     Cleria Belial, the cousin of Diehauser Belial, the number one top player of the Rating Game, was killed in her Kuoh Town Territory recently. Cleria was that pretty woman Grayfia met in the mall, and was really nice to me...

     I was sad to hear that, and realized, that was how Rias Gremory received that territory to begin with. If only I would have had that knowledge, I could have saved her.

     Another piece of news that really shook me was who Sona's fiance was... The second son of his family, Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas! Yeah, now I know why Sona in the anime put up a Chess challenge to marry her, because that green-goblin is dumb as a box of rocks. I can see how anyone beating her in Chess is better than marrying Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas.

     The next piece of news was also saddening for me to see it happen in real life... Sairaorg Bael's mother Misla, has slowly been succumbing to the Devil's Sleep Disease, and it is incurable. It does not take the victim overnight, but is a slowly gradual fate that crushes the hearts of every Devil around them.

     The Sleep Disease is a unique disease to Devils that afflicts both ordinary and noble Devils. When Devils develop this disease, they fall into a deep sleep and won't be able to wake up. Then their body gradually starts to become weak, and they will meet death.

     It starts off slow, showing fatigue and sleeping longer than normal, and eventually, they just never wake up. I personally think because it only affects Devils, it is an issue with Demonic Power, but I have no cheat, like Booby-Lingual, in my world to rescue such Devils and have to watch my Cousin and Aunt suffer, sigh. In the future, I am hit harder finding out someone close to me, also has their father fall victim to this unfair illness.


     Kuisha seeing me yet again, pondering dark thoughts a young Devil should not have to be so contemplative about, only squeezed my left hand, like she always does. For some reason, I believe Kuisha must have used some Demonic Potential in her hand-holding, that makes my mind calm down. I cannot prove this, but her hand squeezing breaks my negative thoughts every time. Or it is just childhood love.

     "Ray, are you worried about your cousin again?"

     "Yes, I do not want him getting bullied on top of everything he is going through, it is not fair."

     My mother was just finishing the Magic Circle when she overheard me, putting a smile on her face, because I care for Sairaorg. Mother told me.

     "Ray, he is family, so if you get in trouble defending the family, I won't ground you, unless you kill. Now children, into the Circle, time to go to the Capital, Lilith."

     My mother said to Kuisha.

     "Oh and dear, that purple suit goes well with your purple magic circles, I approve of your fashion choice. Your mother knows how to accessorize, fufu."

     "Thank you mother, I think Ray likes it, so I will proudly wear it for him."

     I don't know what the big deal is, because most Devil women wear skimpier clothing, but I do agree, Kuisha makes her Underworld clothing look nice.

     Then we are covered by my mothers Bael colored Gremory magic, and vanish...


     As the color vanished from our sight, I see we are in a modern looking academy. It looks just like a major University in the Human world.

     The Capital Lilith, looks like modern earth, maybe a blend of London and New York?

     Venelana holding both of our hands, walks us away from the area for Teleportation, as we see other Magic Circles light up with different noble Houses students and parents walking out. Yup, this is like a Devils School-bus.

     I point to a spot about 30 feet away and see the royal-blue crest of the Sitri house, and I tell mother and Kuisha.

     "Ah, Look I think it is Sona, let's greet her."

     And as we walked up, Sona and her mother Lady Sitri, both stepped out and smiled at us. The two mothers greet and talk, while Kuisha and I go to Sona and I wave.

     "Hello Sona, it is good to see you again. Now we can play a bit more... Well not Chess, you are brutal to me."

     Kuisha waves and adds.

     "Hello Sona, it is good to see you again, hope we will have fun together."

     Sona, hearing us, pushed up her magical glasses and had a hard to see smile, as she too returned our greetings.

     "Prince Gremory and Lady Kuisha, it is good to see you well. Hm? As far as Chess, I am tired of kicking a lazy puppy, even Kuisha is better at Chess than you. What kind of Devil is not good at Chess?"

     "Ugh... You know, I am not bad, you are just too damn good, so it is not fair. I am a beginner and you are a Master, so whatever. But I will flip the script, want to magically duel me?"

     Sona blushed because I beat her every-time, like how she beats me in Chess. Unknown to me at this time, she only abused me in Chess because she was frustrated at me in magic, women are complicated creatures.

     "No thank you. In a frontal fight, I cannot win, so tactics are necessary, like taking hostages, that is my only path to victory, or keep getting stronger till I can flatten you, fufu."

     Kuisha seeing sparks fly in our eyes said to Sona.

     "I will not let you take me hostage, humph. My power of Hole is not to be underestimated, and I fight for Ray."

     As Kuisha with her chin raised proudly said that, she flicked some of her dangling blonde hair as one of her idiosyncrasies. Cute! Sona rolled her eyes at Kuisha showing off and told her.

     "Kidnapping you would only anger Ray, I am not that stupid."

     Sona had a smirk of victory seeing through Kuisha's bravado. Our mothers interrupted us, and my mother said,

     "Come children. We will take you to the opening ceremony and then leave. Ray, take both Kuisha and Sona home after school, okay?"

     "Count on me mother and Lady Sitri!"

     Then the three of us were led to a normal looking auditorium made of black stone.


     This room is like an amphitheater and there are around 100 Pure Blood Devil children including... Ravel Phenex, Seekvaira Agares, Sairaorg Bael, Diodora Astaroth, and Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas...

     But I do not see Coriana Andrealphus? Is she not a Pure Blood Devil, oh?! Now I understand why she was my cousin's Bishop in the anime, she must be a Mixed Heritage Devil.

     Then two guest speakers came to talk to all of us children, and it was none other than the Devil King, Ajuka Beelzebub! The other speaker standing sexily next to him is the 2nd rank Rating game Champion, Roygun Belphegor!

     Ajuka Beelzebub, is one of the smartest Devils in the entire underworld and a genius on the level of the Fallen Angel Governor General, Azazel. He is also my brother's long time rival-friend. My brother told me to always trust him, even if his actions seem sinister, it is always for a good outcome.

     Roygun Belphegor, on the other-hand, is a really charming Devil with a crown-like set of curved horns and cherry-blossom hair. Her outfit accentuates her charm and sexuality. I can tell I am nearing my puberty, because my eyes are captivated by her. No it is not just her looks that make me look up to her, but the fact she is the second most powerful Rating Game King. Her special Devil ability is called Crack, and it can break anything including Magic! Okay, I am her fanboy (simp), okay.

     Kuisha is also watching her as she too is a big fan, and the both of us watch all of her games together.

     Ajuka received a bow from every Devil in the room, then he spoke at the podium telling us about what kind of things the Devil King's hope to see from our generation, and a lot of kid boring words.

     When his glance made it to me, he smiled. Roygun seeing this small action looked in my direction and her eyes opened wide, then she smiled? (Ray underestimates he is just as famous as she is. Plus Ray has no idea this Devil is a cougar, for attractive young men.)

     "And with those words of wisdom, I hope you can all bring your Clan's pride and prosperity, train hard and you may even take my place one day as a Devil King. Now for my next speaker. Diehauser Belial was going to talk to you all today about his experience with Rating Games, but sadly he had a family emergency to attend to, so the 2nd champion, the Head of the Belphegor House, has offered to come to meet the next generation, Miss Roygun, please..."

     The woman in her black leather stepped up and waved to all of us, getting a small amount of excited cheers, because she is that well known in the Underworld with her Ultimate Class strength. Some even wonder if she dueled Grayfia, if it would be close or not, but I scoff at that, because I have seen Grayfia at work, and she is scary!

     "First I am sorry for being the backup Rating Game speaker, but I think a few of you are happy to see me, right?"

     Her red eyes scanned and briefly stopped on me before moving on... Creepy?! For some reason, I felt a kind of danger, like I might get taken advantage of...

     So she talked animatedly about the Professional Game and I realized, this woman would sell her soul to play this game forever, like the most hardcore fan or player. I think my first impression was wrong about her, or I am just crushing on her beauty, sigh, stupid body changes.

     Soon the event ended, and we rushed off to our first class of the day.


     I told Kuisha and Sona I needed to use the restroom, and they needed to as well, so we split...


     While I had finished, I was washing my hands at the fancy decorated hand sink, and I noticed the 3 by 5 foot mirror in front of me had an odd image in it.

     A young Human child probably from Japanese descent, based on the old fashioned dark room she is sitting in, is gazing into the mirror back at me. I spoke in surprise.

     "Who are you, and how are you doing that? What Magic are you using?"

     I place my hand on the mirror in curiosity, to see if it is an illusion. The glass was cold like a mirror should be, and I do not see much magic aura at all. The young girl on the other-side of the looking-glass shook her head, and her lips moved, telling me we cannot talk. My Devil language cannot translate what she is saying, but my past life's mother taught me some Japanese, so I was able to understand a few words.

     She placed her hand where I had mine. Her light brown eyes looked at me fearlessly, not afraid at all, so I smiled at her. But her eyes went wide as her face blushed, oops! She then slowly moved her lips and asked me...

     [Are you really a Demon?]

     In Japan, Demons and Devils are one in the same, so I nodded yes, then I held my hand up with my Gremory Crest to show her. Her eyes opened wide in recognition. But she did not look afraid.

     But then she looked worried and panicked, as small cracks appeared on the surface of the mirror, like it would shatter. The mirror on my side was fine with no issue, so it was her mirror.

     She only sadly waved at me as if telling me our connection was doomed to end. And so I put on a bright smile and waved to the cute girl, until her mirror shattered, leaving only my normal mirror showing me my face again.

     "Okay, that was random as hell?! Glad I was not naked when the peeping Tom looked in on me. This school has some crazy magic items, right?"

     With that, I ignore it, because I have no clue what was up...

-       If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     At that time in Kyoto Japan, in a remote mountain home far from the bustle of the city, on the furthest edge of a noble clan...

     In an old room with traditional tatami mats, knelt a young girl with light brown eyes and black hair that was straight and reached the center of her white kimono. She had her hand extended touching a floating glowing mirror, as it slowly shattered into small motes of light...

     "Was he really a demon? He was kind... And he looked human... That was a Gremory Magic Circle..."

     Then after her words fell, the dark room was as silent as death, as loneliness creeps into the young girl's life again...


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(A/N Rough Estimate Power Levels)


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