A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 85: Dog Days (Chain)

Dog Days (Chain)

Content Warnings:



Waking up without a surge of disgust and rage is unusual still. It's only been.... Barely three weeks since I was Resheathed, assuming I would not come out of it alive. I wriggle a bit and Calix loosens his grip on the leash he had Sylver make for me, so I can get dressed for the day.


My adorable partner stretches in such a way to show off his form before rolling over and smiling at me. "So what's your plans for the day now that we're moved in?”


"I wanted to check over and make sure everyone is doing okay. I know that I'm not in charge or anything, but I feel um… a responsibility to maintain the peace of this place that I nearly ruined." I explain.


"Okie! This one's gonna make a little gazebo for Bartholomew so he can show off his wings better. Make sure you go to Shelf Spire Zwei and count the rooms. They're all occupied." Calix recommends and I can feel the churning and amplification of my Wairua as he says it due to a constant low Physis perception enhancement I use.


Do them in order, I think. Probably worth counting the rooms in each Spire honestly.


I head to the library Spire to get an accounting before I begin. Some of the Spires are sealed in whole or part, so knowing where I should look and for whom will likely ease the process. Finding her takes significantly longer than expected and I pass through the hall where I'm certain her office is at least a dozen times before I finally am able to see, reach, and pass through the doorway. I freeze when I enter as the blade of a massive scythe swings just above my head and Augusta gives me a cold look that only starts to soften when we make eye contact.


She's wearing black leather dress armor and sneers slightly at me saying "Mr. Chain, you absolutely reek of old blood. I had thought you were something less... manageable. It is a good thing you didn't go for much additional height in your resheathing.”


I remain motionless, experience with Elevar teaching me soundly that if a woman misses with the first swing, provoking a second is a terrible mistake. "Is it... A bad time?”


"Was it somehow not obvious that I was trying to remain hidden? Did you not consider sending a message through the pendants instead of stalking me in my den like some sort of beast from below?" Her words come out harsh and shrill but I can tell... She's scared. Really scared.


"Why don't you put the scythe away, and I can put on a pot of tea so we can chat for a bit?" I offer timidly.


with a groan of frustration she withdraws her weapon and swings it casually over her shoulder where it vanishes from sight. "Fine. Tell me why you sought me out and I'll consider telling you what's bothering me. I know we don't have an appointment scheduled, Envii has been handling the bookings with due precision.”


As I get the kettle heating up on the small Physis stove, I explain. "I need a roster of all the Dolls and where they are. I want to check on them and make sure everything is okay. Have a feeling and Calix insisted I count the rooms in Shelf Spire Zwei because they're all occupied.”


"Oh. Well I guess that's a reasonable request." She writes out everything on a slate with chalk and hands it over when I bring the tea to the table. "Just in case you had some funny ideas, If this gets into the hands of any of the threshers or grove envoys outside the Estate, Xafra will never find your body. I'll eat you myself.”


I swear that my bones start to fracture from the look she gives me as I nod and drink the tea. "I've made many mistakes in the past. I will endeavor to avoid new ones especially like that.”


She takes a sip and sighs in contentment before explaining. "Good. The Estate is on edge. If it sees me, there's no one here to calm it and I happen to like this body a lot, losing it would set me back immensely.”


I stand immediately and head over to the door pulling out my athame. "Just the one entrance or is there multiple? I can do about six of these before I'm at risk of dying.”


"What exactly are you planning on doing here?" Augusta asks sharply.


"My Einwandfrei is a ward that protects against senses and memory. Only those you welcome will even be able to recall that this place is here let alone detect it.  It's called Galgahlíf


I've done something unique, I think here, as Augusta's jaw drops in surprise, the first time I've seen such an occurrence. "That's... An interesting choice of language. I assume you know what it means?”


"Gallowhaven roughly. Would you believe me if I said the entire thing came to me in a dream?" I respond.


She laughs mumbling something about favoritism and waves me to continue, watching intently as I use the atheme to engrave a sigil to either side, above and on the floor in front of the door.


Not that I ever told Thorn Grove the proper name for it. Rosenbrücke was good enough, especially with how the sigil looks like a flower on a bridge. Working backwards to develop the theory behind it was a lot more work but with my mediocre talent it was still easier than starting from scratch with ideas that might not work.


I push Ousia into the sigils and feel myself weakening as blood is torn from my fingertips and crystallizes into the etchings. It hurts in a way I'm certain most Einwandfrei don't. Sucks just as much as the first two times. Six more will 'bring death to me' according to the dream. Worth it though.


"Okay. It's keyed to you. Won't be able to find or recall you myself unless you permit it once I leave so... Goodbye and goodluck." I say shakily before stepping through the doorway.


I'm... In the Sublevel of the Library Spire where I found this slate. Useful. Should start here then. Two occupied rooms here. Valthirii is doing fine, so I head to the pinnate trio of Sylver, Mecia, and Lys as I wipe bleeding fingertips off on my slacks.


Two are well, with Mecia zipping in past and nearly between my legs within a few heartbeats of my checking. Such... a small Doll. But super quick and agile on those four legs though. 


Ze pauses, then turns to regard me. "The number to this time is ten and fifty-six, Mister Chain. Would you like this one to brew and bring you something warm to drink during your day's motions?”


"That's... Later than I expected. Sure, I'd enjoy a cup. How are you doing today?" I answer in puzzlement.


"Despite some minor setbacks, this one is on schedule. Has delivered the precise time to everyone on the grounds now that ze has found you." Is zir reply while moving to slip past me and out the door. "Please, continue in your day while this one brews your drink betwee-"


But ze is interrupted as Sylver sneaks up and wraps a tangle of threads about zir hips. Tugging the little Doll back and into their arms. "Nope! Absolutely not. You've pestered everyone three times today with the numbers already. We will brew the cup here instead of trying and fumbling it between."


"B- but..." Mecia whines and wiggles in Sylver's steady grip.


"No butts." They giggle amidst lifting the little Doll to settle tightly in their arms. Then give me a careful but nervous smile. "Um... Gotta keep the little one tied up sometimes, else ze makes a mess. This one promises to set Mecia loose when the cup is done. If... that's alright with you? Mister Chain?”


"Certainly, as long as it's not too much stress. I'd rather not be a bother." I offer.


"Not at all!" These two say in unison. Although one while amidst, obviously, half-hearted struggles.


Then Lys moves up to smile at me with more confidence than the others. Its Frame a bit taller than Mecia but still smaller than Sylver's. Wrapped in feathers that resemble some birds I've seen only briefly near Grove Wurzelbrecher's mountains. "They will have your drink hot and delivered soon. Not a bother at all. Little Mecia just... needs to be kept from gathering up too many tasks. This one will see to it.”


"Alright. I'm going to be making my way through each of the Shelf Spires to check on everyone before returning to the Severed Spire this afternoon.”


"This one will... will find you mid-way through!" Mecia insists.


Sylver rolls their eyes and looks between Lys and myself. "Near the end, at the soonest. Otherwise ze will deliver your drink to your Spire. Thank you for checking on everyone."


Then they turn and head over to their little kitchen area.


I head over to Shelf Spire Eins where Warden and Ciska are... Interacting. A quickly slammed door and a projection asking what I needed rebuffed me from any further inquiries after confirming that they were fine.


Scarabella is arguing with herselves trying to figure out what to get primrose as a present, taking my suggestion of custom canvases to heart. Shelkie and Mélusine don't answer at first when I knock, so I give a gentle nudge through the bond to let them know I'm here. [Shelkie, Mélusine, could you come to the door for a moment?]


[Oh? Mister chain?] Shelkie replies. [Which door do you speak of? This one is waiting outside the Mistress Elevar's Spire for Mélusine to return after walking with Lynette's Doll down to her sleeping cavern below.]


[Ah, I'll meet you there.] I intone, and swiftly head over to Elevar's Spire.


Shelkie is kneeling just outside. Elbows on her knees with feathers bristling and tails twitching all about as eyes remain locked on the entrance. Only glancing back as I approach. "Mister Chain, how may this one assist?”


"I'm doing the rounds, wanted to check on you and your pinnate, see if I can assist with any issues.”


She clicks her teeth a few times, exposing fangs as she thinks on that. "This one... doesn't think so? It's a heavy mist day so we can't speak to Mélusine till she's back above. Mistress Lynette's Doll was very talkative apparently so... she's taking longer than usual.”


"I'm glad that she's not feeling too stressed about her Mistresses absence. I... I swear I spoke to someone earlier who was struggling because of it.”


"Hmmm? Oh she is. Little one's just doing everything she can to be distracted." Shelkie replies, but shrugs. "Talks herself to exhaustion nearly to avoid falling into little panics. Is why Mélusine walks her down, despite hating the tunnels.”


"That's very kind of her. Would a light source of some kind help?”


"They both can see in the dim down there pretty well. And... they'd probably worry about upsetting the mists with any magic or flame?" She informs me. Tail swaying and twitching back and forth as she stares into Elevar's still empty Spire.


I shake my head, "I was thinking an Amberin light. Something Calix has been working on. No magic or flame involved.”


"Oh. Well it could be worth a shot!" She nods. "Will come by and check later? Once Mélusine is up and we've both slept a bit. Or send her over just before Lynette's Doll wanders up this evening?”


"Sure, if you would send her over, that works for me." I respond and leave her to her patient waiting.


I head to Shelf Spire Zwei and my day almost immediately begins to crumble as I accidentally get an eyeful of Alpina standing naked on the table with Milna deftly applying some sort of paint with all four of her arms.


They... don't at all seem bothered by my finding them doing... whatever this is. Alpina even calling out. "Oh Hii Mister Chain! Did you need something? Oooor... wanted to take the spare pot we mixed and try it out on Calix? He helped us get the right proportions and all. We made more than enough!"


"Goes on exactly perfectly!" Milna titters while working.


I rapidly turn to face the wall and respond, "My apologies for barging in, I was doing the rounds and wanted to check on everydoll. I um... Yes, I would like that I think. I'm just going to... keep my eyes closed and go up the stairs in the meantime.”


"Awww. That's sweet of you." Milna murmurs.


Then Alpina replies with a giggle. "This one will leave the spare pot by the stairs so you can grab it on the way out.”


I head upstairs to find Coqui and Hyssop swimming in their pool, thankfully clothed in swimwear. They confirm they are doing well and I continue on to check in on... Enviii I believe her name is this week. I find her particularly off-putting with the way she wields fashion and her gender like a weapon, but not ill intended thankfully.


With her checked off the list there's nothing left to do but head to the next Spire.


I'm walking back down the stairs when I recall what I was told and very carefully look over the slate again. There's a spot where my eyes refuse to look, even a checkbox off to the side, but the name just doesn't permit me to see it. I race back up in a fury, trying to figure out how to bypass whatever is preventing me.


What do I do. What Do I Do? I panic to myself until I come to a reasonable conclusion. I close my eyes and feel along the walls for the rooms, locating and confirming two of the rooms I've already checked. The first empty room feels familiar and I brush past it initially before corralling my thoughts and walking in.


"Hello. I'm certain there's someone here. I don't know if I can hear you, but I want to help." I call out.


Other than the doll sitting on the bed talking to me, there's no one in the room. Just a simple chamber with a bed, manic scribbling all over the walls in bright red lettering, an open window, and a closet with a set of simple outfits. I find my feet trying to take me out of the room once more before I slam the door shut and sit in front of it. "I'm sorry. I'm struggling still. I know you're here but I need to figure this out.”


What If I ramp up the perception weave? could be dangerous but…


[Calix, I am about to do something stupid. I'm in Shelf Spire Zwei on the second floor. I'll contact you once I figure this out.]


Calix responds immediately, intoning simply [Her name is Joan. I believe in you.]


I close my eyes and burn Ousia to enhance my perception to dangerous levels, slamming my head backwards against the door in terror when I open them to see a doll crouching in front of me.


A long pause then, when my gaze doesn't leave her's, she asks with so much annoyance in her tone, "Can you understand that this one is here?”


"Yes, I can see and hear you now Joan. I..." I am floored by her appearance. A dark scarlet frame akin like it was formed from solidified blood, etched all over in orderly green patterns. Instead of hair she has a long thorned twisting of vines hanging down that seem cut and severed, even dribbling some sort of smoke. "You're not one of Yselda's, are you?”


Vibrant jade eyes go wide, then narrow. "No. Why and... how, have you found this one? Calix can't teach his gifts, and not even the old cunt could get the Estate to teach her how to see Betwixt.”


"I'm burning my lifeforce to do it, and my Einwandfrei is designed to hide those who need to be hidden from everything, including memories. There's probably about... five minutes before I pass out." I respond, trying to breathe evenly.


"Of all the...Rotting Physis drowned luck." She curses and falls back to sit on her rear in a huff. "Okay. Okay. Why then? What do you want with this one?”


"I can offer you a bond, So I and all of Xafra's Dolls can avoid the effects of whatever weave is hiding you, if you wish.”


"Really?" Joan pauses, looks me up and down. "Alright. Do it.”


I reach out and grasp at the ends of her vines, assuming they are a way in and thread my Ousia and Physis up and through her Frame, to latch onto her Core. "This is going to feel odd. Please bear with me." 


Closing my eyes, I utilize Elevar's Glyph method and replicate my own perceptions weave along the edges of her Core where the bond connects and throughout the inside of her Frame. I know somehow that I don't have the skill to handle the etchings on her exterior currently but I'm confident in this working.


Joan flinches and hisses, and I can hear those talon-tipped fingers digging into the root floor as the vine tangle twists and thrashes under my work. "Don't... don't look away. T- Talk to me Rufus. Please.”


I look at her then intone through our new bond, an imitation of the one Xafra created and wove through all the Dolls and pendants. [I am here. I can feel your presence even with my eyes closed. You won't be forgotten again, I promise.]


Eyes are... so wide when mine meet hers. Tangle of vines no longer pouring smoke but... now twitching about like a Grackler's tail. "Ooooh... This one hopes very much this wasn't a m̷͋̉ï̷̘s̷̈́͝t̸̛̔á̷̈́ḱ̶͌e̷͑̕, Master Rufus. Would hate to see y̶̹͗o̵̧͂u̴͛͛ turned inside ỏ̴̯u̴͙͛t̷̤̕ just so this one could share its thought S̸̛͘i̸̩̔ǹ̵͝s̴͖̋ and w̷͓͆o̸̔͘r̷͚͊d̵͎͒ Crimes with you and others."


I shake my head and slowly, carefully stand. "Please don't call me master unless you wish. I am not... in control to that extent. Merely a fool of a man trying to do penance.”


Joan twists to stand. Then sets such a serious expression upon me. "This one's Master is not a fool. He has found and let a reflection loose from smothering shackles. Viewed the B̴̮̔ë̴̅t̴͆̊ẅ̵̨ì̸̚ẍ̶́͜t̷́̔ and now allows others to regard one within. Reckless? ... Mayhaps. You are now between this Frame and the Estate's hungers. A worthy penance, since Elevar and Lynette wish to see your punishments be peace, comfort and a life devoid of conflicts.”


I smile at that and open the door. "Let's get you properly introduced to everyone else, and whatever else you might enjoy."


At the same time, I intone to Calix [Mission accomplished, I've bonded with Joan and am mostly intact.]


"Yes Master." She grins back. "This one... is curious how much memory will slip back when this happens."


"From experience, it tends to be a fair bit but takes a while to return." I check my hands almost instinctively where I can see the broken rings on my fingers marking two terminated Galgahlíf and a third active one. "I don't know when I cast my Einwandfrei a third time but it was likely at some point today. I use a similar if... less hostile feeling magic to that which envelopes you.”


[I'll have everyone meet us at the Shattered Spire tonight. Please send Joan to the Library Spire and I'll give her a hand with some acclimation.] Calix responds.


"Master has such... odd understandings." She asks while leaning around to peer at my fingers. "Do you remember who taught you them? Weaves that reveal the between are a coveted thing. Worth killing and worse should Matrons of the Art find others even realizing they exist.”


"I was taught it in a dream by a shadow that reminded me of a home I've never known. This one doesn't reveal anything, it just gives me a count as well, since the ninth time will kill me.”


"You never told this one why you sought it out. Used precious resources to claim nothing but a broken Frame and new dangers." She murmurs, long braid of vines curling about her shoulders like a scarf. "Do you know or... ?”


I offer a hand as I step out of the door. "Faith. I follow a new Goddess, and she insists that none are left behind.”


** ** **


A quarter hour later, I've brought Joan to the Library Spire where Calix started talking with her like old friends and I head off to Shelf Spire Drei.


On the way there, I meet Comfort and Petrichor doing some gardening around the base of the Spire, their frames sparkling in the morning sunlight.


They confirm that they're quite enjoying the peace and I leave them be, moving inside to check on the other four at this Spire: Aralen and Nelara, a fascinating pair of twins or pinnates or both; and Selene and Zelma, the brilliant Dolls that started the journalling project. As I leave I feel a level of confidence that the stressful part of the day is already over.


At Shelf Spire Vier, I find Miag stacking a strange composite material into two piles as the long spindly arms of Thistle take each tile of material into one of the Spire rooms then return them finely engraved with repeating patterns that hurt my eyes to look at. She assures me that it's perfectly normal for a Witch to have that reaction and I move on quickly as they both start getting antsy. Further inside, I run into some trouble as I work my way down into the basement rooms of this Spire where I hear such an odd voice speak in a flat tone, "Yes, but Mistress Xafra would want you to do that from here, and not go running off!"


Such a strange reply echoes up the steps. Something that reminds me of the Quill-Song the Pack Sisters use. But not in melody or order. More... like if someone replied to your words by punching a hole in a wall.


As I arrive at the bottom, and that odd basso reply fades I'm treated to the scene of two Dolls. One... small and woven of many sharp edges and twisting shapes with a light glow emitting from her center. Tasofina, If I recall correctly. Using her odd ability to hover without touching the floor like Warden. Just off to the side from a behemoth of a Doll.


Hackt's Frame is huge. Nearly Xafra's height when she wears her Warlord's form. Kneeling with eyes locked on the passage to the tunnels below. The shelf that I think previously blocked it has been tipped and tossed aside, and the door that most definitely did, is torn off hinges and broken in half.


"Hackt. You really should..." But she trails off, twirling around elegantly to face me. "Oh. Mister Chain. This... Um…”


"I'm not your owner, Hackt, but I can probably help if you are concerned about something" I offer, already dreading my earlier confidence.


"Something prowls below." It replies, voice low and steady and devoid of the anger its posture suggests burns within. "Something dangerous. This one wants it to stop howling and hiding in the mist. This one wants it to come up here. This one wants to face it in a test of Frame and skill."


"And this one is trying to remind you that going below is specifically one of the things all the Mistresses told everyone not to do!" Tasofina replies sharply.


"This one will not disobey the Mistress." Hackt states, only just then turning gaze to me. "And this one finds Good Function in this. Drawing threats to itself. All others can wait upstairs while it does so. Especially... more delicate Frames such as Tasofina. Would you insist she go above, Mister Chain?"


"You're proposing to fight the thing that locked Xafra out of the ability to think and has the power to rend Verbess limb from limb. The thing that is merely a puppet of the Estate itself that we are currently within, when it's Blossom is not present? Hackt, if you desire to have us all slain or subjugated by the Estate, there are likely faster ways." Each word I speak seems to reverberate in this strange discordant beat, slamming into me, amplifying my frustrations and rage until I can barely consider doing anything other than putting this pathetic excuse for a warrior in its place.


"Thank you!" Tasofina echoes, turns whirling and spinning Frame to glare at the large Doll. "It's just... being scary right now. Not even at you!"


But... it ignores her, eyes locked on mine. Adjusts to be more level with me. "You hear it. Understand the call. And the thing below is... singular. Not directed. Wandering about. Curious. It seeks something. Or... someone. This one is trying to turn its focus away from that. Perhaps lure it above for a time so smaller ones can slip away.”


I clench my fists hard enough that my claws draw blood and realize what I'm missing. "They're Hidden." I shake my fist in this fool's face showing the active ring from the Galgahlif, "I've burned my bloody salt damned Ousia to hide them well enough that I don't even know who they are, but they are safe, so stop risking everything and stop whatever you are doing to make me hunger for violence in a way I haven't in almost a decade.”


Hackt tilts its head to the side, the confidence in those eyes wavering a touch. "But this one was hearing..."


"See? You're not the only one keeping an eye out!" Tasofina presses as the words trail off, even steps up to grip its wrist carefully. Tugs once. "Just... come upstairs. This one will let you fix the door later. Please?"


It lets out a huff of fury that amplifies the pressure for a moment, but... then moves to stand upright. And whatever this Doll is doing settles to more tolerable levels. "Understood. This one will come above and listen from there.”


It's still too much. The scent of blood is thick silver bound around my throat and I can't focus. I rage as my vision shifts into a deep red haze.


** ** **


I come to my senses with a pressure on my chest. Calix stares down at me with a distressed frown. "You were a very silly pupper, Rufus. Hackt had to wrap you up in a bedsheet to stop you from clawing at yourself. You didn't stop struggling until Warden arrived and used that thing that Adaline made to block your magic last time. It was only on you for a moment but you immediately calmed down.”


I blink at him slowly in confusion, before the pain makes me wince and stammer "S-sorry Calix, I got so angry and I didn't want to hurt anyone else.”


"It's okay, from what Hackt told me, you tapped into the Vigsang and couldn't get yourself out of a feedback loop." Calix explains. "I would recommend you claim them as well, if Xafra is okay with that, as otherwise you may run into this issue again, and well... clearly you're compatible with this type of comprehension, and would likely be more able to support and guide Hackt than Xafra who's very busy.”


"Wha– I mean, Calix, I um." I look into his eyes and see naught but love and steady patience. "Okay. I'll ask her."


He giggles and gets off my chest, letting me worm my way out of the layers of sheets wrapped around me.


Calix quietly watches me go through my routine of self-inspection then cycling through slow stretches to ground myself before finally speaking up, "Joan, Hackt, and myself have decided to have all the others come here instead of you going out again. You're grounded Mister, and this way they can all be properly introduced to Joan as well before the shy one comes up for the evening since she's not good with crowds." He tilts his head and laughs, "Also Girra says you're being very progressive by reversing the traditional relationship between Dolls and Witch.”


I blush at the implications and start leading the way to the patio between the Sheared Spire and Elevar's where as mentioned, twenty nine Dolls have gathered, Mélusine still in the tunnels with Lynette's Doll and Ciska not comfortable with or practical for leaving its room. I even see Hyacinth in a sort of wheeled personal aquarium looking content along the far edge of the gathering. "Oh dear. There's so many." I whisper.


Calix giggles and nudges me forward where Joan is waiting. "Yep, just imagine how bad it is for her though.”


"This gaggle of simple perceptions is nothing." Joan murmurs with a roll of eyes at Calix's words, but... from the way her vine woven scarf twists I can't help but see the nervousness beneath. "Their eyes can't change this one. Won't infest this one with more thought S̸̛͘i̸̩̔ǹ̵͝s̴͖̋... even if they speak them. It is safe from that.”


"I'm genuinely glad to hear that. You don't have to interact with any of them more than you would like. Speaking of which, Joan, Calix, do I have permission to check on the Dolls from Shelf Spire Fünf? They, along with the two below, are the last I needed to speak with.”


Joan eyes me, "Hmmm... No. This one should carry your words instead. Invite them here if they wish to speak with you in person. But otherwise... avoid letting master get tangled up in more trouble or excitement today.”


I nod and offer a pained smile. "Yeah. It's been... a busy day. Give my regards to Hyacinth, Strychnine, Riana, and Garami? I don't want anyone to feel neglected.”


"Of course." She smirks. "This one will happily do so.”


I take a seat with Calix and we watch how Joan interacts with the other Dolls, flashes of momentary confusion giving way to fond recognition and nostalgia, some sharing memories of the moments they've spent with Joan when the Betwixt... whatever that exactly is waned enough for her to assist or spend time with them.


I see all these Dolls interact and I wonder how Witches ever convince themselves that Dolls are lesser. They have different needs in terms of support and structure, sure, but... fundamentally... You don't need to be a person to have value, to be respected and trusted, to be treated fairly. When I first arrived, I knew there was a chance I wouldn't be leaving, that I wouldn't see my Cadre again but now I know I need to show them as well. Help them understand the cost of our actions and what we ignore from the entities that remain when we're done.


Some of Joan's conversations seem much more personal, intimate almost, but she checks on the other Dolls then with a grateful smile heads back to start moving into one of the vacant rooms in our Spire along the Shear so she could have access to the night sky.


The others play and chat for hours, events that pull them all together being quite rare, until the majority of them decide to split off into smaller groups for sleepovers.


Later that evening, as the sun's end their weeping for the day, I look out to watch the two remaining emerge from Elevar's Spire. Shelkie, who's been waiting all day just outside, darts forward to nearly tackle Mélusine in a relieved hug. 


Even from this far away I can see that something is wrong. Lynette's Doll is huddled incredibly close to her caretaker, while Mélusine seems to be shivering and constantly glancing back at the Spire they've emerged from.


After a moment, a hesitant but obviously shaken Mélusine intones over the bond. [Pack W- Warden? Mister Chain? Um... This one is sorry to bother you but needs your... advise. Help maybe. Could... Could we meet and talk with you? Soon? It... Something is wrong. Below. This one means. We're okay. But... um...]


I race over to them, Calix and Joan following close behind. Warden's tiny Frame soars out of Ciska's window and joins us as we reach the two. "We're here to help.”


Lynette's Doll curls around and behind Mélusine's legs. Hiding a bit as so many people arrive.


"Thank you um..." Mélusine murmurs at us all, steadies herself, then stammers out. "So, there is a Doll below. One This one has never seen. Big and scary and um... saying *lots* of really threatening and scary things. This one had to stay in the Communion chamber until the evening because the mists clear away when Lynette's Doll is in a passage but didn't want her to come up before nighttime and um..." She pauses to kneel down and sit on the grass. Pulls Lynette's shivering Doll into her arms. "Neither of us want to go back down. But can't stay up here unless we can find a way to seal a place from the sun's Nomos before morning.”


I frown in confusion. "Okay. We can prepare a room in Elevar's Spire, even completely seal her and Lynette's room if that would be the most comfortable, or you can stay in Xafra's with us if you'd rather not be alone. That's manageable for sure. As for this other Doll... I owe Hackt an apology, I think, and I need to communicate with Lynette to find out what's going on.”


"Um..." Mélusine looks at Lynette's Doll. "Which would you like? Little one? This one would love to have others around but wants you to be comfortable.”


"The Empty Sky is pretty from that Spire." She whispers, ears starting to move from being pressed flat to mildly swiveling upwards. "O- others can watch with us. That's okay. J- just don't ask for stories, please.”


"Never. Course not. Wouldn't dream of it." Mélusine sighs and gives her a tight hug, then looks to me again. "Thank you. Tell um... Tell this one's Mistresses this one is very sorry for... for the trouble. This one knows she did nothing wrong but... But needed to say that."


"I understand. Let's go."


While Mélusine, Lynette's Doll and Joan watch the sky from Joan's new room, I get to work.


With Warden coordinating, we get the labour Dolls to help make modifications to one of the empty rooms just below the Shear, completely sealing off all the doors and windows, making the walls and ceiling air tight, and finally, installing an entrance in the middle of the floor to the hallway below it with a removable seal to ensure she will be completely protected and able to get in and out comfortably.


Hours before the Suns rise, we finish and I nearly collapse into bed from exhaustion. Before falling asleep, I ask Warden to relay all the information we have as well as the situation with Hackt.





Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


You can come chat about this story oooooooon Discord!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 


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