Zombie City

Chapter 1411: Jin Lei (please subscribe, ask for tickets)

Just when Xia Nii decided to return to the direction of the spaceship to confirm, he met Wang Xiyu who came to hunt.

The power of this indigenous creature is beyond the expectations of Killing Nirvana. According to his analysis, if the indigenous creature using the lightning ability is against Renke, even if the electric mouse has an advantage in level, it is highly likely not to be an opponent.

In addition, whether it is the technology of the aircraft, or the strange long knife weapon, it is suspicious.

Shanier thought that as long as he controlled the native human, all the questions he had doubts could be answered with a high probability.

The black smoke used by Killing Nirvana is not a kind of smoke, but a solid product of killing intent.

Strictly speaking, Nirvana is not a biological life form, it is a standard energy life form.

He is condensed from various killing intent and negative energies, and by coincidence, the spiritual wisdom has the ability to think, so he has changed from a pure energy body to an energy body creature.

The power of killing Nirvana is the killing will released by the enemy. The stronger the fighting will, the more energy he can absorb.

Attacking with the energy generated by the opponent is almost a rogue fighting method.

Through the ability of the energy body, various creatures want to become the undead body of the energy body creature.

As a pure energy body, after giving birth to wisdom, Sha Nirvana only wants to become a real creature and feel more.

Therefore, with a seventh-level strength, his breath is only sixth-level.

But killing Nirvana will never explain or explain anything, it just wants to pass, kill, destroy, destroy, to feel more about the emotions that real creatures should have.

Wang Xiyu will be at a disadvantage in the battle against Shanier, the essential reason is that Shanier is an energy creature.

As an energy body creature, it has the characteristic of immortality.

And the energy of killing Nirvana mainly comes from the destructive desire of killing and various negative emotions.

And on an apocalyptic planet that is being destroyed little by little, it is full of this energy.

Unless there is a powerful attack that annihilates all energy and annihilates spiritual power in an instant, if there is no death, no matter how many times you try to kill Nirvana, you will never die.

When Xia Nii was fighting, one of the things he cared about was Wang Xiyu's weapons.

The energy body creatures, the signals received are all transmitted through energy, and the senses will be more vivid and three-dimensional, beyond what the five senses and six senses of basic creatures can do.

In the perception of killing Nirvana, the weapons in the hands of indigenous creatures are also alive, and they have gotten rid of the basic form of weapons.

And in line with this weapon state, that is an artifact, a pseudo-artifact.

How powerful is the divine weapon, although killing Nirvana is unimaginable, it can be concluded that it is definitely not something he can bear.

Even the power of the pseudo-artifact, killing Nirvana has a very intuitive feeling.

When the golden long knife slashed it, its energy was not consumed, but was partially absorbed by the knife, which was suspected to be a pseudo-magic soldier.

This is the most effective means of attack for energy body creatures.

"This planet seems to hide a lot of secrets!"

When Shi Nii landed on this planet, he felt an extremely powerful and condensed negative energy of killing and destruction. After he left the area where the spaceship was located, he traced the source of that energy.

In a hidden and shielded area, Sha Nii saw the Holy Seed belonging to Gaia star.

Before other Gaia toad people have been on the planet, they have also discovered the same thing, and they have also studied it deliberately.

As a result of the analysis, the meteorite was like a tumor, and it was firmly rooted in that planet.

The first thing that can be confirmed is that those viruses are spread around this stone, and the Void Marauders only know a little about the specific situation.

On this issue, Maguire and the others have not started research, but they have tried to break the meteorite.

Whether it was JK-ONE's most powerful laser or Maguire's massive punch, it couldn't cause any damage to the meteorite.

After leaving the planet, everyone didn't think about what the secret was.

What Gaia toads do is plunder, destroy and destroy.

The same goes for the Void Reavers.

So everyone just needs to be clear that they are the ones who bring destruction and destruction, and that is enough.

But this time killing Nirvana felt different. He was able to conclude that the meteorite left by the Gaia star toad man was alive!

It is absorbing specific energy and growing a little bit. It is more appropriate to describe it as an egg rather than a meteorite.

The things in the meteorite made Su Nii have an illusion similar to himself, which is also the aggregate of killing, destruction, destruction, and various negative energies.

But the difference is that Killing Nirvana can accurately sense that what is inside is a biological life body, not an energy body creature like him.

Shi Nii immediately wanted to share his findings with other team members and captain Maguire, but encountered a communication problem.

Killing Nii didn't care, but after that, he encountered indigenous creatures and fought a fairly fierce battle.

There are many places that make him unexpected and incomprehensible, all appear on the same planet, which gives him the idea of ​​digging deep into all the secrets on this planet. This is his almost crazy desire for knowledge.

The aboriginal creature he is chasing is the breakthrough of everything and has a crucial role!

"It is impossible to determine whether there are indigenous humans of the same strength on this planet. If there is, then there is a problem with the communication channel, and it is very likely that they are related."

Killing Nirvana while doing the analysis, while chasing the indigenous creatures in front of them desperately escaping.


In the sky in the distance, the dark black clouds seem to be linked with the sea in the distance.

The surging waves rolled, and the strong wind sent the waves to the peak again and again, allowing them to be photographed fiercely.

"Instead of running away, this indigenous human wants to use the power of the environment to fight me further.

Well, it's a smart idea."

Killing Niie guessed Wang Xiyu's intention and gave it a certain degree of affirmation.

As an energy life form, although Sha Nii has the ability to think, he has no emotions except for his strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

Killing Nii has always maintained a high degree of curiosity about what it feels like to have various emotions.

Killing Nirvana has always believed that if he wants to change into a living body, he needs to experience the emotions that a living body possesses. The reason why he joined the Void Predator is not because he is an aggregate of negative energies, so he likes to kill.

On the contrary, because he is killing himself, there is no killing for the sake of killing, and he is observing various life forms more often.

First of all, the emotion of fear is the easiest to verify.

For this reason, Nirvana will repeat the killing again and again, not enjoying the process of killing, but simply observing the manifestations of the creatures' fear during this process.

The essence of fear is mostly the fear of death.

But because it is an energy body, killing Nirvana knows that he will not die, so there is no fear.

After studying for an inexplicable length of time, Sha Nii came to the conclusion that in order to understand those situations, it must first change and become a living body.

This cycle keeps killing Nirvana deep in it, unable to find a breakthrough.

Flying fast, on the aircraft...

Wang Xiyu felt the violent lightning elements around him, and his eyes gradually changed. What he needed was the huge and violent lightning energy.


Red lightning traveled through the dark black clouds, and the sound of roar seemed to split the day.

There are golden arcs flickering in Wang Xiyu's eyes.

Today, he is going to open the lightning energy that he is worried about and that is taboo in his opinion.

Golden lightning energy!

The most holy gold, what it now represents, is the purest destruction!

Golden Thunder destroys everything!

Behind it is the black smoke that is invisible in the dim sky, even if it is a strong wind and rain, it can't blow the black smoke at all.


The two red lightning seemed to be pulled by the lightning energy in Wang Xiyu's body, and they fell directly!

The red arc is running fast on the sea...

A gleam of gold flashes away...

Then came the rumble of thunder like the roar of an angry dragon.

After seeing the golden lightning like a golden dragon, Wang Xiyu's eyes became more and more fiery.

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