YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 75: Date (pt. I)

"Uwaaahh~" [Grey]

A lengthy and audible yawn drifted in the air as Grey stretched his arms boldly towards the ceiling. It was yet another new day and thanks to the comfortable bed, he was able to get a good night's sleep.

Yesterday, after their audience with the king and the signing of contracts, Grey, along with Yuna, was dragged by Vanessa into their mansion. There, she kept asking him to make pizza for her. Luckily, Ranzel was there to keep her in check.

Although what happened was quite hectic, to Grey and Yuna, it was still fun spending time with Kurt, Vanessa, and Ranzel, whom they had just met. It was quite a fulfilling day even when everything that happened was outside their expectations.

Though, after their return to the Aldridge mansion, they once again played with the children and cooked dinner. It drained them a lot of their energy and exhausted them quite greatly. Thankfully, the bed was there to heal their fatigue.

"Mnmmn..." [Yuna]

As Grey stretched his arms, beside him, Yuna was mumbling in her sleep like a little child. Even when she was sleeping and her hair was a mess, she still looked so cute that Grey had a hard time stopping himself from kissing her.

Trying to ignore Yuna's cuteness, Grey left the bed and headed to the near desk, grabbing a sheet of paper and a pencil by the drawer. He then sat down on the chair and started to mull over something.

Since it was their third day in the capital, Grey wanted to plan a date for him and Yuna to enjoy. He was enthusiastic at first, but immediately became gloomy when he realized the problem. He didn't know where is where in the capital.

Rustle Rustle

Just as Grey despaired over his plan, a soft and gentle rustling sound echoed inside his ears, coming from the bed. Yuna had just woken up and she was currently rubbing her eyes in an adorable manner.

"Good morning." [Grey]

"Mnm... Mowingg~..." [Yuna]

Yuna responded while she yawned silently and then walked groggily towards Grey. The moment Grey was within her grasp, she clumsily hugged him and held him as tight as he could. She was acting clingy again now that they were alone together.

"Hmn...? What's that?" [Yuna]

"A date plan, or so it should be, but... I don't know where the landmarks and good dating spots in the capital are. Sorry." [Grey]

"Why are you apologizing, silly? Wouldn't it be more exciting if we add a little bit of adventure in our date?" [Yuna]

Said Yuna as she grabbed the pencil in Grey's hands and placed it down the desk. She then continued to grab the piece of paper and clumsily threw it into the air. She was still half-asleep.

"Mnm... I'm already satisfied knowing that you were planning for one. I'm really lucky to have such a thoughtful boyfriend." [Yuna]

Yuna continued with her eyes closed as she placed her head on Grey's shoulders, hogging him even tighter. At that point Grey doesn't know if she was fully awake already or not, but he was still happy with her words.

"Well, I'm also lucky to have such a cute and considerate girlfriend." [Grey]

"Mmm... Then how about cooking curry for your cute and considerate girlfriー" [Yuna]


Not having the chance to finish her sentence, a sudden growl from her stomach interrupted her words, making her fully awake. Her face then started to turn red as she was embarrassed by her stomach growling.

"Pfft. Alright, alright, I'll cook curry for myー pfft... cute and considerate girlfriend. But I'llー pfft... have to ask Missus Veronica for herー pfft... permission first. Pfft." [Grey]

"Stop laughing!" [Yuna]

"But I' m notー pfft... laughingー Hahaha." [Grey]

"You clearly are!" [Yuna]

Yuna protested with a pouting face as she flapped her arms in an adorable fashion, but her protest backfired. All it did was make her even more adorable that Grey just couldn't stop teasing her.

Yuna only stopped pouting when Grey gently patted her on the head and gave her a light kiss on the forehead as a morning greeting. Though, it did make her even redder than she was before.

After that little scene of theirs, Grey and Yuna prepared themselves for the day. They then headed down to the first floor and asked Veronica for permission to use the kitchen which she quickly agreed to.

And hearing Grey and Yuna we were cooking in the kitchen, Galvin and Elnart watched the two of them cook dish after dish with eyes full of curiosity, excitement, and expectations.

"Hey, hey, Big Bro Grey, what's that?" [Galvin]

"It's curry powder." [Grey]

Of course, it went without saying that the children asked them questions while they were cooking. Thankfully, the other chefs weren't bothered by them and just continued with their daily jobs.

Rather than being bothered, the other chefs were also interested in Grey and Yuna's cooking. If it weren't for the fact that they still had jobs to finish, they would have joined in and observed them as well.

"Curry powder..." [Galvin]

"Do you want to help us cook too, Galvin?" [Yuna]

"Y-Yes! I'll do my best!" [Galvin]

"U-Umm... I also want to help..." [Elnart]

Seeing his younger brother excited over helping cook breakfast, Elnart raised his hand and asked to help out in cooking as well, which Grey and Yuna accepted and they had a merry bonding time together.

After cooking, Grey and Yuna then headed to the baths and bathed separately. When they finished bathing and changing clothes, Grey helped out Yuna dry her hair with wind magic. It was one of their daily routines since they became a couple.

They then had breakfast where Galvin excitedly reported to his mother about how he helped out in making breakfast. And Veronica hearing her son talk about it so happily wasn't able to help herself but smile sincerely as well.

After breakfast, Veronica left to finish some paperwork and Grey and Yuna were left to play with the children for a fair bit of time. It was only when Galvin's seemingly boundless energy depleted when they stopped playing.

"Seriously, this child... He really doesn't know when to stop until he runs out of energy. He must have caused quite the trouble for the both of you." [Veronica]

"We also had fun, so there's no need to worry about it, Missus Veronica." [Yuna]

"Right, and it's nothing compared to letting us stay over. You even allowed us to cook in the kitchen." [Grey]

"Well, it's only proper to treat guests like that. Anyway, aren't you two still going somewhere?" [Veronica]

It was only when Veronica mentioned it that Grey and Yuna remembered something important. They had just remembered that they still had a date. Their first proper date ever since they became a couple.

"Ah, but before you go, you should probably dress up a bit more." [Veronica]

Veronica commented with a slight trace of concern on her face, making Grey and Yuna look at their outfits simultaneously. They realized that they were wearing casual wears.

Heeding Veronica's reminder, Grey went to their room to changed into an outfit fit for going out and fixed himself. He made sure to put in a lot of effort as he wanted to show how important their date was to Yuna.

As for Yuna, she was taken away by Vanessa into her room. Veronica wanted to help out Yuna in putting make-up on. Although Yuna knew a little bit about it, it was still best to seek help from an expert.

"Alright, stay still, Yuna." [Veronica]

"U-Un!" [Yuna]

Veronica said as she prepared a certain type of make-up powder and lightly tapped it on Yuna's face. After her face she then did her eyes, her lips, and then sprayed some kind of perfume on her.

It took a few minutes before Veronica finished and during that time, she was having extreme fun dolling up Yuna. As for the person subjected to the makeup, she felt like she was a mannequin being dressed up in clothing stores.

"Alright, you can open your eyes now." [Veronica]

When Yuna opened my eyes, what greeted her was her reflection in the mirror. Her appearance didn't change that much, but there were many noticeable things caused by makeup.

Yuna's lips became glossier and softer, her eyelashes became more pronounced, and a slight rosy hue could be seen on her cheeks. It was on a completely different level than when the Landevar household's maids did her makeup.

"Since Yuna was already pretty, I'm sure with these little touches, Grey's heart will skip a beat!" [Veronica]

"Really...?" [Yuna]

"I'm sure of it. Actually, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that you will garner the attention of all men during your date." [Veronica]

"Missus Veronica, that's a littー" [Yuna]

"No, I'm telling you that that will really happen! But don't worry, even if they try to do something against you, they won't be able to, especially with Grey around. They'll just fail miserably!" [Veronica]

Veronica declared with a triumphant expression laid out on her face. Yuna wanted to deny her words, but couldn't do so. After all, in their dates before, she experienced what Veronica just said.

Though Yuna didn't really care about how many people looked at her. All that mattered to her was Grey. As much as possible, she wanted the both of them to enjoy their date like normal couples do.

"Well, enough about that, let's pick out a dress for you next. Come on Yuna, there's no time to dawdle!" [Veronica]

"Y-Yes!" [Yuna]

Now that the makeup part was done, Veronica opened up her grand closet and revealed a large collection of clothing. It contained everything a woman could wish for and was all beautiful.

Now, Yuna really has become a mannequin. From dresses to comfort wears, Veronica made her try everything she could. Veronica was really thankful that she has around the same figure as Yuna. Thanks to that, she could have fun dressing up Yuna like a little sister she never had.

While she was dressing up Yuna, Veronica gave her a lot of tips and tricks regarding makeup and dresses. She also mentioned some techniques which she used to capture Cedric's heart. It was a total girl talk no man could ever intervene.

About half an hour later, in front of the large stairways, Grey awaited patiently for Yuna as he checked whether his attire was alright. He was wearing one of Cedric's old attires which Veronica had pushed him to wear and also had a few butlers help him out.

Rather than a normal person on a date, Grey looked more like a prince with the clothes he wore. Even his hair was parted differently making him look cleaner and more alluring as it fully revealed his handsome face.

"Uh... Umm... Grey..." [Yuna]

Whilst Grey was fixing his attire, Yuna's figure slowly descended down the stairs. Veronica was following behind her with a satisfied smile on her face. She looked like she had just made a very beautiful masterpiece.

Yuna's natural look was already exceptionally beautiful, and having her wear makeup upped her mature appeal. She was really stunning, especially when coupled with the white dress she was wearing.

"Wh... What do you think?" [Yuna]

"Um, it's good... I think..." [Grey]

"Oh, I see..." [Yuna]

When Grey said those words, Yuna became visibly crestfallen. Well, of course she would be, who wouldn't be? She spent a lot of effort in preparing, after all, only to get complimented in such a crude way. Even Veronica in the background looked at Grey with a disappointed face.

Grey immediately realized his mistake the moment she saw Yuna's dejected expression, making him panic inside. It wasn't his intention to hurt Yuna, it was just that he couldn't get the right words to compliment her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that... You were just so stunning that I couldn't find any words to compliment you. Even now, my heart is still racing that I think I'm going crazy. Anyway, what I meant to say was... You look perfect, more beautiful than anything else in the world." [Grey]

His face getting increasingly red as the seconds passed by, Grey laid out his true feelings bare to Yuna. He partially covered his face to try and hide his flustered expression, but all it did make it more obvious.

The dejection Yuna felt now was gone. All she had was pure bliss blooming in her heart as she heard Grey's sincere words. Her face was also as red as Grey when she realized how cheesy Grey's words were.

"Then what are you two waiting for? You don't have all the time in the world, now do you? Get going already!" [Veronica]

Veronica's comment broke the sweet atmosphere surrounding Grey and Yuna. They had totally forgotten that they weren't alone. If it wasn't for Veronica's intervention, they would have been trapped in their own worlds for a couple more minutes.

"Then, we'll be going now." [Grey]

"Thank you, Missus Veronica." [Yuna]

"No problem. Just make sure you have a lot of fun, okay?" [Veronica]

""We will."" [Grey and Yuna]

A large smile floating on her face, Veronica then urged Grey and Yuna to head out of the mansion and enjoy their day. She waved her hand goodbye as she saw them off the gates and into the open city.

Since they left the mansion which was in the noble's district, there weren't that many people to be seen, but the moment they stepped out of the noble's district, they quickly gathered the attention of many.

It wasn't the first time that it happened but now that they were in the capital, there were more eyes looking at them than before. The word uncomfortable would just be an understatement of what they were feeling.

'Is this the punishment for walking beside such a beautiful girl?' [Grey]

Grey thought to himself as he bore the intense glares of hundreds of men being directed at him. It was as if they were boring a hole through him.

"Grey, we should probably take a carriage." [Yuna]

"I also think that's a good idea." [Grey]

In order to avoid the burning stares of the crowd, as soon as the two of them saw a carriage, they immediately took it and asked the coachman to head to the nearest restaurant.

Although they thought it was a pity that they couldn't enjoy the date like how they thought they would, it was for the best that they took the carriage. Being under the constant stares of the crowd really burdened their minds.

After a few minutes of travel, they finally arrived at their mystery destination, and after paying the coachman, they then hopped out of the carriage, once again becoming the center of attention.

To avoid the attention bearing down upon them, Yuna and Grey quickly entered the restaurant without much thought and took a table for the two. They didn't even have time to read the restaurant's signboard.

Although they also garnered a lot of attention inside the restaurant, it was nothing in comparison to the one they felt outside. It was much bearable than being out in the open and much more comfortable too.

"Haah... That was really tiresome..." [Yuna]

"I know. Yuna's just too beautiful, not only the intense glares of men, we also had to endure the envious gazes of women." [Grey]

"Grey... you're kidding me, right?" [Yuna]

To Grey's words, Yuna's eyes and mouth opened wide in disbelief, and not being able to understand what Yuna meant, all Grey could do was tilt his head slightly in confusion.

"All the women were looking at you, not me!" [Yuna]

"Eh? Really?" [Grey]

"Really!! Geez, you should be more self-aware!" [Yuna]

A sudden outburst was made by Yuna out of pure disbelief from Grey's words. It was so out of character of her that Grey was greatly shocked by her actions. Yuna then pouted after she had her outburst.

It was only then that a sudden realization hit Grey. After he thought about it a little, all of his male acquaintances were decent-looking people to the point that Grey thought his looks were just normal.

Grey also thought that he was quite good looking when he first came to Merusia, but after some time he just got used to his appearance. Even when people were complimenting him, they thought it was just flattery.

What Grey didn't know was that God made his looks one of the most excellent even amongst the most handsome men in Merusia. It was brought about by the difference of standards between mortals and a God.

Though what Grey said was true, the women did look at Yuna with envious looks. Envy not only to her beauty but also envy that she was walking alongside Grey who was a treat for their eyes.

"S... Sorry..." [Grey]

"It's fine as long as you understand. And I know this is selfish for me to say, but promise me that no matter how much women look at you, you'll... only look at me and only me..." [Yuna]

Yuna declared meekly with her voice decreasing in volume and her face increasingly getting beet red. The courage she had when she said those words was now nowhere to be seen. All that was left was a flustered girl.

It was them that Grey understood that it wasn't only him who became possessive. Yuna also has her fair share of jealousy and anxiousness. After all, that's what being in a relationship is about.

"Yes, I promise." [Grey]

"Th... That's good to hear..." [Yuna]

Yuna's face painted with a rosy tint, the mood between the two quickly became sweet and sappy, but such mood didn't last very long.

"Dear Customers, can I take your orders?" [Waiter]

Out of nowhere, a waiter suddenly appeared without the two of them noticing, and asked them what their orders were. Needless to say, the mood was quickly broken because of the waiter's appearance.

"Ah, we'll haveー" [Grey]

Acting normally, Grey scanned the restaurant's menu and tried to order food, but when he saw the prices of each serving, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets from shock.

Each of the dishes in the menu cost at least 300 kiels, and that's just one serving of a dish and not a whole meal! If they were to have a filling meal, it would cost them thousands of kiels. It was very expensive.

It was only after they saw the menu that Grey and Yuna realized how fancy the restaurant looked. Just judging by the attire of the ones eating, it was easy to put together that what they entered was a very high-class restaurant.

Grey wanted to blame the coachman for dropping them off in such a fancy restaurant but remembering their own attire, he couldn't really blame him. After all, the two of them looked like a prince and a princess.

Well, it wasn't that Grey and Yuna couldn't afford it. After all, their wealth alone was enough to put noble households to shame. Still, it was still shocking to see such high prices on the menu.

"Is there something wrong, sir?" [Waiter]

"Nothing. I'm just a little bit shocked. Yuna, pick out the dishes you want to eat. No need to hold yourself back, we're going to splurge today." [Grey]

"Are you sure? These dishes are quite expensive, you know?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, I know. But we're already here already, so might as well enjoy such a rare experience." [Grey]

"Well, if you say so...." [Yuna]

One after another, Yuna ordered the dishes she took a fancy to. Well, rather than taking a fancy to, Yuna just straight up ordered everything in the menu without much thought. She was wearing excited eyes when doing so.

The waiter was already shocked when Yuna said those words, but he became even more shocked when Grey said the same thing. It was the first time he saw people ordering the whole menu, not just once, but twice!

Grey and Yuna's date had just started and they're already off to a weird start. But well, all that mattered to them was having fun. Smiles were plastered on their faces as they looked forward to a hearty meal.


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