Yuanshin: Go crazy, I really just want to write novels

Chapter 6

Her reaction made Ye Ruo shake her head.

"Okay, okay, you don't have to be so restrained, just relax and talk in the usual way."

Noelle nodded and said softly.

"I heard that during this time, senior you will guide my practice, I couldn't sleep with excitement, and I came early."

"I'm really sorry, I have to let a powerful knight like you come forward."

"It's nothing, it's just Jean please me, sit down."

Under Ye Ruo's signal, Noelle also sat back again.

Her mood gradually relaxed, although she was still a little nervous.

After all, this is her idol.


Who let the seniors in front of him, but the knights in the order of knights with the name of the wind alone.

The symbolic meaning is very different!

Because the excellence of this senior has been recognized by everyone in the entire Zephyr Knights.

Then it was [North Wind Knight] Falga, the Grand Master who personally bestowed the name [Wind Knight]!

You know, the Grand Commander's requirements for this senior are very strict.

And he also lived up to expectations, whether it was prestige, strength, travel tasks, solving city affairs, leading teams to fight monsters and many aspects, he had excellent performance.

Noelle was envious, if only he could be so good.

No, even if it's only one-tenth of the predecessors!

At this time, the waiter of the deer hunter restaurant also came over, and Ye Ruo looked at the menu and ordered a few meals suitable for eating in the morning.

Then casually asked.

"Xiao Nuo, what's wrong with your knight's practice now."

Speaking of this, even Noelle, who looked nervous, his eyes lit up, and he came with confidence and courage.

"Uh-huh, I've been asking all the seniors how to become a real Zephyr Knight."

"For example, learn from Amber to make Count Bunny and complete those little tasks of Kaia."

"Oh yes, I also asked the Spark Knight for experience, and then we were locked up by Captain Qin for two days."

Ye Ruo: ......

What experience to learn from Kelly, learn from her experience of frying fish.

That's the little guy who is locked up in the confinement room every three or five days.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Ye Ruo looked at her seriously, and then suggested.

"First of all, you don't want to learn these weird things from them in the future. Amber's Count Bunny involves the power of her Vulcan Eye, and Kaia is mostly the kid who is lazy and throws the task to you. "

"As for the Spark Knight, if you learn it, you will only be locked up."

"You don't even realize what you're supposed to learn."

In Ye Ruo's eyes, Noelle was a maid knight who went to extremes.

She strives to do all the work, and no matter what goes wrong, you can see her.

Any request is on call, even if the knight guarding the door does not want to stand guard and asks Noelle to go, she will honestly go to the gate.

Of course, later those lazy knights were reprimanded by Ye Ruo, and then Qin also added a rule to the knights.

It was forbidden for soldiers to summon Noelle.

But even so, Noelle is still crazy busy, running around, and he is a person who is more extreme than Jean.

I don't know how to refuse.

This is also the reason why she has not been able to pass the knight examination, and has failed the knight selection seven times.

Because Jean thinks that she is like this, it is dangerous to become a knight, and even be used by others.

It is Noelle's own mentality that is the key to not being able to become a formal knight.

As for strength, she has long been enough.

With the Eye of God and strange powers, she is a strong warrior in the Knights.

In order to have a weapon that suits him, Noelle made the blacksmith Wagner's mentality collapse, and almost planned to quit and return to the mountains and forests.

Just because he created more than a dozen long swords for Noelle, all because Noelle was too strong, he broke off with a few swings.

After that, it was the blacksmith Wagner who worked hard to create the great sword he is today, so that Noelle could use it.

Noelle's strength is indeed very good.

If it weren't for the mentality, a little honing would have been more than enough to be a squad leader.

After all, Noelle had heard that an adventurer had an accident in the snowy mountains before, and she ran over alone.

At that time, the environment was very bad, and after Noelle brought people back, she directly suffered from a high fever and was in a coma for three days and three nights.

Everyone in the Order was worried.

This kind of thing has happened more than once.

Too enthusiastic, but lost cooperation, but a few people will not do this.

This is also why Jean has been looking for some security tasks in the city for her recently, and even asked herself this time.


So Ye Ruo changed the topic slightly.

"Xiao Nuo, what do you think I completed the commission in the city in the Knights before, how did it go?"

This made Noelle look adoring.

"Of course it's strong, strong outrageous degree! In your hands seniors, those mountains of tasks can be solved quickly, which is really powerful. "

"I also want to be a knight like you, so I definitely haven't done enough, I should work harder and be more serious."



Ye Ruo coldly said this, which stunned Noelle.

"You blindly know that you only know to complete everyone's tasks, strive for perfection, and constantly push yourself in the wrong direction."

"But, but senior, aren't you like this...."

Looking at Noelle, who suddenly showed a hurried look on his face, Ye Ruo just smiled slightly.

"I'm good at just waiting for things to pile up to a certain point and then solving them in one go."

"It's not that something happens here in the city, and there is a commission there, and you are busy all the time, which is never busy, and you will only be dizzy and don't know why."

"In that case, even I will never be perfect. Maybe things are still happening, but they first exhaust themselves. "

Listening to the words of his predecessors that he had never thought of, Noelle was a little shocked.

"However, the Grand Master told me that if I stayed in Mond, he would have no worries. The Grand Master values me so much, I should work harder. "


At this moment, Ye Ruo showed a strange expression.

"Xiao Nuo, don't you even know? This was said by the Grand Master to all of us knights who remained in Mond. "

"Well, Kaiya is the same, and then you can still see that he is always leisurely paddling."


Is it really fake, did it turn out to be said to her alone?

But think about it, it seems to be too.

Whew, did she think too much.

And Ye Ruo's words sounded again.

However, Kaiya is still very efficient at getting things done. I am the same, the efficiency of dozens of knights, can not catch up with me alone. "

"Putting together a series of transactions to find the most time-saving and non-repetitive efficiency is far better than just being busy."

"That's why, in the past, I left work so early and still did things ahead of those knights."

"Also, it's not good that you're pursuing yourself too much and neglecting your companions. The Knights of the Zephyr are a whole team, and there are some things that should be distributed to more knights. "

"You alone cannot maintain an entire city and all the inhabitants of Mond."

"So, whether it's efficiency, a combination of work and rest, understanding the meaning of rejection and analyzing delegations, and teamwork, many aspects are all aspects you need to learn during this time."

"I want you to put down the work in your hands and temporarily serve as my maid to live a normal Mond life, even in daily life, everywhere is practice."

"In the end, I hope that in the future, you can become a truly good knight."

"This, is that so?"

"It's worthy of being a senior, the words spoken are so reasonable, I know, please let me help you during this time!"

For Ye Ruo's words, Noelle seemed to understand and was confused

However, she also knew that since it was this senior, it must also be for her own good.

He is a loser who did not pass the selection, but his predecessor is a wind knight who passed the assessment early in the Knights and made such dazzling achievements.

His every word and deed must make sense.

There must be a deep meaning!

It's worth studying it yourself!

So she smiled crampedly, grabbed her hand a little clumsily and cutely, and then nodded seriously towards Ye Ruo.

Ye Ruo also snorted.

Of course.

What he thought in his heart was that the useful junior would get it.

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