Zhe Tian: The Merciless Emperor

Chapter 9 The Heavenly Tribulation Dissipates

Xu Changqing felt very strange at the moment. His consciousness began to gradually wake up, but it was very hazy, like an embryo being nurtured. This was the same feeling as when he was reincarnated.

Back then, he was reincarnated into a woman's belly and was wrapped in amniotic fluid. He felt exactly the same as he did now, as if at this moment, he was a living being nurtured by heaven and earth.

Flesh, flesh, bones, soul, all sink and float in the white water, being washed away and evaporating into bursts of white mist.


The fragments of the broken bone knife were shining brightly, trying to isolate the white water so that Xu Changqing could escape, but it still underestimated the power of the water.

As soon as it got close, the black hole in the sky directly smashed down a large piece of weapons that evolved from Taoism.

The black hole was suspended in the splendid galaxy, standing among thousands of ways. Infinite thunder struck down in pieces, submerging the white water.

But it was also at that moment that he regained consciousness and felt that he could control his body. He quickly poured all the elixirs he was reluctant to use into his mouth and took out countless treasures.

After doing all this, there was a roar, and the terrible catastrophe split Xu Changqing's body into blood mist in an instant, and his bones were turned into powder, floating in the white river water, and submerged by the endless sea of ​​thunder.

The soul is dead, and the whole person is in a state of death.

I don't know how long it took, but the tribulation pouring down began to slowly disappear. The white water did not disappear, but became illusory, as if it did not exist.

"Evergreen, evergreen!" On the other side, Mu Miaomiao shouted in a tearful tone, her bright eyes already red, and tears kept flowing.

She ran like crazy in the direction of the catastrophe, breaking down and shouting.

There was nothing there, not even the ashes, and Xu Changqing's broken weapon also disappeared.

A vague black figure appeared next to Mu Miaomiao. After a long silence, he said: "Xu Changqing's life breath has disappeared. It seems that he did not succeed and died."

It was also the first time that he saw Mu Miaomiao showing such emotions. He would have known that he would not have let this girl go out to practice, so that the character Xu Changqing would not appear, let alone what he is like now.

"Dead." On the other side, Lin Siyu, who was wearing a blue robe, also had a look of pain on his face, with guilt and regret in his eyes.

As Xu Changqing's first wife, it is impossible to say that there is no love. If it weren't for Xu Changqing, she would have been captured as a slave, or even a beggar, living a life without guarantee of life.

It was Xu Changqing who married her and gave her a stable home.

"I'm sorry, I didn't keep the promise I made." Lin Siyu murmured, looking absently at Xu Changqing's broken suit floating in the starry sky.

Then, she saw the delicate woman carefully putting away the blood-stained black clothes.

Mu Miaomiao wiped the tears from her eyes, then turned around and looked at Lin Siyu. The two women did not speak, but walked away silently.


Suddenly, everyone saw Xu Changqing's weapon fragments burst out with an extremely brilliant light, then tore apart the void of the universe and escaped.

"His Taoist gods have not been destroyed!" Everyone was surprised. They had obviously been reduced to pieces and even lost the breath of the gods. Even so, they could still run.

Hundreds of white fragments left in one direction. Some people tried to catch up, but were restrained by a terrifying energy.

No one knows what kind of energy it is, they can't move it, not even the saints.

It was Mu Miaomiao's master who took action. As a top expert, he imprisoned everyone present in a single thought, preventing them from chasing those weapon fragments.

"It's a pity that the little guy died in a natural disaster, otherwise he could still be captured and studied."

"The talent of being able to create his own physique is really terrifying. If he is allowed to grow up, how powerful he will be. Is he not as powerful as the Emperor?"

"Even our young Taoist body was defeated by them. They are stronger than us back then. It's a pity."

Within the seven restricted areas known as the restricted areas of life, there were actually supreme beings who woke up and marveled. They were all awakened by the terrible catastrophe. After all, the catastrophe appeared above their heads.

And it was a calamity they had never seen before, and their figures appeared. Their young bodies were almost 6-4 in the hands of those who had overcome the calamity.

Xu Changqing and the others are six, and these supreme beings only have a 40% chance of winning.

Xu Changqing's naked body was lying in a grassland, and white mist was still evaporating from his body, making the entire mountain forest filled with fairy spirit, as if the auspicious clouds in the sky had flooded the place.

When the calamity dissipated, he used his own life-saving method, which was an elixir inherited from the two evil demon saints and the quasi-emperor.

At the last moment of the catastrophe, his consciousness was fully awakened, and his soul returned to his broken body. The moment he took the elixir, he was submerged by the endless sea of ​​thunder and turned into ashes.

But he didn't die. Those pills saved his soul and some flesh and bones.

After the Heavenly Tribulation disappeared, he also disappeared.

It was the fragments of his ruthless knife that left with his flesh and bones.

The interior of the Ruthless Knife is a big world filled with dead souls, but there is also a paradise.

Most of Xu Changqing's things are inside. The ruthless knife has killed countless creatures. It has a very magical property.

There are endless spirits and souls stored inside, which can be absorbed by it to ensure that it will not die.

Although its body was broken into pieces, the god was only seriously injured.

When escaping, it used the Great Holy Spirit Talisman that Xu Changqing left in its body.

After the catastrophe, heaven and earth responded and restored Xu Changqing's physical body.

At this moment, he was lying quietly on a green grassland, with bright sunshine hanging in the sky. The tender green grass was enveloped by the fairy spirit exuding from Xu Changqing's body, and dewdrops were dripping on the tender grass.

He has white hair and a strong and tall body. He is lying quietly on the grassland. Transparent runes of laws are constantly showing on his body. Various rules are like little snakes, swimming on his body. .

A long knife was quietly inserted into the grass next to him, emitting a scarlet halo. The long knife was covered with cracks, and in each crack there was a red light that maintained the fragments and prevented them from falling off. fall.

Xu Changqing's consciousness gradually awakened, and he opened his hazy eyes. The dazzling light made him subconsciously raise his hands to cover his eyes.

He opened his eyes and saw the scorching sun in the sky, the endless grassland, and the snow-capped mountains not far away.

"Successful," he murmured quietly with a calm look on his face, but there was also a look of pain on his face.

"The two evil sages slaughtered hundreds of millions of creatures and the blood pills of the creatures in the endless planets. I used it. I wanted to use it to compete with those perverts on the imperial road, but I didn't expect it."

Back then, he had entered the cemetery of a blood demon great sage, experienced countless trials and tribulations, and finally obtained all the blood demon great sage's net worth.

At that time, his girlfriend was beheaded in front of him, and he was already in a state of obsession.

Because of his experience, his heart became a little distorted. In the illusion of the Blood Demon Great Sage, he slaughtered countless creatures and killed hundreds of life star fields before he escaped from the illusion.

In that cemetery, there was an experience written by the Blood Demon Great Sage himself. He also wrote that he had offended a powerful quasi-emperor by killing too many creatures during his campaign against the Imperial Road.

After being hit casually by the quasi-emperor, he had no way out. He used his trump card to successfully run away from the quasi-emperor, but he could only wait for death quietly.

He also knew that he had no way to survive the blood pill that he had refined after slaughtering countless creatures, so he wanted to leave it to his inheritor, and at the same time, let that inheritor allow him to take revenge.

Find the quasi-emperor's family and kill them all.

Xu Changqing also agreed. Even if the Quasi-Emperor family did not offend him, he would still do it. It was because of the inheritance of the Blood Demon Great Sage that he began to rise and successfully took revenge.

"Since we succeeded, let's rest for a while and then head to the Imperial Road."

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