Zombie City

Chapter 1420: Giving charcoal in the snow (brothers, rise up)

Regarding the question of how the personnel can go to the magic capital, although Chen Fei can build his own helicopter, it is limited by the number of pilots.

However, by dominating the system, Chen Fei implanted an automatic flight system into the helicopter he made.

For some emergencies, the intelligent system has defects in dealing with it, but it is not a problem to control the flight to the magic capital with Chen Fei escorting it.

More than a dozen double-helix large transport helicopters took off from the **** camp in Wuhong Mountain and flew towards the magic capital.

Inside the driverless cockpit....

Thunder Element Awakening Potion!

Fade Chen looked at a potion with a purple-red liquid in his hand with fiery eyes, and from time to time he could see arcs flowing in it.

This will be the fourth elemental energy he gets, the thunder element.

In addition to making the condensed extraordinary power stronger, the lightning element can further improve Chen Fei's speed to a certain extent.

The whole journey will take five or six hours. Fade Chen will not waste time. He now needs to maximize his own strength.

As long as there is no bottleneck, then the strength must be steadily improved and strengthened.

Having had the experience of awakening the water element ability before, Chen Fei injected two thunder element awakening potions at one time this time.

Shi Rou stared at Fade Chen without blinking.

This time, it was Shi Rou and Li Xinran who were brought out to relax.

Sister Li's recent state is not very good. She must be enlightened. Every day she thinks about practicing the trumpet, which gives people the illusion that the account will be deleted soon after the big one is abandoned.

As everyone knows, looking at the whole universe, their current age can only be regarded as infancy, and it is the right way to work hard to improve their strength.

Two after two...

Four Thunder Element Awakening Potions enabled Chen Fei to successfully unlock this new ability.

After the injection of the three Thunder Element Enhancement Potion, a smaller Thunder Element crystal was condensed in the aperture space of Dantian.

Because of his own evolutionary level and the purity of the lightning element's origin, this makes Chen Fei's lightning power blue as soon as he wakes up.


Small blue electric arcs were running around him, and Chen Fei smiled and felt the wonderful feeling he had never experienced before.

Each energy body, after careful induction, will get different feedbacks.

The flames are violent and hot, the ice is deep and cold, the water is calm and gentle, and the thunder and lightning are swift and violent.

Being able to awaken the thunder element energy, Chen Fei will not be too anxious.

When he returned to Wuhong Mountain, he would go to Lao Wang to learn from the scriptures, or simply let Lao Wang pass some of the lightning energy to him to minimize the speed of the lightning energy increase.

When Chen Fei and the others arrived in the safe area of ​​​​Modu, they were being attacked by a large number of murlocs.

There are tens of thousands of murlocs, and now they have surpassed zombies and are the most numerous species on earth.

Because they said hello in advance, Lei Mo and Lou Qinglian had already waited here in advance.

Sixteen large-scale transport helicopters were dispatched at one time, which is enough to explain the background of Wu Hongshan's dominance of the camp.

The neat battle uniforms of 1,000 reinforced soldiers made Lou Qinglian shine brightly.

The aura exuded by these fortified soldiers is incomparable to some special forces kings, which intuitively shows their strength.

"Boss Chen, on behalf of the survivors of the magic capital, I thank you for your support!"

Lou Qinglian stepped forward and took the initiative to hold Fade Chen's palm. His words were all from the bottom of his heart.

Whether it is the Xiaosangshan Safety Zone or the Kyoto Safety Zone, because of those pens, Chen Fei really has no good impression of the cabinet.

But Chen Fei is right about things and not people. Lou Qinglian is obviously able to truly stand in the overall interests of the Magic City Safe Zone, rather than personal interests.

For such people, Chen Fei doesn't mind giving support and help to a certain extent.

"When the magic capital falls, the murlocs will drive straight into the hinterland.

Everything you do is not only for your magic capital, but also to contribute to the entire country, so within the scope of my ability, I will give you some help and convenience"

Chen Fei also rarely said some scenes, beautiful words.

Lou Qinglian was very moved by Chen Fei's behavior of giving charcoal in the snow.

"Third brother, bring some samples of the gift I gave to the magic capital"


After receiving Chen Fei's order, Xie San ran to the last helicopter.

It didn't take long for him to get a few assault rifles and anti-tank sniper rifles.

"I brought some weapons and 800,000 rounds of ammunition to the magic capital.

This is our Wu Hongshan support to the magic capital, if there is a need later.

All kinds of firearms and bullets, you can exchange with us for evolution crystals"

Chen Fei's words were light, but Lou Qinglian was shocked enough to hear it.

800,000 rounds of ammunition, and some firearms, send it as soon as you say it!

The wear and tear of firearms and insufficient ammunition are indeed one of the many problems faced by the magic capital now.

If you want to make your own, you need to find raw materials, and you need to restore the productivity of the arsenal,

And now Chen Fei has taken the initiative to stand up and solve problems for the magic capital. Although it is not clear how Wu Hongshan dominates the camp, how does it have such a powerful productivity.

But as long as the problem can be solved, some things are unwilling and unwilling to ignore.


Those old guys in the Kyoto Security Zone who wanted to fight Wu Hongshan to dominate the camp, although they are still alive, they have been repaired by Chief Chen, at least they know to be low-key.

The problem at hand is the problem of the entire planet, the entire country, the entire nation.

At this time, if you still give priority to your own interests, you will definitely lose more than you gain.

The pros and cons should be clearly distinguished and balanced.

The building here is honest and arranges people to unload these weapons and ammunition.

There is a specialization in the art industry, considering the marksmanship of the soldiers, and their need to be at the forefront.

Lou Qinglian gave two-thirds of the ammunition and weapons to the military.

For the remaining one-third, the patrols account for the majority, and the evolutionary union takes a small portion.

Very reasonable and very smart distribution.

Lou Qing is very clear, if the Magic City safe area is gone, then no matter what rights you have in your hands, it will become a bubble.

The 1,000 strengthened soldiers, after the integration, were arranged by Chen Fei to directly join the battle with the murlocs.

Strengthen the physical quality of the soldiers themselves, plus the sophisticated equipment from the inside to the outside, making these thousand people like a meat grinder on the battlefield.

As soon as Fang joins the battle, it is like a tiger entering a flock.

The formation that has been practiced enough and skilled, and the cooperation of the comrades around him, the battle is crisp and neat, and there is no reason why everyone is a visual impact.

Lou Qinglian climbed to the top of the wall and used binoculars to look at these powerful soldiers.

If there is such an armed force in the Magic City Security Zone, there is no need to worry about defense and defense.

Especially after knowing that these are ordinary people enhanced by [Gene Enhancement Potion], this made Lou Qinglian and the military firm their determination to buy [Gene Enhancement Potion] in large quantities.

Seeing that Lou Qinglian was a good person and was worthy of his name, Fade Chen couldn't help but tell him more.

The military can invest a lot in training and strengthening soldiers, but this method is not suitable for the patrol of the cabinet.

This is a very serious topic, so Chen Fei chose to speak out. If Lou Qinglian is unacceptable, it can only mean that Chen Fei misunderstood Lou Qinglian.

The selection of the patrol team's personnel, with the management system of the cabinet, and the practice of only personal interests, Chen Fei does not need to look at it, and the members must be mixed.

People with certain physical and mental qualities are probably less than one-tenth.

Only these people are worth cultivating, and the rest are just a waste of [Gene Enhancement Potion]. In addition, for these people, a slight increase in strength will swell, which will cause management problems within the patrol team.

Lou Qinglian listened to Chen Fei's analysis seriously, and he kept all Chen Fei's words in his heart.

After that, after careful screening, he will start to train the people in the patrol team to avoid the waste of resources.

Lou Qinglian can already imagine the resistance he needs to face in doing so.

Because the patrol team represents the armed force of the cabinet, the senior cabinet members of the cabinet will develop a part of their own strength.

So on the issue of the training of the patrol, everyone hopes that their own people will be trained, because this is to strengthen the chips in their hands....

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