A Gorgeous White

Chapter 356: I Will Give You Everything

"His Majesty wishes to see me?"

The surprise within Moulin's eyes was genuine. Glancing at the two warriors ready to escort him, Moulin was somehow reluctant. The King had sent his knights to escort him when clearly he didn't pose a threat to the Elven Royalty. Wasn't it enough to have their Great Oracle tell him?

Light brows drew together in confusion and suspicion.

"Very well..." Moulin spoke as he stepped out from his lover's embrace. He was quite satisfied with the intimidated looks of the two knights, refusing to come close to him in fear of the cold-eyed man standing behind him.

Moulin patted Hadrian's cheek twice, "Behave."

The Golden Lord raised an eyebrow, amused. However, he conceded under his adorable doll's glare. Satisfied, Moulin nodded and turned away.

Na'El sighed in relief as he stepped aside to clear the way for the white-haired aphrodite. To his surprise, the esteemed Lord Hercullio followed behind Moulin, ignoring their presence. A corner of the youth's lips smiled as he walked. The knights went stiff but didn't say a word and could only lead the way for the two people. No matter how much they try to look intimidating, they couldn't compare to even a strand of the High Lord's hair.

"Arcefi, leave us. I will go with them." Na'El said without turning to the elf behind him.

"..." Arcefi's eyes deepened slightly before he sighed. "As you wish."

The knights led them out of the courtyard and into the grand hallways. The minutes ticked by, and Moulin could not help but feel pressure once more. What is it this time? He searched his memories, hopeful of finding a hint. Finally, he paused briefly before remembering a certain discussion he and Phaelona shared. Phaelona intended to inform the king of Galadin's existence within the Great Tree.

A frown etched Moulin's face. It was likely impossible for the King and his persistent councilors to believe such words. Without proof, they would think Moulin spouted nothing but lies. Although Moulin wouldn't mind being showered with insults and accusations, he didn't want to bring shame to his comrades and sully the name of their City.

Moulin internally sighed. 'Honestly...'

Phaelona could've told him first before meeting the king in haste. However, it was already done, and Moulin could do nothing but face it. He'd already expected a welcome of disappointment when he entered the room.

At last, the group arrived. The guards gazed at them before immediately opening the doors. Moulin first stepped inside, followed by the two people behind him. Warmth light enveloped him as it did before during the first time he was here.

The people sitting around the High table stopped and lifted their gazes. Their words ceased, and the tension seemed to rise in the air when they saw the aphrodite. They were even tenser when they realized that the distinguished High Lord of Helios had come to join them. The seats of the terraces, floors above the High Table were empty, signifying that the subject they were going to discuss today should be kept from the people of Thundralln.

King Nordehl Hathiandor Thundralln leaned forward with his hands clasped together. This time, he was dressed simpler than the last time Moulin had seen him. The councilors seated at either of his sides shifted in their seats. There were two other people within the area. Moulin wasn't surprised. Phaelona stood with a worried look and beside her was a familiar little fae girl. Adeina crossed her arms as she pulled her lips back with uncertainty.

Although of the people said a word the moment he arrived, Moulin sensed the gloom and opposition that swallowed the air.

"Greetings, your majesty." Moulin's melodious voice echoed within the halls. Although for him, he wished they could perceive the questionable tone of his voice. "Why have you called me, your majesty?"

Moulin briefly glanced at Phaelona, who, in turn, gave him a concerned look.

"Phaelona confided me of the... spirit you met during your first purification of Gala'En's core." Nordehl replied. There was no emotion shown on his face. He spoke unlikely of a king but someone closer. The councilors wanted to berate him of his softer tone, devoid of rebuke but said nothing.

"I see..." Moulin nodded.

Nordehl asked again. "Is it... true?"


"Yes, it is true." Moulin replied without hesitation.

"Pah! lies..." Councillor Ardathna, whom Moulin already nicknamed 'big-mouth monkey,' spat. The councilor pressed his clenched fists on the table surface and glared at the expressionless youth. "Perhaps the taste of the luxuries our kingdom offered you has made you itchy with greed. How low can you go even to spout nonsense about the island's source of life."

He sneered. "What God? The more I think about it, the more laughable it is. Let me tell you, little boy. Not even the High priests and oracles of old could have a glimpse of a deity's physical form. This is why I detest these creatures. Maeruthans are nothing but lying worthless beast-"

Suddenly, Ardathna's words were cut short when terrifying oppression smashed against his soul. He froze mouth gaping and trembling. It was as if he was sinking into the deepest trench of all Corahn's oceans. The pressure crushing him like a walnut beaten open. His nails dug into the wood, creating deepening dents. It did not stop there. He felt that a hand was squeezing his throat, getting tighter and tighter.

"Councillor!" One of the councilors shouted in horror before shivering in fear under the frightening gaze of Lord Hadrian Hercullio.

When the pressure stopped, Councillor Ardathna seized his throat, gasping for breath. His eyes are bloodshot with hatred and fear. He provoked a man, he shouldn't have.

Lord Hercullio, with golden eyes of blazing gold, emitted a mighty aura. His deep voice sounded like heaven's will. "You must bpuf6g7e foolish to think. I would not harm you as long as my men naively relish their accommodation. Perhaps, you've forgotten what kind of man I am."

Nordehl was the first to speak. "I apologize, My Lord."

"A king does not apologize to a barbarian!" Ardathna hoarsely screeched.

"Silence!" Nordehl glowered at him. Emerald eyes blazing with anger. "If you dare to speak one word again, I will have you thrown out of this island! "

Ardathna stiffened and reluctantly fell back on his seat. His eyes refused to meet any one of the people before him. The truth was clear. He was unwilling to bow down to these maeruthans. However, even if he dreamed of having all the power in the world, he could not hold up a finger against Helios and their maeruthans. Especially when their distinguished High Lord stands here before them. He could only seethe silently.

Moulin's head turned and glanced at Hadrian's impassive face. There was a bright gleam in the youth's eyes as he thought inwardly: My man is so powerful it's making me envious. Ah, the advantages of having a powerful lover. Although he wanted to make Hadrian kneel and beg at his feet sometimes...

"Moulin, I would hate to refuse your findings." Nordehl sighed, closing his eyes before opening them once more. "However, for us to believe your words, you must present us proof of any kind. Anything to prove that your discovery is true. You must understand."

Moulin nodded. Fortunately, unlike his criticizing councilors, Nordehl was more open to possibilities and chances.

"I understand, your majesty."

Nordehl nodded, "I will give you three days to do whatever is needed to do. But if you must visit Gala'En's core, you are only allowed entry with the company of Oracle Na'El."

"Yes, your majesty."

Relieved, Nordehl sighed. His concerned eyes lifted to gaze at Lord Hadrian. "You must forgive me for my people's impertinence, My Lord."

When his words finished, Councilor Ardathna snapped his gaze to his king indignantly. There was no shame to apologize. However, it was different for a king. A man like him who ruled lands and governed people should keep his head high. Yet, he was apologizing to this person? A mere high Lord?

"There is no need for apologies. You do what you must do." Hadrian casually replied, but his eyes were deep and glinting like the sharp edge of a knife.

The discussion ended as King Nordehl exited the halls with his councilors trailing behind him. Nordehl briefly glanced at Na'El before leaving. Ardathna, fuming silently, glowered at Moulin before hurriedly following after his king and the other councilors. Nightmarish golden eyes plagued his mind as his steps quickened out of the door.

"Shorter than I expected."

Adeina pouted while she and Phaelona approached the maeruthans. Her auburn hair swayed behind her in a dance as she half-fluttered and half-walked towards Moulin. "I hope you have a good plan in mind. What are the odds of a God trapped in our Beloved Tree? However, I must agree. It does sound unconvincing."

"Patience, Adeina." Na'El chided with a smile. "Our Moulin will enlighten us for sure."

"I wasn't trying to sound enthusiastic about this little tale." Adeina retorted, crossing her small arms. 'What is with his "our Moulin"? '

Moulin drew his brows together with a sigh. Silver eyes drifted towards Phaelona, who lowered her head. "I expected to be warned first."

"I apologize, young master. I was too hasty. Forgive me." Phaelona said woefully. "I didn't mean to cause you trouble."

"No, it's alright. I've already expected this to happen."

Phaelona revealed a concerned look. The young master obviously knew the fault was hers, yet he didn't berate her like he usually did before. He forgave her so easily. It made her a bit guilty.

Moulin kneaded his forehead feeling the wisps of stress pounding against his mind. When he realized that the temperature began to lower, he quickly spoke.

"Phaelona, My brother and I will visit you and Colahn this evening."

Phaelona's eyes widened. Have they already decided? So soon? She couldn't help but anticipate. Unease began to settle in the depths of her chest.

"We will be waiting, young master."

Moulin nodded and hurriedly turned to Hadrian. "If you'll excuse me, I will take my leave."

Under the warm light, the three people silently watched as Lord Hadrian and Moulin stepped out of the doors. Although they remained quiet, they couldn't miss the weary and anxious look on the youth's face as he let the High Lord lead him away.

"Calm down," Hadrian whispered as he gazed at Moulin's back.

They were walking within an empty hallway. At their right of the open arches, the incredible view of the sky filled their vision with tranquility and peace. The cool breeze surrounded the pair to lure them towards a paradise of serenity.

Moulin's steps ceased. His beautiful silvery-white hair danced with the cold breeze. He breathed slowly and deeply within the tranquil silence.


However, the heavy sound of a ringing bell plunged into his ears, startling him!

His heart pounded, and he couldn't stop snow clouds from forming in the skies.

Large hands find themselves over the youth's slender shoulders. Feeling the soothing touch of Hadrian's hands slowly rubbing his shoulder as if to ease out the tension underneath the skin, Moulin lets out a stuttering sigh.

"Ease yourself," Hadrian whispered above his ear.

"I'd rather you comfort me in my quarters," Moulin said.

"If that is what you wish. I will give you everything."

The heavy lump stuck in his heart started to break into pieces when he heard those words. Moulin's lips parted. A sound, close to a whine and groan, escaped his mouth.

"Hurry and take me there."

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