A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 84: Gardens of Soundless Songs and Wordless Muses (Canticle)

Gardens of Soundless Songs and Wordless Muses (Canticle)

Content Warnings:


Big shout out to our Discord community for all their help in helping us name and such all the different Dolls! This chappy's Doll was actually named and given their backstory by Layla from there! So.... BEEEG thank you to her!




Listening is… so much harder than talking. Or all the other things this one’s Frame was reshaped for! Singing and chanting proverbs and pleasuring others with all these mouths! 


This one’s Frame stands about as tall as before the Resheathing. But with extra parts and changes this one is still getting used to. Shorter hair, and one extra limb. Alongside at least eight extra mouths hidden about this body for all the fun activities it has sought out in new Good Function.

But… Madam Augusta taught this one the importance of filling up the Frame with good things first. Then letting it all settle well inside before eventually and carefully giving it to the right entities at the correct times. 


"In order to understand trauma, we have to overcome the natural reluctance to confront the truth of reality and cultivate the courage to listen to the testimonies of others while keeping one's own burdens separate."


That was important, this one thinks. Madam Augusta only said this once… but it was when she was focused on something and quiet for a long time. Which absolutely means those words had been stewing beneath for a while! Even asked her to etch it within this one’s Frame while she bound this one up to teach good lessons.


So… Now it is time for listening. Snatching up all the words and motions of others to give away later. 


And there are so many to be quiet around.


Mistresses and Adaline might have gone off to let the Goddess rest, but her Pack Sisters are still here and singing at each other. Not in a way this one can understand but… Will remember anyway


And in the meantime even more pretty sea creatures have risen up from the depths to watch and listen too! Big and little ones all working together to build separate little gardens and paths from here to there!


“Krelliva, would this one be welcome and safe to wander these new gardens?” This one whispers to the enraptured Sun-Blessed sitting beside.


It glances over and nods with a smile. Tears still prickling those pretty scarlet eyes from the song unheard to this one while replying gently. “Of course.”


So this one rises, and begins to walk toward the closest and most complete pathway to a new garden. Needing to hip and hop between the big shells and rocks still being pushed into place, but otherwise avoids getting wet. 


The garden ahead is an odd thing, resembling a bog with a row of sleeping animals floating barely above the mire with a large flower on each of their faces. At the center of the garden is one of those bug looking creatures. A Tzzchek, as Madam Augusta said they were called, curled up on a raised dirt platform.


The creature clicks its mandibles once before speaking up. "How c-c-can the Lotus Depths assist-t-t you, t-t-traveler?"


With a big smile, deep bow, and soft words, this one asks. "Gebetshure is this Frame’s name. And this one is being allowed to wander and listen and learn. And would ask only for the muses filling your day, if this would not be offensive to request?"


"I am known as Wiffis in this means of speech. I am look-k-king over our delegation while c-c-considering if this Xafra will harm the Tzzchek." Wiffis explains, the last word coming out more as a buzzing click than the common tongue.


"Wiffis. That is a pretty name. And... Why do you wonder if Mistress will hurt the...Tzzchek?" This one asks, very happy at how it only takes these face lips a second to mimic the sounds near perfectly. 


Still makes a mental note within to ask for Resheathing, though. Need to adjust all the mouths to make the subtle sounds currently unavailable to this Frame. Almost perfect is not perfect and this one needs to be as close as this Frame can get!


"Thank-k-k you." Wiffis responds "She has a history of devouring my birth people and st-t-tole many bodies with her allies. T-t-troubling."


"Oh." This one pauses to think on that. Sifting through memories and lessons stacked away inside like books. Searching searching searching like the old Mistress had this Frame and many others do. Many mouths pop and putter all across at the bad experiences that thought brings up though. 


Finds... nothing within to help. Doesn't know why Mistress killed and ate Wiffis' birth people. Or... If it was to protect herself or others or... or if Mistress was just hungry! It is NOT this one's place to tell their Mistress and also Goddess what is Good or Bad Function!


"This one... Cannot speak or apologize for their Mistress. But can be very sorry for your distress." Is the little reply we can give. "And... and share that it doesn't think she wants to hurt your birth people in the future, and was instructed that our purpose here was to listen. And make friends."


"Mmmm. Was in the Arc-c-chive I believe you call it-t-t. Necessary, perhaps. I would be a fool t-t-to think-k-k Xafra will be a soft-t-ter Divine than Girra. St-t-trife is not-t-t gentle, though friendship is preferable by far."


Purse many mouths at that. Wanting to assure Wiffis that Goddess Xafra is incredibly soft and kind and sweet! And... and what Mistress Elevar and Lynette said! That she is mostly about helping others endure strife. Not cause it!


But... That would be bad listening to claim things this one wasn't told to share. And Mistress is about to cause a lot of mean people in the Groves a lot of strife. So, learning time. Absorbing and filling the insides with understanding.


"This one doesn't know if she is, but... this one would like to ask if your Divine is soft? Or... soft compared to others you have met?" They ask while moving to kneel and sit within the shallow water. "This Frame knows very little about Him, but really wants to learn."


Wiffis makes a sound that seems to be laughter "No. Ksksksksks. Dämmerung is soft-t-t but distant-t-t. Girra is overwhelming and rash. Life is endless, so death is irrelevant-t-t. Love without-t-t mitigation."


This one nods, enraptured by this... this confirmation!


The Sun-Blessed really don't die when their forms and flesh end. So like... no wonder they seem so scary but also kinda sleepy in motion! They have endless songs and muses and... and time to find new friends to adopt! Why rush!?! Why NOT love in big ways that are messy and sometimes too much!?! And Girra being big and everywhere and literally weeping His affections just... makes sense! No wonder He sleeps half the day away.


This one has to work really hard to keep the big silly grin from spreading too much and the other mouths cracking too wide and messing up the clothes Madam Augusta helped pick for this first meeting. "And... you spoke of the Lotus Depths, may this one inquire about the meaning to those words?"


Wiffis moves slowly, sitting up and gesturing around the garden. "We are the Envoys from the Lotus Depths. A... Spore family, you may deem us. Each of us have our families spores from Girra and some for others they c-c-care about."


"Different families within the Blaze." This one murmurs, happily absorbing all this clarified and new understanding. Then asking. "How many Spore families are there? A countable amount or... uncountable? Do they shift or change? New ones growing? Or... all from Girra when He wants to bless you all with new ones?"


Snap cracks all the mouths shut. Too many questions. Be slow in asking. Listening is good but...


“There is an art to guiding one into the questions they want to ask, my darling Choir. Too direct and it's invasive, brutal. Too obscure and they’ll never arrive at their heart’s desire.”


This one can't stop a shiver from rolling across the Frame's spine as it feels and remembers that etching within. How she carefully and slowly slipped deep within one of the many mouths to get inside. Then started etching the words with one of her many long tend–


"Many dozens. New form and old assimilat-t-te int-t-to others." Wiffis pauses, "You are... Owned, yes?"


This one tugs free of the very distractible recollection that would very much not lead to good listening, to answer. "Yes. Claimed as one of Mistress Xafra's many Dolls."


"Then you should gain permission for me t-t-to show you the depths of the Lotus if you wish for understanding."


"Oh! That sounds perfect!" This one agrees and stands. Bows deeply again. "Thank you Wiffis of the Lotus Depths, for sharing your muses with this one and offering this chance for understanding."


Then this one rushes off. Careful not to run but fast walking past the still singing Pack Sisters, up the beach, and finding Mistress Elevar and Adaline carefully working to coax some roots up to form the skeleton of the tents they are building.


Could have used the special bond but... This one doesn't like to for important questions. And this is a very important question that seeing faces will help with.


Lets the big grin this one has been holding to just the face mouth spread to all the others. Keeps the songs this one would sing inside though. Mistress Xafra is still asleep and probably would appreciate quiet for her rest. Mistress Elevar eyes this one during her work, but otherwise does not give commands or ask questions.


Leaves this one to sit and simmer and smell like a pot of tasty stew a parent or... cousin? Not sure. Memories from the before are to be left there unless asked for by Mistress.


But the words Wiffis gifted and the offer of understanding make a wonderful mind meal for this one to chew on.


What will be shown? How will the showing happen!?! Spoken stories? Magic things? This one is a Doll and immune to the Spores unless Mistress changes that and... Wait. Will this be permanent? This one would love to be able to feel and hear another Divine but... Mistress might not like that.


Smiles across the Frame fade a bit, like tides tugged by the Mother Moon.


Waitwaitwait. Did... did this one overstep? Wander too far? It was assured safety from Krelliva but... but what if–


Takes deep and gently whistling sounding breaths through the many mouths, then enjoys the feeling of silent exhalation steady thoughts that almost bubbled into panic.


No. Stop. That isn't Good Function. Assume this one has done correct things unless the Mistress tells otherwise. Don't let the expectations of an old cruel Mistress dictate perceptions of a new wonderful one.


Close eyes and let the smiles return but... softer. More gentle and small and not overmuch while this one sits and waits to ask the bubbling questions.


"It seems you had an interesting conversation with a Tzzchek, Gebetshure. Didn't know they could even speak Grove Standard." Adaline remarks as they finish the framing of the tents.


"Yes." This one replies quietly despite the excitement her words bring, looking over to grin. "That one's name is Wiffis of the Lotus Depths, and speaks well and with such wonderful uniqueness and very kindly! Shared muses and gifted a question even! Lots of new things learned after only a few words."


"Lotus Depths... Like the Traummoors?" Adaline asks, suddenly very interested and scrambling through her satchel for one of her notebooks.


"This one... isn't certain? The question gifted was one that could lead to answers." At that they can’t help but let a little giggle roll through the many lips. "What is are… Traummoors? Is this a Witch word allowed to be shared with one without the title?"


"Oh. It's a place. About six weeks travel on foot to the south past the Estate. Sodden lands but freshwater and acidic. Things uhm... Rot slowly there? And there's these huge flowers that bloom above the surface of the ground.... I'm sorry Gebetshure, I don't mean to come off as condescending, I'm just... not sure how much you know about ecology."


"Not at all! This one knows very little. Was only taught to read books and maps as the old Mistress needed them fetched." This one assures her. "Please, explain as much as you can! Listening is what Madam Augusta insisted this one do to find Good function and learn the things needed."


"Sure. So the main reason I know about the Traummoors at all is that the flowers can be made into a tincture to put a patient into a deep sleep for surgery. It's considered relatively risky to collect them though and there's an unwritten rule that you can only collect flowers that are loose, no longer connected to their stems. There's probably a connection there with these Lotus Depths..."


"They did all seem pretty sleepy. This one... wonders if they could make Dolls dream like the Estate could. Share wordless songs and unspoken muses. Wiffis told this one to get permission before being shown anything, though."


Tip-tap chin in thought. Pop and purse many mouths while imagining all the ways dreaming could give this one so much understanding!


And then... Mistress stirs! Lets out such interesting sounds like this one's never heard. A trilling that seems to roll all down her pretty Divine body. From toes to Quills. Very adorable. 


But... focus. Do the listening as she has no doubt heard things and is thinking what to ask or instruct.


"Sorry about that. Got really tired all of a sudden. Adaline, can you fill me in on what I missed?" Mistress Xafra asks and with a quick thrum back and forth of Quills between the two, then she smiles and continues. "Gebetshure, I'll check with Augusta quickly to see if she knows anything about these lotus, then I think it will be fine if there's no spores involved."


"Thank you Mistress." This one replies with delight. Waiting happily and patiently.


After a deep near subaudible thrum and a slight delay Mistress speaks again, "Huh. Okay. She says it will work fine and safely, and that you should ask for a violet bloom because it will be the most familiar in regards to the physical experience for you, whatever that means. So I see no issues with you trying this out."


This one stands as quickly as possible without seeming rude, then bows to Mistress. "Everything learned will be recorded to the best of this one's abilities. Thank you."


Turn and fast walk back across the beach, first garden with the singing Pack, and back to the Lotus Depths quiet garden. Kneeling and grinning at Wiffis with every mouth. "Mistress has allowed this experience to be gifted, but only so long as no spores are involved. And... there was an advisement for a violet bloom to be used?"


Wiffis moves antennae in a way that feels like a smile and chuckles in its interesting way, "Ksksksksks, of course. Violet-t-t bloom, ideal for one with such a design reminiscent-t-t of... Oral Fixation."


Absolutely can't stop the sounds all the mouths across the Frame make at those final words. Mostly subtle little popping or biting lips too hard noises as this one nods quickly amidst the rush of delight and desire. "Oh. Yes. This one agrees. That seems like a good choice. Suited to this Frame's designs quite perfectly. How do we begin this gifting?"


"Simple enough. Choose a c-c-comfort-t-table position to submerge in, and a mouth you would lik-k-ke t-t-to use. I will assist-t-t you with the lotus, then wak-k-ke you again in three hours."


This one wants to demand all of them, all at once! But... No. No no no. Need to not do that. Slow, careful. CANNOT get distracted by this one's ravenous desires.


Seven of this one’s eight mouths Nibble and chew on little bits of fabric that presses against the Frame while this one thinks really hard. Trying to... to pick the best one for this!


Face mouth? Too obvious and boring. Especially if this one talks while asleep.


There are those lips on the crook of the legs but.... no. Too distant.


Um... the mouth beneath the left tit is way too awkward, and the one between the legs too expectant for first dreaming with Wiffis.


Options. Options. Options! So many and none of them perfect so... WAIT!


Wait wait wait. That one actually is perfect!


With a giggle this one adjusts to lay on their side. Reaching out with left hand, palm out toward Wiffis. Let the mouth on that hand crack open. Lips and teeth spreading into a grin with long brumbly tongue moving to lazily loll out. Then this one purrs through face and hand mouth in unison. "This one, please."


With deft claws, Wiffis draws a bloom from the water nearby severing it mid root, and slides the root end down into the mouth on this one's palm. "Pleasant-t-t Dreams." is the last thing this one hears before everything goes dark.


The Depths look like the bed of a... lake? But seen from the bottom. And reaching down from above are these looong strands of plants that sit on the surface above. Light falling down to glimmer and speckle the ground where this one stands. And all of the Sun-Blessed that were at Wiffis' garden in the Waking World are here! Doing all sorts of things. Some are playing games, others reading, and one even talking at a group of listeners.


This one also sees them speak to or poke at nothing, showing that they are probably interacting with others elsewise. Like how Xafra does with her Quills or we can do with the bond the Goddess wove.


This one is about to greet the closest when a blinding flash of light ruptures the pleasant environs and something races down through the water impacting the lakebed before this one.


And amidst the fading pulse of impact, a new figure rises.


There… is a torso, but with no legs. Just seemingly endless tendrils that sprout from the hips and all across the sides and back. And instead of arms four floating limbs without hands or actual connection to the torso. Kinda bug-like in how they twist to a pointed tip.


In the middle of the chest there is a mouth like opening with wiggling teeth or pincers and a globe of scarlet filling the void within.


And as for a face… There is none.




Just a globe of pitched midnight with the Blaze roaring from behind.


This one can’t help but grin with their everything at this masterfully woven form. Eye’s fixated.


"HELLO/WELCOME/GREETINGS, GEBETSHURE/CARNAL PRIESTESS/PRAYER WHORE" Girra rings out, his exuberant voice agonizing in its complexity.


Bow deeply but... without taking eyes off that brilliant form. Arms out and lifted like the Madam taught them. "Gr– greetings. Divine Girra, Keeper and Master of the Blaze. This one... hopes very much that their presence here and desire to listen and learn is not unwelcome."


One of the nearby Sun-Blessed shake their head and after writing something on a rock, throw it into the emptiness of Girra's face who jolts.


"Oh! Oh my me, I've done it again, haven't I? Not used to talking to new folk, especially not one of Our Blade/Strife/Connection through Severance's. You're so very welcome and I'm super excited to have you see and hear me, even in this limited regard. I'll try my best to keep the Divine speech to a minimum, I have just been reminded that it is challenging to hear for those who have not become one of mine.”


Can't help but giggle with all the mouths at this Divine and... And how easily His followers adjust His motions! Just like Madam Augusta promised. As mailable as the sea, but... also just as heavy to bear the more of Him is upon you. "This one adores the big words, but... has been tasked with also considering all that will be shared. Your Divine speech will probably empty this Frame of all else within a few gifts. So, yes please. Little words this one can absorb and taste and savor for now."


"Alright, alright, alright, and a smidge to the left. Sooooooooo, Whaddya think of a tour? I'm not allowed to recruit you, according to the old stinker, but I'm more than happy to spend some time." The Blaze winks out for less than a heartbeat as the entirety of the Depths goes dark.


Old… stinker? Wh– who…?


"Yes please. To the tour." This one replies happily, absorbing all these little words that hold sooo much depth and mystery and lovely implications! "And time spent with you."


"Yesssssss" Girra shakes and wiggles around in a circle before continuing, "Okay, let's start with a super duper secret that only the Divine and their blessed know about, since your Mistress will figure out how to show you soon enough, especially once you get that temple going... Pick a limb to grab onto?"


With a giggle Girra launches us upwards out of the water, through the skies and into the night. Able to see the riven Mother Moon and all Her broken shards and... and...


What are those?


Little pinpricks of light dotted all about what should be the empty sky's endless void. This one counts dozens, then hundreds, then... then stops before losing themselves to the effort. Because there are not just pinpricks there... there are things that seem like clouds or misting of color!


"Wh... What are all these?" This one whispers, entranced and only barely able to turn and look to the Divine gifting this vision. "Your children yet sparked and brewed? Woven amidst the pitch to keep Mother Moon from being alone evermore?"


"Nahhhhh, those are more like... my Siblings. We call them the Watchers, most looking after a world of their own like Twilight/Habitation/Stability through Change. Had to seal away the sight of them a little while before your mistress was born because some of them were..." He trails off, playful voice taking on the hint of seriousness.


Then, with a rage that could melt the air around us and a sharpness that could cut time, he says "P̴̀͒o̵̓̚ä̴́̾c̸̀͠h̷͒͝e̵͐̏r̷̊̚š̷͖"


Then, just as fast as He raged, the joy returns, "But it's alright, there's been no issues with them since, because our blessed know better than to let them through a door."


"Oh. Y– yes. Good." This one agrees quickly, still reeling from the whip-crack fury between joys. "Keep sky doors locked and hurtful sorts away. Yes. Of course. Um... This one will have to learn how to do that but... yes. That seems bad. Thank you for gifting this understanding."


"No worries! Hmmm. That does remind me though. I have a few messages to pass along if you're willing? I'll pay you for the work of course."


"This one will try to deliver your words to others. Of course! Will have to ask the Mistress of course. But doubts she would wish you to feel a need to pay for Good Function of one of her's." This one replies.


"Nope nope nope, it's the rules. You're not mine so I have to pay, and your Mistress would be insulted if I try to pay her instead." He insists.


This one purses lips and makes uneasy noises with her many mouths, but nods. "Okay. Will follow the rules. What are these messages, who they should be spoken to, and this payment required?"


"Okay soooooo, here's the thing, the payment will make delivering the messages easier because I don't think you have the vocal cords currently to use Divine speech, and having that capacity will definitely also help you in your future goals, yes? As for recipients, there are erm... Two? Yes yep mmhm, Two! One is Augusta/Void Maid, the other is the Nameless one, twin to Elevar/Owner of Divinity."


Lynette? Oh that's... Scary. Mistress Lynette really really won't like this. Seems to be terrified of Divine Girra and not wanting to be seen or spoken to!


"Um... Madam Augusta will probably be delighted to hear words from you but..." This one looks down and away. Gaze drifting over the pretty globe and World below. "Mistress Lynette might refuse. And if she does this one doesn't want to be forced to speak words that will distress her and Mistress Xafra and Elevar. But... so long as this one can wait for permission it can perform this Function?"


"Yeah okay. You can either decide if you should pass it on or wait for permission. You'll still get paid as long as you take the message and do one of those." He confirms with a touch of... shame?


"This one can agree to all that. And..." Pause, chew on three lips out of sight, trying to... to find the words to convey things without presuming or oversharing. "Mistress Xafra likes you, this one thinks. And she will press Lynette into at least listening. As will many others. This one... doesn't understand her feelings, toward you, but thinks she might be mistaken or misinformed or... something. This one doesn't understand her yet."


"Mmhm! I know. I see a whole bunch, ya know? She's super duper worried that I don't like her but that's real silly. Now, first off, open your mouths and say sassafras!"


This one thinks on that while opening their mouth. Repeating, "Sassafras?"


As the words echo from all the mouths, this one feels new shapes and twists through their Frame. Each pair of lips tilt and titter independently! And... and each with different voices and vocal ranges being increased significantly?


"I..." This one stammers. And all the mouths echo the face one in gibbering little whimpers. Some speaking thanks in the two languages this one knows while others only blubber nothing words. Only the main mouth getting out a messy jumble of words they hope sound like. "Maythisonehugyou?" while dream tears bubble up.


"Awwwww. Yes yes of course you can. It's good to see fulfilment." Girra croons.


This one rushes forward and wraps this big wonderful Divine the tightest embrace they hope is possible in this dream and all others. Mumbling soft little thanks amidst the happy blubbering sounds.


Hoping so much this Frame can bear these gifts well.


"Take that Twilight, I got a hug from one of Our Blade's before you." He giggles quietly.


"Huh? Who is Twilight? A... Another Divine? Or... a name this one is not understanding yet?" This one whispers while pulling back but staying close. Wiping away any moisture from eyes.


"Oh. Dämmerung, I think you call them?" He ponders. "Yeah that sounds right. Weird languages y'all have there. Very limited in dimension."


"Oh. This one will have to discover the depths of these names. Someday soon." Deep breath. Focus. "But. This one has been paid before Function, and should receive your messages and deliver them sooner."


"Right right left down! Okay. For... Augusta. Ahem…" His voice goes grave as He dictates. "Child, you've got to lighten up. Maybe take a vacation, I've heard that there's a lovely spot under the coast near Salzige, wink."


This one commits the words to memory and tries very hard to be a good messenger and not giggle or smirk with any mouths, even the hidden ones. Nope. Very stable Function. Nodding very serious like. "Okay. Got it. Now for Mistress Lynette?"


"Scorching/Eternity/Acceptance through continuity wants you to know that he loves you and her no less than he did before you were Sun-Scorched. He... I don't hate you. Please don't think of me like that. I don't want to be seen as hateful. Go through the door when you're ready. It has the rest, from before. And for your own sake, pick a name or be gifted one. Stay safe." As He finishes speaking, there's such an intense longing that reverberates from Him, threaded through with grief and acceptance. "I'll uhm... Finish the tour next time. Promise. Wiffis will have a gift for your group when you wake." Before this one can even respond, Wiffis is there removing the flower roots and pulling this one from the mud.


This one presses down the tears and rises. Feeling... messy. But not from the collected water and dirt on the Frame. If anything it feels as much the gifts given inside the dream. Important. Full of meaning and gifts this one can cultivate and share.


No matter how much those last words hurt to embrace.


Wh- why would Lynette think Girra hates her? She... she's never met Him! And even if she had she... she'd know for sure He... how amazing and kind and warm and–


Looks to Wiffis with what this one hopes is a smile that conveys the weight of next words. "Thank you."


Wiffis shrugs. "Not-t-t sure what-t-t happened past Him showing up. Was asked t-t-to prepare a nursery chest of Lotus for you all." Beside them on the stump they were resting on is a large wooden box with a lid of loosely woven branches.


"I... The Mistress' will adore these gifts." This one moves to stand, looks about and... Finds seven Sun-Blessed corpses at the side of the garden. "Um... oh. Girra's impact. In the Dream. It... He... oh. But they'll be okay. Right? Will find new forms to live within?"


"Cert-t-tainly. They're still working in the Depths at the moment and speak-k-king with the rest-t-t of us about-t-t how embarrassed they are t-t-to not-t-t move in t-t-time."


"Good." This one lets out a sigh of relief, steps over to take up the chest. "Your muses and thoughts and sharings today are precious. This... this one hopes they can learn well from your motions and find Good Function to one day match their importance. Share the truth of Girra's nature and His Sun-Blessed to others who can find healing and hope in them."


"It-t-t would be good. The Lotus Depths are the Archives of our people, so it-t-t is nice t-t-to see us rec-c-cognized."


This one pulls the box close, struggling to know if these words within will be too much to say to an Envoy who hasn't even spoken to her Mistress. But… in the end a smaller mouth in the crook of a limb betrays them and mumbles, "If... um... If this one is allowed to, and brave enough, it... would ask for the Spores of the Lotus Depths to be the family to be woven into."


Before Wiffis can reply this one turns and rushes off. Horrified that it lost control and bubbled up words like that without even speaking with Mistress or... or even Madam Augusta! Very not listening behavior. Should... Should ask for another vow of silence when they all return.


And penance. LOTS of that. Will teach these mouths to blubber when silence is called for.


Can't help the little smirks that touch the lips as this one moves across the gardens in search of the Mistress and others. Thinking of all the ways Madam Augusta can keep these many mouths from gibbering things not yet ready to be spoken.


This one finds everyone still within the camp. So decides to go straight up to Mistress Xafra and kneel beside her. Setting the root woven gift between while saying as softly as possible. "This one has been asked to bring gifts and messages, but first was given payment for these motions. Would also like very much to offer the events of the dream shared if the Mistress would like to consider them, but at a time of her choosing."


Xafra looks to Elevar in surprise, "Looks like Augusta's decision didn't cause problems like we worried?"


The Goddess' Mistress eyes this one up and down while those pretty head snek things wiggle such a pretty little song. Gaze lingering on the mud and wetness left behind. "Hopefully not. Would you... like all that dirt cleaned away, dear? A quick weaving so you can share your little adventure?"


This one pauses to consider that, is about to shake their head in negation... but remembers how dirt can cause problems to those with flesh. Infections and such. So nods instead. "If it will not be too much trouble, this one would appreciate that. Yes please."


"More magical muuuuddd, I'm winning, my dear Elevar, especially now that I have Gebetshure as a secret weapon." Xafra giggles.


The Mistress to the Goddess chuckles with a roll of her eyes, flick of her wrist, and a wordless casting that leaves the Frame cleaner than the day they all left home. "Nothing magical about the muck this one napped in. So that doesn't count. See for yourself..."


As Mistress Elevar flicks a few droplets of mud onto Xafra's legs with a grin, this one considers telling her that the dirt and mud seemed special and could be magical without weavings. But instead only smiles and keeps her words inside.


With a deft hand, Xafra swipes the mud up and... Tastes it? "Actually, it has a significant amount of miasma in it. And... Empty Nomos? We've obviously missed something rather important."


"Miasma is as widespread as dead bugs. And Empty Nomos might as well be since..." But she pauses, seems to think on that before giving Mistress Xafra a nod. "Hmm... Seems you might be right. I'll cede you that till we understand things a touch better."


"So, Gebetshure, would you prefer to deliver messages first or tell us of your experience?"


"This one would like to share the events first, as they happened." Is the answer that feels best. "Then relay messages to you, and if they are approved to be of Good Function, offer them to their intended individuals?"


"Certainly. I think we'd be happy to hear of your experiences."


So this one does, doing their best to weave a good retelling using all the little tricks the Madam Augusta taught. Not just listing events in a steady unbroken way but... pausing and letting this Frame's thoughts and quirks tint the words. Making it a story. Only intentionally omitting the contents of the messages, and ends with a gesture to the chest. "And so this one rushed up here, feeling that more words would bubble up if they remained. Presented the gifts and messages and retelling to the young Goddess, the Mistress she belongs to, and the Pack Sister Adaline."


"Who are the messages from Girra for?"


"The first is for Madam Augusta. And the second... is for Mistress Lynette." This one answers while preparing the words to give across the bond to the Goddess for inspection.


Mistress Elevar goes still at that, in head noodle song and breath. Frozen like a pretty sculpture but... well except for the eyes. Those lock to their dark purplish hue while staring past us. So... more Mistress Lynette? This one isn't sure. Wants so much to sputter outs words of assurances but... has given everything already. Knows it would be terrible Function to try and toss reckless words into an unfamiliar Mistress' pain.


"I think that Augusta's should wait until you can deliver the message directly. As for the other... Up to you and Lynette. If you think it is sometimes worth sharing, do so. If not, Lynette can ask for it."


"Um..." This one glances between them. "It... It seems important. Very important. But... but this one... Um..."


"Go on then, Gebetshure." Elevar murmurs softly, but... with a little strain to her voice. "It's fine. She's willing to hear the words."


This one nods, swallows nothing with a few mouths, then closes the Frame’s eyes and speaks the message exactly as He did.


Feels the weight of Divine words upon every lip and tongue. And... The deafening silence that follows. Opens eyes to see Mistress' Elevar's face as pale as the moon.


Those really dark eyes begin to roll to the space behind this one. Over the gardens. "I think..." Are the first words this one thinks Mistress Lynette has spoken aloud since the long walk through the forest. And they are so soft. Barely even a whisper. "I've made a mistake. In coming here."


"No. Not in the slightest. You don't have to make any choices or changes in the short term and there is nothing in this information that will harm us right now." Mistress insists with a hard voice.


Lynette's eyes snap to her's, "Oh? Not a single word of that stood out to you as harmful? This is now the second Divine to claim my name is–" But she cuts off, jerks to glare elseways. Voice softening. "Doesn't matter. You're right. I am here, and refuse to leave our Pack to deal with this without the support of their Mistresses. Especially since we found a Pack Sister so quickly. That... Makes almost all costs worthwhile."


Mistress Xafra sighs heavily. "Do you want the name? because... I can do that. You... They're not wrong. I can feel it. You've never truly claimed it for yourself nor had it gifted to you. It isn't... attached in the way names usually are."


Lynette chuckles, shaking her head with such a pained expression. "You'd unmake all of me without even knowing why. So... fine. You deserve to know this much. At least. And if the weeping fool doesn't already He very much should too." Then she stands and approaches Mistress, reaches out to carefully take up the end of her leash and pull it gently taught between them. "Humor me, dear one, and answer this question. Who holds the most power between us? Symbolically speaking, I mean."


"Elevar." She answers without hesitation.


Lynette nods, "Exactly. Your movement is limited by her, as with a tug she can cut off your air. But, let's say, we did this..." Then she twists, turns, and tumbles into Xafra's chest. The leash now wrapped all about her arms as she tugs it tight and glances back to lock eyes with Mistress. "Now, how is that balance seeming? If we're speaking more... practically?"


"I don't understand your meaning or what answers you're looking for here. In both a practical and symbolic sense, it's Elevar, then you, then me, because I will it to be so and even I can't go against that anymore."


It's Lynette's turn to sigh, but... it's with an exasperated smirk. "My meaning and metaphor is that the name the Estate hooked about my neck is also a leash. Long enough for me to move, flexible in ways most names are, and sturdy enough that I have the ability to make the stupid beast trip over it when I am quick and clever. But if you or I change that, in any way..." With a twist of Physis she shoves the leash up and off her, letting it land to dangle loosely around Mistress neck. Lynette's hands spread wide and empty. "We’ll all have a storm of problems. And we'd be lucky if all the Estate did was rebind me. That's... the best way I can explain this. I do not have a name. I have a purpose. And can use that to keep those I did not expect to love as much as I do safe from the thing gripping my lead."


"We will free you from it, and it will either submit or be slain. Even if it takes years to manage."


"You're… ravenously endearing." She purrs, and this one can see the little pretty scales across her body wiggle at the Goddess' words. "But honestly, the Estate's nonsense is nothing compared to a living breathing Yselda demanding things of me. Or... some Divine shaping me with a look. Good blades excluded, of course. I quite enjoy your deft attempts to nudge me elseways."


"Connection through Severance... sounds kind of horrific, doesn't it?" Xafra asks, her face twisting in slight distaste.


"I can't help but adore it." Lynette murmurs while stepping forward to lay a hand at the center of Mistress Xafra's chest as pretty head noodles start to click again. "We think... It's like Strife. A little worrying at first but the more we think about it the more we find it important. Exactly what those you adore need you to be. A name to be proud of, even? Just need to consider it from the kinder viewpoints of those you've saved and cared for."


"Things are going to get odd as they develop, especially with war on the horizon. We should not expect the Sun-blessed to fight along side us but I'm confident that we can be assured they won't backstab us while we're occupied. After all, you've just formed a bridge between two realms of being." Adaline says with a confident finality.


They speak other words after that while this one is still trying to understand all this. Why Lynette's name is not the Mistress Lynette's name. And why she doesn't just... ask Girra and Xafra for help with the big mean Estate! But... This one keeps all those thoughts inside for later, of course. Mouths falling into a silent humming to match the little Quill-Song that lilts through the air between Pack Sisters.




Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


You can come chat about this story oooooooon Discord!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 


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