Zombie City

Chapter 1428: The intestines are pierced and the stomach is rotten (Chen Fei: Can you think about m

cluck cluck.....

In the crisp sound of the joints rubbing, Nangong Jin's body changed rapidly.

With a height of 1.7 meters, Liu Kuanglong made a breakthrough to a height of 2 meters under the admiration and consternation of Liu Kuanglong.

A little increase in strength attributes and a little physical attribute did not make Nangong Jin the King Kong Barbie that Wang Yuanyuan was worried about.

After the body fat rate was reduced, Nangong Jin's skin became firmer.

The proportion of a pair of long legs is no less than that of Peloy.

The icy and fiery beast soul solidified, wrapped around Nangong Jin's body like an ornament, and there was a powerful aura in the strangeness.

The corners of Nangong Jin's mouth slightly evoked a smile that was not a smile, and looked at Chen Fei:

"Dear, I feel very good! You can have another one!"

Liu Kuanglong's mouth widened and he was speechless for a long time...

Obviously, they have been injected with the giant potion, why is the difference in height widening!

It's not fair, even Gene bullies her!

"Chen Fei, I'll have one too"

Among Fade Chen's seven little fairies, only Melt, Nangong Jin, and Mu Meiqing are currently eligible to inject [Giant Potion].

Because of her talent and hard work, Shi Rou is quickly approaching the fourth-level evolutionary.

Entering the corresponding character attribute panel in the family function, after observation, Fade Chen found that Nangong Jin's strength and physique attributes have increased a little.

However, because he did not become an extraordinary body, the strength of his attribute points has not been revised twice. Now the strength of a little attribute point increase is less than 200 kilograms with a single arm of more than 100.

And the increase of physical attributes will make Nangong Jin feel obvious in terms of endurance and recovery ability.

The efficacy of Mu Meiqing's first [Giant Potion] and Nangong Jin were in the middle, and both of them were just over two meters tall.

And Nangong Jin's second giant potion raised her height to 2.4 meters in one fell swoop!

Compared with the height of Liu Kuanglong's injection of two [Giant Potion], the difference between the two is 70 cm.

From the normal state, it barely reached Nangong Jin's shoulders, and now it has degenerated to only higher than Nangong Jin's waist.

Seeing Liu Kuanglong's urge to explode on the spot, Chen Fei did not let Mu Meiqing inject the second giant potion.

Now Liu Kuanglong can't afford double happiness.

Compared with the inconspicuousness of the first [Giant Strengthening] potion, after the injection of the second potion, Nangong Jin's body had more muscle outlines.

The exposed flat belly already has the outline of the abdominal muscles.

Fade Chen's mouth twitched, this was not what he wanted!

Although Nangong Jin's current state has not reached the level of female warrior Peloy, it will also make her charming by muscles.

When the family level of the family function is improved, Chen Fei will add some agility attributes to Nangong Jin at the first time, so that her physical state will return to a perfect balance.

"Honey, I want to inject this medicine too!"

Noticing that Sister Qing and Sister Jin had only become big beauties, Wang Yuanyuan also had the idea to move.

She has seen Chen Fei's terrifying height of nearly four meters. If she is still in a normal state, she can't stand with Sister Chen Feijin and the others.

"You can not!"

Chen Fei stared at Wang Yuanyuan's decisive denial.

"Ah?" Wang Yuanyuan's face collapsed directly, with a grievance expression that was about to cry: "Why, you are biased!"

Chen Fei smiled and gave Wang Yuanyuan's clean forehead a trick and a flick.

"Evolution level 4, this [Giant Potion] can only be injected after evolution level 4. With your current level 2 strength, you will definitely explode and die after injection."

Hearing what Chen Fei said was so serious, Wang Yuanyuan covered her red lips with a pale face.

Chen Fei's face was stern, pretending to be serious:

"This is just right, you don't want to be left behind by Sister Jin and the others in terms of height, you should cultivate well.

You say how long you have been stuck in the second-level evolution, and Rourou has overtaken you.

Sister Xinran, Kong Xue, the three of you have been inactive, so it's time for you to be whipped.

If you don't work hard, you will not live as long as us in the future, and you will not be as tall as us. "


Wang Yuanyuan raised her mouth with a small mouth, and snorted reluctantly.

Nangong Jin's beautiful eyes turned and looked at Wang Yuanyuan with a smile.

A bad premonition in Wang Yuanyuan's heart was expanding little by little.

"Yuanyuan, Fade Chen only injects three [Giant Potion] now and can inject two, by then he will be at least five meters tall.

In that case, we'll have a family meeting in giant form in the evening..."

Except for Liu Kuanglong who didn't react for a while.

Including Chen Fei himself, the faces of several people are unbelievable surprise!

I rely on!

This way of motivating people is too scary!

Fade Chen just imagined that scene, and felt chills and horror in his heart.

One meter seven against five meters tall!

This is sure to be fatal!

"Dear, give me some time, I will be able to break through the fourth level in a few days, and I will inject [Giant Potion] as soon as possible."

Shi Rou's face was serious, making it difficult for Wang Yuanyuan to breathe.

She walked over to Nangong Jin with red eyes, and stared at Nangong Jin resentfully:

"Sister Jin, you are bullying me on purpose. If that's the case, Kong Xue, Sister Xinran, the three of us will all be dead.

Chen Fei wanted to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

God is so gutless! !

"Hmph, you just think that the three of us competing for favor is an eyesore.

Don't worry, the three of us will definitely cultivate well, and we won't let you get what you want! "

Nangong Jin raised his chin indifferently, with a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Okay, then let's take fifteen days as a deadline.

Fifteen days from now, our family will have a giant meeting, you can choose not to participate, or you will be rotten."


Wang Yuanyuan also raised his chin and responded indignantly:

"Fifteen days is fifteen days!

Don't worry, I won't default on the bill!

If I haven't broken through to become a Level 4 Evolutionary after fifteen days, I won't back down, and I'll be willing to pierce my stomach! "


Seeing the two people making an agreement in anger, Chen Fei wanted to enforce the family law for these two naughty beautiful girls.

Damn, you are willing to go through the guts, have you considered Laozi's feelings first!

I don't feel bad! ?

Liu Kuanglong has been listening to the clouds, especially the giant meeting and the rotten stomach.

After a few special accents, Liu Kuanglong suddenly realized something, stared at Fade Chen with a pair of small eyes, and spat fiercely.

Pooh! dog....

Four pairs of beautiful eyes glared over together!

Liu Kuanglong shrank his neck in a guilty conscience, hesitatingly forcibly rounded up the field, this was the first time his brain turned so positively.

"Gou... Gou rich, don't forget each other!

right! We Wuhongshan dominate the camp.

Should...should be united to fight against foreign enemies!

Sharing blessings and sharing difficulties

Regarding Liu Kuanglong's operation, Chen Fei raised his thumb and gave the black-skinned little loli a like.

Liu Kuanglong breathed out a sigh of relief, and when he saw Chen Fei's gesture, he turned his head hard and muttered softly in his mouth.

"Bah! Damn scumbag!

After cursing your fifth potion, your height will become ten meters, and you will not be able to go back! "

Nangong Jin didn't hear it because he taught Wang Yuanyuan, but Fade Chen heard it clearly.

Ten meters tall!

You little black skin is very bad!

In this relatively relaxed state, the group returned to Wuhong Mountain to dominate the camp.

The remaining two giant potions, Chen Fei, are not going to be injected for the time being. There is too much difference in strength and agility attributes. Because muscles are more focused on muscle explosion, speed and body coordination will decrease.

It wasn't long before the system level broke through the seventh level, and among the ten aliens who came this time, four of them were solved by Melt, Wang Xiyu, and the alien black girl.

For the remaining six aliens, the two seven-level system fathers were calculated based on the experience points of the three six-level aliens.

The experience value is currently only 24%, so once the system is upgraded to level 8, it is necessary to kill 23 level 6 mutant zombies or evolutionary beasts.

In a short period of time, in the absence of continued visits from aliens, it is necessary to have more fifth-level evolutionary beasts and mutant zombies to break through.

In this case, if you want to increase character attribute points, you need to increase the evolution level.

The evolution level is improved, and by default, there will be four character attribute points attached to the bloodline of the dominant talent.

These four attribute points are allocated to the spirit attribute and agility attribute in a ratio of three to one.

Triggering agility again to 20 points increases all attributes by 1.5.

This is just enough to make the spiritual attribute break through to 20 points!

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