A New Born Devil?

Chapter 10 Big Fish, Little Pond?

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[A/N Here is a map of the Underworld in the spoiler tab, enjoy!]



Chapter 10  Big Fish, Little Pond? by Harem-Fan


     Lilith Academy, is a preparation school for High Class Devils from Pure Blood Devil families. It is located in the Capital City of Lilith. This is the city that Sirzechs rules, and where the main Devil government holds its sessions.

     Lilith is the newer Devil Capital City, which was moved from the old Capital when The Rebels defeated the original Devil Kings, in the Civil War.

     The old Capital was known as Lucifaad. In the past, the children of the first Devil Kings and their blood relatives lived there and at the Amphitheater, there was a 'meeting between young Devils' which was attended by all of the 72 Pillars, but usually served as a way of the Devil King descendants to show off their authority among the lower classes of Devils. It is also the place where Sirzechs Gremory defeated and killed Bidleid, thus ending the civil war in the final battle between the Devil Kings and the Rebel army.

     This old Capital City is where the Youth Devil Meeting is held, the one in the anime. A Japan comparison would be how Kyoto was Japan's old Capital, but now it is Tokyo.

     Anyway, back to the main point... The school that I will attend is in the New Capital Lilith, and it does not function exactly like Human world schools. We only attend three days a week till the age of 12 to 16, and the youngest age you can be to attend the school is 6. Most Noble High Class Devils get their Evil Pieces and become Kings between the ages of 12 to 18 based on their education, strength and upbringing.

     So why is this knowledge important? Because I will be going to school with all of the youth Devils from the anime, and a few others not seen. Even Ravel Phenex is attending at the age of 6 years old. Riser Phenex had recently graduated and has started to collect his Peerage.

     From what I gathered, he has not yet recruited Yubelluna as his Bomb Queen yet. It seems she is currently his Contract Human Magician. I had been tempted to try poaching her for my own Peerage, but I decided against it after meeting her one time. My Gremory vibes did not tell me she was a talent I could use. (Because she would lack the fire, wind, and light needed for her bomb magic, and she would have only been a great bed-warmer. Servants get attributes based off of their King. Ray will grant Magic Superiority to his servants.)

     So, another point of the Noble Devil Academy, there is no grade levels like in Human schools, but more of generational blocks. Like Sona, Ravel, and Diodora are all in the same youth generation.

     Riser is just outside of our youth block, and when I am in high school, he will already be doing Rating Games and be a full fledged independent Devil. His personality along with his sisters has begun to become the cocky sort most Pure Blood Devils get. The way they treat their servants is better than most, but I still do not like it.

     Once, my mother asked me if I liked Ravel Phenex, and I shook my head knowing it was probably to take her as a concubine. I cannot guarantee she will be the same girl from the anime, and the girl she is right now grates on my nerves. If I was only interested in a Harem, then I might have taken her, but I only care about my future Peerage, and Ravel is not going to be a part of that.

     I know if anyone else with memories from my past life knew I rejected Ravel, they would flame me openly, sigh. There is more to life than fucking. Besides, I already know Kuisha will grow to be a beauty, so just having her as my wife, like my brother with Grayfia, is enough for me.

     Even though I know Shirone Tojo will be placed with me later, I think I will not consider her my woman. In fact, any woman in my Peerage can love whoever they want, as long as it does not interfere with my Rating Games or the Gremory Clan. (Calm your tits, this is his thought process at the age of almost 9. This is D×D, do you think women are going to let him off with his Gremory Charm, nope.)

     Well, it is the first day of the Academy, and I need to travel to the northern Territory of Abaddon to pick up Kuisha for school. Thanks to my use of Teleportation Magic, I can shuttle around to places I have been in the Underworld. And with my massive pool of Demonic Power, a few Teleportation Circles are no issue for me, why?

     Because like many anime and novels, I know that my Demonic Power will not increase unless I empty it out on a regular basis, like using a muscle. So over the years, I have made great progress, and I have shared this secret anime method with Sona and Kuisha, so they could also grow their already great Demonic Pool. And I have confirmed it works. Sona swears on her family name, to not spread this to anyone I do not approve of, including those in her future Peerage without my consent.


     "Dear, stop squirming, let me fix your hair. Now, go pick up Kuisha, and bring her here. Then after I inspect her, I will take you two to school."

     Out in the backyard, I am setting up my Gremory Magic Circle on the ground to teleport to Kuisha's home, and Venelana, like a helicopter mom, is trying to get my attire and hair looking its best. I sigh like an almost teenager and complain.

     "Sigh, Mother, if you do not stop, I will mess up this second Circle, I need focus."

     She gently pinched my cheek and told me her feelings.

     "Ray dear, you are growing up too fast, so I need to enjoy this bit of time I have with you. I will probably never have another child, let alone a monster like you and your brother again. So dear, just let your mother love you a bit longer. Soon you will be 12 and leave mother to fulfill your Gremory obligations, and mother will be lonely again, sniff, until I sea a grand baby that is."

     I successfully finished the circle and told my mother.

     "Mother, it is fine, sister Grayfia just got pregnant, so you will get your grandchild, and I bet it will be a boy. So no worries. I won't have a child for a long while anyway, so by the time my nephew is all grown up, I should have a child by then, I think?"

     Mother poked my forehead and scolded me.

     "Ray, listen to you. Here you are always planning for the future, you even boldly told Grayfia she will have a boy, and now you are predicting when you will or won't have a child. Let mother tell you a truth of the world of grown ups, "Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans."

     I facepalm and ask.

     "Mother, did you just quote your Pawn John Lennon's song, Beautiful Boy?"

     Venelana blushed at being caught by me, and with her hand over her mouth she said.

     "Ufufu, I loved his music and could not let him die, so I guess you have heard him sing it? I did not know you were into that kind of music, well you are my son. Your father loves the Beach Boys, fufu."

     I only rolled my eyes and stepped into the center of the circle and said.

     "Mother, I will be back with Kuisha, wait for me."

     Then an opposing Gremory circle covered me and crimson light blocked my sight for an instant...

-      If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     Just because the Abaddon territory is far to the North of the 72 Pillar lands, it is no less warm or cold than my Gremory Territory to the Central East. Our Underworld does not spin and rotate like Earth. In fact the moon, and air currents are all artificially moved around the planet of the Underworld.

     Why is the Underworld's sky naturally Purple? Because we are surrounded by the Dimensional Gap, a Void of Space where things go to be lost and destroyed, and it could be described as a Void of Chaos. Normal creatures cannot survive there, but if you have seen the anime like me then you kinda understand it, but sadly, I have forgotten much about it. I know the two Dragon Gods fight over it though.

     Soon the crimson light faded and I stood in Kuisha's family manor yard. She and her mother were waiting patiently for me, and Kuisha smiled seeing me. But...

     Smash Squish! I lost my vision again to Katrina's large chest as she enveloped my face into her valley. Actually I am now used to this from these Devil women. What makes it worse is the fact that Katrina wears the same outfit her daughter wears in the anime. Well Kuisha is wearing it now, but her bust has not grown to fill it like Katrina's does.  Then she says to me and her daughter.

     "My future son, greetings. Have you come for my amazing daughter or me, Ufufu? Now Kuisha dear, this is how you should greet your future husband, well in private, maybe not at official gatherings, I think."

     Kuisha with a red face from her shameless mother, pulled her off me, taking my arm protectively and said to her mother.

     "Mother, Ray may have a harem, but you cannot be in it."

     I did say before that she was learning from my mother and hers, right? Yeah, Kuisha will be one of those noble and proper on the outside, and wild in the sheets kinda lovers I think. At that thought, I had thought of the character Akeno Himejima, but without the Sadist-Masochist tendency, yup that is where Kuisha is heading.

     "Calm down Kuisha dear, I'm mostly joking, fufu."

     I break their typical comedy skit the two always have, and said.

     "Lady Abaddon, we will be late if I do not start drawing the Magic Circle, so it was good to see you lively as always. Okay Kuisha, watch me draw it, because you are still practicing."

     So as I drew the crimson circle on the ground, Katrina made sure to make Kuisha look good to meet Venelana. Kuisha's mother is very playful, but it is only a mask she wears because she is actually a very serious and proud Devil.

     It is true that her mother is a station climber, and why in the past Kuisha cried, but I can tell Kuisha had fallen for me a long time ago. I hope to have her at my side for thousands of years to come. Because I love her very much, and that surprises me.

     Soon my glowing crimson Teleportation Circle is ready for the two of us, and I said.

     "Let us go, Kuisha, we do not want to be too late for our first day. Let's see who wants to get punched in the face, no I meant let's go learn something good, cough."

     Kuisha happily took my left arm intimately, and her mother waved us off as the crimson light enveloped the two of us.

     Time for me to be a big fish in a little pond!

     Then the two of us vanished...

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(A/N Rough Estimate Power Levels)


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