A Gorgeous White

Chapter 357: Surprise Appearances

"The young master did?"

Leather-gloved hands paused over the gleaming surface of the golden artifact cushioned on the table. Scattered on the wood were numerous tools for examination. He was busying himself on the artifact when Phaelona came to their workroom and dropped him the news that their precious young master Moulin and the second master would visit them this evening. Colahn slowly straightened, keeping his eyes locked on his dear friend.

"So he already told the second young master..." Colahn, wearing a worried look, slipped the gloves off his hands one at a time. "I thought... they needed more time to decide. How unexpected..."

Phaelona settled on a nearby chair and stared at the man before the messy table. Colahn, unlike her, didn't care about the objects littering around the vicinity. There were times he'd forget to put them away after his work was done.

"His Ladyship raised her sons well. I could see it in their eyes, the limitless love they have for their mother." A smile graced her serene countenance. She remembered how those boys fussed around Lady Fraunces many years ago. Although they had changed so much, It seems that they were still the little children who missed being scolded by Her Ladyship Fraunces.

Colahn nodded. A nostalgic expression etched his face as he lowered his gaze. Afterwards, his eyes swept around the room, and a frown instantly replaced his expression. "This room is... too dirty."

"You just realized it?" Phaelona snorted. Honestly, this man never changed...

"Ugh, it would be shameful for them to visit me in this awful state," Colahn grumbled as he headed towards the adjoining room. "You might as well help me clean the place if you've got nothing to do."

An eye twitched. The female elf sighed helplessly as she reluctantly rose from her seat. They couldn't have servants clean the workroom where hundreds of valuable materials and tools were kept. Phaelona was, fortunately, the only person worthy enough to help Colahn put the room in order.

Colahn's steps froze right after he stepped into the garden balcony. His eyes widened slightly, recalling that he had another person help him sort the herbs in the garden.


The maeruthan slightly lifted his head to meet the seer's gaze. He's dressed lightly in dark colors, crouching on the tiled floor while sorting out the herbs from the previous delivery. Carefully, he put down the potted plants.

"Colahn..." He acknowledges with a slight smile.

Uncertainty flitted past the seer's eyes as he gazed at the young man. He stood, unmoved, and asked hesitantly. "How long have you been here?"

"Long enough. Have you forgotten? You asked for my help with the herbs."

"Ah, yes..."

How could I forget?

Colahn cleared his throat awkwardly before shaking his head and scanning the area. The garden was flawlessly tidied, relieving Colahn from another few hours of cleaning. The spiritual plants were organized in the wooden racks, and the dangerous herbs that came together with the other herbs in the delivery were isolated inside the glass greenhouse. Satisfaction welled in Colahn's heart.

"Ah, how was your sleep last night?" Colahn asked while approaching him.

"..." Pausing briefly, Jagra replied drearily. His face paled. "... Not good."

Colahn stopped, worriedly looking at him. He recalled Jagra's soul examination that he'd conducted a long time ago. The maeruthan's situation was quite strange and unique. Colahn sensed the remnants of an unfinished spell in his internal soul. Although it failed to activate, the effects lingered in his spirit. Perhaps, what he needed was purification...

"Meet me in the alchemy room after an hour. I'll examine you again."

Jagra nodded silently before he continued to do his work. His eyes slowly drifted from the filth of his hands to the endless grey-blue sky. Gigantic clouds rose, rolling across the sky. The color grew deeper until Jagra felt a vague sense of foreboding.


The inked pointed tip of a feathered quill pen gently scratched the smooth paper surface. After a few swirls, curves, and lines, it stopped. The ink soakes the paper, spreading outwards. Serious silver eyes closed tightly.

Flashes of robes men, a nude bloodied body, grotesque demonic features, and a blood-red eye trembling and wriggling as if it had a mind of its own. And then rows of sharp yellowish teeth, glossy with drool. The grin stretches horribly to haunt him even when Moulin's eyes are closed.

A few seconds later, his eyes open slowly.

A sigh escaped Moulin's lips as he slumped back in his seat. The more he thought about his dream, the more his heart grew restless and uneasy. When he closed his eyes, he could not help but remember it. He was curious but feared the meaning behind the vision. Why was it shown to him?


A small sound drew Moulin away from his thoughts. His gaze shifted towards the pure-white furball nestling comfortably on the red cushion on his desk. The snow-white fox raised its head and blinked its bright beady eyes as if asking Moulin about his troubles.

Moulin sighed and smiled faintly. He put aside the scribbled papers before him, creating more space. However, the pen never left his fingers. Snow's ears perked up, and he instantly hurried and hopped on his master's fleshy lap. The little beast yipped happily before curling itself on Moulin's thighs and feeling his master's doting caresses.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the doors of the youth's quarters. Before Moulin could guess who it was, the familiar voice of his attendant entered his ears.

"Young master, Lord Arcefi had sent you treats he personally made himself."

Snow's ears perked again at the word 'treats' and jumped down from his master's lap. Moulin stood up, walked across the vast room, and opened the doors. For some reason, he wasn't comfortable with someone eagerly entering his rooms to attend to him anymore.

The fresh scent of baked cookies and biscuits filled his nostrils. On the tray, the flower-shaped treats were arranged beautifully on the decorative oval platter.

"Send the Lord my thanks." With a smile, Moulin accepted the tray before he politely dismissed the servant.

The door closed softly.

Snow began jumping around Moulin's ankles, eager to taste some of the cookies.

The delicious smell wafted in the room, and Moulin was too curious to appreciate it. He didn't know why Arcefi needed to make the delicacies himself to send it to him. But perhaps, Moulin was just overthinking, and it was only an act of goodwill. How could he sully it?


"Alright, hush. Behave, and I'll give you half of the platter." Moulin chided Snow, who immediately went still.

However, it wasn't because of his command that the little beast stopped. Moulin's movements ceased, and a cold light flashed within his silver eyes. The temperature around him dropped, and he turned to meet the unwelcome intruder in his quarters.

"Hello, young master..."

A hooded figure stood before the archway of the terrace. The translucent gauze curtains gracefully fluttered around his dark form, caressing his sides and his broad back. The tall man revealed a faint smile underneath the ends of his hood.

Moulin instantly recognized him. It was Envihr, the person who led them to Artheia with the portal as well as Adeina's guard. From beginning to end, he had always worn a hood and cloak. Moulin couldn't grasp his true features and form at all.

"It's unpleasant to have an uninvited guest." Moulin frowned. "What intentions do you have to sneak into my room unnecessarily?"

"Forgive me, young master. I just wanted to have a chat. Unfortunately, you're always guarded tightly." Envihr reasoned while he took a few steps forward.

Suddenly, a bone-chilling air swirled around him, filled with a menacing aura. Envihr was forced to stop and raise his hands in surrender.

"I assure you, My Lord. I mean you no harm."


Moulin narrowed his eyes. After a short while, he turned away. The temperature returned to normal, and Envihr sighed in relief when he felt heat enter his clothes. Honestly, this maeruthan aphrodite is more intimidating than most maeruthans he met. Adeina was right to warn him before he left.

Moulin placed the plate on the small table before a couch. Snow snarled at Envihr before he hastily climbed up the couch, waiting for his master to feed him. Moulin expressionlessly gestured the man to sit before taking one of the biscuits to feed the greedy little beast settling on his lap.

"Thank you, young master," Envihr spoke as he sat obediently.

"What is your business with me?"

Envihr stared at the beautiful man before him. Although he was asking with an interrogative tone, he looked quite endearing when he fed the plump beast on his thighs.

"My Master sent me to deliver something to you."

"What is it?"

The hooded man fished something from within the thick layers of his cloak and placed it on the table between them. It was a wooden bottle, the size of his closed fist, with a cork sealing the opening. It looked old yet untouched.

Moulin stared at it curiously. "What is it?"

Envihr shook his head. "Lady Adeina refused to disclose information about it. She only said it would help you feel better after the 'God' finished using you. It is the last one of her collection. Please use it wisely."

'Using me? What is she talking about?'

Despite the severe look of the young sitting before him, Envihr continued, "The Lady also wishes to warn you."

Moulin, who was about to reach for the bottle, stopped. His eyes lifted from the wooden vial. "What is it?"

"The second swarm is coming. It will be stronger than before. You must hurry with the purification if you wish to save your city sooner."

Moulin furrowed his eyebrows. "I see..."

Another swarm invasion? Memories of that horrific day came to plague his mind. The ear-piercing screeches and a dark wave of deformed malignant monsters flying to invade the Tree. They were lucky to survive it before. Perhaps this time, they would not be so fortunate.

He needed to see Galadin again...

"I believe that is all, young master. Forgive me for intruding." Envihr stood up, gazing down at the young man before him.

"Mn, I expect a more civilized meeting next time." Moulin tossed Envihr something which the man effortlessly caught. "But perhaps that isn't your style. Do what you like. I have no right to judge you. But I hope you're already aware that I hate having my private place invaded by someone else."

Envihr opened his palm and his eyes slightly widened. A five-petal flower cookie sat in his palm. He chuckled, "I... will keep that in mind, young master."

A gentle breeze swept past Moulin, and when he looked up, the man was already gone. Ugh, his exit technique was suspicious it made him doubt Envihr again.


Moulin looked down and groaned at Snow's pitiful eyes. "Fine, have the rest."

The little fox yipped happily at his master and chowed down on the biscuits, getting crumbs all over Moulin's thighs.

"Ah, Honestly..."

"So you detest someone intruding your personal place?"

A familiar deep voice entered Moulin's ears. The youth's eyes slightly widened in surprise before he turned to meet a particular Lord's deep gaze. Lord Hercullio stepped out of the bedroom with an inquiring look. His golden eyes burrowed deep in the youth's heart, making Moulin sigh.

"Of course, anyone except you." Moulin chuckled. How easily his mood changed in front of his lover.

"I thought so," Hadrian kept his eyes on Moulin as he approached the couch.

The warm air lingered within the room, giving out a relaxing and serene atmosphere.

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